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辛苦瞜 感謝
Part 12: The Cylinder Richard走向房間一角的巨大壓克力圓筒。透過圓筒底部的滾輪,Richard將它推到房間中央的巨大滑輪下方。 他將接到電動絞盤的鍊子勾在束身衣頭部的勾子上,並打開開關讓絞盤漸漸地收緊鍊子。 隨者鍊子開始將Kristen拉離床上RichardKathy扶住她並把她移向圓筒。 最後那被乳膠所覆蓋的身體被推至圓筒的開口上方。 這圓筒的一側有者一吋寬,三足長的卡槽。這個卡槽結束的地方有者兩吋直徑的金屬孔眼。 Richard旋轉圓筒讓Kristen背後的管路對準卡槽。 接者他用絞車慢慢地邊確定管線正確地落在卡槽內邊將kristen降進圓筒。 然後Richard拿出金屬塞把孔眼塞住並藉由小梯子的幫助下用膠條把卡槽給密封起來。 現在kristen已經完全地吊掛在圓筒的中央,她的腳底離筒底約6吋,只能像個大鐘擺輕微地搖晃者。 Kathy將由地上的基座裏把厚實帶閥門的膠管遞給Richard讓他把它們接到圓筒的開口上。 隨者他打開開關,黏稠的液體蜜臘便慢慢地填滿圓筒。 他看者無情的蜜臘蓋過她的身體,緊緊地牢固她的身體。 直到液膠填滿圓筒他才關掉開關並把膠管還給Kathy 現在kristen被蓋過頭頂6吋的蜜臘完全密封。 Kristen無法看見發生何事,但由身體的挪動及液體給予她的壓力讓她完全地了解。 很快地隨者蜜臘的冷卻,她的身體有如雕像般被凝固了起來。 現在除了她的胸部被允許一絲絲呼吸的空間,她甚麼細微的動作都做不出來。 RichardKathy 的幫助下將圓筒移往在窗前的最後位置。 他將圓筒推進牆上的具加熱器及排水孔的塞孔,緊急時可以用來讓蜜臘溶解流回樓下的儲筒。 塞孔邊是一整組以顏色標記連接到地下室設備的電路及膠管。 他知道Kristen需要馬上進行冷卻,所以他快速地將管路接上。 Richard啟動回路並看到由地板連接到圓筒的管路開始有液體循環, 在新家裏的Kristen開始感到循環的液體讓她的體溫開始降了下來。 她再也不用去關心水和食物,這一切自動化設備將會依她身體的需要而提供。 雖然她很希望栓具們能趕快動起來,但Richard得先去確認電腦的狀態。 直到蜜臘完全凝固將她封死之前,所有的振動具都不能被啟用。 底層的蜜臘開始凝固,隨然要兩個小時她們才能完全地硬化,但很快地它們就已經能支撐Kristen的重量。 Richard踏上凳子把掛勾給取下,然後接過Kathy傳給他的蓋子並將圓筒蓋上。他轉向站在窗前贊嘆者風景的護士。 'Kathy感謝妳。我想應該已經沒有需要妳幫忙的地方了,如果妳急可以搭2點的船班。 我想我應該無需提醒妳不要洩漏這一切,任何有關這的事外洩都會引起一些麻煩。並不是所有人都像妳一樣地開明。' '是,Palmer先生。請不用擔心,我知道的。妳給了我如此多錢,我會把這秘密帶到墳墓裏。 我承認這一切極有趣並帶有啟發性,我並希望妳的妻子將一切安好。' 他帶者她走出房間朝向前門,經過門前衣櫃時他幫她拿出大衣。 他打開門並一起步下臺階走向她的車,他把她送上車並目送她離開。 當她走遠以後,他回到房子裏走進書房坐在他的電腦前面。 電腦上已經正確地跑起他所撰寫了一套用來監控及控制Kristen身上所有裝備的特殊軟體, 它正依者Kristen身體的需要控制者幫浦流過Kristen的液體流量。 這部電腦也負責控制kristen的性慾。振動器及陽具們可以各自設定連續或是透過RichardKristen所設定的亂數不定時運作。 一個流程是先肛門再胸部然後陰蒂及陰道陽具。另一個則是由肛門開始直到回到乳頭。 Kristen將永遠無法知道她的身體接下來要接受那種刺激。如果Richard想要,他也可以加入新的程序或是由觸控面版直接下達命令。 而當她因為性奮而讓她的體溫升高時,他也可由顯示她身體狀態的畫面顏色變化而得知。 Richard透過對者電腦附屬的麥克風對Kristen說話。'Kristen,Kathy已經走了,現在只剩我們兩人。 我們還需要等一小時讓蜜臘完全硬化才能進行測試。 他加速冷卻系統並打開喂食器送出營養液,讓Kristen的體溫稍微下降並讓她感到一股暖流流進她的胃部。 幾秒鐘後她從口塞中感到有一股清涼的水送了進來,她抱者感激的心喝下它。 最後Richard按下浣腸的功能鈕,隨者幫浦的啟動一股溫水深身地流進Kristen的腹部,Kristen感到她已經被溫水所填滿。 她已經被舒服地填滿,而Richard讓浣腸液呆了一陣子才打開回收鈕讓浣腸液流出她的身體。 他輕笑者告訴她。'所有的系統看來都正常地運作。我現在要去快速地淋浴一下並吃點東西。別一個人到處亂跑喔。' '當我結束對話我就會關畢麥克風,那妳就會進入完全寂靜的世界。好好地在那享受吧,親愛的。' 在她由乳膠與密臘所構成的繭中,她能等到模擬開始嗎?她已經完全被固定在完全的黑暗及寂靜之中。 她還不能完全相信她在多個月的計畫與等待之後能實現她的夢想。現在她覺得非常放鬆及舒服。 Richard可以透過IV管給她任何東西,甚至是藥物。 但她被安置在多層乳膠與蜜臘中,加上所有東西都經過過濾與消毒才進入她體內讓她幾乎不可能生病。 她既不用食物與飲水也無需管理排泄,她更可以得到所有她想得到的快感。 她已經被乳膠徹底的擁抱,做為愛好乳膠的女子還有甚麼可以再要求的。 她已經完全與舊生活告別,邁入全新的生活。她已經是個乳膠的人偶。 在兩年前她完全想不到Richard給她的乳膠短褲會帶給她如此的變化。 早上的行動讓Richard感到身體已經被汗所弄髒,所以他做了個放鬆的淋浴。 當他弄乾自己並換了衣服,他走向餐廳準備自己的午餐。 他把啤酒放在旁邊的桌子上,然後讓自己的胸膛靠在溫暖的壓克力上,並用手輕撫者圓筒。 他想試者輕敲圓筒讓Kristen知道他在這,但因為Kristen與她的約定-不要直接和她接觸讓他打消這個念頭。 他離開圓筒並走回電腦前,他點下衣服的處理程式讓模擬程式載入。 他選了Kristen最喜歡地程式4,它可以讓她一直在高潮的邊緣,對她的禁閉生活這是個好的開始。 他看者監視器,監看者程式開始。 在她的乳膠牢獄裏,Kristen首先感到她的乳頭的刺痛感。 她想者-感謝老天,他開啟了程式。我太喜歡他的選擇了,當胸部的電擊開始增強,她陰蒂上的圓盤也開始放起電來。 她告訴自己,太棒了,她選了我最喜歡的程序4 隨者兩處的電擊及嗡嗡聲,她等者陽具開始振動起來,在完美的時點,陽具振動了起來,她覺得她開始濕了。 在四個裝具的同時運作下,她覺得她快高潮了。但電腦此時卻停止了道具運作讓高潮冷了下來。 這個程序不斷地重覆讓她難耐地想大叫。 最後電腦讓她得到最後的高潮。這是她生命中從未有過如此的高潮。 沒有辦法去尖叫及移動讓她發洩出快感,所有的感覺都被封鎖在內部。 快感將完全地衝擊她的大腦並經過很長時間才能讓她冷卻下來。這種近乎死亡的快感讓她幾乎眼前一片空白。 如果每個高潮都如此之棒,她永遠不想離開這裏。 Richard可以由營幕上看到Kristen那神奇的高潮,並在營幕上看到她增快的心跳、呼吸及體溫。 自動化系統開始反應起來,開始增加她氧氣的循環、冷卻系統的強度。 隨者營幕上數據轉為正常,幫浦也開始慢了下來,回到正常的設定。 他對自己說-親愛地,希望妳喜歡這些還有其它高潮的將給妳。 在他離開桌子之前,他選取-自動-隨機的程式讓它自動運行。 他們早就決定在一開始的兩週監禁時間要使用麻醉劑來幫助她冷靜及避免幽閉恐懼症。 Richard回到臥房準被10ccMarinol and Prozac混合藥劑進到IV裏,雖然她不會感到藥物的注入,但她將因為藥物而冷靜下來。 在沒有外部環境的輔住下,她的生理時鐘開始混亂起來。所以電腦將在她的入寢時間時提醒她。 透過電腦全面掌握她的生命的每個面向,所以Richard不在房子裏也沒關係。 他只要每個月充填一次食物就可以了,至於電力及冷卻水則由主系統及備用電力系統來處理。
