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事先申明:這篇文章蠻長,也蠻古老的,不知道有沒人看過,最初到底是誰翻譯出來的已經無從考究了,我是從中國變裝和紫雲家園經過整合一起轉過來的,不知道有沒人喜歡這方面的文章,如果喜歡的話頂一下吧拜託~ 「圈套」又名「格籮莉婭」 第一章   在這美好的春天的日子裡瑪格麗特真的對她自己感到很滿意, 這天是1950年的濯足星期四(耶酥受難節),就是那個日後以同性戀的九十年代而聞名的無憂無慮、和平的時期的開端。她精神很好地從長鏡子中看她自己。即使是她最壞的敵人也必須承認她很美麗, 不只有因為22歲的她有著被一件非常緊的束腹所塑造出的優美身材,還因為她費很多的心力用最時髦和優雅的方式來打扮自己。從給她帶來神秘感覺的用羽毛綴成還裝點著細緻優雅花邊面紗的帽子,到裹在一雙四寸長小牛皮高跟後面繫帶長靴的小腳。她看上去好像正走在巴黎流行服裝舞台上一樣。 所以通常她穿不超過三寸的高跟鞋,因為這樣比較不麻煩,而且在長裙下面腳後跟的高度是很少能看到的,而穿高跟真有種是在處罰她自己的感覺。 但是今天她有一這樣做的特別理由,就是她想要在見面的第一刻就顯示特別的優越感,還有就是這樣會顯得比較高一點。 稍後她會安排他看到她的腿,當然跟這樣高的長靴肯定會讓他更多注意她的容貌,而忽視正在在他周圍進行著的事情。這就是她方案的一部份。 她離開了鏡子,回頭滿意地看了自己一眼,然後召來了她的女僕告訴馬伕準備馬車。在前往火車站的途中她回想起這過去的六年生活, 聽眾父母的命令,16歲時她嫁給了一個幾乎四倍她年齡的男人。這是真的, 她的丈夫是一位對於許多少女來說最令人想要的求婚者,因為他不只是上個老貴族(他是一個男爵),他實際上還精於工業投資和並在德法1870/71年的戰爭後在柏林周圍擁有許多的不動產,他還斂聚了像是不斷地生長的龐大財富。 但是一個16歲的少女除了和一個思想像是一個計算器一樣的人分享她的時間和床外,還有其他的夢想。她富於幻想,但是她不能愛他。她開始慢慢接受這不可避免的事實並已經盡量地利用它。起先她的丈夫以為他可以通過和她生活和她的愛來使他自己重新年輕, 但是他的性生活並沒有因她的鼓勵而改善,並且很快他就放棄他的嘗試。她感覺到了和他這種不受關注的關係的有失體面和丟臉,她渴望有那麼一刻她可以發號施令。她顯然不是一個她的丈夫希望找到的服從並害羞的少女。 然而她最後使婚姻得到成功,雖然並不是她的丈夫所希望的方式。她成功地使她的丈夫接受她為一個生意合夥人。她用了六年的婚姻生活來盡可能多地學習,將和一個不愛的男人的婚姻看作是一種學校而不是一個愛人,他變成她的老師,而他也不得不承認在一段時間內她使他很高興。當他在早先的一月份死於心臟麻痺的時候,他留給她的不只是極龐大的財富,並已教會她要完全地獨立,做一個真正被釋放了的女人。 她沒有意圖再次結婚,至少不是那些幾乎在葬禮之後立刻湧進她門階的男人。她知道她有比他們所有人加起來都多的錢和智力。而且更為重要的是他們都是不顧別人的畜生,對女人都是沙文主義的態度。她所渴望的,由她的全部婚姻而總結出的,是溫柔,一個幾乎以女性方式來愛的男人。 她看過一本由一位法國作家寫的小說,Faublas騎士的冒險,發現了一個如同她愛好的英雄。他被一個富有經驗的女人引導到一種愛的方式裡,而他則被假裝成一個少女。她想佔有這樣的一個男人,他必須要年輕而使她可以將他塑造成她所喜歡的樣子。 在她丈夫突然地死去的最初的一段時間,她沒有機會來實現她的夢想,但是這個夢突然因為一封信而甦醒。這封信仍是寄給她的丈夫,是他的侄子珍寄來的。告訴她丈夫他在復活節期間將要畢業,他想要去柏林的大學。珍是她丈夫兄弟的兒子,他17年前在美國西部的小城鎮內出生,他的父親是一家鐵路公司的工程師。 她當然知道這個侄子的存在。他在一個由他叔父支付費用的寄宿學校讀書, 這兩年他就像一個孤兒一樣,他父母沒剩下多少錢來維持他的生活。立刻,她看到了這個侄子可能帶來的危險。他將會繼承他叔父所有的財富如果他叔父死時是一個單身漢,如果他叔父不提出留一半給他妻子的話也是這樣。而且根據遺囑的意志,在她死後他將繼承他叔父的不動產。遺囑還要求她支付他教育的費用並每年給予他一定的收入。她可是真的有麻煩了,如果男孩能成功地奪得遺囑。甚至沒有這些,他也可以在不動產的行政部門對她造成真正的阻礙。幸運地是她的丈夫也安排她為他的監護人,從現在起大約四年之久, 直到他21歲. 當她看著男孩的相片,一個主意慢慢地開始成形。為什麼不試著去將男孩變成她的Faublas騎士?他確實是很理想的類型。17歲的他明顯是他班級中最小的一個。如相片所展現的,他有細緻優雅的特徵。學校的制服是Frederick普魯士時代的軍服式樣,男孩們被要求留著他們的頭髮並束起來垂在背後。但是即使在這種軍事行頭中他看起來依然很優美。 她決定她要試著讓男孩完全地依賴於她,遠遠地超過她的監護允許的範圍。如此她不但可以除去危險,而且還可以提供她所渴望的特別的愛人。這個主意看上去相當完美,她用她全部的精力去佈置一個計劃並立刻準備開始實施。每個步驟,每件細節她都小心地計劃和準備著。 今天就是大日子,圈套已經設好,而她自己就是誘餌。 「夫人是想要我去接客人或是由我陪伴去火車站?」馬伕打斷了她的思考。 「是的,去接他過來,我在這裡等」。她想要從第一刻起就給男孩她才是權威的印象。她平靜並莊嚴地在馬車中坐著等待他,這樣他就不得不對她看並爬上來。 當馬車伕和男孩回的時候,她故意裝作沒看見他們直到男孩向她致敬。 「哈羅,我是珍」。他有禮貌地鞠了一躬。 「我是你的伯母瑪格麗特。哈羅,歡迎到柏林。你有行李嗎?」 「不,我將所有東西裝進一個大箱子並裝船托運了,是照你的提議做的。我就帶了這個小袋子裝了一些書和東西。」 「非常好,把你的行李票給馬車伕,他稍後會將它帶回來的。現在告訴我,你旅途如何?」 「很好,而且我一點也不疲累,我想要立刻看看這個大城市,我非常興奮能和你在這裡見面。」 「嗯,爬上來坐下。」 他照做了,不曾漏看她一眼。很明顯,他對她印象很深刻。 「讓我們乘車在街道上走走。我很高興你不累,因為我有一個約會,要去我最喜歡的流行服裝沙龍,我希望你會陪我去。」 她熱情地看著他並注意到她的手法明顯成功了。她想要表現為他所見過的最悅人心意的女人,然而她給他的印象只是他無希望的崇拜,因為他沒有什麼可以吸引她這個很明顯什麼都擁有了的女人。 他無法將他的眼睛從她身上移開,並試著隱藏他的無禮注視。他只認識他的叔父,並預期他的伯母會是相同歲數的人,雖然他知道他的叔父已經和一個年紀較小的妻子結婚。事實上她明顯地並不比他年長多少,這讓他很驚奇。這對他來說是一個全新的世界,他立刻開始崇拜她。 這完全是她想要的結果。他應該沒有希望禮拜她。在他們上路之後,他沈默了一會兒,甚至有一點抑鬱,他想相信這情形是否正確,但是她讓他的想法跳了出來,她輕輕的閒談和不時的指點他所感興趣的東西。他完全地享受了乘坐在馬車上突起城市,他從不曾想像到柏林是如此地大和繁忙。 當他們穿過菩提樹街,一條300 尺寬的街道時,在菩提樹下的行人道上行走著的穿著悠閒的官員,優雅的女人和男人,讓他驚異不已。對他來說這就是最佳的生活,他希望他很快會是他們的一部份。   突然馬車停了下來,瑪格麗特要他扶她下車。這正是他急於想做的,他不禁怪自己是如此的笨拙而沒有自己想到要這麼做。他們進入了一間小店,至少它從外面看上去是這樣。到了裡面它則是一個很大的沙龍,用美麗的古董傢俱和很多的東方地毯裝飾,到處掛著有些陰暗的瓦斯燈。有一面牆壁幾乎完全是一面最好的水晶鏡子,另外四處還有裝在金色框子裡的鏡子。 二三組有椅墊的扶手椅子環繞在大理石桌子周圍,桌上放著流行的圖片和雜誌。 店主很熱情地向瑪格麗特打招呼,她則介紹了珍是她從外地剛剛來的侄子。 「可能會要有一會兒,你最好在這裡坐下看看雜誌。你想要些飲料嗎?我想海洛薇茲太太會為你準備一些的。」 「當然」 海洛薇茲太太也自告奮勇地說「你需要些什麼?咖啡、茶或一些果汁?」 「如果你不介意,我比較喜歡來一杯茶」。 「當然不,蘇珊,快給這位年輕紳士倒一些茶來」她對蘇珊說。 瑪格麗特和海洛薇茲太太兩個女人很快就沉浸於討論瑪格麗物想要做的新衣服的款式設計和面料的選擇中,而他則坐在一張大大的安樂椅裡瀏覽著一些從巴黎來的時尚雜誌。他為雜誌裡女人的優雅而入神。 突然他被驚醒,一大壺熱茶像瀑布一樣倒在了他身上。他叫著跳了起來。很明顯的,Suzanne是在給他送茶時不小心被地毯的折皺絆倒,於是整壺的茶倒在了他身上。 Madame Heloise衝到他身連,連聲斥責Suzanne的笨拙。然而,他最好的外套就像是一塊海綿一樣吸滿了茶水,甚至他還能感覺到水在他的皮膚上流動。 「快點,把你的衣服脫掉,把它們給Suzanne。如果不立刻拿去洗,茶漬可能會永遠地洗不掉的。我真是很抱歉,這麼笨的小姑娘」接著轉向蘇珊「快點,幫助這們紳士理乾淨他的衣服,你就不可以看著你腳下的路嗎?低能」 然後又對他 再一次說「到這個屏風後去,脫掉的衣服給Suzanne,她會把它們弄乾淨的,我會為你找點東西讓你好遮擋一下的。」 她轉向瑪格麗特說:「我對給你的同伴帶來的不便感到抱歉。但是盡快我會努力將那些衣服弄乾淨的。 瑪格麗特在珍走到屏風之後差點要笑得爆裂。沒有任何的排練,計劃也進行得如此順利。當瑪格麗物將計劃告訴Madame Heloise後,她就說「把事情交給我,我保證我能在他進來後的5分鐘內讓他全部脫光,然後我們將可以對他隨心所欲。」 瑪格麗特想Suzanne真應該是塊無價之寶,沒有一個女演員可以更精確和扼要地扮演她的角色了。 「來,拿著這件長袍。我很抱歉,但是我這沒有任何男人的衣服。你看見的,我是專業經營淑女流行服飾的。你穿好後,請習題放鬆一下。Suzanne會像清理桌子一樣地,很快把你的外套和襯衫弄乾淨。」 說著,她遞給他一件絲綢長袍。起先,他很不想穿上它,因為這件長袍在脖子、裙底和手腕處都有的薄紗縐褶,完全的女性服裝。但是這真的沒有其他的選擇了,而且他也不可能一直赤身裸體地躲在熒屏之後。最後他還是說服自己穿上了這件奇怪的衣服。它在他的腰部有點緊,當他把那些從脖子一直連到腳踝並看上去永無止境的鈕扣扣好後,他的胃部被很好地收緊。不管怎麼說,這件長袍對他來說非常合身。 他很高興他是藏在這高屏風後面。他不想有任何人看見他的秘密:在青春期裡,他並沒有像其他男生那樣鬍鬚增加,反而他的乳頭有點長大和腫脹,就像少女不成熟的胸部一樣。他的聲音也沒有變成粗粗的男人的聲音。他的聲音是有所改變,但卻只是加強了穿透力和提高了音量。用音樂術語來說,他的聲音介於男高音和男中音之間。這些變化使他在學校被欺負,他現在也不想被完全陌生的人去嘲笑,至少在有機會和他的伯母解釋這些之後。 當他很不情願地從屏風後走出來,Madame Heloise和他的伯母瑪格麗特卻發出了陣陣讚美之辭。 「親愛的,你穿上它看上去棒極了」瑪格麗特真誠地讚美他道。 「你不能光著腳在這地毯上走,這裡可能還有一些玻璃碎片,上星期一位顧客在這裡打碎了一個香檳酒玻璃杯。穿上這雙拖鞋,我想它們會合你腳的。」 在他還沒想到一個理由來拒絕她前,海洛薇茲太太已經跪下來將一雙跟二寸高的繡花拖鞋穿上了他的腳,讓他看上去有點搖搖欲墜。 「來這裡幫我一個忙,我想看一下這件長袍。」瑪格麗特向他招了招手 「Madame Heloise,你怎麼從來沒給我看過這一款?我發覺這款式很吸引人,有一點點拖地的長裙,它看上去太完美了。珍,請你走到遠一點的地方再走回來,我想看看它動起來是怎麼樣的。不要走這麼快,你不是在跑道上,步子小一點,穿著這樣的一件長袍你應該是慢慢地滑動,不要跺腳。請再來一次。」 他不知道該去想什麼或感覺什麼,他的思想像是突然完全地空白了,他全身的皮膚都感覺著那滑溜的並發出沙沙聲的面料,它給了他一種奇特的感覺。很機械地,他聽從著瑪格麗特的指令。 直到他已經在沙龍裡走了四次,他才注意到他自己的在牆上鏡子裡的模樣,和他看見預期會看到並不相同。他看見了一個少女。她是一個髮型奇特的少女,但的確是一個少女。薄紗縐褶高高地圍在他的脖子周圍,一定程度地掩飾了他側面較少的頭髮,再加上纖瘦的腰和長長的裙擺,鏡子裡的人沒有一絲一毫的地方會被懷疑不是一個少女。 他完全地困惑了,不知該做什麼或說什麼。他既想要在一個老鼠洞裡藏起來,又想表現地 自然點,好像任何事都沒發生過,好像他只是找了件東西遮擋一下身子而已。但是最困擾他的卻是在他身體某處,好像有什麼束縛已經被解開,一種他從前從未有過的奇怪的感覺從他體內油然而生。是一種很愉快的感覺,他不得不很不情願地承認。 當他設法使自己擺脫這種感覺並在一張椅子裡坐下時,Suzanne回來了,說她已經把污漬全部弄乾淨了,而且她還將它們放在外面晾得干一點,好讓她過會可以把它們熨燙好。她忙著清理桌上遺留的茶水,好像沒什麼事發生過一樣。他嘗試著再專注於他的閱讀,但是他的思路卻不斷地被這件長袍給皮膚帶來的感覺而打斷,使他心煩意亂。他甚至開始偷偷地移動身體,好再次感受絲綢在他皮膚上滑行的感覺。 瑪格麗特和Madame Heloise又回到她們的討論裡去了。他斷斷續續地聽到Madame Heloise向瑪格麗特解釋這件長袍是為一個意大得少女定做的,她是個舞者,在和俄國公爵鬧出那件醜聞之後匆匆地離開了柏林,現在Madame Heloise卻留下了一整櫥的新衣服,而公爵只付了一小部分的定金。如今他們都已不在柏林,她沒有希望再收到其餘的錢了,這是一大筆損失,因為所有的洋裝,外套,甚至內衣都是按尺寸做的,而在柏林卻沒有什麼年輕少女可以買得起這一整櫥的衣服。Madame Heloise's如不能賣掉這些東西,這就可能讓她不能再在這流行服飾世界中立足了。 她還在和瑪格麗特嘮叨她的這一大損失時,Suzanne突然衝了進來, 垂頭喪氣地對Madame Heloise耳語了幾句後。Madame Heloise突然打了她幾個耳光並用很粗糙的字眼開始罵她。 「夫人,我太抱歉了,我不知道該如何告訴你,這愚蠢的東西將襯衫、外套、褲子和背心等掛在窗戶前,當她在我們這裡收拾東西時,小偷把他們都偷走了。總之,所有衣服都沒了,我不知道該說些什麼了。」 「嗯,這不應該是什麼大問題。我確信Suzanne肯定是好意,而且這也不是她的過失。我本來也要買一些新的衣服給珍的,所以這不用太緊張。你為什麼不叫Suzanne到外面去買點衣服給他現在穿?過一陣子就可以由車站拿回他的行李了,以後我會再給他買些得體的衣服的。來,拿些錢去買吧。」 「我很抱歉,我認為這還沒有解決我們的問題:你知道,所有的商店大約半個小時以前就關門了,並且這裡附近賣現成男裝的商店的店主裡我想沒有誰會為我們而再打開商店。」 「好像是這樣,我們看來有點麻煩了。我沒想到已經這麼晚了。而且更糟的是,我一定要抓緊時間。因為我在歌劇裡定了一個包廂,我是不能遲到的,我的朋友會等急的。嗯,我有了一個主意!你說你有一整櫥那個意大利舞者的衣服,而他現在穿著的長袍看上去很合身。為什麼不挑一些合適衣服能讓他穿著出去呢?而我將會把他當作一個少女帶他回家。他只是穿著一件長袍就已經看起來很像一個女孩了。就是這樣了,讓我們行動吧。Suzanne! Suzanne,來這裡幫忙。是你引起了這所有的麻煩,因此你應該當他的女僕幫他穿衣服。」 他試著反對,他是絕對不想穿成一個女孩的樣子走出去。但是他反抗的效果對於這三個女人就好像他是在對牆壁說話一樣。她們從硬紙盒和架子上忙碌地選擇著要給他穿的衣物,並討論著該穿什麼,他們對他的話不理不睬。他的伯母瑪格麗特只是問了他一句「嗯,你有什麼其他的提議嗎?」 在他還沒能夠屏住呼吸並聚集精神來想一個對策前,她又繼續說道「嗯,明顯地你沒有任何提議。好了,就這樣定了:你會穿著為一個女孩再和我一起出去。」 Suzanne 突然以一種隨便且不容抗拒地態度開始為他脫去他身上的長袍。他試著用他的手為他自己遮羞,但他的意圖根本不起作用,他對於這三個女人來說只不過是一個傀儡。幸運地是,她們對他胸部的兩塊凸起一點也不在意。 首先,他們給他穿了一件用最好的薄亞麻布做成的背心。瑪格麗特拉著他的手並讓它們舉著,然後Suzanne 和 Madame Heloise將一件束腹圍在他的腰部,扣上了前面的鉤子並開始用帶子來勒緊束腹。他只希望她們能快點完成,可以讓他一個人呆會。然而,這還只是剛剛開始,並且他又有了另外一個問題需要他解決了。他不知道是什麼原因,這幾個女人敏捷熟練的動作或是柔軟面料給他的感覺再或者是他腰部這突然壓縮,讓他的男性器官居然會選擇在這個可以想像的最壞的時刻昂起了它的頭而且將背心的邊緣頂了起來。 Suzanne 第一個注意到這點。 「看呀,是誰那麼好奇,這沒用的先生想要看看什麼在發生吧?可是不幸地是,我們這裡你一點用處也沒有呀。」 他祈禱它能慢慢收縮,但是正好相反,它卻像船篙一樣豎了起來,每個在邊上的人都看得很清楚。 「真是一件好樣品」Madame Heloise評論道「但現在不是遊戲的時候。Suzanne,將它壓到束腹鯨骨頂端的下面去,然後在前面用帶子拴緊它並從他身體下面把帶子穿過來給我。」 Suzanne 照她所說的做了, 看上去有點不太情願,在給它撫摸了幾下之後,她將一條二寸左右寬並很牢固的的緞帶繫在束腹前面的帶扣上,將緞帶的另一端從他的兩腿之間遞給了 Madame Heloise,Madame Heloise則將另一端拴在了束腹背面的帶扣上。 他感覺自己像是在被上馬鞍一樣,但是當他往下看,他的前面變得平坦,一點也看不出他成年男性的跡象。他感覺輕鬆了一點,至少他現在可以見人了,他能嗎?穿著一件背心和一件束腹?當Madame Heloise 重新開始精力充沛地收緊帶子時,他立刻感覺到束腹的存在了。他想要逃脫,結束這種折磨,但是Suzanne 已經用她的手圈住了他的腿,瑪格麗特抓著他的手, 而Madame Heloise 則用他難以想像的力量在收緊著他身上的束腹。 「請停一下,你們要把我切成兩半了,我快要室息了,我不能呼吸了」他於事無補地哀號著。 「聽著,年輕人,不要抱怨這麼一點的收束。這是我們女人為了你們男人看上去漂亮而每天要忍受的東西。」 Madame Heloise 仔細地從頂端到底部檢查著,再檢查到中央。 「但是它對我來說是太緊了,你又如何能知道你能將我收束到多少?你甚至沒有量過我的尺寸。」 「這是經驗,我親愛的男孩。順便提一下,你穿那件長袍是很合身,而它應該是它原來主人不穿束腹時穿的。你現在要穿她的洋裝,那就必須在我將你收束之後你才能穿上它。好了, 一個脆弱單薄的女孩子能夠站著被收束到一定的尺寸,我想沒有什麼理由為什麼一個強壯並且勇敢的年輕男人不可以忍受住的。不要再這樣抱怨了並讓你的身體稍稍移動一點,那樣對你我都有幫助。我還要再收緊一寸半,只要你再堅持分鐘。總之,你是不必要收束超過五寸這麼多。但是如果你堅持,我一定能收緊到那樣。」 「哦不要,請停下來!我感覺好像我現在隨時要昏厥過去一樣。」他已經要屈服了,只能苦苦哀求。 「只是更小一點而已吧,親愛的」瑪格麗特安慰他說道,她那具有魔力的字眼「親愛的」,似乎又給了他一點新的力量。 「你看,一定要這樣做的,否則那洋裝就不合身了,如果你必須要當一個女孩,我想要你是一個漂亮的女孩。過幾分鐘你就會習慣的,身體會很快適應的,你看著吧。」 最後 Madame Heloise 終於滿意了,他的手腳也被瑪格麗特和 Suzanne 放開了。當她們不再圍繞著他時,他偷偷在大鏡子裡看了自己一眼。他不得不承認,束腹真是創造了一個奇跡,為他塑造了一個令人驚異的少女的體形。不只是他的腰部被緊緊收束,束腹的上部還讓他有了看上去相當真實的胸部並使他的臀部誘人地凸了出來。 「不要這麼快地愛上你自己」 Madame Heloise 打斷了他的思緒「我們還沒完成呢」。她招手讓他坐下,他慢慢地坐了下來。他注意到他只可以非常筆直地坐著:束腹不允許有任何的無精打采。Suzanne 拿來了一雙最好的黑色薄紗長襪,她將它穿上 他的腿,並拴緊到束腹上垂下的吊襪帶上。然後Suzanne 又拿來了一條象背心一樣用最好的亞麻布做成的內褲。 「等一下」瑪格麗特說道,在 Suzanne 要將它穿到他身上時阻止了她「或許我聽上去可能過度地保守了,但是依我之見,內褲、(男式)馬褲、燈籠褲或其他什麼的對一個女孩來說是不適合的。它們基本上都是男子氣的東西,而年輕女孩是不應該考慮穿這樣男子氣的內衣的。我知道現在有一種新的趨勢,那些大膽的年輕女子想要廢除傳統的東西而且最終她們也許會贏得勝利,因為這些男子氣的東西在寒冷的天氣時是非常有用的。然而現在外面並不是很冷,而我反對年輕的女孩穿任何男子氣的內衣,即使他們做得像這些一樣的好看。」 「你說得完全正確,夫人,我完全同意你的話」Madame Heloise 附合著說「既然有這樣的趨勢,我也要滿足我客人的需要。當然我們現在不需要它們。Suzanne,拿襯裙來。」 Suzanne 拿來了二條,一條是絲綢的,它緊緊地裹住了他大腿,使他的大腿只能稍稍地移動。在膝部以下,它展開了一點,但仍然只能走非常小的步子。在這條絲綢的襯裙外是一條瑟瑟作響的塔夫綢襯裙,在它的底部有很寬的兩排荷葉邊裝飾。最後,是一件淡蘭色的塔夫綢洋裝。緊身的胸衣上有著繁密的刺繡,向腰部逐漸收緊。只在耳下少許的高高的衣領緊緊地圍住他的脖子,使他的脖子僵直地抬著。袖子很長也很緊,只是在肩部有點鬆弛並有著和緊身上衣上一樣的裝飾刺繡 洋裝的緊身上衣緊緊地帖著他那由束腹創造出來的身體曲線,無論是他的胸部還是纖細的腰部。裙子則著重突出了他的臀部。在它的邊緣,刺繡裝飾重重疊疊。裙子前面一直拖到地面,不禁讓他懷疑他是不是穿著它走路,因為它看上去前面明顯太長了。 最後, Suzanne 將一雙蘭色的高跟長靴放在他面前,它長度幾乎要達到他的小腿肚,要*鉤子的幫忙才能將它緊緊地穿上。當他看見了後跟可怕的高度時,他幾乎可以確定他是肯定站不起來,更不要說穿著它走路了。在Suzanne 幫他站起來之後,他很驚訝地發現裙子剛好垂到地面,他也可以很好地走路。他現在只能像女人一樣地邁著小小的步子,而不是他以前所說和做的那樣步行了。 束腹,緊身裙和高跟鞋一起地作用下,使他以一種他以前從未嘗試過的方式走動著。他不能只是*臀部以下腿的擺動來走路,他不得不擺動著他腰部以下的整個身體,用他的大腿有節奏地伴隨著他臀部的波動來行走。他幾乎是站在足尖上的事實使他根本無法像大多數的男人那樣一大步一大步地走路。代而為之的是他只能強迫讓他的腿伸直並且緊緊地併攏邁著很小的步子。他實際上是在滑行而不是在走,正如瑪格麗特前面對他所要求的那樣。 當她們離他遠一點的時候,他從大鏡子裡又看了他自己一眼。他必須承認束腹的確是創造了奇跡:他突然有了一個真正的少女般的曲線。不只是被收束到最小的腰部,他現在很筆直地站著,不再是無精打采的樣子,並且高高的衣領讓他傲慢地抬起了他的下巴和他的頭。 「過來這裡,讓我弄一下你的頭髮,再讓你的臉更漂亮一點,雖然它真的並不是很需要。」 說著,Madame Heloise 讓他在一張堆滿了各種梳子、刷子和化妝品的桌子前坐下。瑪格麗特很有興趣地看著 Madame Heloise。她開始解開他的辮子,梳理著他的金髮。 「我要在這裡修一下,讓後面高一點,並在這裡垂下來。」 她拿來一個卷髮的東西,將那垂下來的部分頭髮弄成很多小小的捲曲。 「看上去不錯吧?好了,接下來是你的臉了。來一點藍色眼影,它能突出你眼睛的顏色,還和你洋裝的顏色很一致,再來點睫毛膏。真得很棒。現在給你的臉頰上一點腮紅,稍微把你的嘴張開一點,對了,給你的嘴唇塗一點口紅。最後,再給你撲點粉。瞧:真是一個美人!」 「你說得沒錯,她真是個美人。我從沒想過她會看上去這麼美。你看上去真是又華麗又奇妙,漂亮極了!」瑪格麗特激動地讚美著說。 「但是你現在這個樣子,我就不應該再叫你珍了。讓我想想,我就叫你葛洛麗亞吧。來看看你自己吧:你就是葛洛麗亞,毋庸置疑。過來」她在錢包裡翻尋著「這是你應該戴的。」 她拿出一條令人驚異的兩圈式的珍珠項鏈,圍在他的脖子上。 「她不很漂亮嗎?」 Madame Heloise 隨口問道。起先他並沒有注意到她們是在用女性的稱謂來稱呼他,因為從他所面對的大鏡子裡的影像是只能被這樣地稱呼。但是當他恍然大悟她們是這樣地稱呼他時,不禁讓他不住地打顫。他想反抗,但是鏡子告訴他她們是正確的。實際上他現在真的是一個很漂亮的女孩子。 事實上,他一直期望能在柏林找到這樣的女孩,看上去像是流行服裝舞台上的模特一樣。只是他沒有料到他會變成這樣。 他從鏡子裡看著他自己,目不轉睛地看著鏡子裡的人,因為他試著想弄懂到底發生了什麼事。所有的一切是如此地虛幻,發生得是如此讓人料想不到,然而又是如此地自然。他只是覺得這一切應該是個完完全全的錯誤。 他不是一個女孩,他能肯定。他是一個男孩,他也想一直是個男孩。女孩一直是他愛慕和讚賞的對象,但現在鏡子裡的影像卻推翻了他剛才的想法,他現在變成了一個女孩。他小心地站了起來,*著椅子的扶手讓使他自己站穩,他邁著很小的步子,他的裙子和高腳靴只允許他這樣地走路,走到鏡子前很近的地方,不斷地打量著他自己。 他很難轉移他的視線,這太讓人難以置信了。只是數小時前,他剛剛到達柏林這個大城市。他這樣的一個年輕男人,滿心地想要進入一個自由的新生活裡,沒有約束,沒有學校的壓力和小城鎮的陳規。他想要冒險,然而他現在卻在進行著他完全料想不到的昌險。之所以是料想不到是因為現在的冒險中,他並不需要對抗外面的世界、其他人或危險的環境。這種冒險是存在於他內心的,讓他陷入深深的混亂中,擾亂著他的心神,並似乎要改變他的自我本性。 他一直是像一個男孩一樣地生活著的,像一個男孩一樣奔跑,玩他們的遊戲和運動,就像其他的男孩一樣。是的,他在遊戲和運動中並不出眾,他比不上那些仰賴暴力和體力的高大的男孩,但是他用他的靈活和機敏來彌補他在高度和重量中的不足。當那些男孩只是和女孩玩笑且不時欺負她們時,他已經開始愛慕和渴望著她們了。 如果他現在有時間可以比較深入地分析他內心的感覺,他會發現他總被穿著講究的女孩所吸引,她們深諳流行的訣竅或知曉正在流行著什麼。他愛看那些有流行服裝的雜誌並想像著他能和一個像模特般的女孩一起出去。 然而,他現在並沒有幻想的時間了。瑪格麗特的馬車伕走進商店,尊敬地向她說道 「Madame Heloise」瑪格麗特在聽馬車伕說完之後說道「我恐怕我們仍然有另外的一個問題沒能克服。我的馬車伕剛剛告訴我說這年輕紳士的行李仍然沒有到達,而且直到明天正午也未必能到達。但我想這不應該是什麼大問題,他只須保持作葛洛麗亞那那時就可以了。唯一的問題就是,你有沒有合適今晚穿的晚禮服給她嗎?你知道,我們要和朋友去看歌劇的。」 「當然,我告訴過你的,我有一整個衣櫥為那個意大利舞者做的春裝,如果這件洋裝他穿著合身,那麼其他的也一定沒問題。這裡有一個女孩想要的所有東西。這位俄國公爵真是為她發狂,滿足了她的每個希望!」 「好的,Suzanne 你把所有東西包起來交給我的馬車伕,讓他放進馬車內。這樣我們能在我家裡挑選了,因為我也必須準備一下,我們不能呆太久了。」 「這樣,我讓Suzanne 去你那。商店現在要關門了,她也應該回家的。但是是她引起了這麼多的麻煩,她應該犧牲一點她的時間來做葛洛麗亞的女僕。今晚,讓我想想,你明天也需要她的。再說明天是休息日,我這裡不需要她的。」 「好主意!來吧 Suzanne ,快點!」 Madame Heloise 轉過來對珍說道「我給你拿一件外套和一頂帽子,這樣你就能回家了。 先穿上這手套」 她給了他一副纖小細緻的半藍色的手套。他慢慢地把它們套到手上。它們手指的部分長長的很狹窄,並很緊。他真害怕他如果他一握拳就會把它們的縫合線撐壞。 當她回來的時候,她手裡拿著一頂深藍色的稻草帽子,有花朵的裝飾。她把帽子戴上他的頭,然後從帽沿邊拉下來一層面紗蓋住他的臉,繫在他的下巴下面。他可是真的很感謝有這層面紗,因為他希望他可以躲藏在它後面。隨後她走到他背後,拿著一件披肩。 「來,把你的手臂伸進這袖孔裡。這件披肩有藏在裡面的袖子,這樣在敞開穿著的時候它就不會滑下來了。把你的雙臂往後伸,我將它套上去。好了。」 說著,Madame Heloise 把披肩拉到他肩上,然後馬上在前面扣上扣子。他的雙臂看上去在披肩裡,而它們實際上卻是反折在他的背後。 「嗨,這裡有點問題,我的手臂拿不出來了,幫我一下」他請求道,但是瑪格麗特已經引著他出了門。 「沒時間了現在,你看上去很好,我們必須快一點。再見了,Madame Heloise, 謝謝你給我的幫助。我會好好拿著每件東西的,我們會盡快地做出我們的選擇並將我們不需要的東西還給你」瑪格麗特說著已經走出了門外。 「再見夫人。不用很著急地還這些東西。再一次為Suzanne 的愚蠢向你抱歉。你想要用她多久請隨意吧。」 她將手放在珍的肩上,引著他走向了門口。 他們將要到了的時候,她向他解釋道「這件披肩並沒有什麼不對。它是這樣設計的。公爵想要他的女朋友穿著它的時候受一點約束,他喜歡讓她處在無助和束縛中。你的伯母在你們回家的路上會告訴你他的醜聞的。好好享受柏林吧,包括今晚的歌劇,晚安。」 說完,她將他推到門外並在他身後關上了門。瑪格麗特正在向60尺外在等候的馬車走去, 珍聽到了鑰匙旋轉的聲音之後,他知道了他已經不能再回頭了。 突然,他覺得自己是這麼地孤單和可憐。他站在那裡,穿得像一個女孩子,雖然並非是如此地引人注目。但是他還是害怕每個人都會盯著他看,並且理所當然地會看穿他的偽裝,在接下來的兩秒鐘裡他就會是全世界人的笑柄。他閉上眼睛慢慢地數著「一,二, 三..」靜靜地等待著那不可避免情況的發生。 當他數到十的時候,什麼事都沒發生,他張開了他的眼睛,這時他聽到瑪格麗特從馬車上叫他。 「葛洛麗亞!不要光站在那裡招染灰塵!快上來,到馬車上來。」 他發現除了偶然有經過的男人欣賞地看他一眼外,沒有什麼人對他特別地注意。他似乎有了一個結論:這些大城市裡的人們要麼是太厭倦了,要麼就是太疲倦了而不會去注意那些像有二個頭的牛一樣的怪事物,因為他覺得他自己就是這樣的一東西 就這樣,在瑪格麗特再一次催促他後,他鼓起全部的勇氣慢慢地向馬車走去。他的頭高高地抬著,似乎是在蔑視這殘酷的世界。事實上,他只能這樣做,因為裙子和高跟靴讓他只能邁著小小的步子,而束腹和高領讓他不能有任何的無精打采,連低一下頭也不可能。讓他 驚奇的是,沒有人對他有任何的注意。他明顯地被讓同為一個穿著精緻的年輕淑女,因此當他走到馬車邊時,他的所有焦慮也不復存在。 瑪格麗特已經在等著他了,還幫他邁上兩步爬進馬車內。真是讓人感歎這樣的變化,他剛到是還是他幫她上的馬車呢。他感覺這一切並不是發生在一、兩個小時裡,而是在這之前的數年前,或另外的一個世紀,更或是另外的一生。 珍想知道Suzanne 去了哪裡,他一直有一個希望就是或許有誰能有其他的解決方法並給他一些男人穿的衣服,那樣一來Suzanne 就一點也不必要來了。 但是當瑪格麗特說到蘇珊時,他的希望立刻被打得粉碎,「Suzanne 她有太多的東西要拿,我讓她坐出租馬車回去了,她會在家裡等我們的。」 他試著坐得舒服一點,但只是稍稍地讓他傾斜了一下身體,束腹的下端就很不舒服地刺痛著他的大腿。當他們再一次轉到「菩提樹」街的時候,瑪格麗特又回復了之前的好心情,她給他指點著出名的咖啡店,「Kranzler」和「Bauer」,她成功地讓他幾乎已忘記了他的困境。在走了短短地一段路後,他們經過了Adlon旅館,再經過「布蘭登堡公園」然後左轉來到了「Tiergarten 街」。 瑪格麗特解釋道這是城裡最時髦的地方,很多的外國的大使館和領事館就在這裡。它 有一個很大的公園,有小湖和美麗的草地,並佈滿了黃色和藍色的番紅花。瑪格麗特告訴他 Tiergarten 原來只是城門外的一個大公園,但是它現在卻在城市的中央,並在慢慢地伸展著它的規模,它甚至比倫敦的海德公園還要大一點呢。 他覺得非常不錯,要不是他的每次移動提醒著他還穿著被束縛的衣服的話,他倒是真的很喜歡這樣的馬車旅程。他注意到一些沿著道路步行的紳士正摘下他們的帽子對他們致意。起先他以為他們是瑪格麗特熟人,直到他注意到她正看著另一個方向時,他才知道原來他們是在向他致意。 在走了大約 15 分鐘之後,車伕將馬車開進了一扇筆直開著的鑄鐵大門裡,很快他們的馬車停在一幢能給人深刻印象的建築物前。 「我們到了,親愛的,總算到家了。我希望你會喜歡這裡。」 他走下馬車,但是當他在最後一個階梯向地上跳時,他突然地滑倒,要不馬車伕在他身邊他幾乎就要摔倒了。車伕本來是想要幫他下車的,他很快地抓住了他。但是他並不是讓珍站在地上,馬車伕而是扶著他的雙臂將他領到了進門的台階上。 「小心!你會摔倒壞你的腳踝的」然後他很小心地讓他穿著高跟鞋的腳著地。在尊敬地脫掉他的無邊帽並向他行禮後,馬車伕回到馬車上去了。 「現在是不是就像站在一個很重要的入口前?你真的就像是一個被你的男人強壯的雙臂領到新家的臉紅的新娘一樣」她就在他們後面走了進來,瑪格麗特說道,接著又對突然出現的Suzanne說道「看呀,他真的臉紅了」。 「和Suzanne 一起上樓為今天晚上好好打扮一下,我希望能快一點回到這裡來見我。」 Suzanne 帶著他走上彎曲的樓梯,領他到一間房間前。 "這裡就是你的房間"她解釋道。他四處打量了一下,感到有點不安。他是期望他的房間是一個適合他學習的地方。一張床一個壁櫥,一些椅子和一張書桌就是他學習所需要的了。但是這裡卻一個皇后應該居住的地方,並且很明確地不是國王的地方,因為整個氛圍是如此地女性化。 "夫人要你住這間房間,這是她以前住的,但是在她的丈夫死後她重新裝修並住進了主人房。很不巧,在你到來之前沒有重新裝修這個房間的時間了,而且夫人想也許你喜歡這樣的一種風格,當然你現在也能選擇你想要的。" 他看著周圍,為這間房間所展現出的豪華和品味所深深著迷。起居室是法國的皇家風格,而臥室則是路易十六時代的風格,佈置著華美的傢俱,但並不過分,讓人只是覺得非常地舒服。 樹枝狀的蠟燭大吊燈照亮著房間,牆上還有他從沒見過的電燈。牆上還有一些非常漂亮的油畫和好多的鏡子。 Suzanne 領著他從臥室走到一個比較小的房間,那裡*著牆壁有一排衣櫥。 "這裡是你的化妝室,那裡是你的浴室。我將幫你脫掉衣服,讓你好好地冼一個溫暖的熱水澡。那樣會讓你看上去生氣蓬勃一點。今天對你說一定很長吧,經過這麼長的旅途。" "是的,請把我從這件披肩裡弄出來。我想能用我自己的手。我認為我能處理剩下的事,你不必幫我了。這樣,在附近有沒有人能借我一些男人的衣服?我可不想真的穿得像一個女孩一樣去看歌劇。" "首先,我是在服從夫人的命令,她讓我幫你脫去衣服並給你洗澡,這就是我所要做的。其次,這裡真的沒有什麼男人是和你一樣的身材,所以也沒有適合你的衣服。這裡只有馬車伕和園丁,而他們都要比你大很多。再有,夫人是不可能讓你穿著借來的衣服去看歌劇,更不要說是借她僕人的衣服了。你必須要有一套合身的燕尾服和與之相搭配的裝飾品,前面漿直的襯衫,白領結,黑色的皮鞋,高帽子。你真的相信園丁或馬車伕會有那些東西?還有一件事,我想讓你和我都比較輕鬆一點,所以你必須向我保證你會絕對地服從我,直到我將你還給夫人。否則,我就要不得不召喚幫忙的人了,廚子和女僕,或者甚至是馬車伕和園丁。你也不想要他們知道你的秘密吧?" "如果我真的必須要這麼做,那我就答應你說的話。我明天要和我的伯母商量一個解決的方法。" "好的,你記住你的承諾"她開始幫他脫去衣服。當她脫掉他的束腹時,他感覺到一種難以相信的輕鬆。 "我今晚還要再穿一次這個嗎?"他有點害怕地問道。 "哦,不,你不必再穿這個了。但是你將會穿另外的一件,和你要穿的晚禮服相配的一件。" "那件和這件一樣的緊嗎?" "恐怕是這樣的,因為大部份的禮服和洋裝都是相同的腰圍,只有一些不同,但是是更要小半寸甚至一寸。不過你今晚不用穿那麼小的,如果你不希望的話。你的腰部已經能非常好地調整它本身了,我們不用太久的等候,它不會很難被收束到另外一件束腹內的,尤其是在溫暖的沭浴之後,那樣能放鬆並使你的身體變得柔軟一些。" "我真的必須去看歌劇嗎?為什麼我不能就在這裡舒服地等著我的行李被運到。" "如果我是你,我根本就不會這樣去想。夫人想要帶你去看歌劇,那麼你相信我,她就肯定要這麼做的。如果她決定了這是她所想要的,那你最好不要試著去勸阻她。我認識她有一些時間了。她一旦打定主意,就算是她那一樣倔強的丈夫也不能讓她改變想法。" "嗯,好了,讓我們快點完成。"珍從浴缸裡出來。Suzanne 擦乾了他的身體,然後給他塗上芬芳氣味的油膏,聞上去像是阿拉伯所稀有的寶物一樣。 "它不只是聞上去很好,它能讓你的皮膚比較柔軟並可以削除束腹收束產生的痕跡。現在來穿束腹。到這裡來,我們要用這個收束扶手來收緊它。你不能在這件束腹裡穿背心,因為你的禮服是袒肩的, 因此就很有必要在把你收束緊前將你身上的薄紗整平,否則你的皮膚全部會被拉扯到背部而且會很痛的。" 她領著他走到從天花板上懸掛下來的鞦韆前,讓他抓住它。當她用皮繩捆住他的手腕時他本想反抗的,但她的話讓他立刻安靜下來,"你保證過的,是不是?" 過了一會,他聽到了一種輪盤旋轉的聲音,感覺到鞦韆在往上升。 "嗨,停下來!"他大叫,但是 Suzanne 只是當鞦韆升到使他必須用腳尖站立的高度才停了下來。然後她將束腹把他裹住。他注意到這件束腹背面已經被收得很緊了,所以 Suzanne 在扣住前面的鉤子時有點困難,但是在他身上這裡那裡的一陣揉搓之後,她總算弄好了。 他從牆上的鏡子中覺得自己的腰已經很苗條了,但是她不滿意,開始收緊背面的縫隙。 "你看,首先我將皮膚拉到前面,現在它正被拉後它原來的位置,所以它並不是很疼的。當夫人和她丈夫外出時,也常常用到這個扶手的,我知道它很有用的。" 再一次用鉤子仔細地收緊繫帶後,他的背面只是留了大約半寸的一條縫,她終於滿意了。他則再一次感覺他被切成了兩半。當她讓他下來一點,他可以不用腳睚站著的時候,他決定不管什麼保證不保證的了,只要他的手被放開他就要解開這該死的束腹。但是她一定是感覺到他的預謀了,她不並不鬆開那皮繩。她用一條帶子從他身體下穿過,將他的男性器官弄平,還對他的那裡略略地愛撫了一下。 他不能理解為什麼,但是自從他在 Madame Heloise 的商店中第一次穿上那件長袍後,他就處在一種被覺醒的狀態中,剛才在溫暖的水裡稍稍地平息了一點,但是當 Suzanne 開始收束時,它又立刻再次興奮起來。他真的對它感到羞愧,他從未在女孩子前面這樣過,但是他沒有辦法能控制它,他想不去理睬它是最好的處理方式了。 Suzanne 已經和上次做的一樣完成了, 實際上,它終於可以在視線裡消失了。 他看著鏡子,只見他的雙臂高高舉起加上束腹的作用,他胸部出現了兩個小土墩(他覺得應該是他的胸肌),束腹從邊上將它們強行地鼓了起來,使它們看上去像是真的胸部一樣,並有一條適合於一個年輕女孩的乳溝。蘇珊給他穿上一雙黑色用最好的絲做成的長襪,它被拉到他的大腿高處,然後用束腹上垂下的吊襪帶拴緊。 Suzanne 然後再給他穿上二條襯裙,一條綢緞的,一條塔夫綢的。綢緞的那條就像他曾穿過的那條一樣緊緊地裹住他的大腿,塔夫綢的那條在臀部這裡有一排縐褶,讓他的臀部看上去更加的豐滿。由於他還是不被允許穿內褲,襯裙令人興奮地在他赤裸的臀部上滑動著。 Suzanne 又拿來洋裝讓他穿上。她很小心地把它拉上來,直到她可以拴緊腰帶的鉤子。最後,她將他臀部以下的裙擺小心地弄得平整光滑。 直到現在她才將他從那鞦韆樣的欄杆上放了下來。因為穿上了襯裙還有晚禮服,束腹上收束用的帶子的結被掩蓋在裡面了,他知道他是沒機會來解開它們了。因此他放棄了,馴服地把他的雙臂伸進鬆鬆的短袖裡,任由她拴緊頂端的所有鉤子。他身上的這件晚禮服是用鑲有銀色絲線的瑟瑟作響的白色織錦緞做成的。在正面和臀部以上,禮服緊貼著他的身體曲線,但是在背面臀部以下它有很大的裙擺。這件禮服穿在任何女孩的身上都是那麼的華麗漂亮。 Suzanne 領他坐到一張椅子上。她向他示範了應該如何收攏他的裙擺而不至於會坐下來時會弄皺背面的縐褶。然後她給他穿上了一雙小小的高跟拖鞋,這是雙用和他身上的禮服一樣的織錦緞做成的。在照顧好了他的腳之後,她給他的手穿上了一副長及肩部的白色小手套,緊緊地扣住了他的手腕。鈕扣非常的小而手套手指這裡也很緊,他想他是沒辦法自已解開他們了。 "現在是化妝。我們要化得雙今天下午濃一點,現在外面天黑了,光線較差。" 她像一個真正的專業人士一開始在他臉上塗塗抹抹,幾分鐘之後他就在鏡子裡看到了一張全新的臉。那是一張非常漂亮的女孩的臉,很高雅的妝容,突出了她臉上所有的優點。他對這倒沒有意見,因為他希望他的臉可以很好地被偽裝起來,這樣他今晚遇見的人在他以後是一個男孩的時候不會認出他來。而且無論如何,如果他今晚必須當一個女孩,那他就要是最漂亮的一個。 他忽然意識到他已經把自己當做是一個女孩了。但是這卻是最容易的能適應現在這樣的境況的辦法。今晚他將會是一個女孩,他決定他要充份利用這一點,並且盡可能地像一個女孩一樣享受自己。他看著他自己,對鏡子裡的樣子很滿意。他看起來像是一個來自非常富有的家庭的年輕淑女,沒有什麼人能比他更奢侈的了。晚禮服突出了他漂亮的胸部,束腹還讓他的兩個乳房之間看上去好像有了一條小小的乳溝。他幾乎不能相信那會他自己的胸部。不知何故他對自己有這樣的胸部有點羞澀,但是他還是覺得他這樣看上去和他整個人很合適。 他突然想到他還沒有珠寶呢,但只是在片刻之內Suzanne 就給的脖子上戴上了一條緊得要讓他窒息的由好多珍珠和鑽石綴成的三寸寬的項鏈,這讓他的下巴一直抬高,有種驕傲的樣子。然後她給他的兩個手腕上戴上寬寬的白金鑲鑽手鐲,在他的頭髮上插上純銀鑲鑽頭飾。 在鏡子裡他看到一個完美的景像,一個他夢中情人般的女孩。他幾乎不能轉開頭去不看這鏡子。突然,他的脊骨起了一陣愉快的顫抖,他知道他今晚將要去做一個女孩了。 "不要再自我欣賞了,到我這來。你必須練習一下如何穿著這大裙擺的禮服走路。"Suzanne打斷了他的胡思亂想。 她先做給他看該如何抓住他的裙子及怎樣避免裙擺的被勾住。首先,她讓他從房間的這頭走到那頭,他在每個轉身的時候總要幾乎跌倒,直到她教他在轉身時該如何在擺動他的裙擺,並將一隻腳放在後面。她讓他這樣練習了這十多分鐘,直到他熟練地掌握了這個方法並能在轉身的時候很自然地這樣做了。 然後她做給他看該如何攏住他的裙子避免被障礙物勾住,比如像椅子或門口之類的。他在臥室和起居室裡練習,走到前走到後,還有轉身來回,在傢俱邊上走並不讓他的裙擺被勾住,還有坐下和站起。 "如果你走路下樓梯或穿過街道時,你就必須提起你的裙擺,就像這樣。" Suzanne 再做給他看該如何地做。 起先,他以習慣的方式只是很簡單地彎下腰,可他馬上發覺這是沒可能的,因為緊緊收束著的束腹並不允許。他必須彎曲他的膝蓋並讓上身保持挺直,用左手提起裙子。最初的幾次,他幾乎每一次都要失去平衡,因為他穿著的高跟鞋讓他的這個動作變得相當困難。但是Suzanne 是一個絕不輕言放棄的教練,在他還不能很優雅流暢並不費什麼力氣地可以做好它之間,她是不會放棄的。 最後, Suzanne 教他如何優雅地行禮。他必須用一隻手將裙擺收攏到背後,把左腳放在後面原處, 深深地彎曲膝蓋,同時將他的右手臂橫過他的腰部,低垂他的眼睛。 這樣練了大約 15 分鐘,直到 Suzanne 說 "嗯,對一個在法院裡的接待員來說還是不夠的,但是對於你應付今晚也就夠了。" 他的腿感覺就像他們會自動向上折疊一樣。他是完全作盡氣力了,無力地跌坐一張安樂椅裡。Suzanne 這時卻讓他再一次地起來。 "現在沒時間讓你坐下了,過會你會一直坐著的。讓我們下樓去吧,夫人肯定在等你了。" 當他從長樓梯走下來時,瑪格麗特站在樓下充滿熱情地看著他。他慢慢地往下走,用一隻手把裙子的前面稍稍提起,頭高高地抬著。 "你看起來真是美得令人驚異,你像一位真正的淑女那樣走路。我必須 要讚美你:你太適合這身禮服了,"瑪格麗特在他走近時對他說道。 "拿著這個錢包。它裝著一位淑女晚上出去所需要的一切小東西。" 她*近他,在他赤裸的肩部嗅了嗅。 "Suzanne 忘記了噴香水。但是我們現在必須走了,你的錢包中有一瓶,我們在馬車裡的時候再用它吧。穿上這件披肩"她遞他一件很漂亮的白色毛皮披肩。 "你不必擔心的,這一件只是圍在你肩上的,裡面是沒有內袖的" 瑪格麗特笑著將披肩給他穿上,扣上前面的鉤子。披肩低垂到他的膝蓋處裙擺向外張開的位置。當他走出的大門的時候,他在門廳裡的一面鏡子裡瞥了一下,他從心裡不得不讚美鏡子裡的漂亮女孩。 他們花了大約 15 分鐘到達歌劇院,它在菩提樹下街的的上半部份,*近德國皇帝的宮殿,瑪格麗特指給他看。他覺得這宮殿給人很深刻的印象,但是瑪格麗特笑著說「我可不想住在那裡,那裡甚至沒有浴缸。」 他們在歌劇院旁停下來之前,瑪格麗特在他肩上和他的耳朵後面噴了點香水。是種很清新花香味,主瑪格麗特自己用的香水不同,她的比較濃重,甘甜並充滿誘惑。他們最後在一長排馬車後停了下來,瑪格麗特催促他快一點。 「直接去我的包廂,我們剛好能趕到。我們將遇見我們的朋友。」 他穿著緊緊的裙子盡他所能地在周圍穿著優雅的人群裡穿行。每個人都看上去很匆促。這一點在他坐火車經過城市時他就已經有了相同的印象,好像每個在柏林的人總是很匆忙。 他們在包廂前和一對穿著優雅的男女相遇。男的約 30 或 32 歲,幾乎有六尺多高,相當有男人味。他有濃濃的鬍髭,照現時最流行的方式修剪過。女的則年紀較輕,也許 25吧,是個很苗條的美人,約 5'6"高,穿著一件金色的天鵝絨晚禮服。她的赤裸的肩部被一條同色的打著縐褶的狹狹的塔夫綢帶子點綴著,這條帶子從她胸部開始而且在胸部附近往後延伸,在後背形成一個V字形,並一直垂到裙擺張開的地方。她的腰很苗條,她至少被收束到約 19 或 20 寸,和她豐滿的胸部和臀部形成生動的對比。 「葛洛麗亞,來見見我的好朋友,Karl 先生和他的朋友coco,我親愛的 Karl 和coco,這是葛洛麗亞,我的侄女。」 每個人都打了下招呼,他則像一女孩那樣地深深地行了一個禮。在交談還沒開始前,開演的鈴聲讓他們坐到了他們的位子上去,很快他們被環繞在莫札特的音樂裡了。他想起他完全忘了問今晚上演的是什麼了,但是他立刻辨認出了主題: Figaro的婚禮。 「多麼相似呀」他立刻想到了Cherubin, 在第二幕和第三幕時被 Figaro的新娘打扮成一個女孩的男孩,起初是為了躲避一個危及生命的情況,隨後是為了避免參軍。他很喜歡這音樂,柏林歌劇有很優秀的歌手。他幾乎忘記了他身上所穿的衣服及他為什麼會這樣來到這裡了。只是不是的,當他想要作深呼吸的時候,他感覺到了束腹的壓迫感,他開始注意他自己不同尋常的情形。他偷偷地看了一下 Karl 和coco,但是他們很明顯地認為他是一個他所看上去的一個女孩。 在幕間的時候,他們都去拿自助餐還有一些香檳酒。 「你們知道的,假如莫札特把Cherubin 的部份寫成男高音的話,那麼就可以讓男孩來扮演這個角色,我就會更喜歡這齣戲劇了。總有那麼一點遺憾,如果你知道被打扮成女孩的男孩其實是一個真正的女孩的話」瑪格麗特評訴道,「我想要在戲裡看到一個真正的男孩被變成一個女孩。」 珍一點也喜歡現在的這個話題。他感覺好像有什麼人在非常薄的冰上推他一樣。但是瑪格麗特並想換一個話題。 「你看,這個故事的構思相當吸引人。 Cherubin 是一個男孩,選擇變成一個少女以避免參加軍隊。我不太相信一個正常的男孩會被說服這樣做。他一定是有像女孩一樣穿著的傾向。 你怎麼想呢,、coco?」 「嗯,不要問我。你是知道的,而且你也能看見我是如何地喜歡這樣穿著打扮的,而且我也知道有許多的男孩想這樣地做的。我同意 Cherubin 可能是喜歡被打扮成一個女孩並且像在最後一幕時那樣喜歡被他的主人欺騙和戲弄。」 珍不知是不是該相信他自己的耳朵。她剛才說的是什麼?誰打扮?她是說"我"嗎?這樣女性化的身體可能是一個男孩?她是不是還說到什麼其他的男孩也喜歡像女孩樣地穿著?每個人都表現得什麼都是正常的一樣!他不能理解這個世界了。或者這就是所謂的大城市?他可能是太直接了而不能對此理解吧,這只是他第一次晚上出來「我將會有很多要學習的了」他想。 他再一次看著coco,想嘗試找出什麼線索能證明他聽到的是真的。Coco突然停了下來,感覺到了他的注視。 「哦對不起,我不知道你並不知道,你是剛到這裡的吧,解除你的懷疑並讓你的好奇心滿意:是的,我是男孩,但是我現在完全地像一個女孩一樣生活已有好幾年了。我喜歡這樣,我想這樣,所以我就這樣做了,我才不管其他任何人是不是不喜歡呢。」 「我想她並沒有什麼敵意的,這只是她第一次看到如此漂亮的男孩-女孩」瑪格麗特插嘴道。 他慢慢地屏住呼吸。 「哦,不,不,我根本沒有敵意的。只是你真是美得讓人難以相信,你的晚禮服 ... 啊 ... 頭髮還有 ...」 他覺得自己的話很粗鄙。 「嗯,我原諒你。還有一個問題: 我不是同性戀,我不和男人作愛。我有一個女朋友,今晚她不能來,而我認為 Karl 是這裡最合適的,他能護送我。 Karl, 親愛的,把我再帶到酒吧。我想再要一杯香檳酒。」她甜美地對Karl微笑,伸出手讓他帶著她離開。 「我想你也需要再來一杯香檳酒吧」瑪格麗特對珍說「我們再去拿一點吧。」 他只有安靜地跟隨著。 「對不起,其實我並沒有想給你這個驚奇的,但是你看見了,一個男孩穿著女孩的衣服也不是什麼不尋常的事呀。哦,順便提一下,我還沒有告訴他們你的情況呢。」 在表演剩下來的部分裡他一直不能控制自己不去想他剛才聽到的東西。男孩像女孩一樣地生活這可能嗎?如果他剛才聽到的是真實的,那麼那就是可能的了。但這是不是完全地錯了? 然後他想起了他在穿上現在身上所穿的衣服時愉悅的感覺。也許這是相似的,也許別人也有相同的感覺,也許 ... 他又偷偷地看了下coco,他很安逸地坐在包廂的另一端。為何一個男孩可以如此地女性化?懷疑的念頭又在他心裡升起。也許他們只是在騙他。但是coco和他說這伯事的時候是如此地誠懇,他完全地混亂了。當表演結束了人們都在往外走的時候,他跟在其他人的後面。他們很興奮地談著表演,而他則在回家的路上一言不發。 第五章 辣手摧花   當他們到達了家,他突然覺得很餓。不過很高興的是,為他們拿著披風的女僕告訴他們說已經為他們將準備了一點點心。瑪格麗特也和他一起享用令人愉快的小三明治和更多的香檳。他發現他只能吃很少的一點,或許是因為收束得很緊的束腹並不給他的胃很多的空間吧。不過香檳酒很顯然地並不需要任何的空間:它直接衝上了他的頭,很快他就感覺相當地放鬆,興致高漲。他甚至站了起來,提著他的裙擺,哼著流行的歌曲在房間裡轉著圈跳起了舞。 瑪格麗特看了他好幾分鐘,最後她站了起來一把抓住他。 「今晚已經夠累了」她警告他道「你現在必須上床睡覺了。今天對你來說一定是興奮而漫長的一天了。」 她領著他走進臥室,幫他脫去衣服。她拿下他戴的珠寶,脫下他身上的禮服和襯裙,只讓他穿著長手套,束腹和長絲襪。他感覺到了她的幫助,享受著每一次的觸摸。 突然,她在他的兩個手腕上繫上了一條寬帶子,這條帶子有八英吋長,在帶子中央還繫著另外的一條寬帶子。他搞不懂這是什麼意思,因為這樣並沒有真正地束縛住他呀。但是她還沒完成呢,她將他的雙臂舉過他的頭頂放正他的脖子後,然後她將第二條帶子拉到前面收緊,在他的脖子上繞了兩圈,最後很安全地在他的下巴下面打了一個結。他發覺她只是用這樣簡單的方式就讓他陷入了完全無助的境地,他的雙臂和手根本沒用了。 她抓住他苗條腰部將他拉近,讓他感覺自己完全地在她的掌控之下絲毫不能有所抵抗。她親吻他,她軟軟的舌頭玩弄著他的嘴唇和他的舌頭。這是他第一次被人這樣地親吻,他非常地喜歡這樣,並用他的舌頭回應著。他本能地想要用雙臂擁抱她,但是帶子的束縛讓他無法這樣做,並讓他意識到他只能屈服於她。 過了幾分鐘,她停了下來,轉而開始吻他已經挺大的並變得發硬勃起的乳頭。一陣令他愉悅的顫抖傳啟蒙了他的全身。那緊緊拉住長襪的吊襪帶,緊緊壓縮的束腹和他的手套對他脖子及肩膀軟軟的磨擦讓他興奮異常:他真得感覺到自己像是一個女孩,一個無助的在他同性戀愛人雙臂裡的女孩。 瑪格麗特把他領到床邊讓他躺下。她爬到他身上,並不脫去衣服,跨踦在他的胸口,用她的陰部摩擦著他的乳頭。他發覺她也沒有穿內褲。他感覺到她那柔軟潮濕的陰唇在他的胸膛上滑動,愛撫著他發硬的乳頭。他狂喜得要打滾了,他的整個身體在她跨下蠕動。他只能聽到他沉重呼吸聲和她裙子發出的沙沙聲。 過了一會兒,她換了個跪著的姿勢。她拉起她的裙子蓋住他的頭。他的眼前完全黑暗了。 她把她的陰唇放到了他的嘴邊。 「我要你用你的舌頭舔它,吸它,讓你的舌頭在裡面好好幹」她命令道。 他不能反對或是逃脫,他是被約束著的,但是這卻是他現在最喜歡做的了,這樣只能讓他更興奮。他照她說的舔她吸她,她用小小的移動來告訴他怎麼做是她最喜歡的。只不過過了幾分鐘,她的動作變得用力起來,她將她的身體壓住了他的嘴。她用她的陰部摩擦臉,突然從她身體裡噴出了一些液體,他的臉上全是的。過了片刻之後她的動作漸漸緩和了下來,她又坐回到他的胸口上。 當她拉回她的裙子時,他看到她臉上快樂而滿意的微笑。 「非常好。你是個天才。我現在要獎賞你一下。」 她手伸到他的束腹底部,解開了包裹著他腫脹的陽具的帶子。帶子的壓迫一被釋放,他的陽具就豎得老高。她抓住了它,慢慢地開始撫摸它。 「它現在是我的玩具了。我能對它做我想做的任何事,是嗎?」她問他。 她把他的陽具滑進她潮濕而溫暖的陰道內。她開始慢慢地,有節奏地上下起伏,看著他持續地興奮,驅使著他逐漸發狂。 「你看見了,你絕對不能違抗我,而且你也不想那樣做。你是我裙子下的俘虜,女人的裙子,你今天穿著的裙子也是你明天也要穿的裙子。你從現在起絕對不能違抗我的意志和慾望。」 他覺得他應該反抗,但是他沒有力量也不想反抗,實際上他希望現在這樣永遠都不要停止。 她延長著他的興奮:一旦她感覺他將要達到高潮了,她就會坐在他身上沒有任何的動作,讓他稍稍地平靜一點,然後再一次開始這樣的過程。在這所有的時間裡,她始終用輕柔地,但是熱情的語調,好像她正在對他用催眠術一樣或是想要將她所說的話種入他的思想之內,對他說著他被她所征服,他是不可以逃脫的,而且他也不想要逃脫。 他快樂地幾乎要瘋了,他的呼吸變得急促。當最後她讓他射精的時候,他無論是心理上,情緒上還是身體上都完全地耗盡了,他昏了過去。 瑪格麗特抬起身,下了床。她理了理她的裙子,用鈴聲召來了 Suzanne 。 「給他穿上睡衣,明天早上9點帶他下來吃早餐」她吩咐道,說完回她自己的房間去了。 當他醒過來時,他花了好久才有了點方向。這是哪?他在誰的床上?慢慢地他回憶起昨晚發生的事了。這是真的嗎?或都所有的事僅僅是他在做夢?還有哪些是真的哪些是假的?他記得他喝過香檳酒,那這是不是一個發狂的,酒醉的夢? 他四處看看,看見了他的床邊有一個服務鈴,他試著拉了一下。幾秒鐘之後, Suzanne 看上去很高興地走進來,問候他說 「我正想來叫醒你呢。夫人想要你半小時後和她一起吃早餐,所以我們一定要快一點。」 她拉掉他身上的毯子,他本來想抓著它遮蓋他的身體的,不過晚了一點。 「好啦,不要害羞啦,我昨天看到你全裸的樣子呢,因此你今天也沒有必要遮遮掩掩的。來啦,快點起床。」 在他試著要從上跳下來的時候,他才發現他仍然緊緊收束在束腹裡,讓他根本不能彎曲他的身體。他只能很小心地坐起身從床上滑下來。他穿著一件用最好的薄紗作成的睡袍,在脖子和肩膀上有繁密的蕾絲花邊裝飾。Suzanne 把一雙高跟拖鞋套上他的腳把他拉了起來。 「脫下睡袍,我要給你鬆開束腹。」 這句話在他聽來絕對是天籟一般,他只是站在那裡也能感覺到這件束腹對他身體可怕的束縛。他只用了二秒鐘就脫下了睡袍。 給他脫下束腹後,Suzanne 將他帶到浴室,已經給他準備好了散發著迷人香氣的溫暖的洗澡水。她用香皂清洗他的全身,然後用毛巾把他擦乾。他感覺好舒服。 「坐在這裡,我要給你整理一下你的頭髮。」 她讓他坐在鏡子前,開始給他卷髮。 「你為什麼這樣弄?」他問道,「我今天還不能穿男人的衣服嗎?」 「如果昨晚沒有任何的東西被運到,那麼現在也一樣。在晚上沒有任何實質性的改變。你的行李還是沒能被運到,今天是假日,所有的商店都是關閉的。我恐怕你今天還是要做一個女孩吧,所以我就要盡量讓你是一個漂亮的女孩。」 大約 10 分鐘之後,他就有了一個非常女性化的髮型,他的大部分頭髮被捲曲了起來。 「現在你穿上這件你昨天穿過的長袍下樓去見夫人。」 他現在有一點害怕見到她,如果昨晚發生的一切真的是發生過的,他曾經想這是不是只是他的一個夢而已。Suzanne 領他到他伯母的臥室門前,敲了下門把他推了進去。 「早安,我親愛的,你睡得好嗎?」她高興地和他打了個招呼。 她穿了件很漂亮的寬鬆晨衣坐在一張小桌邊,上面放著所有早餐時你想要的東西。他走過去,一邊很有禮貌地鞠躬一邊回答她道 「早安,瑪格麗特伯母」 她邊笑邊讓他停下來。 「你現在這個動作一點也不是一個漂亮的女孩應該做的。你仍然有很多東西要去學習。女孩並不鞠躬的,女孩是行曲膝禮的。你知道該怎麼做的,是不是?好吧,你回來門那邊再進來一次。」 嗨,我是一個男孩呀,她應該對我的鞠躬滿意才對呀。並不是因為我穿著這件愚蠢的長袍就意謂著我已經變成一個女孩啦,他想。但是當他再看她的表情時,他看到她似乎是認真的樣子,他想最好還是取悅她比較好,他於是退了回去再走過來,以一種誇大的方式深深地行了一個曲膝禮。 「早安 , 瑪格麗特伯母。」 「這不是我想要的,我不想被人開玩笑。請你再走回去並恰當地做一次。我想你能做得更好。」 她現在是非常認真的了。他只得走回去,重複全部的動作。這次他做得就像一個年輕的女孩所應該做的一樣了。 「早安 ,瑪格麗特伯母。」 她對他微笑道「早安 , 葛洛麗亞 . 」 「來點麵包圈和黃油。那有果醬、橘子和蜂蜜。這裡是咖啡,茶和牛奶。」 他是真的很餓了,他在一個麵包圈上塗了點黃油後一口就把它吞了下去。 「請你吃的時候控制一下自己:吃得更文明一點」她勸告他「順便一提,我想你的很多行為需要改進一下。既然你住在我這裡,我認為我有必要要給你定一些規矩。」 「你作為一個女孩住在這裡的時候,我想要在任何時候你的舉止要像一個女孩。我不想看見一個穿著裙子的野蠻男人。我要你對我表示我應享有的尊敬,你是我的被監護人,而我是你的監護人,我想你表現出我和你的這種關係。只要你是像一個女孩一樣的穿著,你對我致意時你就要對我行曲膝禮。還有,你想做任何事你都要請示我的允許,如果我許可了你要說」謝謝「並行曲膝禮。如果我要你做你並未請示的事,那你要將它做為一個命令,你也要謝謝我並行曲膝禮在你去做它之前。」 他吃驚,她明顯知道她所說的是什麼。昨晚什麼都沒發生?他比平常更不安全了。好吧,反正她所說對他來說並不太重要,因為至少今天下午他就會變回一個男孩,並從這些愚蠢的衣服裡逃出來。 「你知道,你生活在這個社會中是需要一些規則的,它能使人們生活得愉快一點,能使人們之間的關係融洽。我不想壓迫你,但是一些規則是必需的,而且我認為如果我們能很好地遵循這些基本的規則那我們將會很美好地相處的。」 很明顯她說的這些是事實,他必須承認,但是他有點她所列舉的規則是不是完全有必要。他不必有太多煩惱,他能確定這些規則過了今天就起不了什麼作用了。 「你願意今天早上和我一起騎馬到Tiergarten 去嗎?」她問他。 他就是想要這樣做呢。他要向她展現他的騎術,沒有哪個女孩能這樣做的吧,他可以藉此表現他的男子氣了。 「當然,我很願意。」 「現在去換衣服,15分鐘後下樓,我會在馬房裡等你。」 雖然他至少可以再吃兩個麵包圈的,但是他站了起來。在轉身向門外走去時還記得向她行了個曲膝禮。他幾乎要撞到瑪格麗特的女僕,她手裡拿著騎士服,包括外套,紅色的背心, 黑色的馬褲和長靴。他高興能看到這些,很明顯地這裡還是有褲子的。 他走進他的套間,他發現Suzanne正在等他。她脫掉他的長袍,用收束用的欄杆再一次給他穿上一件束腹。他不知何故已經預期到了這個,值得慶幸的是這件比他昨天穿過的那件在下面要短一點。然後是一件用上好的亞麻布做的緊身衣,再是一件長袖的白色緞子上衣,一條很大的灰色緞子的領巾繫在他的脖子上。他等待著接下來應該是一條馬褲,可是 Suzanne 從衣櫥裡取來的並不是馬褲,卻是一件寬大的黑色切維厄特呢長裙,還有一件既小又緊的夾克。他的希望全破滅了。他放棄了,任由Suzanne 給他穿戴整齊。衣服非常地合身。騎馬的長靴也有2英吋高的跟。 Suzanne 瓴他來到馬房,拿著他的帽子和手套。瑪格麗特已經騎上了她的斑紋灰色母馬了。 『快一點,我們可沒有整天的時間。」 她看起來非常漂亮,有一點男子氣,由於她的黑色高帽子。在他騎上他的馬之前, Suzanne 給他戴上一頂小小的很女性化的帽子,前面還有一塊長長的厚面紗,她在他的下巴下打了一個結,讓帽子長長的飄帶飄蕩在他的背後。他看上去非常地女性化,尤其是他的側影,長裙和那 戴面紗的帽子。 然而更讓他震驚的是,他地發現他的馬鞍是那種邊鞍(女人騎馬用的鞍)。他根本沒用過這種馬鞍,也不知道他是不是會用它。在他還沒打定主意前,馬車伕已經彎下身幫他的忙,突然他發現他自己已經坐在鞍上了。 「讓我們走吧。讓我看看你是不是真的會騎馬」瑪格麗特邊說邊走。 他覺得非常丟臉,他必須穿著洋裝騎邊鞍,而她卻像個男人一樣穿著馬褲。 接下來的事比他害怕的要好一點,但是它是一種不習慣和緊張的過程,當他們中午回來時他覺得他是真的疲累和飢餓了。在一起吃過一點午餐後,瑪格麗特允許他小休一陣。當他問到他的行李時,他又一次被震驚了:它仍然沒有到達,沒有人像是知道它可以在何時會到達。這樣就意謂著他將要再一次像一個女孩一樣地度過這個下午和晚上了。 休息了一會之後,Suzanne 又出現了,給他換上了一件細緻優雅的粉紅色下午穿的長袍,上面綴滿了蕾絲花邊。當然,他不得不再換一件束腹,並且這次 Suzanne 必須完全地將縫隙收緊,因為這件長袍相比其它的衣服腰部更緊。它是短袖的, Suzanne 給他穿上這又小又緊的長及他手肘的粉紅色手套。他腳上穿著雙也是粉紅色的高跟長靴。幫他補了下妝後,她把他帶到伯母瑪格麗特那裡一起喝茶。 下午茶是在一個很大的沙龍裡,瑪格麗特坐在一個小桌子前看報紙。他緊鄰著她坐下。當她放下報紙看到他時,他對她說 "瑪格麗特伯母,我能問你一個問題嗎?" "當然,親愛的,說吧"。 "既然我的行李還沒有到達,我們能明天去買一些男性的衣服給我嗎?" "嗯,為什麼呢? 你不喜歡你現在穿著的衣服嗎?看看鏡子,你看上去多漂亮呀,你應該一直這麼穿著洋裝的。但如果你堅持,那麼我會盡可能快點給你買一些男性的衣服,不過明天是不可能的。我被我的朋友邀請去他們在柏林南部的莊園過週末,而且你必須得陪著我。我們最早在星期二的正午後才能回來。我恐怕你必須還是要做一段時間的女孩,所以輕鬆點,好好享受吧。" 她又低下頭繼續看她的報紙去了,而他只能坐在那慢慢地消化這個讓他深受打擊的消息。 客廳裡的女僕過來說有一位訪客。 "夫人,Coco小姐來訪." "多讓人開心啊,快讓她起來." Coco伴隨著襯裙發出的悉悉颼颼的聲音走了進來。她的穿著決無缺點,並且走在時尚的前端。她穿了件洋李色的訪客洋裝,襯托出她狹窄的細腰和豐滿的臀部。瑪格麗特站起來,走上前去迎接她,他也跟了上去。瑪格麗特親了親她的雙頰以示問候。然後Coco轉向葛洛麗亞並伸出她的手。他輕輕的握住它非常尊敬地行了個曲膝禮。 "坐下來喝杯茶,什麼風把你帶到這裡來了?" "我是去Bergolds家的路上,正好經過,你認識的呀。他們有個可怕的不守規矩的小女兒,她今年是十四歲,完全是一個像男孩一樣的頑皮姑娘。她的母親求我做些東西來控制和管束住她,使她變得服從一些,幫助她成成一位淑女。" "哦,那你做了些什麼呢?"瑪格麗特問道,看上去很感興趣的樣子。 "你看這個,這個可以在束縛她的同時非常有效地修塑她的身材,它能將她的胸部挺起。" "快弄給我看,哦,我有一個更好的主意。讓葛洛麗亞來試一下,這樣我就能看看它是不是真的有效。葛洛麗亞,快過來幫一下忙。" 他非常地不情願,但還是必須站起來。Coco將用軟皮革做的手銬一樣的東西套在她的手肘上,那手銬上各有一個很牢固的圓環。然後她走到他身後,將他的兩個手肘拉緊,之後他就聽到有什麼東西被放入到圓環內。他的手肘現在被反拉到身後,在兩個手肘之間有約五到六英吋的距離。他覺得這好像並不是束縛得很緊嘛,只是他的雙臂不能放到前面去而已。Coco開始在拉什麼東西,於是他的手肘也開始被慢慢地拉攏到了一起。兩個手銬之間的東西肯定是某種像滑輪一樣的東西。他的手肘被越拉越近,它並沒有讓他覺得很疼,但讓他覺得越來越不舒服。最後他的兩個手肘碰到了一起,這時Coco拿出了一條小銀鏈,穿進手銬上的兩個圓環之內。隨後她放鬆了滑輪,他原來希望她這麼做會讓他減輕一些束縛,但是那條銀鏈仍然將他的兩個手肘緊緊地拴在了一起。他此時才真正地感覺到他是完全地無助。 "讓我看一下,親愛的,走近到我這裡來,"伯母瑪格麗特說,"是的, 它真的 能讓他的胸部挺起來。它看上去非常有幫助且有助於健康嘛。不過她還不是完全被束縛住呀, 她仍然能動她的手而且做許多的壞事呀。你還有其他的嗎?" "是的,我當然想到了這個。既然你提到手:如果想要更完全的束縛,你就要將他的下臂放入這雙手套裡。它是一個單筒的手套,將雙臂放到一起,緊緊地抓住它們。它像其他所有的手套一樣有分開的手指,但是兩隻手相對應的兩根手指是被緊緊地連在一起的,所以戴這個手套的人是不可能彎曲手指的。這就是完美的束縛,你同意嗎?" "是的,一個很棒的主意。你為什麼不也把它給葛洛麗亞戴上,讓我看看它的效果和外觀如何。" "我樂意服從"。Coco先脫下了葛洛麗亞手上的粉紅手套,然後給他穿上這個單筒手套。 在她給他套上後,她再把每個手套上手腕處的一排小鈕扣扣好,這樣這副手套就更緊了。好了,這橛葛洛麗亞的雙臂從手肘到指尖看上去就像是一條手臂一樣了。 "真是令人驚異呀!這樣肯定能束縛住任何一個難以控制的女孩的。但是如果她開始大叫並且抱怨呢?那可是很煩人的呀。" "沒有問題。你看這個。" 她拿出了一個長方形的東西,一面還連著一條20英吋長的相當柔韌的皮帶。 "張開你的嘴,親愛的"。 他想要反對, 但是瑪格麗特的眼神告訴他這是極端無智地,他很不情願地張開了嘴。馬上,那個長方形的東西就被深深地放到了他的嘴裡面,然後皮帶緊緊地拴在他的脖子後面。現在他的口中發不出一點點的聲音,他試著用他的鼻子製造出一些噪音。但這立刻就被Coco給中斷了,她只是捏住他的鼻子,切斷了所有的空氣,讓他都害怕他會不會被室息死。 "看,要阻止噪音是多麼地簡單!" 她對他說道" 只要你答應不再發出任何的聲音,我就鬆開手。點一下你的頭如果你能保證不出聲音。" 他立刻忙不迭地點頭,她放開了她的手。 "太完美了!這些我都想要。我的這個小朋友有時候有一點無禮,這樣可以教她如何學得謙遜些。你能不能把這套東西留下來給我,另外給Bergolds拿一套?" "當然可以,我可以再去拿一套給她,只要夫人你能借給我你的馬車。" "多謝你了,馬車你借去吧,隨你把它駕使到哪裡。" 瑪格麗特陪Coco到門口,告訴馬伕聽從Coco的驅使。 而此時葛洛麗亞只能無助的默不作聲地在那裡站著。 "我想我應該繼續讓你知道一點這個房子裡的規矩"瑪格麗特送走Coco回來後對他說道"你知道的,在我的眼睛裡,你仍然太男性化了。既然我們將會在以後的三天內和其他人在一起,他們只知道你是一個女孩,所以我們必須更加地努力使你看上去更女性化一點。你跑得太快,太沒禮貌,並且你太沒耐心太鹵莽。作為一個積極地想要成為一位淑女的女孩,應該要顯得羞怯一點和沉默寡言一點的。為了教會你怎麼更女性化一點,我將從現在開始嚴格地訓練你,Coco帶來的這些東西我想會派上用處的。" 他幾乎不相信他的耳朵。 "從現在起,只要你不需要用你的手或雙臂,那麼它們將會一直被繫緊在你背後,除非當我們有客人的時候而他們並不知道這是在訓練你。你的手肘是否會被皮繩捆住,就像現在這樣,將會完全地起決於你的表現。你做任何一件壞事或是不是女孩子應該做的事你都會被記一次過,每記一次過就意謂著你必須一天被皮繩捆在那裡,包括你現在戴著的單筒手套,從早上到晚上。如果你有任何的抱怨,你也將會被戴上口塞。好了現在你知道了你被一次過會有什麼後果了,那麼我們的訓練也就從現在開始了,你就像現在這樣直到晚餐的時候你才能被鬆開。" 這真的是太殘酷了。晚餐是在二個小時之後,而他還不知道他是否能忍受這麼可怕的束縛這麼長的時間。但是他看見起來沒有其他的出路。他不敢有任何地抱怨,因為他可以肯定這一定會被讓上第一次過。他什麼也做不了,只能接受自己的宿命。瑪格麗特又重新拿起她的報紙讀了起來,對於他的痛苦毫不在意。他不能在那種較深的休閒椅上,只能坐在角落裡的一個凳子上。過了一會兒,他開始在房間裡走來走去,試著想引起瑪格麗特的注意。 好不容易到最後她終於說道 "好了,因為是第一次我就不對你太嚴格了。你可以上樓去讓 Suzanne幫你解開幫你重新換套衣服,然後下來吃晚餐。" 聽完這話他想轉身就走,突然記起一件事,他盡可能地優雅地行了個曲膝禮然後邁著女孩般的碎步走了出去。 他到了他的房間後打鈴叫Suzanne過來。 她來了之後看到他就大叫道"這樣是不是很好很舒適呀?真的,它對你的身材很有幫助的。" 她並沒有馬上就放開他,他跟著她,用乞求的眼睛看著她,但是她僅僅說 "不要跟著我,我還要給你準備今晚的洋裝呢。等一下:我要固定住你。" 她拿出一條長緞帶,一端繫在他的脖子上,然後像牽著一條狗一樣牽著他走到牆壁上的支架邊,把另一端繫在上面。這樣他就只能站在那裡,不能走開去了。她只是把緞帶用個很鬆的活結繫在支架上,如果他能用手那麼不用一秒鐘他就解開這個結,或者只是用他的牙齒他也可以很快地打開那個結,但是現在他只能無助地站在那裡,像一條被拴在皮帶上的小狗。 與此同時,Suzanne開始往外拿他將要穿的衣服,一套新的內衣(女用),長襪和高跟鞋,她從容不迫地選擇著每樣東西,反覆檢查它們的顏色是否相配。她至少花了20 分鐘才做完這些事,然後她重新走向他。她把他從支架上解開,然後再解開那雙讓他從手指到手肘都不能動彈的手套。最後,她花了很大的力氣再把他手肘上的銀鏈打開。他終於可以移動他的雙臂了, 他深深地歎了一口氣準備立刻解開口塞。然而讓他沮喪的是口塞不僅用皮帶拴緊,而且還被上了鎖。他沒辦法去掉它。 