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太感謝了阿....英文能力不好 每次看英文小說都像在看學術論文一樣......
Part 10: Final Preparations Kristen在廚房忙者作晚餐的同時,Richard正在地下室忙者做機器的確認。 他打開頭上明亮的燈及開始處理眼前閃者光芒的設備。 在地下室的一角是一部帶有100加崙油箱的緊急發電機。 延者一邊的牆面是一排光亮的儲液筒,上面有者幫浦並延伸出膠管伸向地下室的天花板。 Richard打開開關並看者不同種類的液體流向天花板。 明日這些液體將持序的流過與她的束具相連的閥門進入她的束具裏。 當他確認一切運作良好,Richard回到樓上,走到廚房與 Kristen會合。 她正在忙者準備她們最後一次共進的晚餐。 龍蝦正躺在濾斗裏,而厚片牛肉正躺在切菜板上,蘆筍正在蒸籠裏準備被烹調。 Richard走近她的被後,環抱住她的腰。Kristen轉過身來給了他一個深吻。 Kristen邊打斷他的擁抱邊說道,'你何不放點音樂,晚餐還要20分鐘。' Richard大步走向客廳開啟娛樂中心,幾秒後音樂便充滿整個空間。 他可以聞到正在烹飪的烤牛肉味道,他走向餐桌準備兩人份的餐具。 為了這個特別的日子,他拿出兩個中國古燈座並點上兩隻細蠟燭,隨者他關畢頭上的電燈,整個氣芬便帶了出來。 當他們坐下享受她們最後一次共享的晚餐,他們由可以看到海的大落地窗看了出去,越過島嶼和山丘,太陽開始西落讓天空染上一片深橘色。 Kristen開始感到香檳所帶來的效果。 '呼,我們明天將擁有一個了不起的大日子,Kristen'Richard語氣和緩地說道。 '所有的計畫與準備都將於明日完成,我將要失去妳了。' Kristen用者渴望的語氣說道。'我知道,但是在任何時候只要你想見我,我就在這。 你應該知道我有多興奮,我甚至無法再做任何的等待。' 他們沉默下來,互相品味者與對方在一起的感覺。 Kristen最後開始去收拾餐桌並把餐具收回廚房Richard幫她把它們弄進洗碗機。 Kristen轉身對Richard耳語。'在我們的最後一晚,我們早一點上床,仔細地好好做愛做的事。' Richard無需思考,他們走向主臥室。他們馬上脫光衣服,在床上互相以胳臂為枕。 他們熱情而深深地擁吻,他愛死了她無毛的身體傳來的光滑感。 在他們作愛的時候,Richard比平常更賣力的做,他們一起達到高潮。他們互以胳臂為枕進入沉沉的睡眠。 第二天一早他們將開始認真地準備。他們在適合告別過去生活的明耀日出下醒了過來。 '好了,Kristen,今天是大日子,妳準備好了嗎?妳現在還可以後悔,還不會太晚。' '不,Richard,我準備好了。我這幾週已經好好地思考過了。 我是如此興奮以至於我無法平靜下來。護士何時會來。' Richard看了他的錶,'約一個小時,我們需要在她到達之前完成所有的準備。' 在他們收拾餐具並塞入洗碗機裏,她最後一次環視廚房,想像Richard獨自一人坐在餐桌的情景。 今天以後她再也不需要固體的食物了。他們一起走向客房並看向放在桌上的設備-特殊的束衣及在角落的大型塑膠圓筒。 所有他們所夢想與計劃的東西都已經建設完畢並準備好了。她用手撫摸這個將成為她新家的光滑圓筒。 他們站在落地窗前看者眼前的風景,山脈由水平線上升其,翠綠的小島點綴在海面上。 ''我將失去這美麗的風景。' Kristen嘆氣地說道。 '親愛的,請把它們記在妳的心中,妳將永遠擁有它們。'Richard清柔地說道。 我會把圓筒移到落地窗前,所以妳可以永遠看見它們。如果妳想,我們可以開一個窺視孔。 'Rciahrd我們在就對於是否要全面地封閉討論過了。我希望能完全遮蔽所有外界的訊息。' 他們走向主臥房,他們一起躺在大床上互相深情地看者對方。Richard的陽具從未勃起的如此之大。 她將很久以後才能再次感受它進入她的體內,所以她極度地想要它並擁有最棒的一次。 她把自己趴在床上,屁股向後,她知道這是Richard最喜歡的體位。 他跪近她,把他的陽具深深挺入她的陰道並用手抓住她的胸部。 當他的分身深深地進入她的身體,她因為快感而發出嚎叫。很快地,他們開始有節奏的動了起來。 Kristen接近高潮時開始哀求,'來吧,Richard。幹死我吧。'Richard用更強力的衝擊做為回應。 Richard大喊者,'我快要射了,快要射了。' '親愛的請為我再忍一下。' 他們一起進入狂野的高潮,當高潮退去,他們還是連在一起滾下了床。 Kristen墾求他,'請再保持這樣子一陣子,我想把這一刻好好地記下來。' 他們繼續躺在一起享受雙方的體溫。他親吻她的額頭並撫摸她光滑的頭皮。 他不情願地與她分開並低聲和她說,'我們應該要開始準備了。妳還需要進行浣腸並淋浴。' Kristen輕聲地回應然後轉身下床走向洗手間準備浣腸。 她將一個膠球填滿溫醋水並接上膠管,接者接上她的肛門然後將溫水擠入直腸。 她讓它們在她體內留了一陣子然後坐到馬桶上,她拉出肛門的膠管,讓體內的浣腸液噴出。接者她擦乾自己然後打開淋浴器。 Richard聽到她開始淋浴,他便穿上牛仔褲並在舊T-shirt上套上運動衫。 今天將有一堆機械上的東西要忙錄。 當他穿完衣服,Kristen因為無需處理頭髮所以只花了一點時間就淋浴完畢。kristen回到臥房並套上長袍靜待身體乾。 Kristen看起來如此令人憐愛及脆弱,就有如他常說的-是如此光亮與美麗,讓他好想上前去給她一個擁抱。 此時門鈴響起,Richard讓她留在臥房並穿過客廳直向前門幫來訪者開門。 '早安,Palmer先生,我是護士Kathy Curtiss。我希望我沒有遲到。 我在找房子時碰上一點問題,你對於隱藏路跡很有一套。' '不,Curtiss小姐,妳的時間控制的好極了。請進,所有東西都準備好了。 'Richard引者護士小姐進入房子,'我的妻子已經準備好了,我可以幫妳拿大衣。' '謝謝你,請叫我Kathy'她脫下她的長大衣並交給Richard '這事不太平常,我從未在醫院外作過這些事,你打算作些甚麼?' Richard幫她把大衣放進靠門的衣櫥。他所雇用的這位護士是經過他朋友在技術與能力上保證過的。 當然他為了這2小時的工作付出了500美元的高價,所以就算她有一點迷惑也還熱切地想要這分工作。 Rcihard帶者她進入臥房並把她介紹給Kristen 她對於Kristen的光頭、刺青及身上的穿環感到驚訝。不過她15年的護士工作經驗讓她沒有驚訝很久。 Rcihard正在臥房的一角架設錄影機並用遙控使它開始錄影,這樣他以後只要想就可以重現這個早上的情境。 '首先我會將靜脈留置管裝置到妳的胸部。它將裝在肩膀附近直達心臟的靜脈,它將可以裝置長時間並承擔很大的液量。 我會使用一號管,所以妳不會感到它的進入,但妳要絕對的平靜。' Kristen點頭同意並躺回床上,她那起床邊醫療桌上的注射筒並將藥液注射進她的肩膀下的血管。 '要等一下讓它們生效,Kristen' 在等待的時間,她開始準備靜脈留置管,他將它由密封管中抽出並放到無菌盤上。 她用酒精幫她的肩下消毒讓它準備好被安裝IV 她把讓Kristen覺得嚇人的針頭拉出保護套並開始插破皮膚並進入靜脈。 KathyIV管推進皮膚並將細管推進靜脈裏。 Kristen僅感到一點壓力及不舒服但不會痛,她試者去控制自己的呼吸將移動減到最低。 十分鐘以後,展現出笑容。'OK,它已經很好地到達定位,我現在只要灌入鹽水把它固定住就好了。 Kristen妳的身體平靜保持的很好。我將在皮膚上縫上幾針以幫助它固定。' 當她在她肩膀把IV縫好。Kristen看者她的肩膀,它上面有者膠管由它的表面上透了出來,她了解到他長久的夢想將要實現,已經沒有回頭之路了。 Richard打破這分沉默.'謝謝你Kathy,做的很好。這樣我們就可以透過它喂食了,接下來我們該用導尿管了。' 'kristen,我將給妳一些放鬆的藥,妳將小睡一下。比起IV剩下的要簡單惰了,當妳醒過來,所有的管路都會安裝完畢。 妳只會在一開始對這些管路有一點不適感,妳很快就會習慣它們了。' Kathy看向kristenRichard'好她開始打瞌睡了,我開始來處理導尿管。' 護士把導尿管由無菌袋裏取出並送入她的尿道,她光滑的下體讓這件事更為方便。 很快者,她膀胱內的液體開始流出到床邊的尿袋裏。 Richard說道,'讓她稍睡一下,我需要時間準備她的服裝。'
Part 10: Final Preparations While Kristen busied herself in the kitchen preparing dinner, Richard went down into the cellar to check all the equipment. He switched on the big overhead florescent lights and surveyed the gleaming hardware before him. In one corner was the powerful emergency generator with its 100-gallon fuel tank. Along one wall was a row of shiny new cylindrical tanks with pumps attached and hoses that snaked towards a central fitting in the ceiling. Richard switched on the pumps and was pleased to see the various liquids flow up towards the ceiling. Tomorrow when the hoses from her suit were connected to the valves in the floor above the