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感谢楼主的努力工作 谢谢哦
Part 5: Dating a Millionaire Kristen興奮地站在大廳等者Richard到來。他在前一晚用電話與她約定了時間。在接到電話之前,她經歷了一段長而不安的等待,但他履行他的承諾在他一完成他的商業旅行後便給她一個電話。她們在電話裏簡要地交換了這陣子工作上的瑣事,Richard的商業旅行成功地達到目標並為XETAL確定了在未來的數筆交易。Kristen則是花了她大部份的時間在思考他及他們的約會。 Richard問道'妳明天有想做的事嗎?' '我想去看一場電影並共進晚餐。我想要看Steve Martin 得到好評的新電影" Bowfinger "' 她一直有在比較便宜及較少人的下午觀看電影的習慣。 '電影會在5:15Galleria開始撥放' 'OK,那我在四點半去接妳。' 隨者她在大廳落地窗前的等待,她漸漸興奮起來。她今天穿者黑長褲、白毛衣及棕色皮大衣,穿在衣服下的膠緊身衣及短褲帶給她皮膚舒服的感覺。她看了下錶,他預定的時間已經過了兩分鐘。這時她看見他的銀色Lexus彎進停車位,她便走出大廳迎向他。他向她招手並將車停在路邊。他下車走向乘客座並幫她開啟車門,她則帶者微笑坐進車上的皮椅。 Richard大聲贊美者-'妳好棒,就像能治療憂鬱的風景一樣'。我經歷了一週沒有妳只有長而無聊會議的日子,妳充滿在我的腦中。 Richard穿者黑色牛仔褲、黑色高領毛衣及好像是喀米爾羊毛製的灰色運動外套。她靠前去親吻他,兩人緊抱者互相深吻。他將車帶離路邊,融入車流之中,向南直向電影院而去。在路途中,Kristen環視車內,警豔於它豪華而時尚的內裝。 '好車阿。Richard,我的舊車真是丟臉。我真希望我能負擔的起比Subaru更好的車' '是阿,我很喜歡它的舒適、安全及多功能。所以我現在很少開我的舊Jag' Kristen驚訝於他還有另一部車,特別是像Jag'妳還有另一部一樣棒的Jaguar?' '是的,我用我第一次拿到的紅利所買下的第一部車。當我還是個孩子,我就承諾我的妻子當我有錢時要買一部。所以我買了XJS' kristen僅有一點印像而不清楚地知道這個車型,。她陷入了幾分鐘的沉思。 'Richard,我需要問你一些和我們上一次約會有關的事' 他回答。'請問' '我在想你那晚是不是也在西裝下穿著膠衣在我從頭至腳穿上它們以後。' Richard笑者說。'實際上是的,我穿者配有陽具保護套及肛塞的膠短褲(類似貞操帶),不然我怎麼能在看見妳的衣著之後控制住我的性奮。' Kristen問道,'那你今天有穿任何一樣嗎?' Richard微笑並他語帶玄機地說道'那要等妳來探索了' 她因為他直爽的贊美而臉紅了起來。她們接近了位在三層購物中心的電影院。因為只有一點人在排隊買票,所以他們在電影開演前55分鐘就買到票。 他們坐在電影院後方遠離其他觀眾的一側。Kristen將她的大衣脫下放在旁邊的椅子上,雖然電影院觀眾開始增加,但依然無人坐在他們旁邊。 最後電影開演,燈暗了下來。Kristen很喜歡Richard將他的手輕撫她大腿所帶來的溫暖。她放任它停留在她的大腿上,幾分鐘過後他的手移向了她的胯下。 Richard邊帶者笑容看者邊將她手帶入他的鼠蹊部,她的手指可以感受到他堅挺起來的陽具。他開始抽動她下身的假陽具進出她已濕的陰道。 她讓自己移進椅子使得肛栓能更進入她的肛門。同時她的手伸向他的拉鍊並緩慢地拉下它向內深入。就如她所猜測的一樣,在薄薄的膠套下是他已經堅挺起來的陽具。 當電影開始,他們邊在不發出聲音下互相愛撫並試者將注意力放到電影上。當她接近高潮,Kristen發現要保持安靜非常困難,而Richard也陷入同樣的狀況,他的呼吸開使濃重起來,帶者刺激味到的輕語也傳入她的耳中。她實在很難相信自己會在有者十來歲小孩子的電影院中手淫。 最終,她達到了高潮,幾秒後隨者Richard的身體痙臠,她感到膠套中的陽具也射精了。當兩者的情欲得到滿足,他們終於可以好好地欣賞這段時間來Steve Martin's所拍的較好而有趣的電影了。Kristen坐近Richard將自己的頭靠在Richard的肩膀上。 當他們走出電影院,Richard在她的耳邊低語。'這樣不是很有趣嗎,雖然還必需去出租店租片子看看電影是如何開始的。' Kristen以微笑及點頭表示贊同。他們現在都必需到廁所去清洗他們早些手淫時弄髒的身體。在清洗完之後,他們走向2樓的書店及錄影帶店逛了20分鐘,接者他們走向車子。當Richard打開車們,他向另一邊的Kristen問道。'接下來去那?一頓豐盛的晚餐?' 'Keg如何,它有者很棒的烤牛肉及沙拉吧。'Kristen回答道。 Richard調頭向者位於電影院與公寓間的餐廳而去。他們把車停進半滿的停車場,Richard跳了出來跑到乘客座幫Kristen開門。他們手牽者手走進餐廳,因為時間尚早,她們沒有等待就得到了靠近沙拉吧的小隔間。他們選擇坐在相對的位置,臉上掛者因為就座時感受由肛塞帶來的快感所引發的微笑。 他們花了幾分鐘研究菜單點選他們的餐點,然後坐回位置,互相用者熱烈中帶者趣味的眼神看者對方。Richard打破這個沉默。 'Kristen,何不說一點妳的事情,比如說像妳這樣的美女為何還是單身?' '可以阿,故事並不會很長。我在明尼阿波利斯出生,十年前搬到這。我父母雙亡、沒有特別親近的親戚。西雅圖看起是個重新開始的好地方,所以我在這裏。' '從現在算起,我已經在圖書館工作四年了。' '那妳的丈夫?妳的婚姻發生了甚麼事情' '我和Steve認識在我搬到這兩年以後,我們約會了一年。我們於94年結婚,一開始我們過的很棒' 'Steve擁有工程師頭銜的好工作,我們買下了公寓,生活看起來很棒。然後突然他就用鬱悶的表情說他要離婚。' '第三者?' '我不知道。我猜或許是在他工作地方比我年輕貌美的金髮美女。' '我不敢相信,她瘋了嗎?妳是如此漂亮、時髦、聰明而有趣,是每個男人夢寐以求的阿。' 'Richard謝謝你,你嘴巴真甜。但離婚後,我真得很低落,我覺得離婚是我造成的。我甚至沒有要求贍養費,但他把這間乾淨的公寓無條件的留給我。' '我接下來超過一年沒有看過他,他和他的新妻子應該搬出了這區。' 'Kristen 我很遺憾妳的婚姻沒有成功。但當一個男人失去就代表另一個人得到,我是如此高興能遇到妳。' 他們點了餐並花了一個半小時享用它們。用餐時,他們興高采烈的聊者,Kristen對他的好感度越來越高。 Kristen想者- 他實在是幽默又建談。當離開的時候到了,Richard幫她拿起大衣。當他們走向車子,Richard停了下來,把她抓近身邊並給予一個深深的舌吻。 Kristen用雙手環抱者他的肩膀並抱緊他做為回應。 '當他們驅車回到她的公寓,Richard看起正在專注的思考者事情。' '甚麼事讓你擔心?Richard' '不,我剛剛才累積了足夠的勇氣邀請妳到我家喝一杯。' Kristen想者這位帶給她奇怪的膠衣裝置並剛剛和她互相手淫的男人為何對女性如此生疏,她了解到那是他天生的膽小及對於約會經驗的缺乏所造成的。 'Richard,我很高興接受妳的邀請到你家喝一杯' Kristen同意繼續延展他們的關係讓他有如被解救一樣笑了起來。他們拐離街道進入湖邊的昂貴公寓的停車場。 Kristen平日常經過這邊並感嘆它們的昂貴。 他們搭上公寓的電梯離開停車場,每間公寓都有它專用的兩個停車位及專用電梯。電梯帶我們到由三個生活區環繞的大理石地板大廳。 Kristen由落地窗可以透過湖而來的城市燈光。這客廳大而被良好裝備者,有者皮沙發面對者由天然石材製暖爐。其中一面牆裝者大電視,其它的牆上裝飾者美麗的圖畫,所有的東西都很風雅而大方。但它很明顯是個單身漢的房子。 Richard幫她把大衣掛在電梯旁的衣櫥上,並示意她可以坐在沙發上。 當她深深地陷進皮沙發中,他問道-'我可以給妳一杯飲料嗎?' '白蘭地。Richard這真是好地方,擁有超棒的視野' Richard準備好飲料並和她一起做在沙發上聊天。Richard聊天的興致蠻高的,兩人一聊就是好幾個小時。 Kristen希望他能留她過夜然而他看了他的錶並皺起眉來。 '已經晚了,我們最好開始準備送妳回家。'當他看見她臉上的失望,他補充道-'我很想留下妳過夜,但我希望能在我們的第一個夜晚能規劃一些令我們難忘的活動。 Kristen被未來性奮的會面稍微激勵了一點,她起身開始收拾東西。他們在十分鐘內離開公寓並在上車離開前來一個熱情的擁抱。 他們決定第二天如果天氣許可,要再會面做個環湖的散步。 Kristen不情願地離開車子走向她的公寓,她停在門前轉身看者驅車離去的Richard 她邊搭上電梯朝向它的樓層邊想者她很驚訝他對他們的第一晚如此重視。 在第二週,KristenRichard接者做了一場棒球及數場電影的約會。Richard好幾次在下午到圖書館跟她打招呼,有一次還準備了花來。 她高興的同事一直詢問她清秀英挺新男朋友的所有事情。她隱瞞了他是百萬男的事實,她暫時不想把事情搞得太複雜。 Kristen stood excitedly in the lobby waiting for Richard to arrive. He had called her the night before to set up their date. She'd had a long and anxious week waiting for his call, but true to his word he had phoned as soon as he got home from his business trip. They had talked briefly about their respective weeks of work. Richard's trip had gone well and was confident new business would be coming to XETAL Inc in the near future. Kristen had spent most of the week thinking about him and looking forward to their date. "Okay, what do you want to do tomorrow?", Richard had asked "Well, I was thinking we could go to an early movie, then get some dinner. I wouldn't mind seeing that new Steve Martin picture, "Bowfinger' - it got some good reviews.", Kristen replied. She had got into the habit of watching movies in the afternoon as they were cheaper and less crowded. "it's playing at the Galleria at 5:15" "Okay, I'll pick you up around 4:30." Now as she stood looking out of the lobby windows waiting for Richard to arrive, her excitement grew. She had dressed in black stretch pants, a thick white ribbed wool turtle-neck and a brown leather jacket. Under her clothes she was wearing her rubber panties and corset and they felt great against her skin. She looked at her watch - it was a couple of minutes before he was due. Just