他作手勢想讓Suzanne 幫他拿掉它。 "我不能這樣做,因為我沒有鑰匙。只有夫人有鑰匙,一定要等到她來。" 因為他能和她說話,她對他說話就好像在和一個小孩或是一個不會說話的人在說話一樣。她開始給他穿晚餐要穿的衣服。他必須繼續穿著那件很緊的束腹。那套晚裝很漂亮,暗紅色(就像玫瑰的顏色一樣),臀部有一些裝飾。袖子到他的手肘這裡,袖邊點綴著玫瑰色的花邊。 他的手套很長也很緊,穿在他的袖子裡。Suzanne給他穿的高跟鞋是他穿過的高跟鞋裡跟最高的一雙。他作手勢告訴Suzanne這雙鞋太高了,沒法穿,Suzanne對他說道: "這雙鞋只是稍微超過四寸高,很時髦的,我想你會很快習慣於這個高度的,而且它會讓你漸漸愛上穿著這雙鞋走路的感覺的。" 當他到樓下餐桌邊見到伯母瑪格麗特時, 她給他打開了他口塞上的鎖。 "嗯?"伯母瑪格麗特用詢問的眼神看著他。 他馬上瓜過來"謝謝你,伯母瑪格麗特,"然後行了一個優美的曲膝禮。 "下回如果我再提醒你,你將會被記一次過"。 在吃晚餐的時候,伯母瑪格麗特又告訴他一些Coco的事。他的真名叫 Conrad ,出生於一個富裕的家庭。幾年前,他就決定要像一個女孩一樣地生活,在他母親的鼓勵和幫助下,他開始這樣地生活著。他有他自己的生意,為一些劇院製作演出服及為柏林的音樂廳作演出用品。他主要負責設計,僱用了四個做裁縫的女孩為他幹活。如果有什麼人想要做上些特別的東西或是極為奢侈和奇異的東西時,他們總會想到讓他來做。 葛洛麗亞很想知道是否有人會介意一個男人像一個女人一樣地生活。伯母瑪格麗特為他解釋道,其實不只是在柏林人們對他的這個癖好很寬容,即使是警察對他也非常寬容。他們甚至還已經發給他一份文件,表示當局知道他以一個女人的身份生活,沒有異議。其實在事實上,法律上並沒有說變裝(男人穿女人衣服)是違法的,這最多只是打破了某些人心中的一種平靜和定識,但是這無論如何不能算是什麼惡行。 晚餐後,伯母瑪格麗特早早地就讓葛洛麗亞上了床,因為第二天他們要搭乘早班的火車出遊。 "我們這次要拜訪的是我的非常好的朋友。他們有一個兒子,正在參加獲得醫師資格的考試,我想你將會喜歡他的。哦,我差點忘記,你提醒 Suzanne 至少幫你帶二套晚禮服去那兒, 星期日和星期一晚上將會舉行舞會。" 想到必須穿著裙子和一個男人跳舞,真讓他有點發抖。不過在那裡可能會有機會讓他能找到一些男人的衣服,這樣他就可以結束現在這樣尷尬局面。 當 Suzanne 拒絕幫他鬆開束腹時,他只是稍微反對了一下就屈服了。他確信當她離開後他很快就可以自己把它鬆開的。他甚至很配合地讓Suzanne 將他的手腕用可調整的帶子拴住,"我要給你洗臉,你的手不要動"她說。那帶子並不是很緊,他想,我過會就能把手從裡面拿出來。她給他套上睡袍,但是讓他的手還是拴在那裡。 "好好地睡一覺,明天將會是很長的一天的"她說完就離開了他的房間。 她走後,當他試著從帶子裡拿出他的手的時候,他才發現他只會把拴著的繩子越拉越緊,而且無論他怎麼動,他的手就是不能從這該死的東西裡拉出來。在掙扎了半個小時之後,他終於放棄了。他低估了她:她其實是在騙他,而他則很盲目地走入她的圈套。現在他必須穿著這件緊得要死的束腹直到明天早晨了。好吧,明天就會結束了,應該能弄到一些男人的衣服的。 或許他要拜訪的主人的兒子聽上去有點希望,他或許會幫助他。 在讓人覺得神清氣爽的早晨,珍(應該是葛洛麗亞,至少從他的伯母和女僕設計使他穿上女孩衣服後她們就是這樣叫他的)醒了過來,他躲在床上讓過去的這兩天所發生的一系列的事像電影一般在腦海中回放:從他到達柏林遇見他的伯母,她如何使他穿上女孩的衣服並巧妙地同時逐漸地讓他被征服。他試著分析他自己對所發生在他身上的事的感覺。他知道一個男孩來說穿著女孩的衣服是完全錯誤的。在他長大成人的十七年裡他所受的教誨都告訴他這樣做是錯誤的,非常地錯誤,他必須反抗。 然而,在他內心深處卻有著一種感覺困擾著他。穿上女孩的衣服做一個女孩就會情不自禁地讓他有興奮的感覺。即使是現在,當他回想上一次他穿著那件晚禮服盛妝打扮的樣子時,他仍然會幸福地渾身顫抖。並且當他想到那天下午他被完全地束縛著,被塞上口塞時,他不禁興奮極了。他依然記得在他童年時做的夢:自己被捆綁著,被美麗的女人強迫他穿上女孩的衣服,把他當做她們的玩具。他總是不去想這些可怕的不現實的夢,但是它們還是讓他一回想到就毛骨悚然。 他從未和任何人說過這些夢。他確信無論如何沒有人會瞭解他的這種感覺,而且他會被所有人嘲笑的,因此它們最好還是深深埋藏在他心裡的好。這些夢是如此地奇異,他想沒有其他什麼人也會做這樣的夢吧。 然而那天晚上在歌劇,以及昨天他都遇見了一個實際上是男孩的美麗女孩,他並不掩蓋這個秘密,事實上她很享受穿著女孩的衣服,她在做為一個男孩還是女孩的抉擇裡非常愉快地選擇了做一個女孩。是不是還有什麼人也會有相同的或相似的感覺?這對他來說不啻是一個啟示(這樣說比較好吧,原詞是revelation)。Coco也說了一些她所知道的其他喜歡做女孩打扮的男孩的事。 但是無論如何,他覺得他自己不應該是這樣的。他想要像他的父親一樣做一個工程師而且到世界各地去旅行,把先進的技術傳播到地球上各個遙遠的角落去。這些理想都是一個強壯的男人才可以成功的。從沒有人曾經聽說過一位女鐵路工程師會在沙漠和叢林裡放置軌道。 因此他必須結束他的伯母對他所實施的陰謀並脫掉他身上的女人衣服。 在這樣的一個早晨他一下子覺得他還是很堅強的,沒有什麼人可以阻止他去找一些男性的衣服而且去掉他身上的讓他尷尬的衣服。儘管他還穿著束腹,他的雙臂被綁在他身後,他還是急急地爬下他的床。他用他的牙齒拉動服務鈴的繩子,召喚他的女僕。 Suzanne 幾乎是立刻就出現在他面前。 "早安,葛洛麗亞,你起得蠻早的嘛。夫人本來是叫我在七點鐘來叫醒你的。也好,這樣我們還多幾分鐘準備呢。" 她幫他脫掉睡袍,解開他手腕上的帶子,然後照例是每天早晨的香氛沭浴,再給她梳頭。做完這一切後,她開始給他穿一件新的束腹,這一件不像昨天他穿的那件那麼緊,比那件寬鬆了半寸。雖然經過30多小時被束腹的束縛,他的身體似乎已經有點適應這樣的壓迫感了,但他還是很慶幸多了這半寸的空間。 Suzanne給他穿上一件淺米色的羊毛旅行服,配上一雙淺米色略高於3寸的長靴。 "夫人說8點15分在她的房間吃早餐。我們還有大約半小時的時間。我現在給你裝你這兩天要用到的東西,你可以幫我一起選。包東西用不著你動手,所以你把手放在你身後讓我把它們拴起來,夫人說過的。」 他想,這應該是我著手停止這種無意義的事的時候了。 "我不會讓你綁我的手的。你沒有理由這麼做,我沒有犯任何錯誤的事,所以我不必被處罰的。穿這些衣服夠讓我丟臉的了,但是讓你來綁我更讓我受不了。" 他用挑釁眼神看著她。 她沒有回答他,她所做的是抓住在她的手中的他的右手,把它一下子拗到他的背後,使他的手臂處於一種很痛苦的位置,這一切只是發生在幾乎一秒鐘內。他痛苦地大叫,他想往前躥來逃脫掉,可是沒用。她最後把他按在一張輕便椅的*背上。 "好吧,這就是你想要的,這是你的選擇。用你的左手撩起你的裙子來,拉高點!"她命令道。 他猶豫了一下,她馬上就把他的右手臂拉得更高,讓他更加痛苦。現在他對她的哪怕用一點點力氣都很害怕,好像立刻就會抒他的肩弄脫臼,因此他屈服了,把他的裙子拉了起來。她幫他把裙子拉攏來並命令他用左手抓住。她從旁邊的桌子上拿了把髮梳,然後開始在他赤裸的屁股上面抽打起來。 他尖叫並哭嚎起來,但是她並不為此所動,她使他深深地彎曲著他的身體*在椅背上,迫使他的臉埋在椅子上厚厚的枕頭內,很有效地使他的哭聲變得不會讓人聽到。她不停地抽打他,直到她的手開始疲倦才停下來,這時他的哭聲已經孌成了難以抑制的很厲害的抽泣。她停下來之後並沒有放開他,她只是稍稍放鬆了一點對他的壓迫,讓他可以直起身子。他的臉漲得通紅,淚流滿面,他還在不停地抽泣,而且他整個身體還在痙攣。他會這樣並不是因為疼痛,而是因為被打的恥辱。被這麼一個女孩子打屁股,讓他的男性的自負被徹底粉碎。 "現在我讓你做任何事,你還會不服從嗎?" 他立刻搖頭,並用他沒有被抓住的手擦拭他的鼻子和眼睛。 "你還會像剛才那樣嗎?" 他猛烈地搖頭,仍然在不斷抽泣說不出話。 她放開他的手臂 "那麼現在把這些手銬把你的手在背後銬好。" 他根本不能控制他自己,接過亮珵珵的手銬摸索著在背後把他自己的雙手銬緊。Suzanne 檢查了一下,非常地滿意。 "夫人希望你在不需要用你的手的時候總是戴著手銬,如果我有時忘記了,你要提醒我,而且我要求你戴上手銬你必須馬上就做到,知道了嗎?" 他垂著頭點了點頭。 "現在讓我給你洗乾淨你的臉,再給你補點妝,這樣別人就看不出你哭過了。" 她讓他坐在鏡子前,開始給他化妝。 "順便提一下,我先告訴你,反正你也會從夫人那聽到的:夫人提撥我從此以後做你的女家庭教師了。我必須在女性的行為和舉止上指導你,我們從現在開始每天都會有很多的訓練。我不再是你女僕了,所以你在向我致意時要稱呼我"小姐",而且要對我行曲膝禮。我要求你做的事,你也要像夫人要求你去一樣立刻去做,知道了嗎?" 他的意志完全地被擊潰了。接受這個女孩做他的領導者,還要聽她的命令,真是又一個恥辱! "夫人還告訴我她認為你叫她伯母並不是很適合,而且聽上去有點孩子氣。她覺得被你這樣一個大姑娘稱呼為"伯母"會使讓別人認為她太老了的。但是你直接稱呼她的名字"瑪格麗特"也是不適當的,必竟她是你的監護人,你至少也應該對她表達一下尊敬嘛。因此她想要你稱呼她"夫人",我建議你住這一點,以免你不過一會就被記一次過。" 這些話對他的自尊來說又是一個新的打擊,幾乎想立刻就從這幢房子裡逃出去。但是他能逃得出去嗎?他現在這樣被銬著,他連他房間的大門也逃不出去。而且他穿著女孩的衣服身無分文地在這樣一個陌生的城市裡,他能逃到哪?他必須找一個機會逃出去,也許週末的遠足會給他一個機會的 到鄉村旅行 當他進瑪格麗特起居室的時候,正好是8點15分。 他關上了身後邊的門,在那裡等候她起身。 「早上好,夫人。」他對她文雅的行了個屈膝禮。 「早上好,格洛利亞,一起來吃早餐吧。」 她看了看他的臉。 「你哭過?告訴我怎麼啦?」 他如實的把全部事件將了一遍。 「你好傻呀,怎麼能不聽從女家庭教師的教誨呢? 女家庭教師有權利這麼做。 你知道,你現在是作為一個女孩子住在這裏,當然要象同齡女孩子那樣學會服從和順從。 我不會再容忍你任何傲慢或任性的舉動。 這種舉止只有男孩子身上才能找到--而在女孩子中這是不能被接受的。 我希望你儘快學會年輕婦女的舉止,以適應社交場合大家普遍認同的習慣。 這對於我們來說都是輕而易舉的,但是對你卻是至關重要的, 我希望你同意我的觀點。 怎麼樣?" 他在束胸容許的範圍內深深吸了口氣,默默地點了點頭,眼神中流露出沮喪的神情。 從來到這到現在他的抗爭毫無作用: 他能做的只有服從。 「那麼,答覆我,格洛利亞,看著我。" 她冷冷地看著他,把他看作是個叛逆的孩子。這讓他不得不讓步。 "是,當然您是對的,我同意您所說的,夫人。"最終他只能這樣說。 "很好,這樣就沒事了。 我們享受這令人愉快的一天和我們的早餐。" 他很希望她能將他的手銬解開。 "我知道這對你有點妨礙。 不過,我為你準備了一份,而且會餵你吃。 你想喝咖啡還是茶?" 她把他當成了小孩,在每喂一口後都用面紙輕輕擦拭他的嘴唇。 當他沒有吃飽時,她就停了下來,告訴他:"去問問你的家庭教師你的旅行用品都準備好了嗎。 10分鐘後在樓下等我。" 他順從地站了起來。 "夫人,非常感謝你。"他走的時候沒有忘了他的屈膝禮。 "你非常受歡迎,親愛的。 看!這多麼容易?" 半小時後,瑪格麗特,蘇珊娜和吉恩瑪麗,或者說是男爵夫人,女家庭教師和格洛利亞坐上了去度假的首班火車的一節包廂。 蘇珊娜已經在格洛利亞身上實行了另一個小小的"暴政 在他的長裙外面被套上了一條相同顏色的披風,披風的頂端有著一根裝飾似的繩索繫在他的頸部,另外在他的腰旁各繫著一個精巧的天鵝絨皮手籠". "請把你的手放進去。"她要求道。 吉恩-瑪麗察覺到她的要求一定不懷好意,但又怕反抗會使"她"遭受更大的傷害。 當"她"把"她"的手放入小皮手筒的時候,蘇珊娜在"她"的手腕處收緊了皮手筒的繩子,"她"還聽到了兩聲小小的"咯噠"聲。 暗藏的金屬夾鉗已經緊緊地鎖住了"她"的手腕,這讓"她"無法將手從皮手筒中抽出。 蘇珊娜就像一隻盯著金絲雀的貓那樣,微笑在她的臉上流露出來。 "這是另一個教你順從的小玩具。 在到那裏之前你不會需要你的手的,並且,如果你小心安放你的手的話,別人是不會看出這個小玩具的。" 在火車出發之後,蘇珊娜將面向通道一側的窗簾拉了起來,其他人沒有辦法看到她們的小包廂裏面。"我在想: 格洛利亞今天穿著低跟的靴子。 我想到當我們到達的時候,"她"可能會更願意用不太賢淑的方式走路。 周圍鄉村的環境會讓"她"忘了優雅的舉動。 "她"的衣服非常舒適,沒有任何牽絆能讓她想起這些。 我想到我們?了防止她可能犯的任何錯誤應該現在就準備起來。" 好主意,蘇珊娜,你的建議是?" 瑪格麗特很同意蘇珊娜的言論。 "好的,我這裏有一個小小的物品。 我可以矯正"她"的腿的姿勢嗎?" "當然,你做吧。" 蘇珊娜格洛利亞裙子拉到了"她"的膝上。 她在"她"的膝下邊跪了,把結實的布緞帶在格洛利亞兩個膝關節處綁了起來。 膝關節之間的緞帶留有一定的長度。 "好了,格洛利亞,起來,走幾步。" 他發現這是他能走的最小的步子。 "我都不能走路了。"他反抗道,"我甚至不能下站臺的臺階。" "你的小腦袋不必擔心--我親愛的--我能很容易給你更多的自由。 現在再座下來。" 他做了它,並且,她在他的裙子下面又拉了兩次。 但是,不是得到更多的自由,而是他的膝被緊緊地綁在一起。 "你弄錯了。"他又抗議道。 "啊不,在以後幾個小時裏你不需要做任何的行走,因此你的膝只需要這樣被放在一起,不管有沒有緞帶綁著。 這能讓你記得你只要一坐著就必須將雙膝放在一起。 這是女性的另一門功課。 並且,你不需要行走,所以我想最好把你的腳腕也放在一起。" 她又拿出類似的緞帶,把"她"的兩個踝節收緊,綁扣住。 他的兩個女主人坐在他的旁邊,他的手和腳都被綁的死死的,穿著流行的裙子打扮的像個女孩,而且沒有任何機會可以逃跑。 這應該已經讓他生氣和反抗,至少會讓他感到沮喪和壓制。 但奇怪的,這些感覺一樣都沒發生。 令人難以理解地這些羞辱讓他覺得興奮,他向後仰著*在他座位上--閉上他的眼睛--暗中享受著這羞辱,但又非常令人愉快的感覺。 他們的旅行途中,瑪格麗特解釋著她和莊園主人的關係:Eltzen,這次去度週末的宅院的主人,是她丈夫的商務夥伴。 他最近買了處房?,新建了一座莊園。 不久她們一行人到達了目的地,蘇珊娜解開了他的踝節和他的手,並放鬆了他膝上的帶子。 奇怪的是,他希望他能夠繼續被這樣綁著,但最終他還是記得他要逃脫他女主人的計劃。 在車站她們叫了輛四輪大馬車。 當她們把行李裝完後,車伕告訴她們還要等一段時間,他必須再等一些客人才能開車; "看誰來了",突然瑪格麗特叫道,"是COCO!" 真的,她來了,非常時髦的外出裙子搭配著森林綠的羊毛套裝,戴著一頂簡樸的有些男式風格的帽子,只有那掛在上面的長長的面紗才使得帽子有女性化的氣息。 她手中拄著一根精美的多棘木做的手杖,正朝四輪馬車的方向走來。 這套服裝中沒有用任何褶邊或小裝飾品,但穿在她的身上仍是看上去極富女人味,她走路的"步伐"也不能僅僅被叫做步伐。 她整個人的樣子就像畫中的美女。 吉恩-瑪麗對她的極窄的腰身再一次感到驚愕。 儘管她的整套衣裝看上去很重,而她的腰卻難以置信地纖細。 當她走到馬車邊,看一看誰坐在裏面,然後她快樂地尖叫出來。 "我簡直不敢相信。 我覺沒有想到你們也會在這。 我們能一起旅行了。 我好高興見到你們。 我恐怕我不認識除了主人之外的任何人。" 跟著她的搬運工把她的手提包也放在後面的皮箱中,她用輕吻和瑪格麗特她們打了招呼,然後坐在她們的對面。 "這真是個驚喜。" 吉恩-瑪麗不能相信這極有女人氣質的尤物竟然是個男孩子。 他對她的來到?生了更大的興趣。 馬車走了一個小時,來到了Eltzen的豪宅。 受到主人的熱情接待。 "我建議你們首先去你們的房間安頓下來下來,然後在午飯之前可以談談你們在火車上的事。 我的丈夫想展示一下我們的新宅。"房屋的女主人,Eltzen夫人說著。 在和主人客套之後,吉恩-瑪麗盡可能的躲在不引人注意的地方。 他沒看見主人的兒子。 他想能找到他,在其他客人抵達之前向他借一些男性的衣服,以免被他們看成自己是個女孩。 他也很害怕直接去求他; 他必須等待機會,所以他的眼睛一直在搜尋著他。 在被安置各自的房間,全部的行李也都被放好後,她們回到大廳。 這裏主人的兒子在哪兒?現在我需要他,吉恩-瑪麗想著。 然而他又失望了,他必須和其他人一起參觀莊園的風景。 很幸運,她們是最先到達的客人。 當瑪格麗特詢問還有誰來的時候,Eltzen先生告訴了她都是他們的鄰居,大概在午餐的時候會來。 整個莊園給人留下了深刻印象。 公館正對著一個湖泊: 有船塢,私人碼頭和一艘小型遊艇。 四周的草地上都用樹和籬笆圍成英式的綠化。 他們看了果園和原野,穿過附近的村莊,但這些都不能引起吉恩-瑪麗的注意。 讓他感到高興的是在午餐之前他們終於回到了宅邸。 然後,他出現了。 "允許我介紹一下我們的兒子,Fritz。"Eltzen先生宣佈道。 吉恩-瑪麗立刻很熱情的看著他。 他比吉恩-瑪麗高至少5.9寸,但非常纖瘦,不是一個運動型的男孩。 正好, 也許他的褲子對他來說長了點,但是,可以用些時間把它們折疊起來。 也許他的襯衫和夾克衫的袖管會有點長。 "你知道每個人,Fritz,除了的我們年輕的客人,格洛利亞,雷登堡男爵的侄女。" 吉恩-瑪麗仍舊靜靜地,目不轉睛地凝視著Fritz,當Fritz向"她"伸出手等候"她"回禮的時候,他正在心中比較著自己和他的身材尺寸。 啊,我的天啊,我是雷登堡的男爵夫人格洛利亞! 突然,他被驚呆了。 以前"她"從沒有被這樣介紹過,"她"甚至沒有意識到剛才介紹的人是"她"。 當Fritz向"她"點頭示意,並在"她"的手上輕吻了一下的時候,"她"心中又受到了一次強烈衝擊。 終於,"她"想起"她"應該行屈膝禮。 "你看上去讓她很狼狽,Fritz。"--瑪格麗特微笑著說:"作?一個紳士我希望你不要將她迷住哦。" "當然,男爵夫人。" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 這後面就是結局了,中間的部分找不到,真的找不到,我也很鬱悶,將就將就吧~ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 十四、回家 當馬車駛入那幢豪華別墅的車道裡時,格蘿莉婭還不敢確定這是真的,這裡是她變成女孩的開始。格蘿莉婭被帶到瑪格麗特姑媽給她的房間裡,那裡一切都沒變。 「我答應過你」當她們在舒適的安樂椅上坐下來之後,瑪格麗特注視著格蘿莉婭,「假如情況允許,你現在還可以變回男人,我能替你搞定一切,包括免除你的兵役,以及所有可能針對你的指控。」 「你現在可以以男人的身份出現在柏林的大街上,假如你想這樣的話,我將為你準備足夠的男人衣服。」 格蘿莉婭的腦子裡幾乎一片空白,姑媽現在在說什麼?把所發生過的一切做為人生中的一段經歷?他不知道說些什麼,甚至該想什麼。從一開始,瑪格麗特姑媽就一步步設計好把他變成一個女孩,但現在她已經達到了目標,卻又要輕易地放棄她所獲得的一切? 「好吧,你不必馬上做決定,我給你時間想想清楚,但是我想你還是立即做決定比較好,事實上,如果你決定做為一個男人出現柏林的街頭上,不如現在就開始。」 她站起來走向一個壁櫥,「看這裡,這有三套衣服,襯衫,內衣褲,應有盡有,只要你脫光你身上的衣服,我就幫你穿回男裝。」 格蘿莉婭太習慣聽從姑媽的話,很快,他就赤裸裸了,瑪格麗特給他穿上了男性全棉內衣褲,然後是襯衫和長褲、短襪、鞋子。他穿上了姑媽拿給他的一切,衣服太粗糙了,遠不如他所習慣的那些女裝。 「站到鏡子前,我必須拿開擋著的頭髮,我想你不必馬上剪掉它們,或許有一天你會後悔,現在我們只需要把它藏在你的假髮下面就可以了。」 姑媽很快完成了一切,格蘿莉婭抬眼向鏡中看去,太奇怪了:一個女孩子氣的男孩或者一個男孩子氣的女孩,襯衫緊緊裹著他的身體,把胸部擠了出來。瑪格麗特看到了他疑惑的表情。 「你看,我們必須得做點什麼掩飾你的胸部,脫掉你的襯衣和汗衫。」她拿來了一個寬寬的繃帶,在他的胸部上緊緊地纏上幾圈,很快那裡就平了下來,當他重新穿上衣服時,那迷人的女性氣質不見了。 「今天你就留在這裡吧,好好適應一下這套衣服,明天你就可以穿著男裝出去了。 整整一天,他都在屋裡面走來走去,樓上樓下地走動,試圖盡快適應這套新衣服,擺脫了纏腿的裙子,緊緊的束縛和高跟鞋,他就像重新找到了自由。但令他驚奇的是,沒過多久,他的大腿和小腿就互相擠撞在一起,他再也感受不到束縛帶給他的安全感和舒適感,他的背部也開始由於過度緊張而疼痛,他的肌肉很明顯不能再支持身體,他不由得向瑪格麗特抱怨起來。 「那好吧,你明天可以在套裝下穿上束腹,實際上許多男人都這麼做,尤其是那些外表光鮮的警衛團的官員們,因為他們要保持整潔的輪廓。」 在晚宴上,瑪格麗特向他透露了Fritz的秘密,Fritz不久前在維也納從事精神病方面的研究工作,他仍然像個男人那樣生活,並且決定不公開自己的真實性別,他太愛他的工作了,害怕一旦別人得知他是個女人就不能以醫生的身份繼續自己的研究工作了。 「當他回來時,你們兩個可以決定空間要怎麼做了,如果你們都還愛著對方的話。事實上,我從Fritz那裡聽到了一個消息,如果你要與他生活在一起,你需要給他持續的好印象。當然,如果他回來時你以男人的狀態生活,你們還是可以成為好朋友的,你們也可以像愛人那樣生活在一起,但別人可能會認為你們是同性戀者,或許這也是不錯的選擇,不過你得確定柏林的上層人士能夠接受這些。當然,如果你決定像個女孩那樣生活,這些都不再是問題,在此之前,我們還是要找你究竟有多大的願望想變回男人。」 夜裡,他很高興能匆忙地穿上高跟鞋和光滑的女式睡衣,他也很高興能夠擺脫束縛他胸部的繃帶,還有那備感難受的男式內衣褲和襯衫。 第二天早上,Suzanne進來幫他穿衣服,格蘿莉婭開始請求她幫他穿上束腹,「但不要太緊,我只是喜歡束腹在一起的感覺。」 Suzanne仍然向往常一樣緊緊地束緊了束腹,直到被收緊到19英吋。「如果你想穿上束腹,你就必須正確地穿著它,現在穿上你的長褲吧,只要把皮帶多扣幾扣就行了。」 他沒有注意到穿這麼緊的束縛給他帶來的影響就多大,連走路的姿勢都受了影響。 早餐過後,他們三個坐馬車進城,瑪格麗特姑媽、Coco,他們都穿著漂亮的套裝。 通常,當他們出現的時候都會惹人注意,吉恩瑪麗注意到他們不再把目光聚集在兩位女士身上,他們只是匆匆地瞄上他們一眼,就好像他們是普通人一樣。 當他們去餐廳吃午餐時,服務生領班熱情洋溢地致詞:「女士們,歡迎到來,你們看起來真漂亮,天氣也好不是嗎?跟我來吧,我為你們在窗戶旁邊預留了一個座位,你們能看到街上。」 他喚來另外兩位服務生一起領三位女士到桌子上,並為她們拉開了椅子。 服務生領班拿來菜單,他用目光搜索著漂亮的女士們,從來都沒有提到過「先生」,難道他們還誤會他是個女孩? 因此當吉恩瑪麗提出拿適合女士們喝的香檳時,情況變得有趣起來。「是的,不用懷疑,給這兩位年輕的紳士拿香檳,給我拿杯檸檬水。」瑪格麗特為吉恩解圍。 服務生領班帶著好玩的表情看著吉恩瑪麗。 「為年輕的紳士?當然了,如果你希望這樣的話,太太。兩杯香檳,一杯檸檬水。」 現在一切都清楚了,服務生領班把他看作是穿了男裝的女士了,吉恩瑪麗恨不得鑽到地縫裡去,這個錯誤太離譜了,即使瑪格麗特糾正了服務生領班,但這個真相顯然沒什麼用,服務生領班仍然認為他是個女孩,或者這只是瑪格麗特的幽默方式。 這並不是孤立的,不管是在商店裡還是咖啡廳,誰都把他當作是女孩,或者說即使把他當作女孩,也只是在開一個「好玩的玩笑」。 吉恩瑪麗弄不懂為什麼會這樣,他是個男人,穿的也是男裝,但每個人都把他看作是女人,這太讓人痛苦和羞辱了。當他始終穿著女裝的時候,從來沒有人懷疑過他的性別,也沒有人對他做的穿著表示懷疑,好像Coco穿著什麼都是天經地義的,而他卻不是。但是為什麼他穿男人的衣服而別人不把他當男人來看呢?世界上未解之謎簡單太多了! 他安靜地度過了大半個下午,看得出來,瑪格麗特和Coco過得很開心。 當他們返回豪華別墅的大廳裡坐下來,他問瑪格麗特和Coco為什麼每個人都把他當作女孩看。 「非常簡單,親愛的。」瑪格麗特指出了事情的真相,「即使你穿著男人的服裝,別人也會把你看作是女孩,從走路姿勢上,從你拿東西的姿勢上,從你講話的語氣上,從你的臉,你的手指,每個細節都在表明你是女孩。否認這些是沒用的,你應該向事實讓步,不管從思想還是身體上,你都是個女孩,來,過來,承認它吧,你非常喜歡你的女裝,你也愛做個女孩。」 「是的,承認吧。」Coco也插話進來,「承認它,我知道是怎麼回事,我也像你一樣走過這段歷程。」 「但是我應該是個男人!我想像我父親那樣成為一個工程師,是你強迫我變成現在這樣的,都是你的錯,瑪格麗特姑媽。」 「現在,告訴我你的真實想法,我從來沒有一件事情做得像這樣成功過,假如你不合作的話,我只能把你打扮成女孩幾天,就會有人看出你的偽裝來,說到底,其實是你自己在接受女孩身份。」 「我們來討論一下Fritz吧,相信我,他知道得和普通人一樣多,或者稍多一些,或許你在那個時間根本就沒有意識到,但是從那時起,從我騙你穿女裝的第一天起,你就很配合了,你希望我強迫你穿上漂亮的女裝,你希望和Coco一樣能夠隨心所欲地穿著女裝,說回真話吧,只有今天才是對的,現在回到床上想清楚,明天穿著你以後想出現的角色衣服來見我,吉恩瑪麗或者格蘿莉婭。」 如姑媽所說的,他向二人道了聲晚安,回到了臥室。幾乎沒有任何的遲疑,他穿上了那件柔軟、光滑的女式睡衣,他長時間不能入睡,腦袋裡像齒輪一樣在不停地轟響著,瑪格麗特的話在不停地翻滾著,至少有一些事情是真實的,Fritz……,如果他,不,不,如果她,但是……Coco……他不知道什麼時候停止這些想法的,那些瘋狂的想法即使這樣都沒有停止交鋒。 當他醒來的時候,他努力使自己清楚頭腦,他知道,今天要做一個重要的決定,事實上,就是現在! 他走向衣櫥,那裡有他的新套裝,襯衫,短襪和鞋子,最終,他又將變回一個男人,這是清楚而毫無疑問的,他是個男人,他從現在開始也將成為一個男人,確實,也應該這樣。 在脫掉女式內衣褲時,這件襯衫,這套裝將穿在他身上的,轉眼間他又看到了他以前曾經穿過的掛在那裡的女裝上。 哦,它們太漂亮了,有些他都沒有穿過,有些是在巴黎買的。他拿出了一件來仔細地看著,拿著衣服在自己身上比劃,現在,他也不知道為什麼會順便拿這個出來。 不管了,他仍然還可以穿上一次,哪怕是看看效果也行。 他很慶幸昨天晚上睡的時候沒有拿掉束腹,他太累了,甚至都沒有力氣解開那些密密麻麻的長繩子。他翻捲起衣服的荷葉邊,收緊褲腰上的拉繩,他把窄窄長長的手套上的鈕扣一個個扣上,並繫緊了高高的立領上的鈕扣。 這件衣服是最新流行的款式,他在鏡子前左轉右轉地看著,它仍然有幾英吋太長,鞋子也看不見了。他又拿出了一雙薄薄的絲質長襪和一雙從巴黎買回來的全新超高跟鞋,這讓他直直地站起來,臀部也翹了起來。 他鬆開了綁在頭上的假髮,然後簡單地挽了個髮型。鏡子中太完美的形象了,鏡中的女孩像畫面那麼漂亮。 他坐了下來,塗了些唇膏,睫毛膏,一點點的香水和腮紅,這都在表明:一個美人。 他站了起來在屋裡走來走去,邁著細碎的步子從一面鏡子走向另一面鏡子,展示著裙子,感受著柔軟的襯裙緊緊裹著雙腿,他幾乎要迷失在這種感覺裡了。看著鏡子裡的自己,他跳了一會兒舞,突然,他提起裙擺,走到鏡子前,看著那窄小的、華麗的、精細的蓋著足踝的小靴子。 他想像著自己走在美麗的花園裡,傲慢地在男人的目光裡走過。為了更完美地裝飾,他選了一頂漂亮的裝飾著鮮花的帽子,把帶子緊緊地繫在左邊的下頜。他又選了帶有精緻花邊的手套和蕾絲陽傘。就像他真的在花園裡散步一樣,他太愛在鏡子中展現出來的一切了。站在高跟鞋上的感覺,襯裙緊緊裹著柔軟光滑的大腿,高度收緊的束腹以及漂亮的女性面孔,每一個都讓他如此陶醉,他給了自己完全的想像空間,超越過去的愉悅與快樂,他甚至希望Fritz現在就能看到這一切,他確信Fritz一定也會喜歡這樣的。 門開了,瑪格麗特走了進來,後面跟著Coco和Suzanne,他的白日夢就這樣糟糕地被打斷了,他花了好段時間也沒有回復過來。 瑪格麗特匆匆地走向他,抓住了他的胳膊,「我就知道,我就知道,你不會再想像個男人那樣生活,你是個可愛的女孩子,破壞這麼美好的情景是令人羞恥和不道德的,我就知道你也會這樣認為,很高興你的正確選擇……」 「但是,瑪格麗特姑媽,我並不想……」他試圖打斷姑媽,」我決定……我剛才只是……」 「禮貌,親愛的,注意禮貌,我是夫人,而不是瑪格麗特姑媽,面朝我的時候你為什麼不行屈膝禮?」 瑪格麗特的帶了少許的責備,這讓吉恩瑪麗立即變回了格蘿莉婭,她不得不面對一個現實:她又是一個羞怯的,順從的女孩子了。 「很抱歉,夫人,我並不想無禮」他尊敬地行了個屈膝禮,「你曾經告訴我自己選擇以後的生活,今天早上,我決定……」 「我們很清楚地看到了你的決定,你不用向我們再解釋了。」瑪格麗特打斷了她,「我們都祝賀你,相信這是你最好的選擇。」 「但是,我……」吉恩瑪麗拚命地試圖解釋誤會。 瑪格麗特已經不再看他,直接指揮Suzanne走到衣櫥。 「Suzanne,把那些醜陋的男人服裝都扔掉,沒人會穿它,不管怎樣,沒有哪個男人的屁股和胸那麼大而腰那麼細。」 「但是,夫人,我是想給你說……」吉恩想吸引起她的注意,但這是徒勞的。 「我知道,我知道」瑪格麗特再次打斷了他,她拿開陽傘,儘管他像一個溺水的人緊緊抓住救命稻草一樣,然後,她走到他的身後,把他的雙手緊緊地用手銬銬在背後。 「我知道你的小飾品非常的多,它們非常適合你,你想在花園裡漫步,但在做它之前,我們還是進個早餐,然後討論一下格蘿莉婭甜蜜的未來。」 吉恩瑪麗徹底屈服了,他又回到了起點:像一個漂亮的女孩子一樣,每個人都這樣認為,他被銬了起來,當瑪格麗特扯著他走向餐廳的時候,他依然不能反抗。 他不由得不埋怨起自己,他本來是想穿著男人的套裝坐在這裡,他的決心是顯而易見的,但令人沮喪的是,他看到Suzanne不見了,拿走了他能穿的所有的男人衣服,假如他不願意屈服他就得另外尋找新的男裝。 坐在餐桌上,瑪格麗特確定了吉恩瑪麗的嘴被牢牢地封上並且不再能說話,然後她們開始討論起他的未來。 「好了,朋友們,現在格蘿莉婭確實與我們留在一起是毫無疑問的了。」 「我們相信另外一些人聽到這個消息也將十分高興:Fritz,格蘿莉婭的追求者。我贊同其他女孩們的意見,你們是完美的一對,Fritz告訴我過,如果他要繼續從事醫學研究,他必須保留男性裝束,現在他將有一個非常漂亮的新娘,他告訴我,他將象愛他的妻子一樣愛你。」 「是的,親愛的格蘿莉婭,我答應過Fritz,當他下周從維也納回來的時候,我將為你們舉行正式的訂婚儀式,並在稍後的六月舉行婚禮。」 吉恩瑪麗被這個消息搞困惑了,Fritz想他繼續是個女孩?一個訂婚儀式?一個婚禮?做他的新娘? 在他恢復清醒的意識之前,每個人都開始討論起了細節,怎樣宣佈訂婚儀式,邀請誰參加,然後是婚禮,在哪兒舉行,邀請誰參加晚會,年輕的夫妻住哪兒等等。 「我們還是決定給新娘穿上婚禮服,」Coco宣佈,「我們非常明白這一點,但不能說出來,這將是文雅的,而且非常有震撼性,這也將給新郎帶來極大的驚喜,我計劃把新娘快遞給它,用非常漂亮的包裝裝飾起來,這將是一個值得永遠記憶的婚禮之夜,我有一些非常有趣的想法。」 「你不應該在未來的新娘面前說這些下流話,Coco,」瑪格麗特開玩笑地打趣著吉恩瑪麗,現在,格蘿莉婭的臉真的徹底紅了。 「正相反,我們應該讓格蘿莉婭留在這裡,我們要訓練他作為一個妻子要掌握的一切。我想她仍然還有許多東西要學,比如怎樣讓她的丈夫喜歡,廚藝、家務等,這些都是僕人們要做的事,她必須懂得做愛的細節,讓丈夫高興:在床上,她必須是個能讓丈夫興奮的娼婦或者奴隸女孩。」 「我想她能做得很好的,讓我們從今天開始吧。」 對格蘿莉婭來說,在很長時間以前,吉恩瑪麗已經不存在了,她將做為一個女孩長久地生活下去,不知何故,突然,她感到了徹底的快樂,能夠成為Fritz的妻子讓他打消了所有的疑問,她很願意做為他的愛奴,如果他願意的話。 她已經徹底喜歡上了這些絲質的內衣,緊緊的束腹和光滑的長筒襪,漂亮的女裝、長靴、帽子、手套等等,都是她喜歡的,哦,是啊,繼續做一個女孩,也不是件壞事,她深思著。 全文完 ------------我是分隔線------------------- 這是我在清理硬碟的時候找出來的,重看了一次之後發現相當好看。 喜歡這種中世紀的風格,分享給各位看看。 看有沒有人能將他補齊,或者找到原文。


Baroness Gloria Provided by: BDSM Library Synopsis: Jean-Marie, is sent to live with his Aunt Margaret who has special plans for him. The trap is set and played out and Jean-Marie now Gloria, even finds a special lover that has some things in common with Gloria in a nice way. This epic tale is set in 1890's. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Baroness Gloria or The Amazing Story of a Boy Turned Girl by Rhonda Wagram I. The Trap Margaret was really pleased with herself on this fine spring day, Maundy Thursday of 1890, at the beginning of that carefree, peaceful period that would later be known as "The Gay Nineties". She was in high spirits and felt in top form. She viewed herself in the full length mirror. Even her worst enemy would have to concede that she was beautiful, not only because with her 22 years she had an excellent figure accentuated by a very tight corset, she also had taken great pains to dress herself in the most fashionable and elegant way. From the feather crowned hat with its delicate lace edged veil giving her face a mysterious touch to the small feet shod in a pair of dainty high heeled boots laced to just below the calves with just over four inch heels she looked as if she just had stepped from a Paris fashion plate. Usually she wore heels of not more than three inches, because it was less tiring and under the long skirts the height of the heels was rarely seen, if at all, so there really was little sense in punishing herself, but today she had a special reason to go to the extreme. She wanted to assert a physical superiority from the first moment of her encounter and part of it was to appear taller. And then she expected to arrange it that he would see her legs later on and of course really high heeled boots would certainly make him pay a lot of attention to her looks and distract him from what was going on around him. And that was part of her scheme. She turned away from the mirror, giving herself a last approving look over her shoulder and called for her maid to tell the groom to get the carriage. On the way to the train station she went back over the last six years, and her marriage at 16 to a man who was almost four times her age at the bidding of her parents. It was true, her husband would have been a most desirable suitor for many girls, as he not only belonged to old nobility... he was a Baron actually but through shrewd industrial investments and dealings with real estate in and around Berlin after the war with France 1870/71, he had amassed a huge fortune that seemed to grow endlessly. But a girl at 16 had dreams other than sharing her time and bed with a man whose mind seemed to function mostly like an adding machine. It was true, she had every luxury imaginable, but she could not love him. She had come to accept the inevitable, however, and had made the best of it. At first her husband had thought he could rejuvenate himself through living with her and through her love, but his advances in bed were really not encouraged by her and soon he gave up his attempts. She had felt this unwanted relationship to be degrading and humiliating and longed for the moment, when she would be in a position to rule. She was by far not the submissive, shy little girl that her husband had hoped to find. However she finally had made the marriage a success, although not quite in the way her husband had hoped for. She succeeded in making her husband accept her as a kind of business partner. She had used the six years of her marriage to learn as much as possible, taking the marriage to the unbeloved man as a kind of school and instead of being a lover, he became her teacher, which... he had to concede at one time... pleased him almost as much. When he had died of heart failure the previous January, he had left her not only an immense fortune but had given her the education to stand on her own feet and be completely independent, a truly emancipated woman. She had no intention to marry again, at least none of the men that crowded her doorsteps almost immediately after the funeral. She knew that she had more money and certainly more brains than the whole bunch of them together. And all in all, they were the same inconsiderate brutes with the same chauvinistic attitudes toward women. What she longed for, because she had to forego this through all of her marriage, was tenderness, a man with an almost feminine approach to love. She had once read a novel by a french author of the 18th century, Louvet de Couvray, "The Adventures of the Chevalier de Faublas" and found the hero much to her liking. He had been introduced to the ways of love by an experienced woman while he was disguised as a girl. A man like this she wanted to possess, young he had to be, one she still could mold to her liking. During the first days after her husband's sudden demise she had had no opportunity to follow these dreams, but they were suddenly revived when a letter, still addressed to her husband, arrived, a letter sent to him by his nephew Jean-Marie from somewhere in the provinces, telling him that he would graduate from his school at Easter-time and that he would like to go to the university in Berlin. Jean-Marie was the son of her late husband's brother and his French wife, which accounted for his name, rather unusual in Germany, but quite common in France. He had been born 17 years ago in a godforsaken little town in one of the United States western Territories, where his father was an engineer for a railroad company. The family had not approved of the marriage to the French girl and had sent him abroad. She knew of course, that this nephew existed. He had been at a boarding school that was paid for by his uncle, as he had been an orphan for two years and there was no money left by his parents to sustain him. Immediately, she saw the danger that could come from this nephew. He would have inherited his uncle's entire fortune, had his uncle died as a bachelor, and half of it if he had not made a will in favor of his wife. And under the will he would inherit a substantial portion of his uncle's estate after her death. The will contained a legacy which required that she pay for his education, and give him an additional yearly income. She could be in real trouble, if the boy would successfully contest the will. Even without this, he could prove a real nuisance and hamper her in the administration of the estate. Fortunately, her husband had also arranged for her to become his guardian, which she now was for about four years, until he turned 21. When she had looked at the photograph of the boy, an idea slowly began to take shape. Why not try to turn the boy into her "Chevalier de Faublas"? He was certainly the type for it. At 17, he evidently was the smallest in his class, as the photograph showed, and he had delicate features. The school had its uniform modeled after the military uniforms of the times of Frederick the Great of Prussia and the boys were required to wear their hair long in a queue in the back. But even in this martial getup he looked dainty. She had decided that she would try to make the boy totally dependent upon her, much more than her guardianship allowed anyway. Thus she would not only be able to eliminate the danger, but it could also provide her with the special kind of lover she longed for. The idea seemed perfect and with all of her energy she had formed a plan and immediately begun with its realization. Every step, every detail she had carefully planned and prepared. Today was the big day. The trap was set with herself as the bait. "Does Frau Baronin want me to go and meet her guest or shall I accompany Frau Baronin to the train?" the groom interrupted her stream of thoughts. "Yes, please go and fetch him, I'll stay here." She wanted to impress the boy with her authority from the first moment. She would calmly and majestically sit and wait for him in the open carriage, so that he would have to look and climb up to her. When the coachman returned with the boy, she purposely did not see them and turned to the boy from above only when he greeted her. "Hello, I am Jean-Marie." He took a deep polite bow. "Of course, and I am your Aunt Margaret. Hello and welcome to Berlin. Do you have any bags?" "No I packed everything into a big trunk and shipped it separately, as you had suggested. I just have this little bag with some books and stuff." "Very well then, give your ticket to the coachman and he shall collect your trunk later. Now tell me, did you have a good trip?" "Excellent, and I am not at all tired, I want to see the big city right away, I am very excited to be here with you." "Well, climb in and sit down." He did, never leaving an eye off her. It was obvious that he was very impressed by her. "Let's go then and take a ride through the streets. I am glad you are not tired, as I wanted to keep an appointment at my favored fashion salon and I hope you will accompany me." She watched him intensely and noticed that her tactics obviously were successful. She had intended to appear to him as the most desirable woman he had ever seen, yet give him the impression that his adoration could only be hopeless, as he had nothing that could make him attractive to her, who obviously had everything she could desire. He could hardly take his eyes off her and tried to hide his impolite stare. He had only known his uncle, and somehow expected his aunt to be of the same generation, although he knew that his uncle had married a younger wife. The fact that she evidently was not much older than he, took him by surprise. It opened an entirely new world for him and he immediately adored her. This was exactly what she wanted. He should worship her without hope. After they started, he was silent for a moment, even appeared a little gloomy as he believed to understand the situation correctly, but she brought him out of his thoughts by starting to chat lightly and point out the points of interest to him as they were passing them. He thoroughly enjoyed the ride through the city, which seemed to overflow with people and traffic coming, going, rushing everywhere. He never had imagined Berlin to be so big and so busy. When they crossed "Unter den Linden", a street almost 300 feet wide with a wide walk-way down the middle under the linden trees, he marveled at the elegant women and men and the colorful uniforms of the officers leisurely strolling down the avenue. To him this was life at its best and he hoped he would be part of it soon. II. Ensnared Suddenly the carriage stopped and Aunt Margaret asked him to help her down, which he hastened to do, swearing at himself that he was so clumsy not to have thought of it himself. They entered a small store, at least it appeared that way from the outside. Inside it opened to a large salon, equipped with beautiful antique furniture and a wealth of oriental carpets, lighted by shaded gas jets everywhere. One wall was almost entirely covered with the finest crystal mirrors, and more mirrors in golden stucco frames mounted on little wheels were around everywhere. Two or three groups of deeply upholstered armchairs were arranged around marble-topped tables covered with fashion plates and magazines. Aunt Margaret was greeted effusively by Madame Heloise, the store owner. She introduced him as her nephew who had just arrived from the province. "You will best sit down someplace and read something, this may take a while. Do you want something to drink? I am sure Madame Heloise can arrange something for you." "Of course," Madame Heloise volunteered, "what do you want, coffee or tea or some juice?" "If you don't mind, I would prefer a cup of tea." "Of course not, Suzanne, get the young gentleman some tea please," she called to her help. The two women were soon deeply involved in a discussion of the design and material of new dresses that Margaret wanted to have made while he had settled down in one of the large easy chairs and thumbed through a fashion magazine from Paris. He was fascinated by the women in the elegant new fashions. The next thing he noticed was a cataract of hot tea gushing down over him. He yelped and jumped up. Suzanne in bringing him the tea had evidently caught one foot in the fold of a carpet and stumbled, falling all over him with the full cup and kettle. Madame Heloise came rushing to the scene, chiding Suzanne for her clumsiness. However, his best suit was soaked like a sponge with tea, and he felt the fluid soak through to his skin. "Quick, undress yourself and give the clothes to Suzanne. If they are not cleaned at once, the tea stains will remain forever... I am awfully sorry, such a clumsy girl," and turning to her "quick, help the gentleman and clean his things, couldn't you watch out where you walked, imbecile," and to him again "go behind this screen to undress, I'll try and find something for you to cover yourself. Give everything that is stained to Suzanne, she will clean it." She turned to Margaret: "I am so sorry to cause such an inconvenience to your escort, Frau Baronin, but I'll do my best to have the things all cleaned and pressed in no time at all." Margaret... after Jean-Marie had disappeared behind the screen... could hardly contain herself. She almost burst from laughing. It all had gone so smoothly, and without any rehearsal, too. Madame Heloise, when she had told her of her plans, had just said "Leave everything to me, I guarantee you that I shall have him completely undressed and without his clothes within five minutes after you come in and then we shall be able to do with him whatever we choose." Suzanne, Margaret thought, was priceless: no actress could have played her role more precisely and to the point. "Here, take this dressing gown for the moment. I am awfully sorry, but I don't have any male clothes here. You see, I am dealing in ladies fashions exclusively. And when you are dressed, please make yourself comfortable over there. Suzanne will clean the mess at your table as soon as she finishes with your suit and shirt." With this, she handed him a silken dressing gown behind the screen. He was reluctant to put it on at first, it being so utterly feminine with the tulle ruffles around the neck and the bottom and at the wrists. But there really was nothing else available and he couldn't remain stark naked behind the screen all the time. A shiver finally persuaded him to put on the strange garment. It was a tight fit around his waist and his stomach was well held in after he buttoned the seemingly endless row of little round buttons from his neck to his ankles, but otherwise it was a perfect fit for him. He was glad that he had the tall screen to hide behind. He did not want anybody to see his secret: During puberty, instead of growing a beard, his nipples had grown and puffed out somehow like a girl's immature breasts. His voice had not really cracked to a deep male register. It had changed but more than deepened, it had gathered strength and volume. It was... in musical terms... something between a tenor and a contra-tenor. All of this had led to terrible teasing at the school and he did not want to be ridiculed by complete strangers even before he had had a chance to talk to his aunt about it. When he emerged reluctantly from behind the screen, he was greeted by "oohs" and "aahs" from Madame Heloise as well as from Aunt Margaret. "You look great in it my dear," Aunt Margaret stated with a tone of genuine admiration. "You shouldn't walk barefoot here, there may still be some fragments of glass buried