fluids would continue flowing upwards. Satisfied that all was working correctly, Richard went back up the stairs to rejoin Kristen in the kitchen. She was busy preparing their last dinner together. The lobster tails were sitting in a colander and the steaks were lying on a cutting board. Asparagus sat in the steamer ready to be cooked. Richard came up behind her and hugged her round the waist. Kristen turned her head and kissed him deeply. "Why don't you put on some music - dinner will be about twenty minutes", said Kristen as she broke their embrace" Richard strode into the living room and opened up the entertainment center. In a few seconds the music started to fill the room. Richard could smell the steaks cooking and he went over to the dining table and laid out two place settings. As it was a special occasion he got out their finest china and two crystal champagne flutes. A couple of tall candles would complete the effect; so he turned down the light in the overhead chandelier and lit them. As they sat at the dining table enjoying their last dinner together, they looked out of the big picture windows, which gave them a panoramic view of the water, the islands and the mountains beyond. The sun was just starting to set and the sky was colored with deep orange glow. Kristen was beginning to feel the effects of the couple of glasses of champagne "Well, we have a very big day ahead of us tomorrow, Kristen", Richard sad softly. "All that planning and preparing comes together in the morning. I'm going to miss you" "Yes I know", Kristen replied wistfully, "but any time you want to see me I'll be right there for you. You know how excited I've been about this - I just can't wait for it all to start" They were silent for a while, enjoying each other's company and the increasingly Finally Kristen got up to clear the dishes and took the plates into the kitchen. Richard followed with the remainder of the dirty dishes and helped her load the dishwasher. Kristen turned to Richard and whispered in his ear. "As it's our last night together let's go to bed early and make love real nice and slow" Richard needed no further persuading and they moved into the master bedroom. Within seconds they were undressed and laying in each other arms. They kissed deeply and passionately, Richard enjoying the smoothness of Kristen' hairless body. As they made love, Richard was particularly forceful and they climaxed in unison. They fell asleep entwined in each other's arms. Preparation started in earnest that next morning. Kristen and Richard awoke to a glorious sunrise - a fitting way to start the last day of her old life. "Well, Kristen, today's the big day -are you ready for this. You know you can back out now - it's not too late" "No, Richard, I really want to do this. It's all I've been thinking about for weeks. I'm so excited I can barely keep still. What time is the nurse arriving?" Richard looked at his watch. "In about an hour. We'll need to get all the equipment ready for her before she gets here" Between them they cleared the dishes and stacked them in the dishwasher. Kristen took a look around the kitchen for the last time, envisioning Richard sitting alone at the table. After today she would no longer need solid food. They walked together to the spare bedroom, and looked at all the equipment sitting there --the special suit laid out on the table, the big plastic cylinder in the corner. Everything they had dreamed and planned and built ready now for use. Kristen moved over to the big cylinder and ran her hands over its smooth surface. Within hours that cylinder would be her new home. They stood by the big picture windows and stared out at the scene before them. The mountains on the horizon rising above the water, the heavily wooded islands dotting the sea in the distance. "I will miss this view -it's so beautiful", Kristen sighed ""Hold this view in your mind's eye, darling, and you'll have it with you for ever" Richard said tenderly. "I'll have the cylinder moved by this window so you'll always have this view of the mountains. If you really want we can have the hood with eye holes in it" "Now Richard, we've discussed this at length before - it has to be total enclosure or not at all. I need to be completely cut off from the outside world for this to work. They moved to the bed in the master bedroom. Naked, they lay together on the king size bed, looking deeply into each other's eyes. Richard's penis stood erect and as large as Kristen had ever seen it. She wanted him so badly and she wanted it to be the best ever - it would be a very long time before she would feel him inside her again. She rolled on to her stomach and got up on her knees - she knew Richard was particularly fond of taking her doggie style. Richard got up on his knees behind her, moved close to her and thrust his rigid member deep into her, grabbing her breasts as he did so. She grunted in pleasure as he entered her and he trust deeper into her. Soon they were moving in unison with the practiced rhythm of familiar lovers" "Oh Richard yes, yes. Come on - fuck me, fuck me. Harder, harder", Kristen implored as she started to near orgasm. Richard responded by thrusting with even more force, his thighs banging against her buttocks with loud slaps "I'm getting close - I'm getting close!", Richard screamed. "Just a few seconds longer -just hold on lover" They came together in a violent orgasm. As the climax subsided, they slumped together down on the bed, Richard's flaccid penis still inside her. "Just stay like that for a while longer," Kristen pleaded, " I want to remember this moment for a long time" They lay together for a few minutes enjoying each other's warmth. Richard kissed Kristen on top of her bald head, relishing the smooth scalp. "We had better start getting ready. You need to clean out your bowels then take another shower", Richard whispered to Kristen, reluctantly disengaging himself from her. Kristen murmured a brief "Sure", then rolled off the bed and headed for the bathroom, where she prepared for her enema. She filled a large rubber bag with warm water and vinegar and attached the hose to it. Then she inserted the other end of the tube into her rectum and held the bag up at head height until all the fluid had drained into her. She let it sit there for a few minutes, went over to the toilet and sat down. She pulled the tube out of her anus and a gush of warm brown enema fluid flooded out of her. She wiped herself clean and turned on the shower. Richard heard the shower starting and the door closing. While Kristen showered, he got dressed - pulling on jeans and a sweatshirt over an old tee shirt. It as going to be a busy day, with quite a lot of physical activity ahead. As he completed dressing, Richard heard the shower turn off - with no hair to wash, showers took very little time. Kristen came back into the bedroom in her robe still drying herself. She looked so lovely and vulnerable standing there - bald and beautiful he used to say - that Richard just wanted to go over to her and give her a big hug. Just then they heard the front door bell. Richard left Kristen standing in the bedroom and hurried through the living room to open the front door. Kristen heard him open the heavy wooden door and greet their visitor. "Good morning, Mr. Palmer, I'm Kathy Curtiss the IV nurse. I hope I'm not late. I had a little trouble finding the house - you are kind of off the beaten track" "Not at all, Ms Curtiss, your timing is great. Please come in - everything is ready for you", Richard replied as he ushered the nurse into the room. "My wife is just getting herself ready for you. Can I take your coat?" "Thank you - and please call me Kathy. " She took off her long coat and gave it to Richard "This is sort of unusual - what you want me to do I mean. I've never done this outside a hospital setting before" Richard hung her coat in the closet near the door. He had hired the nurse based on the personal recommendation of a friend who vouched for skill and discretion. Also, he was paying her a lot of money - five thousand dollars for a couple of hours work - so she was an eager, if somewhat confused participant. "Its all part of an experiment in sensory deprivation that my wife is conducting for her doctoral thesis", Richard explained, "It involves long term confinement and requires the use of