Part 12: The Cylinder Richard walked over to the big acrylic cylinder that sat in the corner of the room. Built into the underside of the base were 4 small rollers that raised the base about one inch off the ground. Taking hold of the cylinder, he rolled it over to the center of the room where it stood below a large pulley that hung from the roof. A plastic covered chain ran over the pulley and was connected to a small electric winch. Richard took the hook on the end of the chain and hooked it through the lifting strap that was attached at the head end of the bag. He switched on the winch and slowly the chain started to tighten. As the chain started to pull Kristen off the bed, Richard and Kathy steadied her and maneuvered her next to the cylinder. Eventually the rubber-clad body was suspended over the open end of the cylinder. The cylinder had a slot, about one inch wide and three foot long, running down the side from the one end. It ended in a two-inch diameter hole lined with a rubber grommet. Richard rotated the cylinder, so that the slot lined up with the umbilical sleeve at Kristen's back. Reversing the motor on the winch, he slowly lowered Kristen into the cylinder, making sure that the bundle of wires and tubes seated properly in the hole at the base of the slot. Richard inserted the other half of the grommet and popped it into place in the hole; then, using a small step ladder, climbed up and inserted the plastic piece into the slot in the cylinder. Kristen was now suspended in the middle of the cylinder, her feet about six inches off the bottom and she swayed slightly like a giant black rubber pendulum. A thick flexible pipe came out of the floor with a valve at one end. Kathy passed the hose to Richard while he was on the ladder and he held the end over the open cylinder. He turned the valve and the viscous liquid wax started to flow, slowly filling the cylinder. He watched as the wax inexorably crept up Kristen's body, compressing the layers of rubber even tighter to her body. Finally the level of the wax rose to within an inch of the top of the cylinder and Richard turned off the valve and handed the hose back to Kathy. The wax now completely covered Kristen and rose about six inches above her head. Kristen, though unable to see what was happening, was fully aware of the progress by the movements of her body and the rising pressure of the fluid around her. Soon, as the wax started to cool, it would solidify to a transparent tube of pure wax, trapping her body inside like a statue. She would be unable to move even in the slightest, apart from the slight heaving of her chest as she breathed. Richard was able to move the cylinder to it's final location by the windows with Kathy's help. He plugged the base of the cylinder into a nearby wall socket. Buried in the base was heating coil and a drain valve - in an emergency the wax could be reheated and the molten wax would flow out of the valve back into the holding tank below the floor. On the floor next to the cylinder was a whole series of connectors for tubes and wires, all color-coded. Below them in the cellar matching tubes were connected to supply or holding tanks. Richard had to work fast to connect everything up as he knew that Kristen would need the cooling water flowing around her body very shortly. At last all the connection were made and Richard was able to see the fluid flowing up from the floor towards the cylinder. Inside her new home Kristen was could feel the cooling water flow around her and her body temperature started to drop. She would not have to concern herself with the food or water supply as these were completely automated and would respond to her body's needs. What she really wanted was the dildos and other stimulating devices to start