in the carpet from a champagne glass that a client broke here last week, put on these mules, I think they will fit you." Before he could find an answer she had already knelt down and put a pair of embroidered mules with two inch heels on his feet, making him totter a little bit. "Do me a favor and come over here, please, I want to have a look at this gown." Margaret waved her gloved hand at him. "Madame Heloise, you have never shown this to me. I find this design very intriguing, the full skirt with just the hint of a train, it looks wonderful. Please, Jean-Marie, walk over to the far side again and come back to me, I want to see how it looks in motion. --- Not so fast, you are not on a sports track now, take smaller steps, in a gown like this you should glide, not stomp through the room. Do it again please." He did not know what to think or feel, his mind was suddenly absolutely empty, he was all skin, feeling the slithering, rustling material against it, sending peculiar sensations up and down his spine. Automatically he followed Margaret's instructions. It was not until he had walked the entire length of the salon for about the fourth time that he became conscious of his image in the mirrors on the wall, and what he saw did not agree with the picture he'd had of himself before. He saw a girl. Well, it was a girl with a peculiar hairdo, but there was a girl, all right. The tulle ruffles high around his neck disguised the missing hair at the sides to a degree and with the slim waist and the full skirt there could not be the slightest doubt that the figure reflected in the mirror belonged to a girl. He was completely at a loss for what to do or what to say. One part of him wanted to hide in a mouse hole, another part of him told him to act naturally, as if there really wasn't anything to it, just as if he just had something on to cover himself. But most disturbing of all, somewhere deep within him a cord had been struck that reverberated and sent strange new feelings through him, feelings that he had never known before. Pleasant feelings, he had to concede, reluctantly. He finally shook this off and managed to sit down in a chair just as Suzanne reappeared, announcing that the stains were all gone and she had put the things out to dry a little before she could press them. She acted as if nothing unusual was around and busied herself cleaning the mess from the table, the chair and the carpets. He tried again to concentrate on his reading, but his mind was constantly distracted by the feeling of the silk against his skin. He even began to make secret little moves to feel the silk slither over his skin again. Aunt Margaret and Madame Heloise had gone back to their discussion and he heard with half an ear Madame Heloise explain to the "Frau Baronin", that the gown had been made to order for that Italian girl, that dancer at the opera that suddenly had to leave Berlin after that scandal with the Russian duke and now Madame Heloise was left with that gown and actually a complete new wardrobe for her on which the duke had only made a small down-payment and of course, now that neither of them remained in Berlin, she had no hope to collect the rest, resulting in a heavy loss for her, because of course, all the dresses, coats, even the lingerie had been made to measure and there were not many young girls in Berlin, who could afford to buy at Madame Heloise's and she could not organize a sale, as this could ruin her standing in the fashion world etc. etc. She was still rambling about her big loss while pinning a dress on the "Frau Baronin," when suddenly Suzanne reappeared, hurried to Madame Heloise with a crestfallen expression on her face and whispered something into her ear. Madame Heloise reacted suddenly with a hard slap to the girl's face and sent her out with a flood of harsh words in French. "Frau Baronin, I am desolate, more, I am completely desperate. I do not know how to tell you. That stupid girl has put the shirt and the underthings of the young gentleman on the window sill to dry and the vest, coat and trousers on hangers and hung them into the open window and while she was here with us, some thief must have come to our backyard and helped himself to a complete wardrobe. Anyway, everything is gone and I do not know what to say and how to excuse the girl." "Well, that should not be such a big problem. I am sure Suzanne meant well and it really is not her fault. I was going to get some new things for him anyway and that suit really was not a thing that Beau Brummell would have cared to wear. Why don't you send out Suzanne to buy something that will tie him over until he gets his trunk from the station and I can really get him some decent suits? Here, take some money." "I am awfully sorry, but I think this is no solution to our problem; look, all the stores have closed about half an hour ago and there is no store with ready-to-wear men's fashions around here anywhere where I know the owner well enough to be able to persuade him to open the store for us." "Well then, we seem to be in a sort of fix. I had not realized that it was that late already. And that makes it worse, because now I have to hurry. I have a box at the opera tonight and I can't be late, as friends will be waiting for me there. Hmm... I have an idea! You just said you had a complete wardrobe ready for that Italian dancer. He is wearing her dressing-gown now and it fits him. Why not dress him in something suitable so he can go outside and I shall take him home as a girl. He already looks like one in only the dressing-gown. That's it, that's what we shall do. Suzanne! Suzanne, come here and help us. You caused all this trouble, so you shall act as his ladies' maid and help him to dress." He tried to protest that he was certainly not going to go out dressed as a girl. But it had the same effect on the three women as if he had talked to the wall. They were so busy selecting things from cartons and racks, discussing the pros and cons of certain items, that they did not listen to him at all. Aunt Margaret only turned once to him and asked, "Well, what other suggestion do you have?" Before he could catch his breath and gather his wits to make one, she continued, "Well, evidently you do not have any. All right, then it is settled: you will come with me dressed as a girl." Suzanne suddenly proceeded to strip him of his dressing-gown quite unceremoniously and in a manner that permitted no protests. He tried to cover himself with his hands, but he was no match for the three women who handled him like a puppet. Luckily, they did not react at all to the twin prominences adorning his chest. First, they slipped a vest of the finest cambric over him. Aunt Margaret then took his hands and held them, while Suzanne and Madame Heloise clasped a corset around his waist, closed the hooks in front and started lacing it. He only hoped they would finish quickly and leave him alone. However, that was still far away, and he had quite another problem to deal with. He did not know what caused it, the deft touches of the women or the feeling of the soft material or the sudden mounting constriction about his waist, but his manly tool chose this worst imaginable moment to raise its head and lift up the hem of the vest. Suzanne was the first to notice it. "Look who is getting curious, le petit monsieur wants to see what is going on. But unfortunately we have absolutely no use for you at this time." He prayed that it would just shrink away. But on the contrary, it stood up like a barge pole and everybody around could get a good look at it. "A very fine specimen indeed," commented Madame Heloise, "but this is no time for play. Suzanne, squeeze it under the tip of the corset busk, then get the strap and fasten it in front and pass it to me under the body." Suzanne did as she was told, seemingly with reluctance and not without giving the shaft a few soft strokes before she fastened a strong satin ribbon about two inches wide to the corset in front and took the other end between his legs to the back, where Madame Heloise fastened it to another buckle at the back of the corset. He felt harnessed, but when he looked down, his front was flat and no sign of his manhood could be detected. He was relieved a bit, at least he was decently covered now... or was he? Wearing a vest and a corset? Madame Heloise reminded him of the corset immediately as she restarted the lacing with fresh vigor. He wanted to break away, putting an end to the ordeal, but Suzanne had circled his legs with her arms, Aunt Margaret held his hands in an iron grip and Madame Heloise drew at the laces with a power of which he had not imagined her to be capable. "Please stop it, you are cutting me in half, I shall suffocate, I cant breathe," he wailed, but to now avail. "Listen, young man, don't complain about a little lacing. This is what we girls have to endure every day to look pretty for you men." Madame Heloise went over the laces from top and bottom to the middle again, taking out another foot or two of laces. "But it is too tight for me, how can you know how much you can lace me down, you didn't even measure me before." "Experience, my dear boy. And by the way, the dressing-gown fit you and this was meant to be worn without a corset by the same girl whose dress you will be wearing and the dress will only fit if I close the corset to about an inch. And if she, a frail and weak girl, would have been able to stand being laced down to this dimension, I can see no reason why a strong and brave young man should not be able to endure it. So stop complaining and move your body a little bit, it'll help you and me. I will be done in a minute... only another inch and a half. Altogether you will not be taken in more than five inches at the most. But if you insist, I can of course close it completely." "Oh no, please stop! I feel as if I am going to faint any second now." He was already very subdued and could only beg. "Just a little bit more, my darling," Aunt Margaret soothed him, and the magic word "darling" from her gave him new strength. "Look, it has to be done, otherwise the dress won't fit and if you have to be a girl, I want you to be a pretty one. You will get used to it in a few minutes. The body adjusts very quickly, you will see." Finally Madame Heloise was satisfied and he was released from the grip of Aunt Margaret and Suzanne. When they stepped away from him, he caught a look of himself in the big mirror and had to admit, that the corset did wonders for him... he had a marvelous girlish figure now. Not only was his waist minimized, he realized that the top of the corset gave him a very realistic bosom and that his backside protruded enticingly. "Don't fall in love with yourself," Madame Heloise interrupted his thoughts, "we are not finished yet." She beckoned him to sit down. He did so very slowly to avoid any surprises caused by the tight corset. He noticed he could only sit very straight: the corset did not allow any slouching. Suzanne brought a pair of the finest black gauze stockings that she rolled up his legs and fastened to garter straps hanging down from the corset. After that Suzanne brought him a pair of drawers, like the vest, of the finest cambric. "Hold it a second," said Margaret, vetoing Suzanne's moves to put them on him. "I may sound overly conservative to you, but in my opinion drawers, pantaloons, knickers or whatever you may call them are not suitable for a young girl. They are basically masculine items and young girls should not even think about masculine underpants, much less wear anything that is even remotely similar. I know there is a new trend set by rather audacious young women to do away with these traditions and maybe they'll win ultimately, because these items can be very practical in cold weather... however it is not freezing out there today and I am basically against young girls wearing male underpants, even if they are as nice looking as these." "You are absolutely right, Frau Baronin, I couldn't agree with you more," Madame Heloise seconded Aunt Margaret's move. "However, if there is this modern trend, I have to be able to supply what is wanted by my customers. But of course we shall leave them out. Suzanne, bring the petticoats." Suzanne brought two, one silk, that was very tight around his thighs and allowed very little leg movement. Below the knees it flared a little bit but still allowed only very small steps. Over it came a rustling taffeta petticoat, that had two rows of wide flounces at its bottom. Finally, the dress. It was of light blue taffeta with thick embroidery on the bodice, narrowing toward the small waist. It had a tight and high collar, which was kept up by small stays under the ears. It held his neck very stiff and high. The sleeves were long and tight but were puffed slightly at the shoulders and repeated the embroidered ornaments of the bodice. The bodice closely followed the lines of his body... or rather the lines the corset had created... tightly over his bosom and the narrow waist. The skirt accented the hips and the posterior. At its hem, the motif of the embroidery was again repeated all around. It stopped on the floor in front and made him wonder how he would walk in it, as it obviously was too long in front. Finally, Suzanne put a pair of small, medium blue, high heeled boots on him, which reached almost to his calves, buttoning them on tightly with the help of a button-hook. When he saw the terrible height of the heels, he was sure he would not be able to stand in them, much less walk. After Suzanne had helped him up, however, he was surprised to notice that the skirt came just off the floor and he could walk indeed. Well, not like anything he had called walking before, but he could move around in small mincing steps. The corset, the tight skirts and the high heels all worked together, making him move in a way entirely different from anything he had done before. He couldn't just swing his legs from the hips down, he had to move his entire body from the waist, undulating his hips in rhythm with his thighs. The fact that he stood almost on tip-toes prohibited his falling from one foot to the other with every step in the way most men walk. Instead, he was forced to keep his legs straight and close together and take small steps. He actually was gliding more than walking, just as Aunt Margaret had requested before. When they stepped away from him, he caught a look of himself in the big mirror and had to admit that the corset did wonders for him: he suddenly had the curves of a real girl. Not only was his waist minimized, he really stood straight now, not slouching anymore, and the high collar made him carry his head proudly with his chin up. "Come over here, let me fix your hair and pretty up your face a little bit, though it really doesn't need much." With that, Madame Heloise made him sit down at a table covered with all kinds of combs and brushes and cosmetics. Again, he could only sit bolt upright. Aunt Margaret stepped closer, watching Madame Heloise with interest. She started to unwrap and undo his queue, brushing out his fine blond hair. "I shall just fix it here, high on the back, and let it tumble down. Nothing fancy is possible right now." She took a curling iron and produced a wealth of little curls in the part hanging down. "Now that doesn't look too bad, or does it? All right then, now for the face. A little blue on the lids... it accentuates the color of your eyes and goes well with the dress... a little mascara on the lashes. That is great. Now some rouge at the cheekbones and... open your mouth just a little... a little "rouge de l vres" on your lips. Finally a dab of powder all over and voila: A BEAUTY!" "By God, you are right, she is a beauty. I never expected her to look so good. You look magnificent, fantastic, glorious!" Aunt Margaret bubbled over with excitement. "But I can't call you Jean-Marie if you look like this. Let me think, I shall call you Gloria. Just take a good look at yourself: you are Gloria... there cannot be any doubt about it. Here," she rummaged in her purse, "here is something that you deserve to wear. I just got it back from rethreading." She produced a marvelous double row pearl necklace, which she fitted around his neck. "Isn't she pretty?" Madame Heloise asked of no one in particular. At first he didn't even notice, that they had spoken of him in the feminine gender, because from what he saw in the big mirrors, the creature looking back at him could only be spoken of in this way. But when it dawned on him that they had meant him, it made him shiver. Protests welled up within him but one look into the mirror told him that they were right. For all intents and purposes he now was a pretty girl. Actually, that was what he had expected to find in Berlin: girls who looked like the models in the fashion plates. But he had not expected to be turned into one. He looked at himself in the mirror, and couldn't take his eyes off his reflection, as he tried to understand what had happened. It was all so unreal, happened so unexpectedly, yet so smoothly, and there was nothing really that he would have been able to object to. And yet, he felt that this was utterly wrong. He was NOT a girl, that he knew for sure. He was a boy and he wanted to stay one. Girls were always the objects of his love and admiration, yet now... as the image in the mirror proved beyond any doubt... there he was, turned into a girl. He stood up cautiously, steadying himself on the armrest of his chair and then, with the small steps that his skirts and high heels allowed, walked over closer to the mirrored wall, watching himself all the time. He could not avert his stare. It was too unreal to believe. Just a few hours ago, he had come to the big city of Berlin, a young man, eager to enter a new life of freedom, unrestrained, free from the pressures of school and small town conventions, looking for adventures, and here he was in the middle of a totally unexpected adventure. Unexpected because in this adventure he did not have to fight with the outside world, with other people or with dangerous circumstances around him. This adventure took place deep within him and troubled, disturbed and uprooted his entire self. He was always a boy with the tastes of a boy, acting like a boy, running around with other boys, playing their games and sports like any other boy. All right, he always had had trouble in games and sports, which relied on brute force and power to keep up with the taller and heavier boys, but what he had lacked in height and weight he had always successfully made up in agility and dexterity. And after that stage when all boys made fun of girls and teased them, he had begun to love and desire them. If he had had time enough now to dig deeper into his feelings and analyze them, he would have discovered that he had always been most attracted to the girls who were dressed best or in a special way, either very elegantly or with a certain knack for fashion... or what fashion had filtered down to the small town where he had lived. He had loved to look at the fashion plates of magazines and had pictured himself taking out a girl like the models in the plates. He did not have time now for such reveries, however. Aunt Margaret's coachman had entered the store and respectfully addressed himself to her. "Madame Heloise," Aunt Margaret said after hearing the coachman's message and sending him out again, "I fear we have yet another problem to overcome tonight. My coachman has just informed me that the young gentleman's trunk has not arrived yet, and is not expected to arrive until tomorrow around noon. But I think this really should not be a big problem, after what you have created. He just will have to remain Gloria until then. The only question is, do you have a suitable evening gown for her tonight? You know, we planned to go to the opera with friends." "But of course I have... I told you, I have an entire spring wardrobe made for that Italian dancer and if this dress fits him, all the others must too... naturally. There is everything a girl could wish. This Russian duke was so crazy for her that he filled her every wish... and I tell you... did she wish!" "Alright then, Suzanne should pack everything you have ready and have my coachman put it into the carriage. We can select it at my house, because I have to get myself ready, too, and we cannot stay here any longer to attend to Gloria's needs." "Then I shall send Suzanne with you. The shop closes now anyway and she would go home, but after she caused all this trouble to you, she can supply her time and act as Gloria's maid tonight or, come to think of it, for as long as you need her tomorrow. As tomorrow is a holiday, I do not need her here." "Splendid idea! Go ahead Suzanne, hurry up, girl!" Madame Heloise turned to Jean-Marie. "I shall get you a wrap and a hat, so you can go home. Here, put on these gloves in the meantime," and she gave him a pair of small, delicate, medium blue kid gloves. He slowly worked them onto his hands. They had long, narrow fingers and were very tight. He was afraid he would break their seams if he made a fist. When she came back, she fixed a little, dark blue straw hat, decorated with flowers, on his head and pulled a veil that was fastened to the brim over his face and fastened it under his chin. He was really thankful for this addition, because he hoped he could somehow hide behind it. Then she stepped behind him and held out a cape for him. "Here, slip your arms into these armholes. This cape has some kind of inside sleeves so it cannot slide off your shoulders if it is worn open. Just put your arms back and I'll slip it on. There you are." And with that, Madame Heloise pulled the cape up and over his shoulders and immediately buttoned it in front. His arms seemed to be caught inside. They were actually folded against his back. "Hey, there is something wrong here, my arms did not slip out, help me out of it please," he begged, but Margaret steered him to the exit already. "No time for this now, you are fine, we have to hurry. Good bye now, Madame Heloise, and thank you for your help. We shall take everything along with us and make our selection as soon as possible and return everything we do not need immediately," Aunt Margaret said, already walking to the door. "Goodbye Frau Baronin. There is no hurry with these things... take your time. And please excuse again the foolishness of Suzanne. Keep her as long as you want." She had put one arm around Jean-Marie's shoulders and was steering him to the door. They had almost reached it, when she explained, "There is nothing wrong with the cape. It was designed this way. The duke wanted his girlfriend to be restrained a little bit when she wore it, he loved to have her helpless and in bondage without anybody knowing it. Your aunt can tell you all about the scandal on your way home. Have a good time in Berlin, and tonight at the opera, and good night." With that, she had pushed him outside and closed the door behind him. Aunt Margaret was already proceeding to the carriage that was waiting about 60 feet away at the curbside. Jean-Marie heard the key turning in the lock behind him, and he knew there was no turning back. Suddenly, he felt very lonely, and very miserable. There he stood, dressed as a girl, not dressed inconspicuously, but rather the opposite or so he thought. He was afraid that everybody would be staring at him it simply had to be that way. Everyone surely had to see through his disguise, and there could only be two more seconds until the whole world would come jeering at him. He closed his eyes for a moment and waited for the inevitable to happen. He counted slowly "One, two, three ..." When he reached ten and nothing had happened, he opened his eyes a little, just as he heard Aunt Margaret call from the carriage. "Gloria! Don't just stand there and gather dust! Hurry up, get in here." He noticed that, except for an occasional appreciative glance from a passing man, nobody paid any attention to him. He came to the conclusion that these big city people were too blase or too jaded to take notice of anything less extraordinary than a calf with two heads, although he almost felt like one. So, when Aunt Margaret urged him again, he gathered all of his courage and slowly proceeded to the carriage, his head raised high in defiance of the cruel world. As a matter of fact, he could not have done otherwise as his skirts and heels forbade any longer stride and the corset and high collar kept him from slouching or even lowering his head. But much to his surprise, nobody took any notice of him. He was evidently accepted as a well dressed, pretty young lady, and when he reached the carriage, his anxiety had almost left him. Aunt Margaret had been waiting for him and helped him to mount the two steps into the carriage. What a change it was from their arrival, when he'd had to help her. He felt as if it had happened not just an hour or two before, but years ago, in another century; another life. Jean-Marie wondered where Suzanne had gone, and he nourished a small hope that someone may have found another solution and brought him some male clothes, so that Suzanne's coming was not necessary at all. His hope was shattered at once when Aunt Margaret remarked, "Suzanne had too many things with her to come with us, so the coachman sent her home in a cab. She will be waiting for us at the house." He tried to sit comfortably, but the moment he let himself just a little bit down from a bolt upright position, the lower edge of the corset dug unpleasantly into his thighs. Aunt Margaret was in her former exuberant mood again and when they turned into the "Linden" again, she showed him the famous cafes, the "Kranzler" and the "Bauer," and she succeeded in making him almost forget his predicament. After a short trip, they passed the "Hotel Adlon" ("The only place to stay if you are somebody," Aunt Margaret remarked), rode though the "Brandenburg Gate" and turned left into "Tiergarten Street". Aunt Margaret explained that this was a most fashionable part of the city... lots of the foreign embassies and consulates were located here. It bordered the "Tiergarten", a magnificent park with old trees, little lakes and beautiful lawns that now were studded with yellow and blue crocuses. Aunt Margaret told him that the Tiergarten was a huge park formerly just outside of the city gate, but now right in the middle of the city that in the very last year had spread out beyond it. It was bigger even than the Hyde Park in London, reaching all the way to Charlottenburg, formerly a suburb, but now more and more becoming part of the city. He was very impressed, and would really have enjoyed the ride, had he not with his every movement been reminded of his confining clothes. He noticed that several gentlemen walking along the road were tipping their hats to them. At first, he believed them to be acquaintances of Aunt Margaret, until he noticed that she was looking the other way, and the reverences were apparently paid to him. After a ride of about 15 minutes, the driver turned the carriage into a big wrought iron gate that was just opened at their arrival, and pulled up a short driveway to an impressive building. "Here we are, my dear, finally at home. I hope you will like it here. Welcome!" He got off the carriage, but as he jumped down the last step, he slipped from the step and would have fallen, had not the coachman, who had wanted to help him get down, swiftly caught him. But instead of setting Jean-Marie on his feet, the coachman simply took him in his arms and carried him up the few steps leading to the front door and inside. "Careful! Careful with the young horses, my dear. You could have broken your ankle there," he said as he let him down on the floor and stood him up on his high heels very cautiously. Then taking off his cap respectfully and bowing to him, the coachman returned to the carriage. "Now wasn't this a great entrance, being carried over the threshold of your new home in the strong arms of a man like a blushing bride?" aunt Margaret observed as she came in behind them, "Look, she really is blushing" she turned to Suzanne, who had suddenly appeared. "Go upstairs with Suzanne and get dressed for the evening. I shall be expecting you here shortly." III. First Training Suzanne took him up the curved staircase leading from the entrance hall to the private apartments. "These will be your rooms," she explained. He looked around and was a little disturbed. He had expected his room to be an adequate place for him to study. A bed, a closet, a few chairs and a desk for his work were all he had expected and desired. But here was a suite fit for a queen... yes, definitely not for a king, for the whole atmosphere radiated femininity. "Madame kindly asks you to put up with these rooms. This was her suite formerly, but after the death of her husband she has redecorated and moved into the master suite. Unfortunately, there was no time to redecorate this part of the house before you came. And Madame thought, maybe you like it this way and