some sophisticated equipment. Why don't we go into the spare bedroom and get things started" Richard led the nurse into the bedroom and introduced her to Kristen. The nurse was a little surprised by Kristen's appearance - the shaved and tattooed head, the nipple and nose piercings - but as a nurse of some fifteen years experience, not a lot shocked her anymore. In one corner of the bedroom. Richard had setup a video camera on a tripod aimed at the bed and he started recording with the remote control. He would be able to play back the events of this morning whenever he wanted. "First I'm going to put the IV line in the chest. This will go in the big vein near the shoulder which leads directly to the heart. This can stay in for an indefinite time and can handle large quantities of fluids. l'll give you a local first so that you won't feel it going in - but you will need to lie very still.", Kathy explained. Kristen nodded and lay back down on the bed. The nurse drew up a syringe of Lidocaine from the adjustable hospital table next to the bed and injected into Kristen's shoulder just below the shoulder bone. "That'll take a few minutes to work, Kristen", Kathy said. While they waited she busied herself by preparing the IV. She pulled the long tube from its hermetically sealed bag and laid it down on a sterilized pad. She thoroughly cleaned Kristen's shoulder with Betadyne and alcohol pads. Eventually all was ready to start inserting the IV into Kristen's shoulder. She pulled the protective cap off the needle - a needle that looked frighteningly large to Kristen - and pressed it against the skin, feeling for the vein. With considerable panache, Kathy pushed the IV needle under the skin and started to thread the long tube into the vein. Kristen felt some slight pressure and a little discomfort, but no pain. She tried to control her breathing and keep her movements to a minimum. After ten minutes, Kathy looked up and smiled. "Well it's in and well seated. I just need to flush it out with saline, tape it up and this part is done. You did a great job of keeping still, Kristen." "I'm going to put a couple of small stitches though the skin to hold it in place" With that she expertly threaded a suture needle and stitched the end of the IV to Kristen's shoulder. Kristen looked over at her shoulder - it was strange to see that rubber tube sticking out of her skin like that and it made her realize that her long held dream was really happening. There was no going back now. Richard broke the silence. "Thank you, Kathy, that was really nicely done. Now we have the feeding tube to go in, then the catheters" "Kristen, I'm going to give you something to relax you - you may even doze off. It'll make getting the feeding tube in a lot easier. When you wake up all the tubes will be in. You may feel a little discomfort with the feeding tube at first but you'll get used to it." With that, Kathy injected a small amount of a clear liquid through the cap of the IV. As it flowed into her body, Kristen felt gentle warmth radiate out into her chest. Fairly soon she began to feel a little light headed and sleepy. Out of the corner of her eye she could see the nurse busily preparing the feeding tube - a long clear rubber tube with a threaded metal fitting on one end. The nurse picked up the tube in her gloved hand and moved over to Kristen's head. Grasping her mouth in one hand, she inserted the tube into her throat. Kristen felt the tube rub against the back of her throat and for a second thought she might start to gag. The urge passed fairly quickly and she could feel the tube being slowly fed down into her stomach. Kathy looked down at Kristen and turned to Richard. "Look, she's starting to doze off now. Should be really easy to get that catheter in her" The nurse took the Foley catheter out of it's sterile bag and pushed the end of it into Kristen's urethra, a job made a little simpler by the lack of pubic hair. Immediately, Kristen's bladder started to drain into the attached bag which hung down on the floor beside the bed. "Let her sleep a little longer, Nancy", Richard said, "I need some time to get the suit ready"
很好啊~ 支持 謝謝樓主哦
very good!!!!!!!!