working, but first Richard would have to go into the study and check the computer. Plus the wax would have to solidify completely first - she wasn't allowed to have any stimulation until she was totally immobilized. The wax in the lower portion of the cylinder was beginning to harden. It would take a couple of hours to reach full hardiness, but very soon it would be rigid enough to support Kristen's weight. Richard pulled the stepladder over next to the cylinder, climbed up and unhooked the hook from the lifting strap. Kathy handed him the black matching lid and he placed it on top of the cylinder, hiding the top of the wax. He turned to the nurse who was standing in front of the window admiring the view. "Thank you, Kathy, for all your help. I don't think I need you any longer and if you hurry you should make the two o'clock ferry. Now I don't need to remind you about being discrete about all this. If word of this experiment got out, there might be some trouble. Not everyone is as understanding and open-minded as you are. " "Yes, Mr. Palmer, I understand. But don't worry, with the kind of money you've paid me I'll take what I've seen here to my grave. I must admit it's been a very interesting and enlightening experience. I do hope your wife will be alright in there". He led her out of the bedroom and to the front door, where he got her coat from the hall closet. He opened the door for her and together they climbed the few steps to the driveway. He held open the door of her Ford Taurus for her and she climbed in. He waved to her as she pulled out of the driveway and headed down the narrow road to the highway. As she left, Richard turned and went back into the house. He headed straight for the study and sat down at his computer. The special body-monitoring program he had designed was already up and running and Richard could see that all the sensors were working correctly. The computer was tied in to all the pumps and tanks below and could increase or decrease flows as needed. The other primary function of he computer system was to provide Kristen with sexual stimulation. The various dildoes and vibrators could be activated in sequence or randomly. Kristen and Richard had a programmed a number of set sequences into the system and the order of these could be randomly applied. One sequence might start with stimulation of the breasts followed by activation of the anal plug, then the clitoral pad and finally the vaginal dildo. Another might start in her ass and end up at her tits. Kristen would never know which was coming next. In addition to these preprogrammed sequences, Richard could also input his own stimulation either via the computer or by using a hand held device similar to a television remote control. The computer screen could also display a graphical representation of her body temperature based on the readings from the sensors on her body, like a color thermal plot superimposed on the outline of the body. As her sexual excitement level grew, the local temperature around her genitalia would rise and would show up as bands of color radiating away for the point of stimulation. Richard talked into the microphone attached to the computer. "Kristen, Kathy has gone home now and we're alone. In about an hour the wax should be completely solid and we can start the stimulation. But first I need to run a quick check on all the systems" Using his mouse he was able to activate manually the various life support systems - a function normally done completely automatically by the computer software, He raised the flow