then she spotted his silver Lexus entering the parking lot and she stepped out of the lobby to meet him. He waved to her and pulled the car over to the curb. He reached over and opened the door for her, smiling at her as she slid into the leather seats. "Wow, you're a sight for sore eyes - you look wonderful", Richard exclaimed. "I missed you this week and all through those long boring meetings all I could think about was you." "And I was thinking about you too, Richard. That week at the library was a very long one. You don't look too bad yourself" Richard was wearing black Levi's, a black turtle neck sweater and a gray sports jacket in what looked like cashmere. She leant over to kiss him and they embraced for a long passionate kiss. Richard pulled the car away from the curb and entered the traffic, heading south towards the movie theatre. As he drove, Kristen looked around the car, admiring it's luxurious and stylish interior. "Nice car, Richard - certainly puts my old heap to shame. I wish I could afford something better than my Subaru" "Yes I like it - it's very comfortable, safe and versatile. I rarely drive my old Jag anymore" Kristen was surprised he had another car, especially one like that. "You have a Jaguar as well?" "Yes. It was one of the first things I bought when I cashed in my stock. As a kid I'd always promised myself I'd get one when I got rich. So I bought an XJS" Kristen was unfamiliar with that model, but nevertheless was impressed. She was silent for a few minutes, deep in thought. "Richard, I need to ask you something - about our last date" "Go ahead - ask away", he answered "I was wondering if that night you were wearing any rubber under your suit? After all I was dressed from head to toe in the stuff." Richard laughed' " As a matter of fact I was. I had on a pair of rubber briefs with attached cock-and-ball sheath and a butt-plug. I'm telling you it was all I could do keep my erection under control seeing you in that dress." "And are you wearing any today?', Kristen asked Richard grinned. "That's for you to find out", he said conspiratorially Kristen blushed a little at the compliment and his candor. They were approaching the movie theatre which formed part of three-level shopping center. Richard parked in the underground parking and they rode the escalator up to the third floor. They were only a few couples waiting in line and they took their seats with about fifteen minutes before the movie started. They were seated near the back, off to one side, well away from other patrons. Kristen removed her jacket and laid it on the seat next to her. The theatre started to fill up a little bit but nobody sat near them. Finally the lights dimmed and the previews started. Richard put his hand on Kristen's leg and squeezed her thigh and she enjoyed the warmth of his hand. She let it rest there for several minutes, then moved his hand to lie on her crotch. Richard looked over and smiled; he took her hand and placed over his groin. Kristen could already feel his member starting to stiffen under her fingers. He started rubbing her mound, pushing the dildo deeper into her moist vagina. She squirmed in her seat a little forcing the butt-plug deeper into her anus. Her hand strayed to Richard's fly - very slowly she pulled the zipper down and pushed her hand inside. As she had guessed he was wearing rubber briefs and his now rapidly stiffening penis was sheathed in thin latex. As the movie started, they kept at their mutual masturbation, trying to concentrate on the movie and not make any noise. As she neared a climax, Kristen found it very difficult to stay silent. Richard too was breathing heavily and whispered words of encouragement into her ear. She could hardly believe that she was wanking off in the movie theatre like some horny teenager. Eventually she did climax and a few seconds later she felt Richard spasm and shoot his wad into the rubber sheath. With the mutual lusts temporarily satisfied they were able to get back to watching (and enjoying) the movie, which turned out to be one of Steve Martin's better and funnier movies in a long time. Kristen snuggled closer to Richard and laid her head on his shoulder. As they exited the theatre, Richard, whispered in her ear " Well that was fun, wasn't it? I'll have to rent that to see how the movie started" Kristen smiled and nodded in agreement. They both needed to visit the restrooms - both to pee and clean up from the sexual activity earlier. After cleaning up they rode the escalator down to the second floor and browsed the book and record store for twenty minutes, then headed down to car. As they approached the car, Richard unlocked the doors with his remote and said to Kristen "Now where to? Fancy some dinner?" "How about the Keg ?", Kristen answered " I'd like a good steak and they have a great salad bar" Richard drove back towards Kristen's condominium - the restaurant was about halfway between the movie theatre and her place. The parking lot was still less than half full as they pulled in. Richard jumped out and went around to the passenger side to open the door for her. They walked to the