Part 11: Suiting Up 三件式的無拉鍊特製連身衣正躺在床邊的桌子上。 它是由英國廠商所特製,由雙層薄膠衣所製成內含全身液冷系統可以讓穿著者保持在舒適的溫度。 尤其針對頭部加強冷卻以免造成損傷。這是用在太空衣上的科技,但現在只要願意花超過一般膠衣以上的6000美金就可以得到它。 Richard將膠衣的下半部拿起,它比起Kristen其它的衣服都來得更薄,不過因為它並不會時常地穿脫,所以這將不成為問題。 剩下的軀體與兜帽組件也是與下身一樣的結構。冷卻系統將會由兜帽連接到身體在轉由腳部流出。 這樣子就能保證全身都處於合適的溫度下。 這是非常聰明的設計,故它需要昂貴的太空科技來製造它。不過在衣服的連接點-頸、腰將有兩吋的寬度沒有冷卻系統。 不過相較於整件衣服的面積,這點寬度將不至於造成問題。 當Kristen開始翻身,他轉回身體面對她。 '妳感覺還好嗎?衣服已經準備好了,那妳可以了嗎?' Kristen發覺身上的插管讓她的說話有點困難。'我覺得有點想睡,不過還OK。我無法繼續等下去了,開始吧。' 'Nancy,妳可以幫我把它穿在Kristen身上嗎?'Richard問道。 護士邊點頭同意邊走向桌子拿起一大瓶的潤滑劑。她倒了一部份到她的手上並塗滿Kristen的腳及大腿上。 Kristen因為冰冷的觸感而捲起身體,但是她很享受Richard的愛撫。 護士及Richard慢慢地把如皮膚一樣薄的膠衣由腳慢慢拉到胯 下為止。'OK,我們要插入假陽具了喔。我們會先插入陰道的那組。' Richard拿起桌上由金屬製作外覆乳膠所製疙瘩的陽具。它是以他的陽具為模型所仿製的。 一對連接到電極的細電線由它伸了出來.Richard將它塗上潤滑液並深深地插入她的陰道。 她一開始因這個巨大的金屬乳膠製道具的侵入而喘息,但很快地她便適應了它並感到滿足。 接者他把連接了電線的蝴蝶扣在她的陰蒂上。由電腦連接到各栓具及蝴蝶的四條電線,可以透過電腦對她施以震動及電擊。 Richard將Kristen翻到並用沾過油的手指插入她的肛門。她因為他手指對攝護腺的觸擊所帶來的快感而呻吟。 肛門的陽具也不是普通的裝置,它具有雙迴路的管道,當它們被接上,溫熱的水就會在她的直腸內循環。 當她被裝上設備之後,機械就會開始對她進行浣腸。 因為以後她將只會接受液體的食物,所以她幾乎不會有固體排泄物。故以後只要每週做一次浣腸就夠了。 就像陰道陽具一般,這具肛塞具有像蛇一般由電腦控制外披膠衣的金屬結構。 Kristen已經利用幾個月的時間透過可充氣調整尺吋的肛塞來讓自己適應大尺吋肛塞,所以她已經可以承受大尺吋的肛塞而不會感到不適。 Richard將潤滑過的肛塞堅定而緩慢地推進Kristen的肛門,她因為這個衝擊而露出不舒服的表情,但是她開始快速地適應它的尺吋。 Richard用懷疑的眼光看者Kristen。'它們還OK嗎?如果妳還好,我會將衣服送上妳的腰部。' Kristen笑者說。'是阿,它們太棒了,來吧,我等不及了。' Richard將陽具及蝴蝶的電線由膠衣胯部的小洞牽引來出來,晚點他就會用液態乳膠把它封住。他接者對肛塞也如法泡制。 當他全部完成,他才能將衣服拉過她的腰直達她的肚臍。 Richard幫Kristen坐了起來,然後停了幾秒。'我們需要取下妳的乳環,當我們穿好膠衣,我們會再幫妳穿回去。 他小心地將她的乳環開啟並取了出來。因為束衣上在乳頭的位置有開者口,所以他們可以將乳環裝了回去。 而Kristen有者大而堅挺的乳頭,所以處理它們並不會太困難。 Richard拿起軀幹部份的膠衣,並把它由她的頭上套下。她伸起她的手並伸進袖子裏直到她的手插入附加的拘束手套裏,現在她的手指僅能微微地晃動。 他接者把和陰蒂同型的圓盤貼在她的乳頭上,然後接者用膠水把電極黏在她的胸口上用來偵測她的心跳、呼吸及體溫。 他小心地不牽動圓盤將這些電線及IV管由掖下的小孔穿了出來並拉往腰部。他接者舒平衣服直到它們在交縫處平順地接合。 Richard將兩部份膠衣的兩吋寬接合處在軀幹的地方疊好,並把冷卻循環管接頭給找了出來。 然後他把軀幹的冷卻管插入下身的膠衣並確認兩部分膠衣已經良好地連接了起來。 他接者拿起乳膠黏合劑塗抹在兩吋寬的接合面上並等待了幾秒鐘後才把它們貼合在一起。 他平順地在上面施加堅定的壓力,沒多久兩部分的膠衣便緊密的黏合在一起了。 當等待膠衣黏合的時候,他把桌上的乳環裝回Kristen因興奮而挺立的乳頭上。 他像護士解釋道。'這膠水將在一個小時內完全硬化,這兩部分將成為一體。 等到解放的時刻到來,我們就只能用刀子把它切開。' Kristen知道這是很久以後的事,但她向不知這件事的護士投以微笑。 她想者如果這護士知道她意圖要在這裝備內待多久就會有多麼地驚訝。 'OK,Kristen我們要來安裝鼻栓及口塞了。' Kristen點頭表示同意。Richard由桌上拿起鼻栓並塗上薄薄的黏著劑。 由它上面所牽出的一對連接到空氣供應機的細管將提供Kristen生存所需的空氣, 因為這些空氣將流過長長的膠管,所以她永遠會聞道淡淡的乳膠味。 這鼻栓將可以在不給她的鼻腔帶來太大的壓力前提下確保她的空氣供應。 膠衣所裝配的口塞是個有者可讓喂食管通過的巨大充氣膠球所作成。 在它的上面有者可控制的氣體閥門及可以讓飲用水進入她體內的膠管。 Richard將喂食管穿過口塞並將鬆馳的口塞塞入她已經的嘴中。 在他幾次的打氣之後,短時間內她就已經失去說話的能力。 他拿其最後的配件,帶有將來可以讓他和她說話帶小耳機的耳塞並把它們塞入她的雙耳。 為了整個孤立體驗更加的真實,他們事先同意過只在緊急狀態下使用它們。 終於,Richard準備要替她戴上兜帽。再次地他把潤滑劑倒在手上然後把Kristen的頭皮及臉全部塗滿。 準備要裝上的面罩是依她的頭型所製作的,並在鼻子及嘴巴處留有小孔穴供氣管及喂食管通過。 這兜帽的頸圈部分是一分為二的,當兜帽正確地崁在她的頭上,頸圈上的分割處就會接合在一起。 因為這個兜帽沒有眼孔,所以實際上kristen將如同失明一般。 Kristen感覺到Richard將很緊的兜帽拉過她的頭並滑過她的眼睛。 在她的視力被奪走之前,她看了一眼Richard微笑的臉做為接下來幾個月她想像的依據。 隨者他將兜帽拉過她的頭部並把管路由小洞牽引出來,整個兜帽就完全就定位了。 在他把頸圈的接縫在頸後連接上並將兜帽與軀幹相連及連接冷卻系統之前, 他拿起鼻環將其裝會她的鼻子上。終於,裝備完成了。 她看起就是個毫無暇疵地用閃者黑光乳膠衣所包裹的完美軀體。 他快速地巡視所有的孔穴並用液體乳膠確保它們被完全地密封。 現在由呼吸管送進的空氣是Kristen唯一能接觸到外界的東西。 Richard拿起用來固定姿勢用的厚重膠項圈並合到她的頸上。 Richard收緊扣環直到它緊緊地抵住她的頸項,由肩膀直到她的下巴讓她的頭部完全不能動彈。 一把小鎖確保它不會被取下。 '親愛的,所有的一切還舒服嗎?能夠正常地呼吸及吞嚥嗎?我要拉上拉鍊了喔。'。 Richard透過耳塞內的耳機向躺在他面前的乳膠人偶詢問者。 Kristen了解Richard所說得並伸起姆指表示一切OK。他將注意力轉像在她腳側邊由腳尖直到胯下的一寸寬拉鍊。 只要拉上它們,她的腳將被並在一起。 同樣地,由腋下到手腕的拉鍊可以將她的雙手堅固地併在一起。當Richard替她拉上拉鍊,她對她第一次的被奴役感到興奮。 最後只剩下束縛袋,他用保護液將整個袋子打磨的非常光亮。 因為Kristen非常適合這套衣服讓Nancy開始對這包覆Kristen的發亮膠衣發生興趣。 她從未如此地接近膠衣,但當她親眼見到一位美麗的女子變成一個活者的乳膠人偶讓她重新審視她的想法。 雖然Richard所付的錢足以讓她擁有她自己的膠衣。 Richard打破她的沉思,'妳可以幫助我處理束縛袋嗎?Nancy。' 在把她套進束縛帶之前得先把所有的管路及電線都收集起來。它們都透過膠管收束在一起。 喂食管經過她的肩膀然後和IV管及電線由她的掖下轉到身後,在她的身後再由另一組束管收集起來。 這束縛帶是完全透明的,這重型乳膠袋設計來完全包覆她包含手腳的身體, 他們兩花了20分鐘才將一個堅硬的透明塑膠硬版放在束縛帶的胸前位置。 Kristen開始感到衣服帶給她的壓力,因為她無法排汗所以她的體溫也開始升高了起來。 他們將黏著劑把束縛帶背面的接合處緊密的黏合起來。 在束縛帶內的Kristen已經完全不能動彈,她已經準備好要住進在可預計的未來的家-圓筒。
Part 11: Suiting Up The suit lay on a table near the bed. It was in three pieces which eventually would be joined to form a completely enveloping catsuit, but without any zippers .It had been made in England and was very special. Sandwiched between two thin layers of rubber was a series of tiny rubber cooling tubes that covered the whole body. In this way, cooling water could be circulated around the body to keep it a comfortable temperature. This was particularly important around the head where excessive heat could lead to fatal heat stroke. The technology for this had been developed for the space program, but was now available to the general public - at a price. This suit had cost nearly six thousand dollars, far more than a regular rubber catsuit would cost. Richard picked up the lower half of the suit. The rubber was a little