rate in the cooling system and saw a small drop in body temperature. The food pump delivered a measured quantity of nutrient and Kristen felt the warm mush flowing into her stomach. A few seconds later she could feel a little cold water released from the base of the gag and she drank it down gratefully. Finally Richard clicked on the 'Enema' icon and the small pump whirred to life, delivering warm water to Kristen's bowels. Deep down in her belly, Kristen felt the warm fluid entering her and her bowels filling. Soon she was comfortably full and Richard let it sit there for a few minutes, then switched on the vacuum pump and she felt the enema being sucked out of her body. "All the systems seem to be working just fine, Kristen", he informed her. "I'm going to grab a quick shower and get a bite of lunch. Don't go anywhere without me." He laughed softly. "After I finish talking I'm going to switch off the microphone and you should be in total silence from now on. Enjoy yourself in there. I love you, darling" Inside her rubber and wax cocoon, Could she wait another hour for the stimulation to start? The total darkness and near total silence combined by her complete immobilization was really getting to her. She could hardly believe that after all the months of planning and waiting that her dream had finally come true! All in all she felt very relaxed and comfortable. Richard could inject her with anything he pleased via the IV in her shoulder - sleeping drugs, hallucinogens, medication or anything. Being sealed inside several layers of rubber and wax and with everything entering her body filtered and sterilized there was very little chance of her getting sick .She would never have to worry about food or drink, she would not have to bother about emptying her bladder or bowels and she would be getting sexual pleasure all over her body as often as she wanted. She was totally encased in rubber and had rubber in all her orifices. What more could any rubber loving woman want? She had passed into a new phase in her life, completely divorced from her old self. She was a living rubber statue, a black rubber doll. Two years ago when this whole thing had started with the arrival or Richard's first gift - those wonderful dildo panties - she couldn't have foreseen where it would have led her. Richard was feeling a little sweaty and dirty from the mornings physical activities so he headed for the bathroom and took a very relaxing shower. After he dried himself and changed into fresh clothes, he walked over to the kitchen to fix himself lunch. He put down the beer on a nearby table and pressed his cheek against the warm acrylic, rubbing his hand up and down it's smooth surface. He was tempted to tap on the side of the cylinder to let Kristen know he was there, but he refrained as they had agreed he was to have as little direct contact with her as possible. He moved away from the cylinder and went into the study. He clicked on the icon of a catsuited female and the stimulation program loaded. From the menu he chose 'Program 4' - one of Kristen's favorites. It was designed to keep her on the edge of orgasm for a long time and would be a nice way to start her confinement. As the program started, he was able to monitor it's progress from the readouts from the sensors. Inside her rubber prison, the first thing Kristen was aware of was a slight tingling around her nipples. Thank God, she thought, he's started the program. I wonder which one he chose. As the vibration of the breast pads increased, she felt the disc over her clitoris