anyhow, you can now choose for yourself what you want." He looked around and was fascinated by the wealth and taste the rooms showed. There was a sitting room in the style of the French Empire and a bedroom in the style of Louis XVI with beautiful furniture, not overloaded, but just right to feel comfortable. Big chandeliers with candles lighted the rooms, but there were electric lights on the walls. He had never before seen electric lights. Some very good paintings hung on the walls and a few goblins and again, a lot of mirrors. Suzanne led him from the bedroom into a smaller room, where the walls were lined with closets. "This is your dressing room and right here is the bathroom. I shall help you to undress and give you a nice, warm bath. That will refresh you. It must have been a long day for you, with all that travelling." "Yes, please, get me out of this cape. I want to be able to use my hands again. I think I can manage the rest myself... you do not have to help me. Say, is there nobody around who can lend me some male clothes? I do not really want to go to the opera dressed as a girl." "First of all, I am obeying Madame's orders and she told me to undress you and bathe you and this is what I am going to do. Secondly, there really is no male person here who would have your stature and whose clothes would fit you. There is only the coachman and the gardener, and both are much bigger than you. And thirdly, Madame would never even dream of taking you to her box at the opera in clothes borrowed from anybody else, much less her servants. You would have to have a perfectly fitting tail-coat and all the trimmings that go with it: stiff front shirt, white tie, black patent leather shoes, top hat, and all. Do you really believe a gardener or coachman would have that? And one thing more. I want to make things easy for you and for me, so you'd better promise me now, before I release you, that you will obey me in everything until I hand you over to Madame. Otherwise, I would have to summon help and call the cook and the parlor-maid, or even the coachman and gardener. And you do not want them to know your secret... or do you?" "If I really have to go through this, I promise you to do exactly what you say. I shall put things right tomorrow with my aunt." "All right, I'll take your word for it." And she undressed him in a matter of minutes. He felt incredibly relieved when she took off his corset. "Do I have to wear this again tonight?" he asked fearfully. "Oh, no, you don't. But you will wear a different one, one that goes with the evening gown which you are going to wear." "Is it as tight as this one?" "I'm afraid so, because most of the gowns and dresses were made for the same waist size... all but a few, which are about half an inch or even an inch smaller, but you do not have to wear one of those tonight, if you do not wish to. But your waist has already adjusted itself very nicely and if we do not wait too long, it will not be hard to lace you into the other corset, especially after a warm bath, which relaxes and softens the body." "Do I really have to go to the opera? Why, I could stay here comfortably and just wait until I get my own clothes from my trunk tomorrow." "I would not even think of it, if I were you. Madame has set her mind on taking you to the opera tonight and believe me, she is going to do it. If she has decided that this is what she wants, you had better not try to dissuade her. I have known her for some time now. Not even her late husband could change her mind once she had made it up, and he was a tough one." "Well, all right then... let's get it over with." Jean-Marie was in and out of the bathtub in a few minutes. Suzanne then dried him and massaged him with an aromatic oil, that smelled like the entire treasures of Arabia. "It not only smells good, it gives you a softer skin and is good for the corset marks. Now for the corset. Step over here, please. We'll just use this lacing bar here. You do not wear a vest under this corset, as your gown will leave your shoulders bare, so it is necessary to distribute the body tissues correctly before the lacing, otherwise the skin will all be drawn to the back and it will hurt." She led him to a kind of trapeze, hanging down from the ceiling, and made him hold on to it. He tried to protest when she strapped his wrists to it with soft leather straps, but he was immediately silenced. "You promised to behave didn't you?" A moment later, he heard a whirring sound and felt the trapeze rise. "Hey, stop this!" he cried out, but Suzanne stopped the mechanism only when the trapeze was so high that he had to stand on tip- toes. Then she proceeded to put the corset around him. He noticed that it was already laced rather tightly in the back, so Suzanne had some difficulty in closing the front hooks, but after some kneading here and there, she succeeded. He saw in the mirror on the wall that he already had a very slim waist this way, but she was not content and started to close the gap in the back. "You see, first I drew the skin to the front, now it is being drawn back again to its original position... and so it won't hurt you unnecessarily. This lacing bar was used by Madame very often when she went out with her husband, and I know it is a big help." After going over the laces again with a hook and tightening them so that only about half an inch of the gap remained, she was content. He, however, felt again like he was being cut in half. When she finally let him down a bit so that he could stand on his feet again, he was determined to undo the laces the moment he had the use of his hands again... promise or no promise. But she must have sensed his rebellion, for she did not loosen the straps. Instead, she fastened the strap that went under his body and flattened his maleness, though not without giving him little caresses here and there while doing it. He could not understand why, but since he had first worn that dressing gown in the store of Madame Heloise, he was in a constant state of arousal, which had only subsided a little bit in the warm water, but reappeared immediately afterwards when Suzanne had begun to lace the corset on him. He was really ashamed of it, as you did not show this in the presence of a girl, but he had no control over it and the best thing, he thought, was to ignore it. Suzanne had done the same up to this moment and, actually, it was over before one could mention it: then the offensive sight had disappeared. When he looked into the mirror, he saw that the lacing with his arms raised high had caused his twin mounds (which he preferred to think of as his pectoral muscles) to be pushed up and in from the sides, which shaped them into a quite realistic bosom, befitting a young girl with a pretty cleavage. Next came a pair of black open- worked stockings made of the finest silk, which reached high on his thighs and were fastened to the corset with long garters. Suzanne then made him step into two petticoats, one satin, one taffeta. The satin one again was very tight around his legs, as was the one he had worn before, while the taffeta one had several rows of ruffles going down the backside, giving it additional fullness. As he was again not allowed to wear drawers, the petticoats slithered excitingly over his bare backside. Suzanne brought the dress and made him step into it. She cautiously pulled it up until she could fasten the hooks of the waistband. Finally, she smoothed the full skirt down carefully over his hips. Only then did she release him from the lacing bar. With the petticoats and now with the gown covering the knots of the corset laces, he knew he had no chance of undoing them. So he gave in, and docilely put his arms into the short puffed sleeves and let her fasten all of the hooks to the top. The gown was of rustling white silk brocade with silver threads woven into the material. In front and over the hips, it followed the lines of his body closely, but opened in the back from the hips down to end in a large train. On any girl, he would have found it magnificent. Suzanne then led him to a chair and made him sit down. She showed him how to gather his skirts and how not to sit on the ruffles, which ran down the back of the gown. Then she put little high heeled slippers she called them "court shoes" on him, made of the same heavy brocade material as the gown. After taking care of his feet, she turned to his hands and arms and worked a pair of white glace kid gloves on them, buttoning them tightly at the wrists. The buttons were so small and the fingers of the gloves so tight that he was sure he could never undo them by himself. The gloves reached almost to his shoulders. "Now for the make-up. We can do a little more than this afternoon, now that it is dark and the lights are low." She proceeded with the cosmetics like a true professional, and in a few minutes he saw an entirely new face in the mirror. It was the face of a very pretty girl, tastefully made up to accentuate her best points. He did not object to this, because he hoped that if his face was disguised well enough, nobody he met tonight would later recognize him when he became a boy again. And anyway, if he had to be a girl tonight, he might as well be a pretty one. He already thought of himself as a girl, he suddenly realized. But it was the easiest way to cope with the situation. Tonight he would be a girl, and he made up his mind there and then, to make the most of it and enjoy himself as a girl as best as he could. He looked at himself and was quite content with his reflection in the mirror. He looked like a young lady coming from a very wealthy family, upon whom no luxury was spared. The dress let the top of his pretty round breasts, which the corset had created, bare, and showed the little valley between them. He could almost not believe that they were his own. Somehow he was ashamed of them, but then he liked the way they fit so perfectly into the entire picture. Well, he had no jewels, he thought, when just at that moment Suzanne came to him and fastened a rather tight choker necklace around his neck consisting of a net of pearls and diamonds about three inches wide, which again forced him to keep his chin high, and carry himself proudly. Then she fastened wide, white-gold, diamond studded bracelets to each of his wrists, and finally a silver and diamond tiara into his hair. The mirror showed him an image of perfection, a vision, the girl of his dreams. He could hardly turn away from the mirror. Suddenly, a pleasant shiver ran down his spine and he knew that he would like being a girl tonight. "Stop admiring yourself and come to me. You have to practice walking with the train," said Suzanne, interrupting his thoughts. She showed him how to handle his skirts and how to avoid getting caught in the folds of the train. First, she made him walk up and down the length of the room, turning around at each end. He almost fell at every turn, until she taught him how to swing the train around with one foot to the back, before starting in the new direction. She made him practice this for about ten minutes, until he got the knack of it and did it automatically at every turn. Then she showed him how to gather his skirts to avoid getting them caught in obstacles, like chairs or doorways. He practiced walking up and down the bedroom and the sitting-room, turning back and forth, walking around furniture without getting the train caught in it, sitting down and getting up. "If you have to walk down stairs or cross a street, you have to pick up your train like this," and Suzanne showed him how to do it. At first, he tried to simply bend down from the waist... as he was used to only to detect that this was futile because the tight corset made it impossible. He had to bend his knees and keep his body straight up, while reaching back down with his left hand to pick up the skirts. In the beginning, he almost lost his balance every time he tried, because the maneuver was not made easier by the high heels he was perched on, but Suzanne was a dedicated coach, and did not give up before he could do it quite gracefully in one, flowing and presumably effortless motion. Finally, Suzanne taught him how to curtsey elegantly. He had to gather his train behind with one hand, put the left foot back, deeply bend the right knee and at the same time put his right arm across his waist and lower his eyes. It took about 15 minutes of intense training until Suzanne said "Well, this is not enough for a reception at the court, but it may do for tonight." His legs, however, felt like they would fold up any second. He was completely exhausted and simply slumped into one of the easy- chairs when Suzanne made him get up again. "No time for sitting down now; later you will sit most of the time anyhow. Let us go downstairs now. Madame will be waiting for you." When he came down the long staircase, Aunt Margaret stood watching him intensely. He walked down slowly, holding his skirts up in front a little with one hand and his head high. "You really look marvelous, and you walk like a real lady. I must compliment you: you are a natural for these clothes," Aunt Margaret greeted him as he reached her. "Here, take this purse. It contains all the little things a lady might need during a night out." She moved closer and sniffed at his bare shoulders. "Suzanne has forgotten the perfume. But let's go now... there is some in your purse and we can use it while we are in the carriage. Put this cape over your shoulders," and she handed him a marvelous white fur cape. "You don't have to be suspicious, this one you just put around your shoulders, no inner sleeves in this one," Aunt Margaret laughed as she saw his doubting glance and she fastened it around him and closed the snap-hooks in front. It came down to his knees just where the train started to open in the back. As he walked out, he threw a sideways glance at a mirror in the hall and could not help but admire the reflection he saw. IV. At the Opera It took them about 15 minutes to get to the opera house, which was on the upper part of "Unter den Linden", close to the city palace of the Kaiser, which Aunt Margaret pointed out to him. He found the palace very impressive, but Aunt Margaret laughed and said "I would not want to live there. They don't even have any bathtubs." Just before they halted beside the opera house, Aunt Margaret dabbed a little perfume on his shoulders and behind his ears. It was a fresh, flowery smell, quite different from Aunt Margaret's own perfume, which was heavier, sweet and seductive. When they finally stopped in a long row of other carriages, Aunt Margaret urged him to hurry. "Let's go directly to my box, we are just in time. We shall meet our friends there." He hurried as best as he could in his tight skirts through a crowd of elegantly dressed people. Everybody seemed to rush and hurry. He had had the same impression before when he had come from the train and as they drove through the city. It seemed as if everybody in Berlin always was in a hurry. They were expected in front of the Box by an elegant couple. He was about 30 or 32 years old, almost six feet tall, and very masculine. He had a thick moustache, with the tips twirled upwards in the latest fashion. She was a little younger, maybe 25, a real beauty with a slim build, about 5' 6", wearing a beautiful gown in golden velvet. Her bare shoulders were framed by a ruffle of narrowly pleated silk taffeta of the same color, which started at her bosom and went all around, forming a V in the back, and continuing all the way down where it formed a formidable train. She had a really slim waist. She must have been laced down to about 19 or 20 inches at the most, which contrasted vividly with her full bosom and hips. "Gloria, meet my very good friends, Mr. Karl Becker and his friend Coco and here, my dear Karl and Coco, is Gloria, my niece." Everybody murmured something and he managed a deep curtsey appropriate for a young girl without any accident. Before a conversation could start, the bell shooed them to their seats and soon they were encircled by Mozart's music. He had completely forgotten to ask what was on the program tonight, but he recognized the theme immediately: Figaro's Wedding. "How appropriate," he thought, because he immediately thought of Cherubin, the boy who is dressed as a girl by Suzanne, Figaro's bride, during the second and third act, first to escape a compromising situation, and then to avoid having to join his regiment, where count Almaviva had sent him as a punishment. He loved the music and the Berlin opera certainly had excellent singers. He almost forgot his clothes and the circumstances that brought him there. Only now and then, when he wanted to take a deep breath and he felt the constriction of his corset, he became aware of his peculiar situation. He stole a sideways glance at Karl and Coco, but they had evidently taken him for what he seemed to be a girl. During the intermission, they all went to the buffet and had some champagne. "You know, I would have liked it even better, if Mozart had written the part of Cherubin for a high tenor, so that a boy could play the role. There is something missing in the action, if you know that the boy dressed as a girl is really a girl," Aunt Margaret observed, "I would like to see a real boy be changed into a girl in the play." Jean-Marie did not at all like the turn the conversation took. He felt as if somebody had pushed him onto very thin ice. But Aunt Margaret did not let up. "You see, the idea of the story is quite intriguing. Cherubin is a boy who actually chooses to become a girl to avoid joining the army. I do not believe that a normal boy could be persuaded to do this. He must have had the inclination to dress as a girl from the start. What do you think Coco?" "Well, don't ask me. You know, and you can see how I like to dress up, and I know there are a lot of other boys who would like to do it. And, I agree, Cherubin might actually like to be dressed as a girl and the way he is deceiving and flirting with his Master in the last act well, it could very well be that he likes to play the role of a girl. And maybe Mozart wrote that part with one of those pretty castrati in mind, which were still around when he composed this opera." Jean-Marie thought he couldn't believe his ears. What did she just say? Who was dressed up? Did she just say "I"? Could it be that this feminine creature was a boy in dresses? And what did she say about other boys who liked to dress as girls? And everybody acted as if nothing was amiss! He did not understand the world anymore. Or was this the sophisticated big city world? He probably was just too square to understand it all on his first night out. "I will have a lot to learn," he thought. He looked at Coco again, trying to find some hint that would tell him if he had heard correctly. Coco, who had continued her analysis of Mozart's probable intentions, suddenly stopped, feeling his stare. "Oh I am sorry, I didn't know that you didn't -. But of course you are new here. To relieve your doubts and satisfy your curiosity: Yes, I am a boy, but I have been living as a girl entirely for several years now. I like it and I want it and I do it and I don't give a damn if anybody else doesn't like it." "I am sure she did not mean any offense but it is probably the first time today that she has seen such a pretty boy-girl," Aunt Margaret cut in. He slowly caught his breath. "Oh, no, no offense at all. It is just that you are so unbelievably pretty, and your dress ... and, ah ... hair and ..." He felt perfectly boorish. "Well, I forgive you. And just to close this topic once and for all: I am not one of those, 'homosexuals' Freud writes about. I do not make love with men. I have a girlfriend, who could not come tonight, and I think Karl here is perfect in his role as escort to me. Karl, be a darling and take me to the bar again. I want another glass of champagne." She smiled sweetly at him and offered her arm to be led away. "I think you need another glass of champagne, too," Aunt Margaret said to Jean-Marie, "Let's go and get some." He could only follow quietly. "I am sorry I did not prepare you for this surprise but, you see, it is not that uncommon that a boy is wearing girls' clothes. Oh, by the way, I have not told them about you." During the entire rest of the performance he could not take his mind off what he had just heard. Was it really possible that there were boys who lived as girls? If what he had just heard was true, it must be so. But wasn't this utterly wrong? Then he remembered his own very pleasant feelings when he was put into the clothes he now wore. Maybe there was a similarity; maybe there were others who had the same feelings, and maybe ... Repeatedly he stole glances at Coco, who was sitting completely at ease at the other end of the box. How could a boy be so feminine? Again, doubts rose within him. Maybe they were just putting him on. But Coco had been so sincere and matter of fact when she had spoken to him. He was completely confused. When the performance ended and everybody walked out, he fell back behind the others, who were chatting lightly about the performance. He remained very quiet on their way home. V. The Deflowering When they reached home, he discovered that he suddenly was very hungry and was glad when the parlor-maid who received them and took their cloaks announced that a little supper had been prepared in his sitting-room. Aunt Margaret joined him in it and soon they were having delightfully prepared little sandwiches, and drinking more champaign. He discovered that he could eat only very little, probably because the tight constriction of the corset did not leave much room. The champagne apparently did not need any room under the corset: it went straight to his head and soon he was feeling quite relaxed and in the best of spirits. He even got up, picked up his train and started dancing around the room, humming popular tunes. Aunt Margaret watched him for some minutes before she got up too and caught him in her arms. "Enough for tonight," she cautioned him, "you'll have to go to bed now. It has been a very long and exciting day for you." She guided him into the bedroom and started to undress him. She took off his jewels, his dress and his petticoats, leaving him wearing only his long gloves, his corset and his stockings. He relished her ministrations and enjoyed every touch. Suddenly, she tied a wide satin ribbon around each of his wrists so that there was about eight inches of material between them. The middle was tightly knotted to another wide satin ribbon. He did not understand what it was all about because this really was not fettering him in any way. She was not done, however, and she guided his arms over his head and behind his neck. Then she pulled the loose end from the second ribbon to the front where she knotted it securely around his neck, hiding the knots with an attractive bow under his chin. He discovered that she had made him completely helpless in this simple way. He could not use his arms or hands at all. She took him around his small waist and drew him close. He felt completely in her power and unable to resist her in any way. She kissed him deeply on his mouth, letting her soft tongue play around his lips and with his tongue. It was the first time anybody had kissed him like this, but he enjoyed it immensely, and reciprocated with his own tongue. He instinctively wanted to put his arms around her, but the satin bondage she had put him into prevented it and made him realize all the more that he could only give in to her. After several minutes she broke away and started to kiss his nipples, which already were big, hard and erect. Shivers of delight raced through him. The pull of the tightly gartered stockings, the constriction of his corset, and the soft touch of his leather gloves rubbing against his neck and shoulders all gave him an exciting feeling: he really felt like a girl now, a girl helpless in the arms of her lesbian lover. Margaret guided him to the bed and made him lie down. She climbed on top of him still fully clothed and straddled him, bunching up her long skirt around her. She moved upward until she sat on his chest, rubbing her crotch against his nipples. He discovered that she, too, wore no drawers. He felt the soft, moist lips of her pussy wander around and caress his hard nipples. He writhed in real ecstasy, his whole body squirming under her. All he could hear was his heavy breathing and the rustling of her skirts about him. After a while, she raised herself to a kneeling position. She picked up her skirts and covered his head with them. All was dark now. She moved her crotch closer to his mouth until her nether lips met his. "I want you to use your tongue now. Lick it, suck it, let your tongue play around in it," she commanded. He couldn't object or escape her, bound as he was, but there was nothing he would have liked better to do, and being forced to do it just added to his excitement. He did as she asked him and she showed him by little movements what she liked best. It took only a few minutes until her movements became heavier and she pressed herself against his mouth. She rubbed herself all over his face and suddenly some liquid erupted and ran over his face. After a few moments her movements subsided and she let herself fall back upon his chest. When she pulled back her skirts from his face, he saw a happy, satisfied smile on hers. "That was very good. You are very talented. I shall reward you now." She reached back to the bottom of his corset and unfastened the strap that held his turgid tool captive. As soon as the pressure relented, it sprang up. She grabbed it and massaged it slowly. "This is my toy now. I can do whatever I please with it, can't I?" she demanded of him. "Yes, you can do anything at all." She raised herself again and slowly let his prick glide into the moist warm depth of her love nest. She started to rise and fall in a slow, even rhythm, watching his mounting excitement, driving him crazy. "You see, you cannot resist me in any way, and you really don't want to. You are my captive below my skirts, the skirts of a woman, the skirts that you wore today and will be wearing tomorrow. You will be absolutely subjected to my will and desire from now on." He felt like he had to rebel against this subjection, but did not have the power nor did he wish to rebel. Actually he wished this never would stop. She prolonged the excitement: as soon as she felt his climax nearing, she sat down on him without any movement until he cooled down a bit and then started the cycle again. All the time she spoke to him in a low, but intense tone, as if she were hypnotizing him and wanted to plant her words into his mind. She spoke about his subjection to her that he couldn't escape and that he did not really want to escape at all. He was almost out of his mind with pleasure. His breath came in short little gasps now and when finally she allowed him to come, he was so exhausted mentally, emotionally and physically that he simply passed out. Margaret raised herself and got off the bed. She arranged her skirt and rang for Suzanne. "Put him into a nightgown and have him down for breakfast tomorrow at nine," she ordered, and left for her own apartments. VI. Start Into a Girl's Life When he awoke, it took him some time to get oriented. Where was he? Whose bed was he in? Slowly the happenings of last night came back to him. Was it all true? Or were there things he had just dreamed? And which things were real and which not? He remembered having champagne... was it all a crazy, drunken dream? He looked around, saw the bell-rope close to his bed and decided to try it. Seconds later Suzanne entered greeting him cheerfully. "I was just coming to wake you up. Madame wants you to join her for breakfast in half an hour, so we must hurry." She pulled back the satin, down filled blanket. Too late, he tried to hold on to it to keep himself covered. "Come on, don't be bashful, I've seen you completely naked yesterday, so there is no reason to hide anything today. Come on, get up now." When he tried to jump from the bed, he discovered he was still laced tightly into a corset, which prevented him from bending his body. He had to sit up carefully and then glide from his bed. He wore a beautiful nightgown of the finest muslin, encrusted with heavy lace all around his neck and shoulders and at his hands. Suzanne put high heeled mules on his feet and pulled him up. "Take off the nightgown... I'll loosen the stay-laces." That was music to his ears because, standing, he felt the terrible constriction of that awful garment again. He shed the gown in two seconds. After letting him out of the corset, Suzanne took him to the bathroom where a wonderful smelling warm bath already awaited him. She soaped his entire body down with perfumed soap and toweled him dry. He felt great. "Sit over here so I can attend to your hair." She directed him to a chair in front of a mirror and started to curl his hair. "Why do you do this," he asked, "Can't I wear male