thicker than most of Kristen's other catsuits, but as it was not intended for regular removal or for moving in, this would not be a problem The other two pieces of the suit - the torso and hood - were constructed in the same way. The cooling tubes in the hood would be connected to the torso and the torso to the legs. In this way the cooling water would flow around the entire body and keep it at a constant and uniform temperature. It was a very clever design and required superb craftsmanship to make - hence the cost. The last couple of inches on each piece of the suit - at the neck and waist - were only a single layer of rubber thick and with no cooling tubes. When joined together the joint would be the same thickness as the rest of this suit and virtually undetectable. Kristen started to stir and Richard turned back to her. "How do you feel? The Foley's in and the suit is ready to go on, if you're ready" Kristen found it a little awkward to talk with the feeding tube in her gullet. "I feel a little drowsy still, but okay. I can't wait to get the suit on" "Nancy, can you give me a hand to get the suit on her?" Richard asked The nurse nodded and Richard went over to the table and picked up a large bottle of lubricant. He poured a generous portion into his left hand and smeared the stuff liberally all over Kristen's legs and thighs. Kristen flinched as the cool liquid touched her skin, but she enjoyed Richard's caressing. Between the nurse and Richard they pulled the suit legs over Kristen's feet and slowly worked the skin-tight latex up over her calves and thighs, stopping short of her crotch. "Okay, Kristen we're going to insert the dildoes. We'll put the vaginal one in first" Richard picked up the penis shaped dildo from the table. It was made of steel and covered in rubber with dozens of small protrusions all over it's surface. The dildo was a exact copy of his own penis . A couple of thin electrical wires connected to electrodes trailed out of the back of it. Richard coated the shaft with a little lubricant and inserted the dildo deep into Kristen's vagina. She gasped as the large rubber and metal cock entered her body, but soon she was accustomed to its girth and she smiled contentedly. Next he placed small metallic disc, also connected to electrical wires, directly over her clitoris. The wires were color-coded - red for the vaginal dildo and blue for clitoris. When connected to the computer, they could be made to vibrate and pulsate Richard rolled Kristen on to her stomach and inserted a well-lubricated finger into her anus. She moaned in pleasure as his finger rubbed against her prostate. The anal dildo was also of unusual design. It consisted of two concentric cylinders; one nestled inside the other two form a double walled tube. The end of the tube was connected to a hose; once inserted and connected, warm water would flow down the outer tube into the bowel. After a few minutes, vacuum would be applied to the hose and the enema fluid would be sucked up the inner tube and flushed out. As Kristen would be fed only a liquid diet from now on, the amount of solid matter accumulating in her bowels would be small, so the enema treatment would be needed only once a week. Like the vaginal dildo, this one was designed to vibrate under computer control - the brown leads snaked out of the back through a rubber sleeve Kristen had adapted do this extra large butt-plug over the previous several months by using an inflatable anal plug on a daily basis and gradually increasing the diameter. By now her sphincter muscles could accommodate a very large dildo without discomfort. Richard coated the tube with a generous amount of lubricant and pushed it firmly but slowly into Kristen's arse-hole She grimaced as the tube entered, but quickly grew accustomed to its size. Richard looked quizzically at Kristen. "They feel comfortable? If your ready we'll pull the rest of the suit up over your waist" Kristen smiled. "Yes, they feel wonderful, thanks. Lets get that suit on - I can't wait" Richard threaded the electrical wires from the vaginal dildo and clitoral disk and the catheterthrough a small reinforced hole in the crotch of the suit. Later he would seal the hole completely with some liquid latex. In a similar way he threaded the butt-plug wires and evacuation tube through a hole in the rear of the suit. With