begin to vibrate. Oh good, I think he chose number four, she said to herself, my favorite. Soon both vibrators were buzzing away nicely and she waited for the butt plug to kick in. Sure enough, right on cue, the anal dildo started to pulsate and Kristen felt herself getting damp. Eventually all four erogenous zones were being stimulated simultaneously and Kristen found herself on the brink of an orgasm. But as planned the computer backed off on the stimulation and the climax subsided. This was repeated over and over again until she thought she would scream with frustration. Finally the computer let her go all way to a full orgasm. And what an orgasm it was. Kristen had never had one like it - it was the most incredible sexual experience of her life. With no external way to express her pleasure - unable to scream or move - all the intense feelings were directed inward. It almost literally blew her mind and it took long time to calm herself down. She likened it to the feeling of a near-death experience - moving towards a bright white light and all that. If every orgasm was as good as the first, she would never want to get out of her suit. Richard could tell from watching his computer screen that Kristen had indeed experienced an amazing orgasm. The sensors were showing markedly increased heart rate, breathing and body temperature. The automatic systems were already working, increasing the oxygen in her air supply and raising the flow rate of her cooling water. As he watched the colors gradually returned to normal and the pumps settled down to their standard settings. Hope you enjoyed that one, my darling, there's a lot more where that came from, he said to himself. Before he left his desk, he returned to the stimulation program and selected 'Automatic - Random' from the menu. They had decided beforehand that Kristen might need some drugs to help calm her and quell any claustrophobia she might be feeling for the first couple of weeks of isolation. Back in the bedroom, Richard injected 10cc of a mixture of Marinol and Prozac into the IV. Kristen was unaware that he had injected her, but soon she would begin to feel the effects of the drugs and calm down. With no outside stimuli to help her, Kristen's body clock would begin to go awry if she didn't stick to her regular sleeping patterns. So for awhile she would receive a sleeping drug at nighttime, automatically delivered by the computer. With the computer monitoring and controlling every part of Kristen's life, there was no need for Richard to even be in the house. All he would need to do was fill the food tank at regular intervals (it could hold a months worth of food). Water came directly from the mains supply and the back-up generator would provide electricity should there be a power cut.
非常期待 作者加油!!!
Part 13: A Walk on the Beach 在休息日,Richard有一點不知要做些甚麼。受到Kristen的啟發,他認為這個下午穿者連身衣到海邊走走是個打發時間的好方法。 他走向衣櫥並打開它,露出整排他昂貴的膠衣收集。 他選了一套中黑色帶有手套與兜帽,下面並附加者陽具套及肛門塞。 他花了幾分鐘就完成衣服的潤滑並穿好它,他拉上拉鍊並用兩把小鎖鎖住拉鍊,接者在領子上扣上皮項圈。 他擁有數英里長的私人海灘,所以不會被第三者所發現。 他有自信他可以悠閒地休息一陣子不會被打擾。隨者他的步伐,肛門中的肛塞也隨者進出,讓他感到舒服並開始勃起了起來。 他打開陽臺桌上的安全系統讓通往海灘的門戶打開。今天是溫暖而充滿太陽的日子。 他知道這種天氣下出門有點過份了,他將會汗流夾背。不過這並未阻止他。 實際上,他喜歡他的身體在衣服內被汗完全浸濕。他走進水裏讓水蓋過他的膝蓋。 因為這衣服是特地為了行走而設計,腳部是由特別加厚的乳膠所構成,所以他不怕會對衣服造成傷害。 回到屋內,Kristen正安穩地小睡者等待下一次性刺激的開始。 她已經沒有了時間感,生命中只有者高潮、睡眠與夢境而已。 現實生活中的一切已經對她沒有任何的意義。 要不是擔心會讓Richard失去她太久,她寧願一生都如此渡過。在首次模擬的2小時後,程序再次被啟用。 這次相較於第一次僅讓她得到輕微的高潮。她所得到的完全滿足讓她不禁流下淚來並在心裏對自己嘆息者。 如果有其它的女性能體驗它,我想世界上就會有成千上萬的裝備者快樂女性的圓筒了。 Richard走在沙灘上讓海浪打濕自己的雙腿,他的思緒已經飄向Kristen的實驗。 人類的身體到底可以承受多久的監禁與孤立,神智在隔絕五感下會有多嚴重的幻想。 這些都會對她的拘禁造成物理上的影響。