clothes today?" "If there weren't any around last night, there aren't any around now. Nothing materialized during the night. Your trunk has not arrived yet and today is a holiday and all the shops are closed. I am afraid you will have to be a girl again today and I'll do my best to make you a pretty one." After about 10 minutes he had a very girlish hairdo with most of his hair piled up in curls. "Now you just slip into the dressing-gown you had on yesterday and off you go to meet Madame." He was a little afraid to see her after what happened last night... if it had happened and he had not just dreamed it. Suzanne brought him to his aunt's bedroom door, knocked, and shoved him in when she answered. "Good morning my dear, did you sleep well?," she greeted him cheerfully. She was sitting dressed in a wonderful "dishabille" at a little table covered with all you could want for breakfast. He went over to her and answered, greeting her with a polite little bow. "Good Morning, Aunt Margaret." She laughed and stopped him. "Now this is not at all the behavior of a pretty girl. You still have a lot to learn. Girls don't bow, girls curtsey. You know how to do that, don't you? Well then, go back to the door and come in again." Hey, I am a boy and she should be content with my bowing he thought. Just because I am wearing this silly gown doesn't mean I've become a girl, he thought. But when he looked into her face and saw she was completely serious, he thought it best to humor her, so he did go back and returned, curtseying deeply in a totally exaggerated way. "Good morning, Aunt Margaret." "Now this was not what I had in mind. I don't want to be made fun of. Please go back and do it again, properly this time. I know you can do better." She was dead serious now. He had to go back and repeat the whole scene. This time he did it like a young girl would have done it. "Good morning, Aunt Margaret." She smiled at him. "Good morning, Gloria." Somehow he felt that there was much more to this scene than what it appeared to be. "Have a roll and butter. There is jam and marmalade and honey. And here is coffee, tea and milk." He was really hungry and started to devour a roll as soon as he had buttered it. "Please restrain yourself a little bit; eat a bit more civilized," she admonished him. "By the way, I can see your behavior leaves much to be desired. I think we must lay down some ground rules for you while living here with me." "You see, while you are living here as a girl, I want you to behave like one at all times. I don't want to see a dragoon in skirts. And I want you to show me the respect I am entitled to. You are my ward and I am your guardian and I want your behavior to show this... period. So as long as you are dressed as a girl, you will curtsey to me when you greet me. Further, you will ask permission for everything you want to do and if you receive it, you will say "thank you" and curtsey. If I give you permission to do anything that you hadn't requested in the first place, you will interpret this as an order to do it, but treat it as a wish granted anyhow, thank me for it and curtsey before you go and do it." He was taken aback... she evidently meant everything she said. Had nothing happened last night? He was more insecure than ever. Well, lastly what she had said was of no real importance for him, because this afternoon at the latest he would become a boy again and shed these silly feathers. "You know, you need some rules in society, which make living together possible, and smooth the edges in the relations between people. I don't want to oppress you, but some rules are necessary, and I think we shall get along beautifully if we both observe these basic rules." There obviously was some truth to this, he had to concede, but he had some doubts about the necessity of exactly the rules that she had laid out before. But he did not worry too much. These rules would not outlive this day, he was sure. "Would you like to go horseback riding through the Tiergarten with me this morning?" she asked him. He was all for it. He would show her some equestrian exercises that no girl could do and thereby assert his masculinity. "Of course, I would love to." "Then go and get dressed and I'll meet you downstairs at the stable in 15 minutes." Although he could have eaten at least two more rolls, he got up. He remembered to curtsey before he turned toward the door. He almost bumped into Aunt Margaret's maid who brought her a stylish riding suit with black riding coat, red vest, black breeches and boots. He was glad to see this, evidently there finally were trousers available here. Entering his own suite, he found Suzanne waiting for him. She took off his dressing-gown and put him into a corset again using the lacing bar. He had expected this somehow and was glad that it was shorter in its lower part than the ones he had worn the day before. A chemise of fine linen followed, then a white satin blouse with long sleeves. A big, light grey satin cravat was tightly tied around his neck. He was waiting for the breeches when Suzanne pulled a riding habit from one of the closets. No breeches, but a long, wide skirt of fine black cheviot and a small and tightly cut jacket. All his hopes were gone. He gave in, however, and let Suzanne dress him in the severely cut habit. It fit him perfectly. The riding boots, though, had heels about two inches high quite unusual. Suzanne guided him down to the stables, carrying his hat and gloves. Aunt Margaret had already mounted her dapple-grey mare. "Hurry up now, we haven't got all day." She looked marvelous, if a little masculine, with her black top hat. Before he mounted his horse, Suzanne fastened his hat in his curls, a small, feminine thing, decorated with a long thick veil, which she tied in a large bow under his chin, letting the long ends stream down his back. He looked extremely feminine with his hour-glass silhouette, the long, full skirt and the veiled hat. He experienced a real shock however, when he realized that his horse bore a side-saddle. He had, of course, never used one of these before and did not know if he would be able to handle it at all. Before he could make up his mind, the coachman had already bent down, offering his help and suddenly he found himself seated in the saddle. "Let's go. Show me if you really can ride," and off Aunt Margaret went. He felt very humiliated having to ride side-saddle in a dress while she rode in breeches like a man. It went better than he had feared, but it was an unaccustomed and rather strenuous exercise for him and he was really tired and hungry when they finally came back at noon. After a light lunch together, Margaret allowed him to retire for a little rest. When he asked about his trunk, he was in for the next shock: it had not arrived yet, and nobody seemed to know where it could have gone to. This meant he would again have to spend the afternoon and night as a girl. VII. An Unpleasant Experience After a refreshing rest, Suzanne reappeared and dressed him in a delicate pink afternoon frock, dripping with lace all over. Of course he had to wear a corset again, and this time Suzanne had to close the gap entirely because the frock had an even tighter waist than the others. It had short sleeves, and Suzanne put his hands and arms in tight pink gloves that reached over his elbows. His feet were shod in pink boots with very high heels. After having made up his face just a little, she sent him down to take tea with Aunt Margaret. Tea had been served in a large salon and Aunt Margaret sat at a little table, reading a newspaper. He sat down next to her. When she let down her paper, he addressed her. "Aunt Margaret, may I ask you a question?" "Certainly Dear, go ahead." "Since my trunk did not arrive, can we go tomorrow and get some male clothes for me?" "Well, why? Don't you like the things you are wearing? Look into a mirror. You look so pretty, you should always wear dresses. But if you insist, indeed I shall get you some male things as soon as possible... however tomorrow is quite impossible. I have been invited to visit friends at their estate south of Berlin for the holidays. And you will accompany me, of course. We will not be back until Tuesday around noon. I am afraid you will have to stay a girl at least until then. So relax and enjoy it." She returned to her paper leaving him to digest this shattering news. The parlor-maid announced a visitor. "Mademoiselle Coco, Madame." "What a pleasant surprise, show her in, please." Coco entered with rustling and swishing petticoats. She was impeccably dressed again, and in the height of fashion in a plum- colored visiting dress with a very narrow waist and wide hips. Aunt Margaret got up and went to meet her. He got up too, following her. Aunt Margaret greeted Coco with little kisses on both cheeks. Coco then turned to Gloria and extended her hand. He took it and held it lightly while he respectfully curtseyed. "Please sit down and have a cup of tea. What brings you here?" "I am on my way to the Bergolds'; you know them. They have this terrible little brat of a daughter. She is fourteen now, and a complete tomboy. Her mother had asked me to make something to restrain and subdue her, and help her to become a lady." "And what did you come up with?" Aunt Margaret asked, seeming very interested. "Look here... this will restrain her and at the same time be very beneficial for her figure, as it pushes out her bosom." "Show me, please. No, I have a better idea. Put it on Gloria here, so I can really judge its effectiveness. Gloria, please get up and help her." He was very reluctant, but had to get up. Coco strapped soft leather cuffs, to which stout rings were sewn, around his arms, just above the elbows. Then she stepped behind him and pulled the elbows together. He heard something snap into the rings. His elbows were now held on his back with about five or six inches between them. It was not really a restraint, he just could not bring his arms to the front anymore. Coco began to pull on something and his elbows were pulled together very slowly. The thing between the cuffs must have been some sort of pulley. His elbows were drawn closer and closer. It did not hurt him but it got increasingly uncomfortable. Finally his elbows touched. Coco took a small silver chain with spring hooks and snapped them into the rings at the cuffs. Then she released the pulley. He had hoped this would bring him some relief, but the chain now connecting his elbows still held them pressed tightly together. He felt... and indeed he was... completely helpless. "Let me see it, dear, come to me," Aunt Margaret said, "Yes, it really does something to her bosom. It seems to be a very helpful and healthy thing. And yet she is not completely restrained: she can still move her hands and do a lot of things. Do you have more?" "Yes, in fact I do. Since you mentioned the hands; if a more complete restraint is desired, you can put the lower arms into this glove. It is a single glove, encasing both arms, holding them tightly together. It has separate fingers like any glove, but each one holds the two fingers of the right and left hand tightly together, so the wearer cannot bend them. A perfect restraint, don't you agree?" "Yes, a great idea. Why don't you put it on Gloria, too, so I can see the effect and how it looks." "I am glad to oblige." Coco first removed Gloria's pink gloves and then started to push, pull and knead the single glove onto his arms. When she was finally done, she closed a little row of buttons at each wrist, pressing them together even tighter. Gloria's arms were now like one from elbows to fingertips. "Marvelous! This will certainly hold any unruly girl in check. But what if she starts yelling and complaining? That can be a real nuisance." "No problem. Look here." She produced an oblong object that was fastened against a kind of soft and pliable leather belt about 20 inches long. "Open your mouth, dear." He wanted to object, but one look at Aunt Margaret told him it would be extremely unwise and, reluctantly, he opened his mouth. In a moment, the oblong object was buried deeply in it, and the leather belt tightly fastened behind his neck. He was so securely gagged that he couldn't utter any sound. He tried to make some noise through his nose, screeching or humming or whatever. This was immediately squelched by Coco, who simply pinched his nose shut, thereby cutting off all air. He was afraid he would suffocate. "See how simple it is to shut off the noise?" she addressed him, "if you promise not to make any sounds, I'll let go. Nod your head if you promise." He nodded immediately as much as he could while she was still holding on to his nose, and she let it go. "It is perfect. I would like to have all of this. But having the elbows strapped together like this for a prolonged period of time... isn't this too hard on the wearer? I think there should be another method to strap the arms behind the back just as a simple restraint." "Of course there is. Look here." Coco drew something that looked like a long leather tube from her bag. "This single glove holds the arms folded in the small of the back. It does not hurt at all and can be worn for very long periods. I know women whose husbands even make them sleep in it after an ardent session of lovemaking." "I want this too. My little friend here sometimes is a little sassy and this could teach her a little humility. Can't you leave it with me and give another set to the Bergolds?" "Of course, I'll just have to fetch another one and if I can have your carriage, I can even be on time." "Thank you very much, and of course I'll have you driven wherever you want." Margaret escorted her to the door and gave orders to drive her according to her directions. Gloria still stood there in helpless silence. "I think I should continue to lay down the rules for your stay in this house," Aunt Margaret started when she returned, "you see, in my opinion you are still much too masculine. Since we will be spending the next three days among other people, to whom you will be presented as a girl, we must undertake great efforts to make you a little more feminine. You run around too fast, you are too sassy, and you are too impertinent. A true girl aspiring to become a lady is shy and much more reserved. To teach you to be more girlish, I shall train you rigorously from now on and these items will serve me in this purpose." He didn't believe his ears. He thought the roof would cave in above him. "From now on, your hands or arms will always be tied behind your back, if you are not actually required to use them, or when we have guests who do not know about your training. Whether your elbows will be strapped together like they are now, will depend entirely on your behavior. You will get black marks for every bad or ungirlish thing you do, and each mark means you have to spend one day with your elbows strapped together, including the single glove you are wearing now, morning to night. If you complain, you will also wear the gag. Just so you know what you'll have coming if you get a black mark, we shall start your training right now, and until dinner you can stay as you are now." That was really cruel. Dinner was more than two hours away and he did not know whether he could stand this terrible constriction for so long. But he saw no way out. He was afraid to complain, as he was almost certain, it would mean the first black mark. He saw nothing he could do, but resign himself to his fate. Margaret picked up her paper again and started reading, paying no attention to his discomfort at all. He could not sit in one of the deep easy-chairs, so he tried sitting down on a stool in a corner. After a while, he started walking around the room, trying to catch Aunt Margaret's attention. He tried to express his wish to leave. Finally she said "All right, I won't be too severe the first time. You may go upstairs and ask Suzanne to take you out of it and dress you for dinner." He wanted to turn and dash out but remembered to curtsey as gracefully as he could and then walk out slowly with small, girlish steps. When he reached his room, he sounded the bell for Suzanne. When she saw him, she exclaimed "Now isn't this nice and snug? Really, it does a lot for your figure." She made no attempt to release him. He followed her around with begging eyes, but she just said "stay off my tail... I have to prepare your dress for tonight. Wait a moment: I'll fix you." She took a long ribbon, tied one end around his neck and led him like a dog to a wall-bracket, to which she fastened the other end. There he stood, unable to move away, tied to the wall with a simple ribbon with only a loose knot. It would have taken him less than a second to untie it if he had the use of his hands, and even with his teeth he could have opened the knot in no time, but there he stood, helpless like a puppy on a satin leash. Meanwhile, Suzanne took out the dress he was going to wear, a new set of lingerie, stockings, and court-shoes, taking her time selecting each item, checking it against the others to ensure the colors matched, with no haste. She must have spent at least 20 minutes doing it, until she had all the things together. She turned to him again, took him off the wall and started to undo the single glove which imprisoned his arms from fingers to elbows. After that, with a great effort she unhooked the chain holding his elbows tightly together. He sighed deeply when he could move his arms again and immediately wanted to undo the gag. He discovered to his dismay that it was fastened not only with a buckle, but was locked on, too. He was unable to remove it. He gestured to Suzanne to get her to take it off. "Can't do. Don't have key. Madame has key. Must wait until she comes." Because he could not speak to her, she spoke to him as if he were a little child, or somebody who didn't speak the language. Then she proceeded to dress him for dinner. He had to keep on his extremely tight corset. The dress was beautiful; a soft rose tone with dark red applications, a little bustle emphasizing his behind and a trained full skirt. The sleeves reached to his elbows, where they ended in a flurry of rose colored lace. His gloves were long and tight glace kid and disappeared into the sleeves. The court shoes had the highest heels of all he had worn so far. When he gestured that he thought them too high, Suzanne calmed him. "They are just a little over four inches. They are very smart. You'll get used to their height very quickly and you'll love the way they make you walk." When he came down to meet Aunt Margaret at the dining table, she unlocked his gag and took it out of his mouth. He was glad to be rid of it and touched his cheeks and moved his jaws to see if everything was still working. "Well?" Aunt Margaret looked at him inquiringly. He quickly remembered to say "Thank you, Aunt Margaret," and to do a graceful curtsey. "The next time I have to remind you, you'll earn a black mark." During dinner Aunt Margaret told him more about Coco. His real name was Conrad and he came from a good family. A few years before, he had decided he wanted to live as a girl and with the encouragement and help of his mother, he had done so ever since. He had his own business, making costumes for the large number of medium and small theater and music-hall productions playing in Berlin. He did most of the designs, and employed four girls who did the sewing. And if anybody wanted to have anything specially made, he was the one they turned to for extravagant and bizarre things. Gloria wanted to know if nobody objected to a man living as a lady. Aunt Margaret explained that, not only were the people in Berlin extremely tolerant of their neighbor's foibles, even the police were very tolerant. They actually had issued him a paper, stating that the fact that he was living as a woman was known to the authorities and that there were no objections. There was, in fact, no law against cross-dressing. At the most, it could have been called a disturbance of the peace if people had objected, but in any event this was rated as nothing but a misdemeanor and if nobody complained, peace was not disturbed. Aunt Margaret explained that even though male homosexuality was punishable under the existent law, and there were many homosexuals around, who did not even try to hide their inclinations, very rarely was anybody tried and convicted. The police were keeping a watchful eye on male prostitutes (which were all well known to them) who tried to blackmail their lovers. If such a case was made known to them, they went after the blackmailer full force and the blackmailed person's case was handled most discreetly, with rarely any damage being done to him. After dinner, Aunt Margaret sent Gloria to bed early, as the next day they would have to rise early to take an early train. "We are visiting very dear friends of mine. They have a son who is just taking his final exams to become a medical doctor, I think you will like him. Oh, before I forget it, remind Suzanne to pack at least two evening dresses. I think there will be a ball held at the mansion Sunday night and probably there will be a dance Monday night, too." The idea of having to dance in skirts, and probably with a man, did not thrill him at all, but as Sunday night was two nights off, he was not too scared. There might even be a chance to find some male clothes at that place and he could put an end to all this nonsense. When Suzanne refused to let him out of his corset, he protested a little but soon gave in. He was convinced he could get out by himself as soon as she had left. He even went along playfully as Suzanne slipped his wrists through the loops of the adjustable garter-straps, "to get your hands out of my way while I clean your face," she said. It isn't even a real restraint, he thought, I can slip out any time. She pulled the nightgown over his head but left his hands in the loops. "Have a good night and sleep well, tomorrow will probably be a long day," she said as she tucked him in and left him. When he tried to slip his hands out of the garter straps, he discovered he could only draw the loops tighter around his wrists, but however he turned and tugged, he could not slip out of the damn things. After about half an hour of struggling, he gave up. He had underestimated her: she had outwitted him and he had blindly walked into her trap. Now he had to keep on this dreadful corset until she released him in the morning. Well, tomorrow he would put an end to this all as soon as he got some male clothes. The fact that their hosts had a son sounded promising. He would probably help him. VIII. A Spanking When Jean-Marie (or Gloria, as he now always was called by his aunt and his maid Suzanne since they had tricked him into wearing girl's clothes) woke up after a refreshing sleep, he let the last two days pass in review: How he had come to Berlin to meet his aunt and guardian and how she had made him wear girl's clothes and cunningly but gently pushed him into subjection. He tried to analyze his feelings about what had happened to him. He knew of course it was utterly wrong for a boy to be dressed as a girl. Boys just did not do this... period. Everything he had learned during the seventeen years of his upbringing said it was wrong, terribly wrong and that he had to fight it and oppose it. However, deep inside him there was something troubling him. To be dressed as a girl had caused exciting feelings in him. He still shivered with delight, when he thought back to how he had looked in his evening gown dressed up for a night at the opera. And when he remembered how he was completely tied up and gagged in the afternoon dress last night, he became terribly excited. He remembered dreams that he had had since his earliest boyhood about being tied up, dreams about beautiful women forcing him to wear girl's clothes, using him as their toy. He always had tried to shake off these terrible and unnatural dreams... but they were thrilling him to his very bones. He had never ever talked to anybody about these dreams. He would have died of shame. He was convinced that nobody would understand his feelings anyhow, and he would be ridiculed by all, so it was best to bury them deep inside and push them aside whenever they occurred. These dreams were so odd, they must be unique. He was sure nobody else had these dreams. Yet that night at the opera and again yesterday he had met a beautiful girl, who actually was a boy, and who made no secret of this, and the fact that she enjoyed dressing and living as a girl and preferred it to a masculine existence. Were there others who had the same or similar feelings? It was quite a revelation to him that, evidently, there were. Coco had made some remark about her knowing other boys who liked to dress up. But anyway, he resolved that this was not for him. He wanted to become an engineer like his father had been and travel through the world to bring the wonders of technical progress to its far corners. He wanted to fight the elements and make them bow to human willpower. That was a task where only a strong man could succeed. Nobody ever heard of a female railroad engineer laying tracks through deserts and jungles, for instance. He therefore had to put an end to the doings and machinations of his aunt and shed the female things she put on him. That morning he felt so strong that he was sure that nobody could deter him from finding some male clothes and doing away with the girlish things they had made him wear. In spite of his tight corset, which he had to keep on during the night, and the fact that his arms were held to his side by the elastic loops of its garters, he climbed out of his bed. The clock on the mantlepiece showed 10 minutes to seven. With his teeth, he tugged at the bell to summon the maid. Suzanne appeared almost immediately. "Good morning, Gloria, you are up early. Madame had asked me to wake you at seven. All the better: we have a few minutes more." She removed his nightgown, unfastened his wrists from their elastic but inescapable fetters and proceeded with the morning ritual of perfumed bath, brushing and curling his hair and dressing him. Strapping him to the lacing bar, she put a new corset on him that was not as tight as the one last night, it left him with about half an inch more room. He was really thankful for this little additional space, although after only about 30 hours in corsets his body seemed to have adjusted fairly well to the compression of these torture tools. Suzanne dressed him in a traveling costume of light beige wool with dark brown velvet applications. His feet were shod in smart beige boots with heels only a little higher than three inches. "Madame said breakfast will be served in her rooms at 8:15. We have about half an hour until then. I shall pack your things now and you can help me select the things to pack. As you do not have to pack anything yourself, please put your hands on your back so I can lock them together as Madame had wished." This is my chance to put my foot down and stop this nonsense, he thought. "I shall not allow you to tie up my hands. There is no reason to do it, I did not do anything wrong and I do not have to be punished. It is humiliating enough having to wear these clothes, but I shall not tolerate being tied up by you." He looked at her defiantly. She did not answer him, she just took his right hand in her hands, raised her arms and slipped through under them, turning herself full circle and passing him doing it. She ended standing behind him, holding his right arm in a very painful hammer-lock position. All this happened in less than a second and took him entirely by surprise. He screeched with pain. He almost doubled over to escape the pain. She steered him toward the backrest of a large easy chair. "All right, if you want it the hard way, it's your choice. Pick up your skirt with your left hand and hold it high up on your back," she commanded. When he hesitated, she pulled his right arm higher, causing the awful pain to increase even more. He feared that the slightest further increase of her pull would dislocate his shoulder, so he gave in and pulled his skirt up. She helped him and gathered all of it on his back, directing his left hand to hold it there. From the dressing table nearby she grabbed a hair-brush and started to spank him hard on his bare behind. He screeched and howled with pain but she did not relent, she just bent him deeper over the backrest and buried his face into the thick pillows lying on the seat, effectively muffling his cries. She spanked him hard until her arm began to tire and his cries had turned to uncontrolled heavy sobbing. She did not let him go after she stopped beating him, just released her hold on him a little bit so he could raise his body. His face was red and wet from his tears, he still sobbed so hard that his whole body was jerking. It was not just the pain, which shook him up, it was the total humiliation of being spanked like that by a mere girl that had shattered his masculine ego. "Will you now obey me, if I tell you