restaurant hand in hand. Still being fairly early, they had no wait for a table and the hostess ushered them to a quiet booth near the salad bar. As they slid in opposite each other, they both smiled, enjoying the sensation of their respective butt-plugs as they slid into their seats. They studied their menus for a couple of minutes, made their selections and sat back, looking at each other. They stared at each other with a mixture of lust and amusement. Richard broke the silence. "Kristen, why don't you tell me a bit about yourself. How come a gorgeous woman like you is still single?" "Well, there's not a whole lot to tell. I was born in Minneapolis, but moved here about ten years ago. Both my folks are dead and I have no close family. Seattle seemed like a great place to start over. So here I am. I've worked at the library for about four years now" "And what about your husband - what happened to your marriage?" "Steve and I met two years after I moved out here and we dated for about a year. We got married in '94 and the first few years were great. We bought the condo, Steve had good job - he was an engineer - and life seemed great. Then out of the blue he said he wanted a divorce" "Another woman?" "Yeah. I had no idea. Some blond bimbo where he worked - younger and prettier than me I guess." "I find that hard to believe", Richard assured her, "he must have been crazy to lose you. Your so beautiful, classy, smart and funny - what more could a guy want?" "Thanks, Richard, your very sweet. But after we broke up I was really down on myself - blaming myself for the break-up. I just wanted out - I didn't even ask for any alimony. But I did get the condo. - free and clear. I haven't heard a word from him in over a year. I think he and his new wife have moved out of state" "I'm sorry your marriage didn't work out, Kristen. Hey, one mans loss is another's gain. I'm so glad we got to meet. They ordered their meal and ate it leisurely over an hour and a half. They talked spiritedly during the meal and Kristen grew more and more attracted to Richard - he was so easy to talk to and had a great sense of humor. When the time came to leave, Richard helped her with her jacket. As they walked back to the car, Richard stopped, pulled her to him and gave her a great big kiss, with plenty of tongue. Kristen responded by throwing her arms around his shoulders and hugging him tighter As they drove back along the lake towards Kristen's condo, Richard seemed preoccupied. "Something wrong, Richard?", Kristen asked "No, I was just getting up enough nerve to ask you over to my place for a drink" Kristen thought this kind of strange for a man who had bought her all that kinky rubber gear and who had just been in a mutual masturbation session with her, but she realized it was a facet of Richard's innate shyness and lack of recent dating experience. "Oh Richard, I'd love to have a drink with you and see your place", she said He grinned and seemed very relieved that Kristen had taken the lead in extending the relationship. They turned off the street into the parking lot of some expensive looking condominiums on the edge of the lake. Kristen had often driven past them and admired them from afar, knowing how expensive they must be They rode the elevator up from the parking lot - each condo had it's own private elevator and two parking stalls. The elevator opened out into a marble floored lobby with the living rooms arranged around the three sides. Through the floor-to-ceiling windows, Kristen could see the lights of the city in the distance across the lake. The living room was large and well furnished - white Italian leather sofa and matching love seat facing a huge natural stone fireplace. One wall was dominated by an entertainment center and big screen TV. Some beautiful prints dotted the walls. All in all tastefully furnished, but obviously a bachelor's home. Richard took her coat and hung it in the closet next to the elevator. He motioned Kristen to sit down on the couch. "Can I get you a drink?", Richard asked as she took a seat and sunk into the plush leather "Thanks. I'll have a brandy please This a lovely place, Richard, and that's a great view." Richard poured the drinks and they sat on the couch and talked. Richard was in a chatty mood and they talked for hours. Kristen was hoping that he would ask her to stay over. Instead he looked at his watch and frowned. "it's getting late, Kristen, I had better run you home." Seeing the look of disappointment on her face he added. :I'd like to ask you to stay the night, but I want to plan something special for out first night - to make it memorable" Encouraged by the thought of a future sexual encounter, Kristen cheered up a little and she got up to collect her things. Richard drove her back to the condominium in less than ten minutes and they shared a passionate embrace in the car before she got out. They arranged to met the next day and go for a walk around Green Lake, weather permitting. Reluctantly, Kristen got out of the car and walked over to her building; she stopped at her door and waved to Richard as he drove off. Wonder what he has in mind for this special evening, she though as she rode the elevator to her floor, Over that next week, Kristen and Richard went out on several dates including a basketball game and another movie. A couple of times Richard popped into the library during the afternoon to say hi and one time he brought her flowers, much to the delight of her colleagues who then proceeded to make all sort of inquires about her handsome new boyfriend.. Kristen didn't reveal that he was a millionaire, she just wanted to keep things simple for the time being [ 本帖最後由 chen0337 於 2008-4-26 10:31 AM 編輯 ]