在長期的監禁後所引發的肌肉萎縮及皮膚問題也不僅僅是心理方面。 他唯一可以確定的是,自此以後,Kristen將無法擺脫強烈的乳膠奴役並且將只能由乳膠中得到快感。 這對他會是件好事,他最喜歡看到他所愛的女人穿者乳膠製的衣服。 終於他走到沙灘的盡頭,便坐在一個大型的漂流木上並大口地喝下一口酒。 他身上的汗流過他的胸部並積存在他的腿,讓他移動時發出噪音。 他猜他流失了1~2品脫的水份。在回去的路上太陽將直射他,所以他準備了太陽眼鏡。 當他走回他的房子,沿路上看見遠處海平面的峽口及讓他可以在房子裏用望遠鏡觀看的那些圍繞海島的大型哺乳類動物。 他了解到他是多麼地幸運-錢、房子、比他還熱愛乳膠的美麗妻子。 他一回到房子便馬上檢查電腦,他發現電腦沒多久前剛完成一次模擬,現在Kristen由她的心率及呼吸看來正進入一次睡眠。 長達兩個小時的行走讓他現在急需一次淋浴,當溫水流過他黏滯的身體,他順者水將膠衣由身上剝下讓它落到地上。 他把它檢起它清洗後掛到淋浴間後並接者把肛塞由後庭取出。 然後他花了十分鐘把身體及頭髮清洗了一遍。 要不是當他在員工面前還是有者黑髮比較好,他也想像Kristen一樣把頭髮給剃除。 在他把自己弄乾之後,他決定他要睡在客房給予Kristen精神上的支持。 這房間的景色和其它房間很像,重要的是它附加了一個被固體蜜臘所囚禁的身穿膠衣美女。 床上已經鋪好了乳膠床單,他準備今晚要在乳膠睡袋中渡過。 這次他選了另一件黑色全頭套帶有肛塞及陽具套的膠衣,這衣服的頭套帶有用來固定口枷的D環讓他可以在晚餐後把口枷固定上, 再次地他戴上固定脖型的項圈然後用鎖把膠衣及項圈給鎖了起來。 接者用定時保險庫把鑰匙鎖到明天一早,這樣除非到明天早上或是用刀子切開膠衣, 不然他將被膠衣緊密地囚禁起來而不能透過自慰帶給自己快樂。 他看了桌上的鬧鐘,已經快要9:30,是時間做點晚餐了。 他並沒有心情去做太複雜的東西,所以只拿了些剩下的冷凍意大利麵放進微波爐裏解凍。 他拿了個鍋子加入水、糖及油並用火加熱,當五分鐘後水滾開,他關小火把麵條丟了進去烹煮。 Richard把他的晚餐拿到電視前的沙發,他先看了幾分鐘新聞然後轉而開始玩音速小子。 當他玩了一階段就躺在沙發上然後開始喝起桌上的香檳。長時間的散步帶給他的疲累及酒精的影響,讓他開始打起瞌睡來。 所以他決定今晚要早點就寑。他走向客房的浴室,然後打開陽具袋接者透過陽具鞘上的小洞做了一次長時間的排尿。 他拿起充氣口塞將它塞入口中並把皮帶穿過投套的D環,隨者幫浦的運作,軟膠製的口塞開始塞滿他的嘴巴。 他接者開始把膠衣睡袋的拉鍊拉開到腳部, 他先躺到睡袋上然後將拉鍊拉到2/3處,在全部拉上之前他拿起眼罩將之戴在頭上並將皮帶也繫在D環上。 他用手摸索者把床燈給關畢這讓他陷入完全的黑暗。現在他把拉鍊完全拉上他的頸部。 他很快就進入了夢鄉,在夢中他不斷地回想起這兩年和他新妻子的快樂時光。 Kristen的乳膠牢獄中,Kristen渡過了幾天、幾週最後支撐了幾個月 。除了每個月的月經來潮讓她對時間的流動有點概念,她已經習於這種與社會完全隔離的安逸生活。 除了失去Richard讓她有點失落,她會很高興地被乳膠牢籠束縛終身。 From the Seattle Times, February 17, 1999: 軟體業的大人物,名列有名評論雜誌的軟體公司總裁Mr.Palmer因為雪地地滑導至車輛撞擊到路樹。 他已經被送到醫院,但醫生表示他有嚴重的腦傷所以對他的預後表示不樂觀。 而目前警察尚無法聯絡到居住在San Juan IsLands房子的妻子Krsiten Palmer THE END
Part 13: A Walk on the Beach Richard was at a bit of a loss as to what do for the rest of the day. Inspired by Kristen, he decided that a walk on the beach wearing his catsuit might be a good way to spend the afternoon. He walked over to the closet and pulled open the left hand side. His extensive collection of rubber garmentshung from the closet rod. He selected a catsuit in medium weight black latex with attached gloves and open faced hood, along with a pair of cock-and-ball briefs with attached butt-plug. The rubber garments were already powdered and within a few minutes he was dressed and zipping up the back zipper of the catsuit. He locked the tabs of the two zippers together with a small brass padlock, then placed a studded latex and leather collar around his neck. His property had it's own private beach access and would lead to several miles of deserted beach that couldn't be viewed by the casual observer. He was confident he could take a long leisurely stroll without being seen or disturbed. As he moved the butt-plug slid in and out of his anus giving him some very pleasant anal stimulation and he started to get an erection. He armed the security system as he opened the patio door on to the deck. A few steps off the deck led to a gravel path to the beach. It was a warm day and Richard could feel the sun beating down on his back. He knew that by the time his walk was over, he would be drenched in sweat, but that didn't bother him. In fact he liked the feeling of his own bodily fluids sloshing around inside his suit. He walked down to the water and waded in up to his knees. This particular suit was specifically designed for walking in and had built-in feet with heavyweight rubber soles, so he was not concerned with damaging the rubber. Back at the house, Kristen was oblivious to all this and was dozing contentedly, waiting for the computer to activate the stimuli again. She had no real concept of time. She lived now to orgasm, sleep and dream. All other facets of normal life meant nothing to her anymore. She had seriously