to do something?" He hastened to nod, wiping his nose and his eyes with his free hand. "Or do you want a repeat performance?" He shook his head violently, still unable to speak for his sobbing. She let go of his arm. "All right then. Here are some handcuffs. Put them on yourself behind your back." Still unable to control himself, he took the shining things and fumbled behind his back until they were closed and locked his hands closely together on his back. Suzanne checked to see if they were on tight enough and was satisfied only after she had tightened them a notch or two. "Now, as Madame had wished, you will wear them at all times when you are not required to use your hands for something you were asked to do. If I forget about it, you will remind me. And you will put them on yourself as soon as I ask you to, understand?" He nodded with is head hanging down. "Now let me clean up your face and put on some make-up so people won't see right away you have been crying." She made him sit in front of the mirror and started with the cosmetics. "And by the way, I may as well tell you now, you will hear it from Madame anyway: Madame has promoted me from your maid to your governess. I have to instruct you on feminine behavior, ladylike deportment and so on. We shall have many training sessions every day from now on. And since I am not your maid anymore, I want you to call me "Mademoiselle" from now on and you will have to curtsey to me when greeting me or when I give you permission to do something... exactly as you have to do with Madame." His spirits were completely broken. Another humiliation, having to accept this girl as his superior, who could give him orders. "Madame also told me that she thinks it is unsuitable and sounds childish if you call her "Aunt". She thinks being called "Aunt" by a big girl like you in front of strangers makes her appear too old. But just calling her "Margaret" is entirely inappropriate, since she is your guardian, and you should show the respect due to her in addressing her. She therefore wants you to address her as "Madame". I suggest you remember this, lest you start collecting black marks swiftly." After this new blow to his ego, he was seriously thinking of fleeing from this house at once. But what could he do? Fettered as he was, he would not even be able to reach the door of his room. And dressed as he was... where could he turn in a strange city with no money? He had to find an opportunity to escape. Maybe the weekend excursion would present a chance. IX. A Trip to the Countryside When he entered Margaret's sitting-room, it was precisely 8:15. He closed the door behind him and waited there until she looked up. "Good morning, Madame," he greeted her with a graceful curtsey. "Good morning, Gloria, come and join me for breakfast." She looked him in the face. "Have you been crying? Tell me the reason." He truthfully related the whole incident to her. "Now that was stupid of you, not to obey Mademoiselle in the first place, wasn't it? Mademoiselle had every right to do what she did. You see, while you are living here as a girl, you have to be obedient and submissive as is befitting a young girl. I shall not tolerate any insolence or willfulness on your part. This kind of behavior, often found in young men, is not acceptable even in them, much less in a girl. I hope that you will soon adapt your demeanor to the ways expected by society as the proper behavior of a young lady. It will make things easier for all of us, but mostly for you, though. I hope you agree with me. Don't you?" He took a deep breath... as far as the constriction of his corset allowed... and silently nodded, his eyes downcast. No use putting up a fight here and now, he could only loose. "Well, answer me, Gloria, and look at me." She treated him like a recalcitrant child, but he had to give in. "Yes, of course you are right and I agree with you, Madame," he finally managed to say. "Well, then this is settled and out of the way. Let's enjoy the nice day and our breakfast." He hoped she would release him from the handcuffs... in vain. "I see you are a little hampered. Well, then I shall prepare you a roll and feed you. Do you want coffee or tea?" And she fed him like a baby, even dabbing his lips with a napkin after each bite or sip. Long before he had enough, she stopped and told him "Run along and ask Mademoiselle to get you ready for our trip. I shall meet you downstairs at the carriage in 10 minutes." He got up obediently. "Thank you very much, Madame," he managed to say, not forgetting his curtsey. "You are very welcome, my dear. See how simple it is?" Half an hour later they, which was Margaret, Suzanne, and Jean- Marie or... as the two women wanted Jean-Marie to see it... Madame, Mademoiselle, and Gloria, were sitting in a reserved first class compartment in the train that would bring them to the estate of their hosts for the holidays. Suzanne had exercised another little tyranny over Gloria. After having her slip into a light dust-cloak, which matched the colors of her dress, she had hung an ornamental cord around her neck, which suspended a dainty velvet muff just below her waist. "Slip your hands into it please," she asked her. Jean-Marie sensed something mischievous in her request, but was afraid to object. When he had put his hands into the little muff, Suzanne compressed something at each end of it and he heard two little clicks. Metal clamps had closed tightly around his wrists and he was unable to retract his hands from the muff. She looked at him smiling like the cat that had eaten the canary. "Another little toy, that will teach you proper submissiveness. You will not need your hands until we get there and if you are careful and push your hands well in, nobody will see the fetters." After the train had started, Suzanne had drawn down the shades on the windows on the side of the aisle, so nobody could look into their compartment. "I am just thinking: Gloria is wearing rather low heels today. I think she might be tempted to walk with an unfeminine stride when we arrive. The surroundings will be rather rural and that might make her forget to move gracefully. Her dress is very comfortable and does nothing to remind her to curb her stride. I think we should restrain her somehow to prevent any mistakes she might make." "An excellent idea, Suzanne, what do you propose?" Margaret supported Suzanne's argument. "Well, I have here a small gadget that just might do the trick. May I fix it on her legs?" "By all means, please do." Suzanne drew back Gloria's skirts to her knees. She knelt down and fastened a strong cloth ribbon around each of Gloria's legs just below her knees. Other ribbons, adjustable in length, connected these in front and in back. "All right Gloria, get up and walk up and down." He discovered that he could take only the tiniest steps. "You can't leave this on," he protested, "I would not even be able to step down from the car in the station." "Don't you worry your little head, my dear, I can easily give you some more room. Now sit down again." He did it and she reached under his skirts and pulled twice. But instead of getting more freedom, his knees were drawn tightly together. "That's the wrong way," he protested. "Oh no, as you will not be doing any walking for the next hour or so, your knees can stay strapped together like this. It will remind you, always to sit with your knees pressed together. Another lesson in femininity. And since you cannot walk anyway, I may as well bind your ankles together." She did it using a similar ribbon, which she wound around both ankles, pulled tight and buckled. There he sat with his two mistresses, tied hand and foot, fashionably dressed as a girl, and he had not the slightest chance to escape them. It should have made him angry, rebellious or at least dejected or depressed. Strangely enough, none of this happened. The situation inexplicably aroused his passions, and he leaned back into the corner of his seat, closing his eyes, and gave way to these surprising, but very pleasant feelings. During their ride, Margaret explained that her husband and Mr. von Eltzen, their host for the weekend, had been business partners. He had only recently acquired the estate and renovated the mansion. Shortly before they reached their destination, Suzanne freed his ankles and his hands and loosened the straps at his knees. Somehow, he wished it had continued, but then he remembered his plan to escape his mistresses. At the station they were picked up by a large coach. After their bags were stowed away, the coachman said they would have to wait a few moments, as he had to pick up somebody else; another lady. "Look who's coming," Margaret suddenly exclaimed, "it's Coco!" Really, there she came, very stylishly dressed for a visit "la campange" in a forest green wool suit, wearing a rather austere, almost masculine hat, which was only softened by a large veil draped around its crown, partly drawn over the face, partly hanging in long streamers down the back. She marched toward the coach using a walking stick made of polished knotty wood to help her. Even in this costume without any frills or ruches she looked extremely feminine and her "marching" could hardly be called that. She projected the picture of a very fragile girl. Jean-Marie was again amazed by her extremely narrow waist. Even now with the heavier material of her costume, it was unbelievable small. When she reached the coach and saw who was sitting in it, she let out a little shriek of delight. "I don't believe it. I had no idea you were coming, too. We could have traveled together. Well, I am glad to see you. I was afraid I wouldn't know anybody besides the hosts." The porter who had followed her put her bag into the trunk at the back and she greeted everybody with a little kiss, and sat down opposite from Margaret. "Well, what a pleasant surprise." Jean-Marie simply couldn't believe that this ultra feminine creature could be a boy. He made a mental note to find out more about her during the coming days. The coach took about half an hour to reach the von Eltzen estate. They were greeted by their hosts. "I suggest you go to your rooms first and get settled and then we can all take a carriage-ride until lunch-time. My husband is dying to show off his property," announced their hostess, Mrs. von Eltzen. After the official introduction to their hosts, Jean-Marie had tried to keep in the background as much as possible. He had not seen the son of their hosts. He wanted to find him as soon as possible to get some male clothes, before any other guests arrived who could see him as a girl. He was afraid to ask for him directly; he just had to take his chances and keep his eyes open for him. After they were shown their rooms and all their bags had been delivered, they returned to the hall. Where is this son-of-a- bitch, now that I need him, Jean-Marie thought. Much to his disappointment, he had to join the others for the ride. Luckily, they were the only guests so far. When Margaret enquired who else was expected to come, Mr. von Eltzen told her they were all neighbors and not expected until dinner. The property was impressive. The mansion overlooked a lake: there was a boat-house and a private landing with a small sailing-yacht. The grounds were landscaped in the English country park fashion with groups of trees and hedges in the meadows. They saw orchards and fields and went through the village nearby, but nothing could hold Jean-Marie's interest. He was glad when they finally returned and lunch was announced. Then he appeared. "May I introduce our son, Fritz," Mr. von Eltzen proclaimed. Jean-Marie looked him over with intense interest. He was taller than Jean-Marie, at least 5' 9" but rather slim, definitely not the athletic type. That was good. Probably his trousers would be too long for him, but you could always fold up what was too long inside the leg. His shirts and jackets could just fit him... maybe the arms would be a little long. "You know everybody, Fritz, except our young guest here, Baroness Gloria von Leydenburg, Baronin von Leydenburg's niece." Jean-Marie was still staring at him, calculating, comparing Fritz' size to his, when he saw Fritz' outstretched hand waiting for his. Oh my God, I am Baroness Gloria von Leydenburg! It suddenly dawned on him. Never before had he been introduced that way and for a moment he had not even realized that it was he who was being introduced. He offered his hand to be shaken and got another shock when Fritz bowed to him and breathed a kiss on his hand. Just in time, he remembered to curtsey. "You seem to have flustered her quite a bit, Fritz," Margaret observed "I hope you do not take advantage of her bewilderment. Be a gentleman." "But of course, Frau Baronin." At lunch Fritz took him to the table, but with all the others around then, he had no opportunity to talk to him about his problem. He could, however, watch him and his actions very closely. Fritz had very delicate hands, with long slim fingers. If he was a doctor, he had to be a surgeon. His face was finely cut, with soft features showing great sensitivity. He spoke in a low, modulated voice. The conversation mostly was about his work at a hospital in Berlin, and Jean-Marie felt that he was very dedicated to it. Had Jean-Marie really been a girl, he could have fallen in love with him. Good looking, coming from a good family... but most important, a sincere, caring personality. Jean-Marie was sure he would be understanding and help him... if he just had a chance to talk to him in private for a few minutes. But his hopes dwindled when Fritz told him he had to go back to Berlin, to the hospital. He was scheduled for duty for a double shift from four o'clock that afternoon to eight Sunday morning. When he saw her obvious disappointment, he assured her that he would be back for the ball scheduled for Sunday night. Jean-Marie was disappointed, but for quite different reasons than Fritz could imagine. He had to find another way to get to male clothes. Maybe he could just steal... no, borrow... some of Fritz's while he was gone. But he had no such luck. After lunch, Fritz rushed off and everybody else went to take an afternoon nap. Suzanne and Margaret made sure Jean-Marie would stay with them. Maybe they had sensed his imminent rebellion. They had three adjoining rooms, all three interconnected and having a door to the hall. Suzanne closed and locked the door of his room leading to the hall and took the key along. He now could only exit through either Suzanne's or Margaret's room. He looked out of the window but it was too high to jump and there was nothing near he could climb down on. He was caught again. Suzanne came and undressed him, leaving on his corset. She made him put his wrists through the garter loops again, fettering him in this simple and yet effective way, and put him to bed. After he had rested and slept a little bit, Suzanne came and dressed him for the afternoon tea. He had to wear a gown that again was very tight in the waist and Suzanne had to take in his corset another half inch. When he looked into the long mirror after Suzanne had completely dressed him, he was quite taken by his reflection. Again, he was a very pretty girl. He would have liked to see Fritz' reaction to seeing him. He shook his head... he was even beginning to think as a girl. X. The Deflowering... Part Two The afternoon tea proved to be rather dull. There were only the women present and apart from the four visitors from Berlin and their hostess, there were only some neighbors, and their conversation circled around their houses, kids and gardens. Jean- Marie was glad when they all left and they retired to get dressed for dinner. Suzanne selected a very elegant dinner dress for him. It left him very little room to move from its high, tight collar to the narrow skirt, which only permitted small, mincing steps. When he complained about the restrictions, Suzanne just told him he would mostly be sitting at the table. "This is not a ball-gown to dance in, and it allows you enough room to walk to and from the table." She took great care with his hairdo and his makeup. "Your head will be seen all the time by everybody... and any pretty young girl is under constant scrutiny by the other women and even more so, if she is a "new face"." He had to agree, he was as pretty as a picture when he walked down to dinner together with Aunt Margaret and Suzanne. Somehow, the feeling of his tight skirts keeping his legs tied together so softly, yet effectively, troubled his passions. About twenty people had gathered already in the drawing room. They were shortly introduced all around, then dinner was announced and everybody sat down at the beautifully decorated dinner table. The food was excellent: nothing exotic, but prepared with imagination and knowledge. Jean-Marie suddenly felt a foot lightly rubbing against his legs under the table. He looked across and saw Coco smile at him and wink. Then another foot touched him from further down the opposite side and Suzanne smiled and winked at him. He was quite disturbed by these unexpected advances, especially when he saw them look at each other and smile again. There seemed to be an understanding between the two of them. The trouble was, he couldn't make out if it was an alliance against him or if he was included as an ally in some secret plot. It could be promising, but he had better watch out. Shortly after desert and cordials, the gathering dissolved, everyone went home, and the four ladies from Berlin retired to their rooms. Jean-Marie was not tired at all, and neither were the other three. "I was glad to get away from them," Margaret stated. "Von Eltzen was a business partner of my husband and we are still doing business together... but he definitely is not a big charmer and the others were not very entertaining, either." "Well, let's have a party here," Coco suggested, "I have taken my precautions for this turn of events." She brought a cooler with a bottle of champagne from her room. "There's more where this came from," she said. Everybody had a glass of champagne and Suzanne took Jean-Marie and started dancing with him, humming a popular waltz. "You know, we must practice a lot until tomorrow. You will have to dance as a girl, which means mostly backwards, and with trained skirts you will surely get tangled up in them and fall, if we do not practice." She put his left arm on her shoulder and took his right hand in her left so he had the girl's position. As it turned out, he could not dance at all with his tight skirts. "Take them off, then," she said, "Let's get you out of that dress, and then we can dance." In a minute they were dancing again, she fully clothed; he only in long gloves, corset, stockings and high heels. When he saw this strange couple in the mirror, it immediately aroused him.... It looked so strangely erotic. Coco and Margaret picked up the tune and started dancing as well, with Coco leading. Very soon, however, their dancing ceased and they were holding each other tightly, kissing passionately. Jean- Marie saw that Margaret opened Coco's dress in the back and pulled it off her shoulders. Coco wriggled until the dress lay in a puddle on the floor. All the time, their kissing did not let up. Suzanne kept dancing with Jean-Marie, but he watched the other couple as much as possible. Margaret opened the ribbon that held up Coco's drawers and they, too, fell down. Then she pulled at some ribbon in the back and grabbed his cock in front. It became fully erect in just a few seconds, and she massaged it gently. Jean-Marie couldn't take his eyes off them as they started to make love slowly and oblivious to anything around them. One thing was certain now: Coco was a boy. Suzanne had stopped dancing, too, and proceeded with him just as Margaret had done before with Coco, and soon they were similarly engaged; Margaret and Coco on a couch at the foot of the bed and Suzanne and Jean-Marie on the bed. Only the sounds of ecstatic lovemaking could be heard. After a while, Margaret disentangled herself from Coco's embraces, got up and said to the other couple, "let's change partners." Jean-Marie was deeply engaged in something he did not want to let up right then, but Suzanne extricated herself and let him lie on the bed, sighing deeply with closed eyes. He opened his arms to receive Margaret. He felt a mouth close around his still-rigid shaft, and he writhed in ecstasy from the touch of lips and tongue. His hands were searching for her and he found her legs, encased in slippery silk stockings. He glided upward with slow, caressing strokes, grabbed her wonderful full ass-cheeks and pulled her to his mouth to do as he had done on their first night of love. He noticed that she was wearing a different perfume tonight. He opened his mouth and searched for her love-nest with his tongue... and received the shock of his life when a hard and throbbing cock entered his mouth. This was not Margaret; his new partner was Coco. He wanted to reject it; get it out of his mouth, but that was easier said than done. Coco's thighs held his head immobile, and the damned thing was buried so deep that it was impossible to spit it out. Then there were the thrills that Coco's actions on his own cock caused, and soon he was unable to do anything but respond in the same way. Just when he thought he would reach his climax, Coco let him go and got up. He was very frustrated, but willing to follow any request from Coco that promised a continuation. Without saying a word, Coco turned him around to a kneeling position on all fours and pressed his slippery tool into his ass. "Don't fight it, relax; you'll love it," he was told in soothing tones. Coco reached around and started to massage his dangling cock. After an initial sharp burst of pain, Coco's cock glided in and out, causing only the most delightful feelings in him and in less than two minutes they both came almost simultaneously and collapsed on the bed. "Now you are a real woman after having been fucked by a man," Margaret declared. He was completely confused. He had been fucked, but Coco was a girl; he looked, felt, sounded, and smelled like a girl. He had made love to a girl, not to a man! On the other hand, this girl had a cock like a man, so maybe he really had been fucked by a man. However, he had felt only a very feminine creature that could not be rated as male at all. It was all so confusing. All he knew for sure was that he had enjoyed it immensely. The two women had not been idle during all this, but had been engaged in some hot lovemaking of their own. When they saw the two boy-girls relax after their love-bout, they joined them on the bed. It was very wide but with four people in it, it got rather crowded, and certainly did not offer enough room to stay clear of each other... which, on the other hand, actually was the last thing on their minds. The love-making continued into the wee hours of the morning and nobody cared who was doing what to whom with what. When they finally fell asleep, they were all completely exhausted. XI. Fritz Unnoticed by Jean-Marie, his three bedfellows left him and went to their own rooms early in the morning.... When he awoke to the sound of the curtains being drawn back, he found himself in bed alone. When he looked at the clock, it was 11:30 and he saw that Suzanne was already dressed, and in an unusually cheery mood. She brought him a cup of coffee. "We skipped the breakfast this morning. Lunch is being served in an hour, and I need that much time to make you look in any way presentable." She undertook her task with her usual efficiency, and in an hour he was bathed, corseted, dressed, coiffed, and made up, and again he looked like an elegant young lady. Lunch was uneventful and so was a stroll through the park, afterwards. Everybody was cheerful and nice to him. Coco could not hold back a few remarks... cryptic to all others... alluding to the night before, which made him blush. "What a sweet young girl, so shy and bashful, blushing even for the slightest reason," the other ladies thought... completely unaware that this sweet young girl wasn't a girl in the first place and had probably in her young life experienced more erotic variations than all of them put together. The rest of the afternoon was spent resting and preparing for dinner and the ball. Jean-Marie hoped Fritz would be there in time. Although it was now too late to change clothes, he still felt he could trust Fritz, and rely on him to prevent embarrassing situations. He would explain his situation and ask him to act as his escort for the night, protecting him from any unwanted attention from other males. Suzanne dressed Jean-Marie with great care. As there was no lacing bar available, she tied his wrists to a curtain cord, which she pulled over a door and tied to the door-knob on the other side... not without first pulling it taut with all of her weight. Then she proceeded with the lacing of the corset. He might have expected it: the dress required the damn thing to be completely closed, almost one inch less than the dress he had worn in the morning. Again, he was aroused by the lacing, but Suzanne dealt with this problem in her usual, noncommittal way. He did not wear a chemise, as the dress was very low cut and would leave his shoulders almost bare. Before he slipped into the dress, Suzanne put two petticoats on him, both made of heavy taffeta, slim in front but full of ruffles in the back. The second one even had a little pillow built in, which sat over his behind, creating a small bustle. The dress itself was of light blue silk, covered with white lace. It was rather fully cut above the waist, emphasizing his bosom. At the very top of it, the round mounds enhanced by the tight corset looking over its top edge could be seen in a nest of white lace. The waist was very narrow and followed the line of the corset-shaped body without a wrinkle. The skirt in front fell straight to the floor but opened in the back into wide folds, which ended in a rather long train. Suzanne showed him how to handle it while dancing. It was so long, he had to hold it waist-high with his left hand. It took him quite a while to learn how to pick it up gracefully and hold it so he would not get caught in its folds dancing backwards. Suzanne was a relentless teacher and did not give up until she was sure he could manage it quite well and gracefully. He was still frightened of having to dance with strange men, and as soon as Suzanne finished with him he went downstairs to look for Fritz. He was lucky. Fritz was already there, busy giving the last orders for the decoration of the ballroom. "Can I talk to you in private for a few minutes?" Jean-Marie said as he approached him. "Certainly, Baroness, come here into my father's study. Nobody will disturb us there." When he had closed the door, Fritz was looking expectantly at Jean-Marie. "I am talking to you as a doctor now, in strict confidence." Fritz nodded, getting even more curious. "First of all, please don't call me "Baroness"." "But you are the niece of Baronin von Leydenburg's late husband... in fact, as I remember, you are the child of his brother." "The last statement is true, I am the child of the late Baron von Leydenburg's brother. But I am not anybody's niece." "How is that?" "Very simple; I am the nephew. I am a male." There. It was out; he had said it. "I don't believe it," answered Fritz, "you are putting me on." "We don't have much time now, but here is the proof." Jean-Marie raised his skirts and showed him. "It is unbelievable! How is this possible?" Fritz was clearly flabbergasted.... "Why are you wearing these clothes?" "I have to, but there is not enough time to explain everything now. I'll tell you later. What I want from you now is some protection. I don't want to go to the ball, really, but I cannot stay away. I don't want to dance with strangers, and have to fight off their advances. You know my secret now, and I trust you will not betray me and pass it around. What I want you to do... and I can only hope I am not disturbing any other plans of yours... is to be my escort for the evening, and fight off all other possible admirers. Will you help me?"