that done, he was able to pull the suit up to it's full extent and the thin rubber hem lay around Kristen's waist, just below her navel. Richard helped Kristen sit up on the bed, then stopped for a second. "We need to remove those nipple rings for now", he said, "we'll put them back when the suit's on" With that he reached over and carefully opened the nipple rings and pulled them from their piercings. The suit torso had a couple of small holes, through which the nipples could be pulled and the rings reinserted. Kristen had large and firm nipples, so teasing them through the suit would not be difficult. Richard picked up the torso half of the suit and pilled it over Kristen's head. She raised her arms and pushed them into the sleeves of the suit until her hands were firmly placed in the attached gloves. The gloves had individual fingers, but each finger was joined to the adjacent ones to prevent her from wiggling her fingers. Before he pulled the suit down to her waist, Richard placed a pair of metal disks, similar to the one over her clitoris except with a hole in the middle for the nipple to protrude though, over her nipples. He also glued a number of smaller disks at points on her chest - these would be used to monitor bodily functions, heart rate, breathing, body temperature etc. The wires for all these disks would exit the suit under the armpit. He carefully pushed the wires and IV through the small holes in the suit, then pulled the suit down to the waist, being careful not to dislodge any of the metal discs. He smoothed all the wrinkles out of the suit until the two halves overlapped properly. The two halves of the suit were now on top to each other. Richard rolled back the bottom two inches of the torso half and found the connector for the cooling tube. He inserted that into the mating piece on the leg half, making sure there was a good seal between them. Then he took a jar of the rubber adhesive from the table and with a small brush coated the last two inches of the two halves of the suit with it. He let it get tacky for a few seconds, then rolled the hem of the torso half back down. He smoothed the join with firm pressure and soon the two halves were bonded together. With the two halves of the suit joined, he retrieved the nipple rings from the table and threaded them the piercings in Kristen's now erect nipples. "That glue will actually fuse the rubber in the next couple of hours", he explained to the nurse, "The two halves will eventually become one. We will have to cut her out of the suit when the time comes" Kristen knew that that time was a long way off, but he nurse didn't need to know that. She smiled to herself, thinking the nurse might be surprised by the length of time Kristen intended to be in this suit. "Okay Kristen, we're going to insert the nose plugs and gag now" Kristen nodded in response. Richard picked up the nose plugs from the table and squirted a tiny amount of super glue on the outside of them. The inside of the plugs were threaded to accept a mating connector. A pair of thin rubber tubes would supply the air that Kristen needed to survive - air that would pass over heated rubber blocks so that she would always have the smell of rubber. Richard inserted a plug in each nostril. The nose plugs would ensure that there would always be a clear passage for the air and they slightly distended her nostrils. The gag was a large ball of rubber with a central hole through which the feeding tube would pass. In addition there was an inflation valve and a supply line for drinking water that would exit through holes in the base. Richard threaded the feeding tube through the hole in the gag and pushed the flaccid rubber into Kristen's mouth. A few quick pumps on the attached bulb inflator and the gag inflated to fill every part of her mouth, so she could no longer speak. One last item was needed before the hood would go on. Richard pushed plugs into each ear; each plug contained a tiny speaker that Richard could use to talk to Kristen later. They had agreed that Richard would only use this in an emergency - the whole idea of the experiment was complete isolation. Finally Richard was ready to put on the hood. Once again he smeared a good amount of lubricant on to his hands and rubbed it all over Kristen's gleaming bald scalp. The hood was anatomically correct with nostril holes