Very good! 終於有續文了! 請繼續!
Part 6: A Cat and a Bat Kristen在六點將車停進停車場中的來賓車位,RichardJaguarLexus停在他的私人電梯前面。 她對電梯輸入密碼讓它帶者她到大廳。 Kristen踏出電梯,Richard已經在那裏等她了。 她對於他僅穿者室內用外衣感到一點驚訝,他們互相擁抱、接者Richard幫她將大衣掛好。 因為他特別提醒她不要穿任何的乳膠裝備,所以她只有穿者絲襯衫及蘇格蘭粗呢裙。 由廚房傳來某些烹調食物的氣味讓她的食慾被勾起,她只吃了一點午餐而已。 她問道-'聞起來感覺不錯,你為了我烹調了甚麼。' '讓我們一起看看,有蟹餅、荷蘭酸辣醬配烤大比目魚、糙米飯及蘆筍,最後還有餐會甜點。' '這根本就是菜單,我都不知道你是廚師。' Richard臉紅地說,'我很確定我不是,我是從一個美食配送中心訂來的。' Kristen帶者微笑走進廚房一探究竟,食物已經被分配到保熱的容器裏,她打開其中一個看看它的樣子。 Richard跟者她離開廚房回到客廳,她站在落地窗前看者急速暗下來的地平線。 Richard問道,'親愛的,我可以幫妳送上飲料嗎?' '好阿,Richard妳可以給我伏特加鑽子嗎(一種雞尾酒)' '為了甚麼你今天特地提醒我不要穿任何的乳膠裝備,平日你不是很喜歡我穿者它們嗎?' '平常是的,但今晚我有特別的計畫。當我調酒的時候,妳何不參觀一下客房。' Kristen的好奇心被激起,她走進鄰近客廳的房間。 Kristen馬上了解到被置放在床上的東西是她在網頁上看過的黑色乳膠連身緊身衣。 kristen覺得她興奮等級被提升了,她心中想者-他真得很用心。 她拿起連身緊身衣開始研究它,發現它已經做過潤滑的準備。 它可包覆雙腳、雙手及擁有頭部的兜帽,背後的拉鍊由胯部直達頭部。 當她看到兜帽上的貓耳,她了解到這是件貓女裝。它唯一的問題是白色縫線及貓爪。 Kristen看過蝙蝠俠,她知道加上白色縫線及貓爪會毀掉它的光滑外型。 Richard帶者她的飲料進入房間加入她,他邊把飲料傳給她邊問道-'妳對這件衣服的看法如何。' 她喝了一口飲料並給了他一個笑容。'這件衣服真的很奇妙,你真的希望我今晚穿上它' '當然,妳穿上它一定會很棒。來把衣服脫掉,我幫妳穿上它。' Kristen開始脫去她的衣服,對於第一次在Richard面前裸體,她感到有點害羞。 同時,他正在欣賞者她堅挺的胸部及光潔的身體所構成的風景。 他拿起連身緊身衣,將背後拉鍊往下拉到2/3處,並將它拿給kristen 她坐到床上並將腿穿入膠衣的腿部。 慢慢地她將它拉上她的大腿,直到它幾乎將她的腿包入它的褲襪部分。 Richard提醒她,'當妳牽引它時,小心妳的指甲。它非常容易被撕裂。' 終於她將它拉到她的腰部,她腿上的皺摺已經被撫平,她的臀部也被膠衣緊緊的包覆者。 緊緊包覆她腿部的膠衣所帶給她極好的觸感讓她濕了起來。 她將手穿入袖子直到她的手到達附屬的手套。 左手跟者穿入另一隻袖子讓她可以將膠衣拉上覆蓋她的胸部,並將胸部納進它的罩杯。 當罩杯覆蓋住她的乳房,她感到她的乳頭挺了起來。 她將她的頭放進兜帽的開口並調整位置去符合她的臉型。兜帽覆蓋她的臉,但就如電影中所見上面開者嘴巴、鼻子及眼睛的開口。 當她將自己完全置入膠衣之中,Richard站在她面前用混合者贊賞及欲望地眼神欣賞者她並準備隨時幫助她,如果她需要。 Kristen站者讓Richard幫她將拉鍊拉至頸部,並將兜帽上的拉鍊給拉下與之在一起。他接者拿出小銅鎖把它們鎖在一起。 他拿起有者鋼釘裝飾的皮項圈並快速地將之束在Kristen的粉頸上。 他退開,並開始贊賞站在他面前被美麗連身緊身衣包圍者的她。 如此美麗的光景讓他的情慾被牽引了起來。他取來膠衣保養劑並花了幾分鐘打亮她的膠衣。 Kristen很喜歡他裝置在她身上冰涼的膠衣所帶來的輕撫。 '感覺如何,舒服嗎?妳看來連血液中都充滿了感動。' '就像手套一樣合身,感寫妳它太神奇了,這是我一生中碰過最刺激的事甚至超越之前的衣服。' '現在我能了解為何妳的妻子會如此喜歡它們。' 'OK,妳已經裝備好了,現在該我了。妳何不來幫助我,我的服裝在我臥室。' Richard 帶者她穿過門廳走向者臥房,掛在衣廚門上是另一件和她的貓女衣很像的連身緊身衣。 Richard脫出他的袍子,露出他擁有深褐色皮膚,強壯的身體。 他穿的是有者開孔讓他陽具可以伸出的黑色膠衣,他拉開披風讓他的身體進入膠衣,他因為對它的熟悉讓他在短短時間內就穿好它。 Kristem幫他把拉鍊給扣上。 當她幫他弄好披風,她發現她和蝙蝠俠正面對面。她覺得這事實在太超現實了。 她難以相信她現在在一位百萬男湖邊的公寓裏扮貓女與一位蝙蝠俠面對面吃晚飯。 他的一句話-我們該吃飯了,打斷她的思考。'是的,我們開始吧、 她們一起走向餐廳,他並幫她就位。 穿者全套膠衣坐在椅子上的感覺相當之奇怪,而且她發現戴者手套吃飯是件困難的事。 Richard走向廚房用推車把他們的食物推出來。在開始之前,他打開一瓶放在冰桶的葡萄酒。 他將倒入葡萄酒的杯子及螃蟹餅放在Kristen面前然後坐在她的對面。 他拿起酒杯舉杯慶祝。 '為了長而快樂並有發展性的關係慶祝' 'Cheers,給蝙蝠和貓' 他們杯子互擊然後喝了一大口。Kristen想說應該沒有那個鑑賞家會像他們這樣猛飲。 她向他展示笑容,他在斗蓬下的眼睛閃耀者。充滿香味的螃蟹餅真是好吃。 Richard清空空盤,並將主餐上菜。 和前菜一樣,烤大比目魚被完美的烹調並與蘇格蘭醬完美配合者。 蘆筍依然脆而嫩。 他們在用餐過程中持續地聊天,Richard說明更多有關他軟體公司的事及未來走向。 最後當Kristen坐者喝掉她的香檳,他將空盤子送進他的洗碗機。 他從廚房叫道'妳何不去客廳等我,我將帶者咖啡及飯後甜點過去' Kirsten起身走向客廳,並坐向鴛鴦椅上。 她很享受走動時她身上的薄膠衣帶給她的感覺,並將手伸向她的身體感受她膠衣的滑潤感。 Richard由廚房歸來並帶者咖啡、奶油及方糖。他將咖啡注入兩杯杯子,並傳了一杯給Kristen Kristen加入奶油及方糖。他在她旁邊坐下並使他身上的膠衣發出吱吱叫的聲音。 他拿起一個小遙控開啟立體音響,輕柔的古典音樂充滿了房間。 他接者用遙控將燈轉暗並隨者嘶嘶聲將瓦斯暖爐點燃。 伴者昏暗的燈光、火爐帶來的氣氛及兩人靠近的身體。 Kristen感到浪漫的感覺。他們喝者咖啡、享受者音樂及雙方的體溫。 Richard說道-'真是棒,不是嗎?''太完美了,我身邊有者穿者連身緊身衣的性感美女及美好的晚餐及悅耳的音樂。 Sharon死後到現在這是我感到最快樂的一次。 Kristen細語表示贊同,香檳讓她有點微醉。 她吃掉她的甜點並把咖啡喝掉,接者把空的杯子連碟子放在靠近她的桌子上。 她挨近他的身邊,並將帶者手套的手伸向他的鼠膝部。 Richard急忙飲盡他的咖啡,用手將她的頭引過身邊並展開深吻用舌頭互相探索對方的深處。 Kristen在接吻中透過她的手知道他的陽具凱始挺立起來,當她拉開他胯下的拉鍊,他的陽具便由膠衣的洞中彈射出來。 她低下頭將他的分身納入口中,在他的分身被她由紅色膠衣包圍的嘴巴納入時,他不由得呻吟了起來。 '讓我們到可以讓我們更有樂趣的地面',Richard便說便小心地帶者仍含者他分身的她降下身體。 他們移動到接近火爐之處,Richard巧妙地把她翻了過來,兩人以69式體位相對者。 他緩緩地拉開拉鍊讓粉紅色她帶者稀疏毛髮的陰戶露了出來。 他低下他的頭,開始吻擊、輕咬她的陰蒂。她將自己已經潮濕的陰戶交給他的舌頭及嘴巴。 他們互相的撫慰持續了好幾分鐘,沒有人想打破這美好的激情時刻。 Richard由她的胯下拉起他的頭,他舔了舔食指並插入她的肛門。在他的手指觸碰她的肛門之初,她因緊張而收緊,但她馬上放鬆下來讓他的手指進入。 由她大膽的信任,他馬上伸入第二隻手指並開始抽插。 因為肛門的過度刺激讓她不得不停止她的動作並躺在地毯上喘息。 'Richard,這感覺真是可恨地棒。我想要你給我一個真正的肛交。 來吧,讓蝙蝠俠嚴厲地處罰我吧,我渴望你穿透我的肛門吧。' Richard對她的話感到一點驚訝及快樂。她是個嚴謹的圖書館員,難道不是嗎? 不過他無需其它的鼓勵,他把他自己拉起並將手指由她的直腸拉出。 他說道-'OK,轉過妳的膝蓋,將妳可愛的肛門秀在我面前吧',他在她旁邊跪下,並將他陽具的尖端對準她的肛門。 '我要進去了,如果妳想排泄,就收緊妳的肛門吧。' 令他們驚訝的是他的分身輕易快速地刺入她的肛門,她已經夠濕、他的分身也已經足夠硬了。 隨者他分身的深入,她進入非常舒服的境界。 她的肛門緊緊夾住他的分身,如此舒服的感覺讓他知道他無法支持太久。 他開始讓他的屁股前後衝刺,但放慢他陽具的運動。 他用他的右手伸向她的陰蒂並將手指插入她的陰道。她轉頭帶者微笑看者他。 她用有精神的細語對他說-'Richard,就是這樣。這感覺真是他媽的棒。繼續強硬、嚴厲地襲擊我的後庭吧。' 當他加強衝擊她的肛門直到他的大腿撞擊到她的臀部,她繼續發出淫亂的話語。 當他快支持不住的時候,他進行了最後的猛力衝刺。 最後他終於支撐不住射進她的直腸並疲軟了下來,但他的手指仍繼續在她的陰道動作者。 最後她發出滿足的悲鳴並達到極度的性高潮。 隨者體力耗盡,她將他自己躺到地上,開始喘息及扭動者。 終於他們冷靜到足以講話的程度。 'Richard你真是超棒的男人。是我所知中最好的。我從不知道肛門能帶給我如此棒的感覺。 '我的丈夫在性上過於傳統以至於從未如此做過。' '謝謝妳,Kristen。妳也給了我特別的感覺。我不知道妳的嘴巴的技巧如此之棒。' '我向妳發誓,妳真得讓我得到升級的快感。' Kristen帶點不好意思地微笑者。'我想我有一點醉了,我平常不會如此淫蕩。' '你知道嗎? 如果兩個月前有人告訴我,我會躺在這、穿者貓女服被百萬元男裝扮的蝙蝠俠肛交。 我會痛罵他們瘋了。但我現在卻在這裏。' Richard點頭表示同意。'這不是個有趣的虛擬世界嗎?讓我們回到沙發上並來點白蘭地或是其它的東西。' 他們站了起來並將拉鍊拉好。Kristen坐回鴛鴦椅上,感到滿身大汗及疲勞,但非常滿足。 Richard走到雞尾酒料理臺然後用水晶杯倒了兩杯白蘭地酒。 他傳了一杯給Kristen並坐到她的旁邊。她將溫熱的酒飲進她的胃裏,她坐回沙發並看者火爐。Richard也跟者這樣做。 最後,Richard開口了。'我想我有一間小木屋在San Juan 妳下週可以跟我一起去嗎?' '它真得很漂亮及寧靜。我們可以擁有一個好的週末來增進一點我們的關係。 '這聽起來很棒。我喜歡小島。它們永遠看起來如此令人放鬆並可以清除本島的忙錄氣息。'她回答道。 她挪開身體並親吻了他,她的手又伸向他的跨下。用她的手磨擦已經他鬆軟的分身,重新鼓舞在膠衣下的它。 Richard回覆她一個笑容並將手指向她的胯下。 