... He said it in a low, pleading voice. "That'll be one of the easiest exercises I have ever had to perform. In fact, I had planned to do it anyhow. You are not only one of the prettiest girls expected to come, but as the ward of our guest of honor, it actually would have been my duty to accompany you tonight to the table and to the ball afterwards. When I saw you yesterday, I believed myself very lucky to have such a lovely companion for tonight. Now, of course, certain aspects of our relationship have changed dramatically... you have no idea how dramatically. I am glad you told me. I promise you; I shall keep your secret. Tell me, who is in on it?" "My aunt of course, Mademoiselle Suzanne, who is my governess, and Mademoiselle Coco." "Coco knows your secret? That's strange. I know her... rather him... very well from the clinic at the university. He was treated by my professor for some time. I think there is more to it than I can see presently, and certainly there is more than just coincidence involved." Fritz was a little pensive, and talking more to himself, than to Jean-Marie. "But at any rate, to the outside observer I shall be a very attentive companion to you; an ardent admirer, and I will try to monopolize you all night." "I am so grateful for your help. I'll never forget it." "Don't mention it. I think I have to be thankful to you for taking me into your confidence. But we have to go back now, or people will be wondering where we are." Fritz proved not only an attentive, courteous companion at the table, but he was also an excellent dancer and Jean-Marie had no trouble following him. He actually enjoyed dancing with Fritz very much. If he were a real girl, he mused, he would probably fall in love with him on the spot. Fritz was basically sincere and serious but also witty, and had a great sense of humor. Together, they made their cracks about the other people, sharing their laughs secretly. And... from a girl's point of view... Fritz was very good looking; almost too good. "Let's go outside for a moment," Jean-Marie suggested at one point, "it's too hot in here." "Yes, let's take a walk through the park. Go get a cloak or something. I'll wait for you in front of the house." Jean-Marie left as fast as he could without creating suspicion and went to his room. He slipped out of his ball gown... a walk in the park would surely ruin it... and put on a simple walking dress with low heeled boots. He picked up the white, fox cape he had worn to the opera and went outside. At first he could not see very much, although the moon was full. Fritz stepped close and put an arm around his shoulders, guiding him through the darkness. Jean- Marie felt like a girl in the strong arm of her lover. He actually loved this idea. If he had to be a girl, he should use the advantages this status offered. He snuggled even closer. "Tell me why you are wearing girl's clothes. Start at the beginning, I want to hear it all." Jean-Marie gave Fritz a full account of what had happened to him since his arrival in Berlin. He left out nothing, not even the erotic adventures. He was glad that it was dark, because he felt himself blushing a few times. At first he only intended to give an account of the bare facts, and not all of them, but Fritz urged him on to spill it all. He even made him talk about his feelings about wearing dresses and about making love as a girl. Jean-Marie knew he had found a friend, and he was glad to be able to talk about everything that had been pent up inside him. Fritz mostly listened, only now and then posing a question which showed considerable insight and understanding of Jean-Marie's problems. They must have talked for the better part of an hour before Jean-Marie finally fell silent. They were taciturn on their walk back to the house, each of them following his own thoughts. "Listen," Fritz began when they reached the house, "you have been very adventurous during the last days. How about another adventure? This time it will be of your own will, and not something somebody else shoves you into. How about it? I am sure you'll love it. Are you game?" Jean-Marie nodded, he trusted Fritz completely. "All right, then: go upstairs. Go first to your room, get undressed, put on a negligee and walk across the hall to the last door on the opposite side. Go inside without knocking, get into the bed there, and wait in the dark." "For what?" "I won't tell you. It's an adventure." "Don't you think we have to go back to the dance?" Fritz looked at his watch. "No, it is half past twelve already. People will be breaking up soon, anyway." Jean-Marie did as he was told. He found the room and entered. The light falling in from the hall had shown him a bed in the middle of the wall at right. He closed the door: it was completely dark. Slowly, he groped his way to the bed and slipped under the covers. His nerves were tingling with excitement. After his eyes had adapted to the darkness, he could see a little by the moonbeams streaming through the windows. He was alone. About five or ten minutes later, a door in the opposite wall opened, and someone entered. When the figure crossed a moonbeam, he could see it was a tall, feminine figure in a flowing negligee. Was it Margaret? The figure came closer, slipped off the negligee and was completely naked. The moonbeams fell on a slim body, with lovely... albeit a little small... breasts; a slim waist, and long legs. He couldn't see the face, as it remained in the dark. The figure slowly slipped into the bed and immediately kissed him passionately, stopping all possibilities for questions. Hands explored his entire body, lovingly stroking his immature breasts, wandering down his legs, caressing the insides of his thighs, and finally grabbing his cock, already throbbing fully erect. The girl (or woman?) slipped on top of him, and guided his tool into her warm and moist love nest, and slowly began to ride him to ecstasy... all this without any sound. They made love quietly but intensely. When the girl's movements grew faster and faster and her breath came in short, pressed gasps, ending in a long, low sigh, Jean-Marie could contain himself no longer, and he erupted in her with a small, feminine moan which he did not recognize as the product of his own voice. For some minutes they lay exhausted, motionless, letting their excitement cool. Suddenly the girl said "Now you know my secret." It was the voice of Fritz. "Is this really you? I mean Fritz?" "Yes, I am Fritz, although I was born as Friederike. I am a woman. Are you disappointed?" "Oh no, I am delighted. But why do you live as a man?" "It's very simple. My parents wanted a son as their heir and when it became apparent after my birth that my mother could not have any more children, they decided to raise me as a boy. So I grew up as a boy, running around with other boys. When I was four or five, my mother cut my hair short and put me into trousers... she said it made everything much simpler for her. I never went to school, and always had a private tutor. I didn't even know until puberty that I was a girl. It was a shock when they told me and I refused to wear dresses. I was much taller than the average girl and it seemed to be better to let me live as I wanted to." "After graduating from school with an external exam, I decided to study medicine. This was another reason to continue living as a man: They do not allow female students in medicine at the university. All my papers had been changed to show I am a male, Friedrich; Fritz for short. I have never had sexual relations with a girl. Sex did not interest me at all. Only recently my feminine feelings seem to have broken through and I have sometimes longed for a man. I even began to assemble a female wardrobe, which I keep hidden here. Only my parents know my secret... and now you. You see, I cannot change my status right now. I must finish my medical exams and get my approbation as a physician. I am contemplating, however, to reveal my identity later on, and to force the authorities to accept me as a female doctor. There you have it, in a nutshell." Jean-Marie was completely nonplused. He had thought he had found a male friend in whom he could confide, and with whom he could share his secrets, and suddenly this friend had turned into a female lover. He certainly was not disappointed. It gave the whole situation a new twist. He slowly started to talk, the thoughts flashing through his mind in complete confusion and he had to sort them out before speaking, "You know, when I came to Berlin, I had no other choice. I had to wear girl's clothes, as there were no male clothes I could get my hands on and mine were gone. I had hoped you could lend me some for the time we stayed with you, but you were gone, and now I cannot suddenly change my appearance. I have to continue playing my role until we get back to Berlin. By that time, my trunk must have arrived and I shall have my own clothes to wear. Then we can be friends to the world and secret lovers." "That is exactly what came into my mind when I heard your story. I wanted to find out if you thought along the same lines. But I am afraid you'll have to go back to your room now. If Margaret and Suzanne return from the dance, you must be in your room. If they ask you why you left the ball, tell them you had a headache and I told you to lie down after I gave you some medicine. Good night, my love, and sweet dreams. See you tomorrow." Fritz made Jean-Marie get out of bed. "He" rose too, and brought Jean-Marie to the door. They kissed again and then Jean-Marie jumped across the hall into his room. "What an unusual turn of events," Jean-Marie said to himself before going to sleep, "I a man looking like a girl... have fallen in love with a man who is really a girl. Tomorrow we will be the strangest couple ever, yet to all others everything will seem to be absolutely normal." He decided to play his role to the hilt tomorrow and ask Suzanne to make him as girlishly pretty as she could. If... for the outside world... he would have to be the girlfriend of his lover, young Dr. von Eltzen, he wanted to be the prettiest girl in the land. Without confessing this even to himself, he was secretly delighted that this situation gave him a good reason not to oppose his feminization for another day. The next morning at breakfast, Fritz asked Margaret's permission to go horseback-riding with "Baroness Gloria" and was granted it as long as he would not lead her on any dangerous courses, and be back by noon. Suzanne dressed "Gloria"... as we shall call her from now on, since she had accepted her feminine image her self... in the riding habit she had worn earlier for the excursion into the Tiergarten park with Aunt Margaret. When Fritz saw her, he said "The Baronin is really thorough in feminizing you, hardly any woman is riding in skirts anymore. I'll have to change the saddle on your horse." They had a wonderful time riding through the fields and woods on a sunny morning. It was quite warm for that time of year. After about an hour's ride, they reached a small hunting lodge. "My father had this built for his hunting excursions," explained Fritz. He opened the door and invited her in. After closing the door, he took her in his arms, drew her close and kissed her fervently. "I have been longing to do this since I first saw you this morning." It seems odd, Gloria thought. Fritz really is the girl and should be yielding and submissive, yet in our relationship she is the aggressor, just as if she really was the male. But he liked to play the submissive role and he even put up a little fight against Fritz. "Are you sure nobody can find us here?" he asked like a shy girl. "Absolutely. There is only one key and I took it." Only after this reassurance, did Gloria give in to the kisses of her lover... and reciprocate ardently. They kissed for a long time while their hands explored each other's bodies. Finally, Fritz raised Gloria's skirts and freed her prick, gently massaging it. Gloria unbuttoned his trousers and pushed them down and started to play with his clitoris. Fritz suddenly broke away, seized Gloria and carried her into a small room, putting her down on a cot. In a second he had straddled her and rode her in lustful rhythm. Their feelings were so high strung that they both exploded within just a few minutes, but they stayed in each other's arms and kissed for a long time afterwards. "You can't imagine how I've longed for someone like you," Fritz finally said. "I love you, dear." "And I love you, too." Finally, they broke away from each other and returned home. While putting the horses away, Fritz caught Gloria in his arms and stole another long, passionate kiss. Gloria went upstairs to change. "The exercise in the fresh air has done you a lot of good," Suzanne said, helping her freshen up after the exhausting ride. "Look at your rosy cheeks. Or is there another reason for being so agitated? Fritz maybe? He is quite attractive, I must say. If he would take me out, I would probably get rosy cheeks too... and without too much riding." Suzanne looked at Gloria inquiringly. Gloria felt herself blush and tried to hide. "Well, little one, is it Fritz?" Gloria answered with an almost imperceptible little nod, averting her eyes. "I thought so. I watched you at lunch the first day... you couldn't take your eyes off him, and you were visibly disappointed when he had to leave." Gloria was angry at herself for having been so obvious in her actions at that time. However, she thought, you think yourself so smart, and yet you don't know half of it... luckily. "All right, you're done." Suzanne finally stated after having put Gloria into a smart day-dress with long sleeves and a high collar, all dripping with lace, "go down and wait for lunch." The minute Gloria had departed, Suzanne rushed to Margaret to tell her the news. "Gloria has a crush on Fritz... would you believe it?" "Are you sure?" "Absolutely, she just confessed it to me." "Well this is great, it plays right into our hands." Margaret was in high spirits. "Maybe she turns out to be gay after all. Maybe the episode with Coco the other night has pleased her more than we imagined. Well, all we have to do, is to step up the feminization process and subtly... and within the limits of propriety... encourage the romance. Of course, we have to make sure that Fritz does not detect Gloria's true sex. He does not look homosexual to me." After lunch, Fritz asked Margaret if he could take Gloria for a walk in the park and Margaret permitted it. "In fact Suzanne and I shall join you. The weather is so nice and warm and it is quite healthy to take a walk after a meal." Fritz and Gloria looked at each other. This was not what they had hoped, but Fritz couldn't think of anything to do but to thank Margaret and invite her to come along. "Stay back a little," Margaret said to Suzanne, "let them gain a little distance on us, so they know we can't hear them. I want to watch them. Their actions will be far more revealing than anything we could hear." She was right. When they saw that nobody was around to hear them, Fritz started to talk quietly but intensely about his plans for the future. "When you're back in Berlin, I shall visit you as often as I can. You must play the adoring little girl." "That won't be too hard." Gloria grabbed his hand and squeezed it. Margaret gave Suzanne a little prod with her elbow. "You were right. They are walking hand in hand already." Fritz looked at Gloria lovingly. "It will be hard to find opportunities to be alone; the Baronin will watch your every step from now on. Since she does not know my secret, she must do everything to prevent my detecting yours. And right now, I cannot let her in on mine. I first have to finish my exams. If she blew the whistle on me, all my efforts would have been in vain, and I would be kicked out. You must help both of us by preserving the status quo. As far as the Baronin is concerned, you will have to play along with her and follow her wishes. As far as I am concerned, I am a young man whom you find attractive to go out with... nothing more. Tell her that I fell for you as a girl and that I do not know your secret, and that you like me because as long as you have to be a girl, you want to have the company of an attractive young man and when you return to being a boy again, you want me as a friend." Gloria agreed to all of it, nodding quietly. Fritz put his arm around her shoulder as they were walking back to the house. When they had reached it and waited until Margaret and Suzanne caught up with them, he thanked Gloria for the nice walk, saying, "I hope I shall see you at the dance tonight at the village inn." He took Gloria's hand and blew a kiss on it. "Thank you, Frau Baronin, for giving us the honor of your company and, please, let Baroness Gloria attend the dance tonight." He took her hand and kissed it, too, and finally Suzanne's hand before he left. "A very polite young man," Margaret observed, "and very attractive too, don't you think, Gloria? My, if you were a real girl... he would be a very good match. He likes you, I could see this. Do you like him too?" "Well, he is fun to run around with. I mean, ah... as a friend. The fact that he is a man... I mean I am a man too and I mean we cannot ..." Gloria let the thought hang in the air. "Anyway, I think you should lead him on a little as long as you are Gloria. It will be an invaluable experience to see the girl's side of a little romance. Just stay in your role. And, of course, he should take you to the dance tonight. Suzanne will make you extra pretty and you will be the most attractive couple at the dance. Now go upstairs and rest a little before Suzanne comes to dress you." When Gloria came down for dinner, she looked prettier than ever before. Suzanne had outdone herself. She was wearing a long trailing dress in the palest blue that left her shoulders bare. Her hair was done up beautifully and intertwined with pink and pale blue silk-flowers. Her hands and arms were covered with the finest white glace kid gloves, tightly buttoned at the wrists. Her make-up was practically invisible, just accentuating the flawless skin and giving it a little blush on the cheeks. The lip-rouge looked absolutely natural and the mascara just colored the tips of the lashes to make them look longer. Fritz took Gloria to the table and to the dance later. When they were dancing, Gloria loved being in the arms of her beloved Fritz and the fact that she was playing the girl's role did not disturb her in any way. Being a girl with Fritz came so naturally. They danced together exclusively. It was true that they were the most attractive couple on the floor. Gloria had learned to dance very well as a girl, holding his train with his left hand and resting the fingertips of his right on Fritz's shoulder. She handled her train as if she had grown up with it. It was another wonderful night and they promised each other to meet again as soon as possible in Berlin. The next morning they had a leisurely breakfast before they got ready for the train-ride to Berlin. Gloria wore the same traveling dress she had worn on their trip out, and of course Suzanne had restrained her hands in the little muff again. Just as they were ready to depart, a telegram came for Margaret. She opened and read it. "Gloria, I have some good news and some bad news for you... but after all, it may all be good news. Your trunk has been found. That's the good news. The bad news is, it was pilfered, all your clothes are gone. Well, I had planned to have new ones made for you anyhow, so there isn't much damage done." Gloria was rather unhappy with this news. It would probably mean she would have to wear dresses for at least another day. In the train, just as on their previous train-ride, Suzanne strapped Gloria's knees and ankles tightly together. This time, however, she went a step further. She looped a wide ribbon around her elbows and drew them tightly to her sides and finally circled her neck with a ribbon, which she tied to the head-rest of the seat. Gloria could wriggle her fingers in the muff or her toes in the shoes... that was about all she could do. She resigned herself to her fate, convinced that this would probably be the last time she would be humiliated like this and closed her eyes to possibly sleep a little bit. Suzanne however was not done with her. "Open up, Darling," she said and when Gloria looked, she saw that awful gag in Suzanne's hand, the one Coco had made her wear the other day. "Please don't, what if a-yvovy aw... mmfph ..." When she opened her mouth in protest, Suzanne quickly pushed the gag deep into her mouth and buckled it in the back of her neck in an instant. "Don't worry, Darling, nobody will be able to see it." She took a thick beige veil from her bag, fastened one end to Gloria's hat on one side and draped it down over her face so it was covered from the tip of her nose to below the chin, then pulled the other end up to the hat and fastened it there. Suzanne tugged a little here and there, then took out a mirror and held it in front of Gloria. "See, the veil, the strap of the gag, and your face are all pretty much the same color. Nobody can see the gag now. Am I not nice to save you the humiliation of having to walk through the station with a gag visible to everybody? I know you want to ask me, why I had to strap you up and gag you in the first place, but it was necessary to teach you a little submissiveness. You ran around completely unbridled for almost three days now and you forgot almost everything I had taught you about being bashful and shy and modest. So, we have to shorten the leash a little bit." "You know," Aunt Margaret said after a while, "I have been thinking over the situation and I have decided to keep you as a girl for the time being. It is the best solution under all view- points." "First, you don't have any male clothes, so we would have to wait at least another week until we could get some made for you. And if you have to go on wearing girl's clothes for another week, you can keep on being a girl, as well." "Second, to get a whole male wardrobe for a young man in your position will take much longer. We couldn't just walk into a store and buy things for you. I owe it to my reputation to have my nephew wear nothing but the finest things made to measure for him. We'd be far into the summer before we could get you adequately equipped." "Third, you just started a little romance, which will give you a lot of insight into a girl's point of view in these matters and which will undoubtedly be very valuable to you later in life." "Fourth, university does not start until early November and you have nothing urgent to do until then. So if we want you to be a boy again, everything would be much easier and without any stress for all of us if we concentrate on a late autumn date for your return to a male existence." "Until then, just relax and enjoy living as... no, being... a girl. I am sure you will like it. And if not, you'll at least learn a lot about the feminine side of life. Gloria thought she would faint hearing this. She wanted to voice her protest but, bound and gagged as she was, she had no chance and when the first impulse died down a little, she saw that she really didn't have a chance. Aunt Margaret could do with her as she liked, anyway. Then, when she envisioned her immediate future, being forced to live as a girl, wear corsets, silken rustling underwear, dresses, high heels, being coiffed and made up all the time, she felt her nerves tingle with excitement. The strangest, but most pleasant feelings ran through her when she thought of herself prettily dressed in girl's clothes, the clothes that she felt about her right now. From the practical side, she saw that she could be a real couple with Fritz. If she had changed back into a boy, she would have had to present a totally different behavior toward Fritz, otherwise they would both be stamped as being homosexual. As long as she remained a girl they could show their love for each other anywhere. XII. A Summer in Skirts Life in Margaret's household had come to a sort of normalcy. Gloria was continually being trained to be a girl. There were the lessons in ladylike deportment, eliminating all traces of the male in behavior, gestures and other manners of conscious or unconscious expressions. There was intensive voice training and much more. She was kept busy learning to be a girl most of her waking hours. And if nothing special was requested of her at any time, she was tied up and often gagged. When they had returned from the Easter-holiday excursion, Margaret had announced that Gloria had collected eight black marks during the long weekend for not being polite enough; not thanking their hosts at certain occasions, for not curtseying correctly or forgetting to at all... mainly to Fritz. Gloria was upset that she was requested to curtsey to Fritz at all. He was just a little older than she, but Aunt Margaret explained that it was very becoming to a young girl to act submissive toward any gentleman, especially if he were an eligible suitor. And Fritz already was a medical doctor and was due some respect. Aunt Margaret then decreed that the punishment of having to wear the elbow-straps and the single glove for a whole day for each black mark would be defined as having to wear it for twelve hours. "However," she said in a condescending tone, "I'll make it easy for you. We'll split up the twelve-hour period into six two-hour periods. You can serve one two-hour period each morning and one each afternoon. That will stretch the punishment period for eight black marks from eight days of twelve hours each to 24 days of four hours each... but then it does not interfere with your training... and possibly with your dates with Fritz, which I am sure you will be anxiously awaiting." Gloria was not at all pleased to hear this. It was bad enough to be bound in this very uncomfortable way, but she had figured that while wearing the single glove she would escape the stringent training planned for her otherwise. Now she would have to endure both. And since the training more often than not involved being severely restrained in one way or another, it actually happened that during her punishment period, working off the black marks, she was tied, bound, fettered and restrained in one way or another practically all day long. The dates with Fritz... mostly on the weekends... were the times Gloria was living for, and Margaret as well as Suzanne used this as the carrot dangling in front of her to spur her on to achieve remarkable results in her "girl" training. She was very effectively brainwashed, and there were times when she, herself, almost believed herself a real girl. During this time, Coco became a regular visitor. She had many useful tips on how to train Gloria further, but more and more an intimate relationship evolved with Margaret. The night at the von- Eltzen-mansion must have touched Margaret deeper than she had imagined it could. Margaret paid very little attention to Gloria when Coco was around, and even more surprising was the fact that, with Coco, Margaret was not her usual haughty self; she became almost submissive. On Coco's suggestion, they went with Gloria to see the doctor, who had treated Coco quite successfully in her change to a more girlish body. The doctor diagnosed a slight case of gynecomastia with Gloria and stated that this could probably be treated to achieve the desired results. Margaret had warned Gloria not to interfere and be quiet, no matter what she would discuss with the doctor, if she wanted to retain any hide on her back. Knowing she did not joke, Gloria kept quiet. The doctor finally explained "We are in the middle of experiments with extracts from genital glands from certain animals and their effects on others. We have found that certain extracts of such glands can change the whole outward appearance of the recipient animal, even if the recipient is a totally different animal." He went on in scientific terms, which none of his guests could follow. He therefore closed, stating, "what it boils down to, we think we have found some substances, which can give an individual, even a human, the outward appearance, mainly the secondary genital characteristics of the opposite sex. Men lose their beard and body hair, develop breasts and wider hips while narrowing in their waists, they get a higher voice etc. Your friend Coco here is a pretty good example. He has now stopped the treatment because it started to impair his sex drive, but he still comes around now and then for a refresher, to maintain the status reached." "The trouble is, we cannot get enough material to experiment with. We get all available glands from the Berlin stock-yards, but a lot spoils before we can process it and the extracting process is so expensive that the results can never be turned into a drug that can be put on the market. But we are working on it." "Well, if I may support your work a little, I'll write you a nice check and I hope you can help my nephew here to achieve the new body he desires so much." "Thank you Frau Baronin, I shall take it as your grant toward progress in science. I hope we can help the young man here. However I have to tell you that there is a group of scientists in New York, who work in the same field and I have a suspicion that they are even more advanced than we here. Maybe you should see them." From that day on, Gloria had to take a preparation, brought over from the university clinic by messenger, with every meal. Soon after the treatment started, Gloria noticed that her nipples were growing in size and becoming more sensitive and her fleshy breasts grew even fleshier. When properly laced into a corset, she now had two remarkable mounds, almost as much as many girls of her age had. If it had not been for the endless little tyrannies exercised by Margaret and Suzanne, her life as a girl would have been really pleasant. They went out a