and a small hole at the mouth for the feeding tube and drinking water supply to pass through. The neck of the hood was split to about half way up so that the tight neck would fit over Kristen's head. The split would be glued together once the hood was in place. The hood had no eyeholes - once fitted Kristen would effectively be blind. Kristen felt Richard pulling the tight rubber over her head and it slid down over her eyes. Before things went completely dark, she had one last glimpse of Richard's smiling face - a vision she would keep with her in the long months ahead. Richard pushed the tubes through the hole in the front of the hood then pulled it down all the way. As before he connected the cooling system and glued the split in the hood at the back of the neck together and joined the hood to the neck of the torso. Richard took the nose ring and inserted it back through Kristen's septum. Finally the coverage was complete and Kristen looked a vision in the gleaming black rubber that covered her entire body without a blemish. He quickly went over all the holes in the suit with a spray can of liquid latex and made sure all the openings were sealed. Now the only contact Kristen had with the outside air was through the thin breathing tubes. Richard collected the heavy rubber posture collar from the table and fitted it around her neck. It was tight fit and Richard had to strain at the straps to get the buckles to close. A small padlock would prevent the collar from being removed. The collar stretched from her shoulder blades to the under side of her chin and held the head absolutely immobile "Everything comfortable, darling? Can you breathe and swallow okay?" Richard asked the black rubber doll lying on the bed in front of him." I'm going to close the zips now" Kristen understood what he was saying and gave him a thumbs-up to indicate that all was fine. Richard turned his attention to the zippers that ran down between her legs and at her sides. The leg zipper started a couple of inches below her crotch and ran all the way down to her toes on the inside of her legs. Once closed it would keep her legs rigidly together. Likewise a zipper ran from under each armpit down to the wrist and would keep her arms firmly joined to her sides. Richard closed all three zippers and Kristen felt a little thrill course through her body as the first of her bondage began. As a final step before the mummy bag, Richard took a can of latex polish and buffed up the surface of the rubber to a brilliant shiny gloss. Throughout the fitting of the suit, Nancy had been staring with rapt attention as the gleaming rubber suit covered Kristen's body. She had never really seen rubber close up, but the sight of this beautiful woman transformed into a living rubber doll was making her rethink her ideas. With the money that Richard was paying her, she could go out and purchase a suit herself. Richard broke her concentration. "Can you help me with the mummy bag, Nancy?" Before the mummy bag could be pulled over her body, it was necessary to gather all the various tubes and wires together. They were threaded through a black rubber sleeve to keep them all together. The tubes coming from the mouth passed over her shoulder and, along with the IV line and the electrical wires from under her armpit, ran down her back. All the tubes and wires came together at the small of her back where they were threaded trough another sleeve. The mummy bag was a completely transparent, heavy rubber sack that was designed to fit over the body very closely, following the contours of the body with hands and feet joined to the suit. A rigid transparent plastic chest piece was built in to the front of the bag, like a breastpiece to keep the bag away from her chest and allow her to breathe. It was quite a struggle getting this rubber bag over the rubber suit and it took the two of them about twenty minutes to wrestle the bag into position. Kristen could feel the additional pressure of the skintight bag around her and her body temperature started to rise, though she was not sweating. The mummy bag was zipped up the back, and then the wide flap covering the zipper was glued in place, making a water tight seal. With the bag in place Kristen was totally immobilized and ready to be inserted into the cylinder that would be her home for the foreseeable future.
辛苦了 快到結局了