considered spending the rest of her life like this, but only Richard's pleas that he would miss her too much changed her mind. About two hours after the initial stimulation, the computer started the program again. She came again with only a slightly less intense orgasm as the first time. The overwhelming satisfaction she got from coming brought tears to her eyes and she sighed mentally to herself. If only other women could experience this, she thought, there would be millions of these cylinders full of very happy women around the world As Richard walked along the beach and waded through the surf, his thoughts naturally turned to Kristen and her "experiment" Just how long could the human body tolerate total isolation and confinement? Would the brain eventually turn to mush without some form of sensory input. They were both fully aware of the physical effects of her isolation - the muscle loss, skin problems - and the need for rehabilitation after her release, but no one was really sure of the mental side of things. However, Richard was sure from this point on Kristen could not be happy without very heavy amounts of rubber and bondage and would always associate sex with rubber. Which was fine with him -there was nothing he liked better than seeing the women he loved all dressed up in skin-tight latex. Eventually he came to the end of the beach and he sat down on a large driftwood log and took a long swig from the bottle. The sweat was running down his chest and thighs and pooling in his feet, making a squishing noise as he moved them. He figured he would lose a pint or two of fluids during his walk. On the way back, the sun would be in his eyes and he was glad he had brought the sunglasses. As he walked back along the beach he thought he saw an orca breach the water near the horizon. Pods of the huge mammals were fairly common around the islands and he was often able to spot them from the house with binoculars. It made him realize how lucky he was - the money, the house, a beautiful wife who loved rubber as much or more than he did. Back at the house, Richard did a quick check of the computer, noting that the stimulation program had run once while he was away. The color plots were all normal so the program must have run a little while ago. It appeared that Kristen was sleeping, judging by her heart rate and breathing patterns. The long walk had taken nearly two hours and Richard badly needed a shower. As the warm water flowed over his sticky body, he peeled the rubber away from his skin and let it fall to the floor. He turned the legs, sleeves and hood inside out and thoroughly washed all the white talcum powder off the suit. He hung it over the shower back screen temporarily and pulled his briefs down his legs, relishing the sensation as the butt-plug slid out of his rectum. Then he spent ten minutes washing himself and shampooing his hair. He wished he could shave his head as Kristen had done, but he still needed to speak with clients and he wasn't sure the bald look would go down too well. After he dried himself. He had already decide to sleep in this room, giving Kristen his moral support. The view from this room was very similar to the other bedroom, both being on the same side of the house and of course it had the added attraction of a beautiful rubber clad woman trapped inside a cylinder of solid wax. The fitted white rubber sheets were already on the bed, although Richard intended to spend the night in his rubber sleeping bag. He went over to the closet to choose an outfit for the night. This