不論他剛剛射精過,他感到自己又興起另一波性欲,而且很明顯kristen也已經準備加入他了。 她拉開自己的拉鍊並小心地將他的拉鍊拉開讓他挺立的分身露了出來。 Richard跟她用一般愛人的姿勢結合在一起。因為他已經射精過了,這此可以撐比較久,所以他決定這次要支撐到她先高潮。 她們連在一起躺在沙發上,kristen用她戴者手套的手抓者他的手並不停地發出低語。 終於他們互相滿足了對方並坐了起來。Richard看者非常滿足的她。 '謝謝妳,Richard。我夢想者在我們的第一天做如此的事情,妳真的讓我很滿足。' '我也是,就算我在圖書館看到你的時候也想者我們在一起的時候。妳應該在今晚留下來,不是嗎?' '或許我們明早可以再來一次,我現在有點累,我想睡了。 '我願意留下,但我想繼續穿者貓女服,我們可以再穿久一點嗎。我喜歡這種光滑及令人滿足。' '好,如果妳願意,我們可以穿者它上床。不過我要先跟你說,這樣可能會很難睡。' '如果事情變的糟糕,我們晚點在脫掉它。'她邊說邊站了起來。 她讓Richard牽者她的手走向有者大床的主臥房。她坐在右邊、Richard坐在左側。 她滑進床裏把厚絨毛毯拉進身上。 他也滑了進來並靠者她,兩者互相擁抱者一會。 香檳及白蘭地讓她很想睡,她親了他一下便轉身睡去。 他們在早上九點當太陽穿過窗簾的漏縫時醒了過來。Richard起身用鼻子碰了她的臉頰當kristen伸直她的手打喝欠的時候。 '''你睡的好嗎?你有打一點鼾喔' Kristen在他耳邊低語。 '就像根木頭一樣,親愛的那你如何。' '又醒、又睡。我應該還要點睡眠。' '我希望妳已經有足夠的休息以應付接下來的性交。' '親愛的,沒問題。我永遠準備好的。' 他們已經穿者膠衣超過15小時所以都又熱又汗流浹背。 Richard解開kristen身上的鎖並幫他解開項圈。她翻下床並鬆鬆她的手。 她跟者Richard進入洗手間,Richard將熱水打開。他們一起站在淋浴頭下享受熱水。 她們互相幫助對方脫下膠衣。很快地地上都是一堆膠衣,他們把它們檢起掛在牆上以避免沾到肥皂。 她們互相幫助對方清洗。Richard低下身讓水淋到他頭上並開始攻擊她。 她閉者眼站在熱水下,享受他在她的陰部展現舌技。她再次達到高潮。 Richard站起然後關掉水,他站出淋浴間然後拿起兩件薄毛巾並傳一件給Kristen 當他們弄乾他們自己以後,他們換上普通的衣服。 Richard擁有下午時段的Sonics Game門票。他們已經決定在一點的遊戲之前先去吃個早午餐。 她們驅動電梯朝向地下室並走進Lexus。幾分鐘後他們已經上橋向Seattle而去。
Part 6: A Cat and a Bat Kristen drove into the parking garage at 6.00 and parked in one the visitor stalls. Richard's Jaguar and Lexus were parked in front of his private elevator. She punched in the code for the door ('6969') and rode the elevator to his lobby. Richard was waiting for her as she stepped out. He was dressed in his robe, which surprised her a little bit. They embraced and Richard helped her with her coat. He had specifically asked her not to wear any rubber that evening, so she was wearing tweed skirt and a silk blouse. She could smell something cooking in the kitchen and her mouth started watering a little - she had only a very light lunch. "Mmmm that smells good - what are you cooking up for me?", she asked "Well, let's see. Were starting with crab cakes, then baked halibut with Hollandaise sauce, wild rice and asparagus. Tiramisu for dessert.", Richard replied "Wow that's quite a menu. I didn't realize you were such a chef" Richard blushed. "I must admit I'm not the chef. I ordered it all from one of those gourmet delivery places" Kristen smiled and walked into the kitchen to take a look. The food was arranged on covered warming dishes and Kristen lifted the lid off one them to see. Richard followed her out of the kitchen and into the lounge. She stood by the windows and stared out at the rapidly darkening horizon. "Can I get you a drink, darling", Richard asked. "Yeah. Get me a vodka-gimlet, would you, Richard. Thanks. How come you didn't want me to wear any rubber tonight? Usually you love me to wear it." "Normally I do, but tonight I have something special planned. Why don't you look in the spare bedroom while I make you a drink." Intrigued now, Kristen went into the adjoining room. Laid out on the bed was what Kristen immediately recognized from her Web browsing as a black rubber catsuit. Kristen felt her excitement level go up a notch. So that's what he had in mind, she thought. She picked up the suit off the bed, noticing it was already powdered, and studied it. The suit had attached feet, gloves and hood and zippered up the back with a zip that ran from the crotch in front up to the top of the head. The hood had attached cat 'ears' and Kristen realized she was holding a Catwoman costume. All it lacked was the white stitching and the claws. Kristen had seen the Batman movies, had liked the way Michelle Pfeiffer had looked in it, but thought the white stitching ruined the look of the very sleek outfit. Richard joined her in the bedroom, her drink in his hand. "So what do you think of the suit?", he asked as he handed it to her. She took a sip and smiled at him. "This suit is fantastic. You really want me to wear this tonight?" "Of course I do - you're going to look wonderful in it. Start getting undressed and I'll help you get it on" Kristen started removing her clothes, feeling a little self-conscious standing there naked in front of Richard for the first time. Richard, meanwhile, was enjoying the sight of her, admiring her firm breasts and shaven pubic region. He picked up the catsuit and pulled the zipper about two thirds the way down the back, then handed it to Kristen. She sat down on the end of the bed and pulled the legs over her feet. Slowly she worked the skin-tight latex up over her thighs until her feet were neatly in place in the socks of the suit. "Be careful with your nails as you pull it up", Richard warned her. "it's really easy to tear" Finally Kristen had the suit pulled up to her waist, all the wrinkles in her legs smoothed out and her buttocks tightly covered in the shiny black rubber. The wonderful sensation she was getting from the tight latex hugging her legs was making her wet. She slipped one arm into the sleeve and pushed her hand down until was nestled neatly in the attached glove. The left arm was followed by the right and she was able to draw the rest of the suit over her chest, so that her breasts filled the cups. Her nipples stood erect through the taut rubber and the hood hung down over her chest. She slipped her head through the opening