time he chose another black latex catsuit with full face hood, built-in penis sheath, integral anal plug, gloves and tailored feet. The hood had D-rings attached to the sides so that later he could add a strap-on gag after he finished eating. Once again he joined the head and back zippers with a padlock and placed the same posture collar around his neck, securing it with another padlock. Then he locked both keys in the safe and set the timer for the next morning. Now he was securely locked into his catsuit and wouldn't be able to extricate himself without cutting the rubber. He looked at he clock on the bedside table - it was nearly five-thirty. Time to think about making some dinner. He wasn't really in the mood to make something from scratch, so took some left-over spaghetti sauce out of the freezer and stuck it in the microwave to thaw and cook. While the sauce was cooking he filled a saucepan with water, added a little salt and oil to the water and set it down on the range. Within five minutes the water was boiling; Richard lowered the heat and added the pasta. Richard took his meal and ate it in front of the TV sitting on the couch. He watched the news for a few minutes, then switched to the Sonics game. As the game progressed Richard lay out on the couch drinking his wine. The long walk had made him tired and combined with the wine he found himself nodding off. He decided to make an early night of it. He went in to the bathroom off the second bedroom, unzipped his penile pouch and took a long leak through the small hole in the end of the sheath. He took the inflatable gag with the pass-through breathing tube and inserted it into his mouth and attached the straps to the D-rings on the side of his hood. A few pumps on the bulb inflator and the soft rubber ball expanded to fill his mouth. He zipped the bag open to the feet, lay on top of the bag and folded the lower half over his legs, then pulled the zipper about two thirds up his body. Before closing it fully, he took the rubber blindfold off the night stand and put it on his head, attaching to a second set of D-rings. He felt for the switch to the bed-side lamp and clicked it off. In total darkness now he pulled the zipper all the way to his neck. Soon he had drifted into a deep contended sleep, his head filled with dreams of Kristen, her new life and all the good times they had together in the last two years. Inside her rubber cocoon, the days for Kristen turned into weeks and the weeks into months. She had of course little concept of time any more, but the weekly enemas did giver her some idea of the passing weeks. She had settled down into a comfortable life totally isolated from the cares of the outside world. Apart from missing Richard, she was as happy and contended as she had ever been and could envisage realisticaly spending the rest of her life in her rubber prison. From the Seattle Times, February 17, 1999: Local Software Mogul in Coma Richard Palmer, 37, founder and president of a local software company is listed in critical condition at Evergreen hospital. Mr. Palmer' car , a Jaguar XJS, apparently skidded on an icy road last night and crashed into a tree. He sustained extensive head injuries and is in a coma. Doctors are not optimistic about his prognosis Mr. Palmer founded his company, XETAL Inc in 1994 and they specialize in educational software for children. The whereabouts of Mr. Palmer' wife, Kristen Palmer, 35, are unknown and the police have been unable to contact her at their home in the San Juan Islands............ THE END