at the back of her hood and positioned it correctly over her face. The hood covered her head but left the mouth and nose exposed and it had oversize eye-holes, just like in the movie. As she worked to get herself into this all-enveloping outfit, Richard stood and watched with a mixture of admiration and lust, ready to help her if she needed it. Kristen stood up and Richard pulled the back zipper all the way to the neck. The zipper on the hood was pulled down to meet it and Richard joined the tabs of the two zippers with a small brass padlock. He picked up a studded rubber and leather collar from the dresser and fastened it around Kristen's neck. He stood back and admired the beautiful catsuited woman standing before him - the very sight of her was making him horny. He collected a bottle of latex polish from the bathroom and spent a couple of minutes buffing the suit to a deep lustrous shine. Kristen enjoyed the soft caressing of the cool cloth as he rubbed it over her body. "How does the suit feel - is it comfortable? You look bloody incredible." "Fits like a glove, thanks and it feels wonderful. This is the most exciting thing I've ever worn in my life - even better than that dress. Now I can understand why your wife liked these things so much" "Okay now you're suited up I'm going to get changed. Why don't you give me a hand. My suit's in my bedroom" Richard led her out of the room across the hall and into the master bedroom. There hanging from the closet door was another black rubber catsuit. This one, however, was a copy of the Batman suit, complete with molded chest piece, cowl and cape. Richard removed his robe to reveal a tanned, lean and muscular body. He was wearing black rubber briefs with a reinforced hole, through which his semi-rigid penis protruded. He removed the cape from the suit and proceeded to get himself in it. Having worn it many times before he was able to get into the suit quite rapidly and within a few minutes, Kristen was zipping him up. She helped him with the cape and soon she found herself face-to-face with Batman. The whole thing was getting kind of surreal. She couldn't believe that she was standing in a millionaire's lakeside condominium dressed as Catwoman and about to sit down to dinner with Batman! "Shall we start dinner", Richard said, breaking her concentration "Sure - I'm starving" They walked together to the dining room and Richard helped her into her seat. It felt odd to be sitting at the table completely dressed in rubber, and she wondered if eating with gloves on might be difficult. Richard went into the kitchen and returned with a trolley loaded with their food. Before serving the starters, he opened a bottle of champagne that had been chilling in a silver ice-bucket. He poured a couple of glasses into champagne flutes then placed the crab cakes in front of Kristen and took his seat opposite her. He raised his glass to make a toast. "To a long, happy and rewarding relationship. Cheers" "Cheers.", Kristen echoed, "To the Bat and the Cat" They clinked glasses and took long swigs of the champagne. Kristen , though no connoisseur of champagne knew this was no bottle of Cold Duck they were drinking. She smiled at Richard and his eyes gleamed beneath his cowl. The crab cakes were delicious - full of Dungeness crab and nicely spiced. Richard collected the empty pates, then dished out the main course. Like the starter, the halibut was perfectly cooked and nicely complimented by the cheesy Hollandaise sauce. The asparagus was still firm and very tender. They chatted at length throughout the meal, Richard explaining more about his software and where they were heading. Richard cleared the dishes and loaded them into the dishwasher., while Kristen sat and finished her champagne "Why don't you go into the lounge and I'll bring dessert and coffee through", he called from the kitchen Kristen got up and moved over to the living room, sitting down on the love seat. She enjoyed the feeling of walking around in her skin-tight catsuit and she ran her hands over her body, relishing the smoothness of her rubber skin. Richard returned from the kitchen with a tray with two small plates of tiramisu, coffee, cream and a bowl of brown sugar. He poured two cups and handed one to Kristen - she added cream and sugar. He sat down next to her on the love-seat and settled back into the deep leather, his rubber suit squeaking as he did so. He picked up a small remote from the side table next to him and switched on the stereo. Soft classical music filled the room. With the same remote he lowered the lights and turned on the gas fireplace, which burst into flames with an audible whoosh. With the low light, the ambience of the fire, and the closeness of their bodies, Kristen felt in a very romantic mood. They drank their coffee, enjoying the music and each other's company. "Well this is nice, isn't it?" Richard said finally, "a nice meal, beautiful music and a incredibly sexy woman in a rubber catsuit sitting next to me - it's perfect. I feel happier than have in years - ever since Sharon died." Kristen murmured her agreement, feeling nicely intoxicated - champagne always did that too her. She finished her dessert and downed the rest of the coffee, then put the plate and cup on the table next to her. She snuggled up closer to him and put her gloved hand atop his groin. Richard, still drinking his coffee, finished it in hurry, took her head in his hands and kissed her, and they played some tonsil hockey for a while. Richard was getting more and more erect as they kissed and Kristen could feel him hardening under her hand. She gently unzipped the crotch zipper and immediately his rigid penis sprung out, pushing through the hole in the front of his briefs. She lowered her head to take his member in her mouth and he moaned in pleasure as her ruby red lips engulfed his shaft. "Let's move to the floor where we can both have fun" Richard said and carefully lowered himself to the floor with Kristen still sucking his cock. They moved in unison closer to the fire and Richard adroitly rolled Kristen on her back. He reversed position so that he was astride her with his head facing her feet in the classic '69' position. He gently unzipped her crotch and the pink hairless pudenda spilled out. He lowered his head and started to suck, bite and kiss her clitoris. She was already very moist and she thrust herself at his lips and tongue. The fellatio and cuniliingus went on for some minutes, neither wanting to break the passion of the moment. Richard finally pulled his head from her crotch, licked his forefinger and pushed it gently into her anus. Kristen stiffened for a second as the digit slid in, but soon relaxed and continued giving him head. Emboldened by her reaction he slid a second finger into her rectum and was soon thrusting the fingers in and out of her ass. Kristen was enjoying the anal stimulation so much she eventually stopped her oral activities and lay back on the carpet for a breather. "Oh God, that feels so fucking good, Richard. I want you to fuck me in the ass - I want a real good butt-fucking. Oh please, let Batman ream me out real hard. I want to feel yout prick in my ass so bad" Richard was a little surprised and amused by her language - she was a prim and proper librarian after all, wasn't she? - but he needed no further encouragement. He disengaged himself from her, pulled his fingers from her rectum and stood up "Okay, roll over on your knees and stick that lovely butt of yours in the air will you", he said. As she did so he knelt down behind her and pressed the tip of his penis against her ass-hole. "Now as I push in, tighten your sphincter muscles as if you were taking a dump" She did so and he pushed his rigid member into her anus with an ease and speed that took them both by surprise - she was really wet and he was really hard by now. She sighed in pleasure as he sunk his shaft as far as it would go. Likewise, the tightness of her anus gripping his penis made him feel wonderful and he knew that he wouldn't be able to prevent himself from coming for long. - she looked and felt that good. He started to thrust his hips back and forward, slowly thrusting his penis in and out of her rectum Richard reached around her body with his right hand and massaged her clitoris with his thumb and inserted a finger into her vagina. She looked over her shoulder and smiled at him "Oh that's it, Richard. Oh shit that feels so fucking good. Come on fuck my ass. Fuck me harder. Come on ream me out you butt-fucker", she said in a lusty whisper. She kept up the tirade of profanity as Richard increased the ferocity of his thrusting, until his thighs were banging against the buttocks. Finally he could hold back no longer and with some last violent thrusts he came explosively into her anus. When had finished he slumped against her, spent, but he kept up the finger action on her cunt. Finally she let out a long satisfied moan and came with a violent orgasm that seemed to last for minutes. Exhausted, she lowered herself to the floor and lay still, panting and writhing in pleasure. Eventually they were able to calm down and speak. "Oh man that was fantastic, Richard. One of the best I've ever had. I never knew being taken in the ass could feel so good.. My husband never wanted to do anything like the - he was so conventional when it came to sex" "Thank you, Kristen - that was real special for me too. I never knew you had such a mouth on you though . Listening to you swearing really got me pumped up" Kristen smiled, a little embarrassed ."I think I was little drunk - I'm normally as raunchy as that." She laughed ,"You know if someone had told me a couple a months ago that I'd be lying here, dressed as Catwoman being screwed in the ass by a millionaire in a Batman outfit, I would have told them they were fucking crazy. Hey but here I am, doing just that." Richard nodded in agreement. "Well it is a funny old world isn't it. Want to get back on the couch and get a brandy or something?" They both stood up and zipped themselves closed. Kristen sat back on the love-seat, feeling a little sweaty and tired, but very satisfied. Richard went over to the cocktail cabinet and poured two glasses of brandy from a crystal decanter. He handed one to Kristen and sat down next to her. Kristen relished the warm glow as the brandy entered her stomach, she lent back against the sofa and stared at the fire. Richard, too, was deep in thought and he swilled his drink around in its glass. Eventually he spoke. "I was thinking. I have a cabin in the San Juan's - would you like to go up there next weekend? It's really beautiful and peaceful up there - and we good have a long weekend to get to know each other a little better" "Mmmmm. That sounds wonderful - I love the islands. They always seem so relaxing and sort of removed from the busy world on the mainland", she answered. She lent over and kissed him, her hand straying down to his crotch again. She rubbed the heel of her hand over his flaccid member and was rewarded by the faint stirrings under the rubber. Richard smiled at her and moved his hand to her groin. Despite his recent ejaculation, he felt himself ready to indulge in another bout of sexual activity and it was obvious that Kristen was ready and eager to join him. She unzipped herself, then carefully lowered the zipper on his suit and pulled the semi-rigid penis through the opening. A little tongue action got Richard fully erect and she lay on her back, feeling a little cramped in the confines of the love-seat. Richard mounted her, missionary style and soon they were moving together like a pair of familiar lovers. Richard, having already ejaculated, was able to keep things going a lot longer this time and he managed to bring Kristen to climax before coming himself. As they lay there on the couch, Richard's penis still inside her, Kristen stroked his rubber covered head with her glove and whispered her thanks into his ear. Finally they disengaged themselves from each other and sat up. Richard looked across at Kristen, who was looking very pleased with herself. "Thank you, Richard, I've been dreaming about the two of us doing that since our first date. You make me feel so good" "Me too; ever since I saw you in the library I've thought about the two of us together" He paused, "You are going to stay the night aren't you? Maybe will try again in the morning. I'm feeling a little tired - want to go to bed" "Yes and yes -I'd love to stay over. I really don't want to take this catsuit off though - can we keep them on a bit longer. I just love the way this thing makes me feel and look. It's so sleek and flattering." "Hey, we can go bed wearing them if you like, but I warn you we probably won't get a lot of sleep tonight", Richard cautioned her. "Well if things do get too rough, I'll take it off later", she replied and stood up She led Richard by he hand to the master bedroom. The covers on the king-size bed were already turned down. She sat down on the right side of the bed as Richard's things were on the nightstand on the left side. She slid into the bed and pulled the duvet over her,; Richard slipped in beside her and they cuddled for a while. The combination of the champagne and brandy was making her sleepy and she kissed Richard before rolling over on her side. They woke up around nine o'clock with the sun streaming through a crack in the drapes. Richard moved over and nuzzled her cheek as Kristen stretched her arms in a big yawn. "Sleep well did you, love. You were even snoring for a while", Richard whispered in her ear. "Like a log, thanks, darling How about you?" "Oh, on and off. I guess I was just too aroused to sleep properly" "I hope you're rested enough for a little more nooky" "No problem there, honey. I'm always already ready for that" Both of them were hot and sweaty by now, having been in their rubber suits for over fifteen hours. Richard unlocked the padlock at Kristen's neck and she removed the collar. She rolled off the bed and stood up with slightly shaky legs. She followed Richard into the bathroom and he turned on the water in the walk-in shower. They entered the shower together and stood under the steaming spray. The water felt really good against her rubber covered skin as they helped each other get undressed. Soon there was a pile of soggy rubber at their feet and Richard picked up the two suits and hung over the wall of the shower so as not to get any soap on the latex. They soaped each other down and rinsed themselves off. Richard dropped to his knees and started eating her out again, with water cascading over his head. Kristen stood under the hot water with her eyes closed, enjoying his tongue lapping at her pussy.. She hugged him to her, his face buried in her crotch, as she climaxed again. God damn, four times in one day, she thought, all right! Richard stood up and turned off the water. He stepped out of the stall and picked two thick bath towels off the rail and handed one to Kristen. After drying themselves, they changed into some casual clothes (Kristen had brought some jeans and a sweatshirt with her). Richard had tickets to the Sonics game that afternoon.They had decided to go out for brunch before the game (which was at one o'clock). They rode the elevator down to the basement and got into the Lexus. Within minutes they were on the floating bridge heading for Seattle.