lot, during the day to the race tracks or to exhibitions, or were invited to teas, and at night to theater and cabaret shows. There was so much to see and to discover for Gloria in the big city. Both Margaret and Suzanne took great care that Gloria was always dressed just right for each occasion. Nothing had ever been returned from the wardrobe they had brought back from Madame Heloise, on the contrary, more things were added almost daily, sometimes a hat, a pair of gloves or smart high heeled boots colored to match a certain dress, sometimes a dress or a cloak for a certain occasion. Going shopping or visiting fashion salons actually took up a lot of their time and inevitably something was added to Gloria's already big wardrobe. Suzanne was extremely fertile in thinking up restraints that would not show but severely restricted Gloria's freedom to move. Almost every time they went out, Gloria was secretly restrained somehow. Almost continually she had to wear a petticoat, which hobbled her legs relentlessly. It was so tight that she could take only the tiniest steps and when she sat down, which pulled it up just a little, it would actually tie her calves and thighs tightly together. Of course, while they were at home, Gloria's hands were always strapped together on her back, either in the single glove (working off black marks) or simply handcuffed. She was not released for meals even, either Suzanne or Margaret had to feed her and usually she was fed less than she wanted. The result was a much slimmer figure within weeks and... of course... tighter corsets. One day in June, Margaret came up with the idea for a trip to Paris and urged Gloria to accompany her. "Just think, we could go to the Paris designers and buy some really elegant things for you. Wouldn't that be fun?" "Yes, I think so, I would love to go with you, but then I would have to go as a boy. I do not have a passport and if I'd get one, I could only get one for Jean-Marie, a male, not for a girl." Gloria was nursing the hope that this could be her chance to return to male clothes. "Now, don't you worry your little head. I have already taken care of this." "You know you were born in the United States. This automatically makes you a U.S. citizen. I thought it is always an advantage to have two passports and therefore started some enquiries. I hired an agency in New York to find your birth certificate... and I was successful. The agency, however, reported at first that there was no male baby with the name of Jean-Marie listed for your date of birth. There was, however, a Mary-Jane a girl... registered in the town where you were born." "I made them investigate more thoroughly and it turned out that evidently your father had sent one of his workers from the railroad camp to the next town to register your birth and this guy had to pass one or two saloons on his way to the town hall. When he finally arrived there, he only remembered that the baby was to have a double name, one of the two was Mary and the other had a funny French sound but started with a J. When the registrar suggested Mary-Jane, he had said "that's probably it"... and so you were registered as a girl." "I have asked the U.S. Consul General for a passport for you based on your birth-certificate and, with a little persuasion to cut through some bureaucratic red tape, he issued it. Here it is: your passport with your photograph. It shows you are Mary-Jane von Leydenburg, female, a U.S. citizen... officially stamped and sealed." That certainly stuck a needle into the balloon of Gloria's hopes. She could foresee that this would only multiply the possibilities for Margaret to dress her as a girl in the future. Jean-Marie's existence as Gloria was now officially recognized and sanctioned. They went to Paris a week later, Margaret, Suzanne and Gloria. The trip itself was wonderful. Gloria, however, would have enjoyed it even more without the little tyrannies of Suzanne, who really seemed to delight in every little fiendish cruelty she could exercise on Gloria... and she was very imaginative. She never passed up an opportunity to remind Gloria that she was a mere boy and did not belong to the superior species of women even if she looked like one. Margaret had mellowed down a lot, but basically followed her initial plan to turn her nephew into a girl and thereby make him completely dependent on her, eliminating any chance that he might have to meddle in her affairs. If he acted as a girl, she came to accept him as such and showered him with her affection. Gloria noticed this and to get to her good side, she played the girl role to the best of her ability. When Margaret suggested they visit the famous Salon Worth, the most eminent of the Paris designers, the epitome of the Haute Couture, Gloria was enthusiastic. They went and for an outrageous price Gloria got a beautiful evening dress and Margaret bought a house dress for herself, another one for Coco, and a walking dress for Suzanne. They also visited the salon Rouff and a newcomer, who had opened her couture house only a year ago, Jeanne Lanvin. Here too, they bought dresses for all of them. Paris was... no doubt about that... the cultural center of the western world at that time and Gloria fell in love with it right away. The "Grands Boulevards" were full of elegant dandies and fashionably dressed women... apparently there were a lot of people in Paris who didn't do anything but enjoy life. It was said that some of the highly paid courtesans ran literary salons where you could meet all the famous writers, poets and composers of the time. And of course... the courtesans were always the avant-garde of fashion, as their rich escorts were proud to be seen with them in all their beauty, and they strived to outdo each other. Gloria would have loved to be a part of it as a male, but as a pure and protected young girl these doors had to remain closed to her. It was therefore partly with regret, partly with relief that she returned to Berlin. After the relative freedom Gloria had experienced in Paris, Margaret felt it necessary to draw the reins a little tighter after their return and when her personal maid asked for two weeks off to visit her family, she made Gloria fill the empty spot. Gloria then was required to sleep in a little room just off Margaret's bedroom and to perform all the services of a personal maid. She was also required to wear a uniform, which was specially made for her. During this time she learned to wash Margaret's dainty lingerie, to clean and press her dresses, to polish her shoes, and to attend to her "toilette" by dressing and undressing her, brushing her hair and do all the many other little things required of a maid. Gloria enjoyed most of the tasks because it gave her an opportunity to be very close to "Madame", whom she still worshiped. Margaret however kept her distance. After all, Gloria was now only a servant and one does not associate too closely with these. The summer passed and toward the beginning of September Margaret announced that she had commissioned a famous portrait painter to do Gloria's picture. "I want something to remind you and me of your time as a girl," she told Gloria. The next week the painter, a professor from the Berlin Arts College, started. Gloria was to be painted wearing the Worth evening gown. The trouble was, she could not hold the required pose long enough. Her arms would sink, her head turn, her body move as she shifted weight from one foot to the other... the professor got furious. He complained to Margaret about it. The result was that two days later two workmen brought in a steel rack with movable parts. Gloria was made to back up toward it and in no time at all she was fastened against it in just the exact way the professor had requested it... completely unable to move. All she could do was blink her eyes. The professor worked for two or three hours every morning, when the light was the best. For Gloria it was like being bound to a stake of torture. She felt like a butterfly on a pin in a butterfly collection. She was always ready to fall down as soon as she was released. However sometimes Suzanne, who should release her, took her time getting around to it. Sometimes she played with her helpless captive, reaching under her skirts for instance and caressing her thighs, massaging her prick in its confines until Gloria thought she would pass out from pent up desire. One day... Gloria was again immovably stretched and fastened against her rack and the professor was painting quietly... the doorbell rang and when the parlor-maid opened, Gloria heard two military officers enter and ask whether Jean-Marie von Leydenburg was living here. The maid asked them to enter and led them into the room where the professor worked. After a minute Margaret appeared and asked the officers what they wanted. "We have a warrant here for a certain Jean-Marie von Leydenburg. When he left his school, he gave this as his future address. He failed to report for military service and is now wanted as a deserter. If we find him, we have to arrest him and take him to jail. Is he with you?" "Most certainly not. I do not give shelter to deserters." "May we look around?" "Of course, and if you find any young man in the house, I would be most interested to meet him." Of course, the search was in vain. Margaret, however, seemed to be quite upset about the incident. As soon as they were gone and the Professor was out of the house, she called Gloria and explained to her that her house was not a safe place for her anymore. There would be a very good chance that they would check the registers of the inhabitants at the police station and find a Mary-Jane registered, born on the same day and in the same place as the Jean-Marie they were looking for. That would certainly cause suspicion and they would be back to check this coincidence. "You'll have to leave... and the sooner, the better. You have an American passport, you should go to America." "But in America I'll have to be a girl, I am a female according to my passport." "So what, it is much better to live in America as a girl for a while, than sit in jail as a deserter over here. I have an idea: I'll send you to a finishing school there. It'll only be a few months until I can clear up things here and the heat will be off. And it'll do you a lot of good. The world is getting smaller everyday and it is good to know the English language. Your Latin and Greek will not help you very much when you'll travel later on. You'll have to learn English, anyhow." Gloria could not argue with her. She was absolutely right. He suddenly was the boy Jean-Marie again and a very frightened one too. The farther away he was from this mess, the better it seemed to him. Three days later, he departed from Le Havre, a fashionable young lady on her way to a finishing school on Long Island, chaperoned by a young governess... Suzanne, of course. He didn't even have the time to say goodbye to Fritz; he had just managed to send him a postcard from the train. What he didn't know was that the whole affair with the officers looking for him was staged by Margaret to get him off to this school... close to New York, where the scientists that Coco's professor had mentioned, worked. Margaret had made a sizeable grant to their institute in return for the promise of the complete feminization of her nephew. Actually he had been exempted from military service months ago on account of a paper that the professor in Berlin had prepared and which declared him unfit for the service for medical reasons. XIII. The Finishing School When they arrived, they went to see the doctors first. Jean-Marie, now Mary-Jane, got a thorough check-up and was declared fit for the treatment. The daily dosages of the drugs he was to take would be sent out to Long Island by special courier every day. "We hope to be able to isolate the active substances in our extract within the next year or so and then be able to transfer it into a form that can be taken as pills," one of the doctors said to Mary-Jane, "right now we are still in an experimental state. We know that it works, we do not yet know why and exactly what does the work. With you and a few others like you, we are doing our first tests with human beings. We therefore want you to keep a diary and take notes on every change you feel in your body or any extraordinary occurrences, how you feel generally, and particularly your sexual feelings." Mary-Jane... not understanding the language... was under the impression that this was just the medical check-up before entering the finishing school. Had he known how his fate was decided right there, he would have heavily protested. Before Suzanne and Mary-Jane set out for Long Island, they went to see Margaret's New York lawyer. He was commissioned to do a legal name change procedure for Mary-Jane. Her very common first name, Margaret had determined, did not go well with her aristocratic last name, and it should be changed to Gloria. The lawyer promised to take care of everything: it would just take some time, but before Mary-Jane returned to Berlin, the name change would be official and her passport changed to Gloria. The finishing school turned out to be a very modern mansion in the English country manor style. Mary-Jane was introduced as Gloria right away. After Suzanne had left, Gloria was requested to appear at the headmistress' office. The headmistress spoke French and although Gloria had not been at the top of his class in it, the visit to Paris had helped and so he could follow the explanations of the headmistress. "Your guardian has enrolled you not just to finish your education and learn our language, you will also be given the total feminization treatment, meaning that we shall change your body completely to that of a girl... with one exception. With medical help we shall give you the breasts and the figure of a girl with a very small waist and ample hips and a beautiful round behind. We shall remove all ungirlish body hair so thoroughly that it will never grow back. We shall train your voice, your movements, your total personality to those of a demure, pretty girl. We have done it before and we shall do it again with you." Gloria at first thought he misunderstood her. Being dressed as a girl... that he had had to agree to. But what was this about "total feminization"? "Mais je ne le veux pas, I do not want this, you have no right to do this to me, I want to be a man, an engineer, I do not want to become a girl," he protested after the headmistress had explained it again and the whole truth became apparent to him. "We have every right to do it. How old are you?" "Soon I shall be 18." "Well, until you are 21, anything you want is of no consequence to us here. We are acting upon the request of your guardian and you may complain to her as much as you wish. But until we receive different orders from her, we shall proceed with the program required by her." "We have had and have several boys here who live as girls. Some get the same treatment as you, some are only dressed as girls for their time at our school. It is not altogether that uncommon to send a boy to a girl's finishing school to live there for a year or two as a girl. Some families do it because they want to tame their pugnacious offspring and to instill into them some more respect for the other half of the population. They are usually of the type the Latins call, "macho," and being too proud of their manhood, they do their best not to be detected. Some male pupils come here of their own free will, because they like to live as girls. Presently there are three other she-boys... as we call them... in the school among about 90 girls. Your roommate will be a boy who gets the same total feminization treatment you will be getting... he loves it." Gloria felt completely squashed. He knew he had no chance to escape: he was trapped. He was thousands of miles from home in a foreign country with no money, not really knowing the language. On the other hand, somehow he had come to like being dressed as a girl and living like one. Somehow it gave him an enormous pleasure, he just did not want to admit it to himself. He still had the goal of growing up to be a man and an engineer. However at the present, he had no other choice but to comply with the circumstances he was thrown into. He consoled himself that surely everything they did to him would be reversible and as long as he was there, he even could enjoy the exciting feeling of high heels, tight corsets and beautiful dresses with long skirts caressing his legs. His roommate was Robin, a sweet and pretty girl. Nobody would ever have believed that she once was a boy. She had an absolutely girlish figure with a very narrow waist, beautifully rounded hips and behind and... most astonishing of all... magnificent real female breasts. Gloria found out later that they were very sensitive. They hit it off wonderfully right from the beginning and were the best of friends in no time. Robin treated him as a girl, and if Gloria's maleness became apparent in any way, Robin guided him toward feminity with an understanding that could only come from a person who had experienced the same problems. Outside of the normal curriculum, Gloria had special treatments scheduled... massages, depilation treatments and other things... all intended to make his body more girlish. There were specialists coming in to take care of all this who used all kinds of creams and lotions prepared with herbs and other rare ingredients. The normal classes were directed at giving the girls everything an upper-class young lady would have to know. There were classes in English literature, geography, history as well as art lessons, singing and dancing lessons and endless lessons in deportment and etiquette. In home economics, they were taught everything a housewife would have to know to enable her to manage a big household, including cooking, dressmaking and needlework. Gloria... and in keeping with her changing appearance we again shall use the feminine pronoun for her... fitted perfectly into the atmosphere of the school. By now, emulating a girl had become her second nature and was fast becoming her first. Being embedded into totally, more than 100% feminine surroundings made her forget more and more her former life as a boy. Even when she wrote letters to Fritz, the letters were those of a girl writing to her boyfriend, telling him about her accomplishments in crocheting or knitting and other girlish things. At the same time, her body changed visibly. Her overall figure became more feminine. Her hips and behind grew somewhat and her waist... helped by the corsets she constantly wore and the massages... became narrower. The most spectacular change was the developing of a real feminine bosom. At first only her nipples had tingled and become more sensitive, but over the months she slowly acquired a set of breasts of which a lot of the other girls became jealous. The girls... when they were alone and visiting each other's rooms... often compared their physical assets. This practice was, of course, frowned upon by the staff, but the girls were much too curious to give it up. At first Gloria refused to take part in these parties, but after her tits had grown and in Robin's and her opinion were presentable, she agreed to join. She did not want to appear as arrogant... being of European nobility made the others think of her as arrogant often enough. It turned out that Gloria had one of the prettiest sets of tits in the whole school. And they were still growing. At the same time her face had developed distinctly girlish features and her skin was soft and free of blemishes. Her hair had grown out to reach almost to her waist and shone in a lustrous golden blond. She became very popular with the other girls, because with her ever changing body, she had to get new dresses all the time and she would give away the things she couldn't wear anymore. She had arrived at the school with a waist that could be reduced to 23 inches. When she graduated two years later, her corsets reduced her easily to 19 inches and she even had some gowns that required an eighteen inch waist. Of course, she could not wear a corset that tight for a whole day, but for a night out, she could bear it. Sex, of course, was never mentioned officially, but it is impossible to coop up so many young girls, curious about the facts of life, without an outlet for their desires. Most of the girls had lesbian affairs with their roommates and with Gloria and Robin it was not different. They made love to each other as two girls, kissing, stroking, fondling each other, discovering every sensitive spot of their bodies just as two girls would do it. The only difference was that they had no need for dildoes, which some of the more audacious girls had somehow smuggled in. About once a month the school either held a dance or the girls were invited to one held by a boy's college or a club. These affairs were tightly chaperoned but in spite of this, the contacts these affairs allowed with the other sex were enough for the girls to give them subjects for conversation for weeks. Robin loved these dances. She went all out on these occasions to appear most feminine and seductive, trying out her newly developed charms on an unsuspecting male. The enthusiasm of Robin rubbed off on Gloria and soon both were competing for the attentions of the boys. They took special care with their dressing and their make- up. Invariably they laced each other to the smallest possible dimensions. Gloria had a slight advantage, because she had more gowns and shoes, but Robin was very imaginative in altering the things she had to make them look different. Both always tried to show as much as possible of their bosoms. Once, Gloria was banned from a dance because at a rather wild polka her tits had jumped out of their lacy beds above the corset and were completely uncovered. The boy she was dancing with almost popped his eyes out. Margaret had sent Suzanne over to bring Gloria home after graduation. Like true girls, Robin and Gloria shed tears by the bucket at their parting. Robin brought them to the pier and did not stop waving her handkerchief until the vessel could not be seen anymore. They had vowed to make every effort to meet again. Suzanne, pretty and scheming as ever, immediately put an end to the freedom Gloria had had during her school days by again invoking the severe rules for her behavior that Margaret had put down during the first months of Gloria's existence in Berlin. Primarily, this meant that Gloria's hands were to be restrained behind her at all times when she was not required to use them. Gloria tried to escape this as often as possible by offering to show Suzanne her proficiency in needlework, but Suzanne limited these activities to only a couple of hours per day, as more would put too much of a strain on Gloria's eyes, she said. To avoid sitting in their stateroom all day with nothing to do, Gloria persuaded Suzanne to take long walks in the fresh air on the decks. Invariably Gloria wore a wide cloak for these outings, under which her hands were handcuffed on her back. Suzanne related to Gloria all the things that had happened in Berlin during her absence. She herself had become engaged to Karl Becker, whom Gloria had met on her first night out at the opera. Coco had sold her business to him and was now living at Margaret's home as her companion. Their first encounter had developed into a lasting and still very hot love-affair. The news Gloria was most eager to hear, of course, was about Fritz. Suzanne reported that he had specialized in what was just now becoming a new field in medicine: psychiatry, and in about half a year or so would become an officially recognized specialist in it. They left the ship in Le Havre and took the boat train to Paris, where they stopped for a few days for shopping. "Your body has changed so much that nothing you left in Berlin would fit you now," Suzanne explained, "and if we are passing Paris, it would be a shame not to stop and buy you some new things." Gloria was girl enough to enjoy the ensuing buying spree, even though it kept her a few days longer from her reunion with Fritz. She objected strongly, however, to the fact that Suzanne bought everything with an eighteen-inch waist. "It's too tight, I can't stand being laced down to 18 inches for longer periods." "Don't worry, my little one, after a few weeks figure training with us, you will be able to lace down to eighteen inches without any trouble." Suzanne bought several corsets that closed at 17.5 inches even. "If we lace you to eighteen inches, it is easier, if there still is a little gap. And who knows, you might even want to be laced even tighter than 18 inches to please Fritz." Gloria's protests... as usual... were completely in vain and so she was equipped with several beautiful new dresses with an eighteen-inch waist. Luckily, Suzanne did not insist on her wearing them right away. She would have died, Gloria was sure. The new hour-glass-line was just becoming popular in Paris and all the new dresses had an exceedingly tight waist from which the skirt opened all the way to the ground, spread out by a wealth of beautiful rustling and swishing petticoats. The top accentuated the bust line and the sleeves were large leg-o'-mutton sleeves. Blouses and dresses... except ball gowns... all had very high and tight stand-up collars which usually were lightly boned at the sides and reached to just under the chin in front. You could not do anything but keep you head proudly erect in them. Suzanne had her measured for new shoes too. "You need shoes with really smart heels now to go with the new dresses," she had told her, "I know a shoemaker who makes all the boots and shoes for the elegant courtesans in Paris." The shoemaker's shop was a very elegant little shop on the left bank of the Seine. In the window just one pair of evening sandals were displayed, encrusted with rhinestones and pearls and with the highest heels Gloria had ever seen. "We want some shoes with really high heels for the young lady here. She has a tendency to take long strides, unbecoming to a young lady, and with the new wider skirts there is nothing to stop her. I think she should really be perched on tiptoe in six inch heels, I am thinking of two pairs of walking boots, two pairs of shoes for daily wear and two pairs of evening shoes," Suzanne explained to the shoemaker. To determine the possible height of the heels, the shoemaker made her stand up on tiptoe on a little stool as high as she could. "You have very pretty feet, Mademoiselle," the shoemaker finally said, "however they are almost too small for six inch heels as your companion had suggested I make. I suggest that you wear shoes with heels not over five and a half inches for comfort and I make you two pairs with the maximum of six inches for special occasions." "Of course you could wear even higher heels if your feet could be perched on the tips of your toes like a ballet dancer's." He bent down and brought out a pair of shining boots, their tops meant to reach to the top of the thighs of the wearer. "Here, I made this pair specially for one of my best customers, a very beautiful lady. They are not to be worn in the streets of course, as longer walks with them are obviously impossible. But she manages to walk around in her house quite well to the enjoyment of her lover, who is an ardent admirer of high heels. Actually, the boots are designed so that the weight of the body is distributed between the heel and the ball of the foot: the toes would not be strong enough to carry all of the weight." "They are marvelous," Suzanne took them and held them against her legs. "Imagine how they would look on you. Their heels must be 8 inches at least." "Eight and a half." The shoemaker volunteered. So far the highest heels Gloria had worn had been just slightly higher than four inches, and she was afraid of the almost two inches to be added to the new shoes and boots. And the long "ballet-boots" just frightened her. She imagined having to wear them and already felt terribly restrained... but the thought of being laced into them was also very exciting. "You must have a pair like these, Gloria." Suzanne turned to the shoemaker. "How long would it take you to make a pair just like these for my friend here? We don't have much time but we will pay you a premium for fast work." "I would have to make a cast of the young lady's feet to be able to make the correct beds for the feet, but we could do this now. If you could come tomorrow for a fitting, you could have the boots the day after tomorrow, late in the afternoon." "Done. Now let us select the styles we want for your other boots and shoes." The shoes and boots were delivered on the afternoon of the day of their departure. At first, she could not walk in them at all... even the ones with less than six-inch-heels... and it took her a lot of training to be able to handle them. She was sure she would never be able to even get up, much less take a single step in the ballet-boots, but when Suzanne had laced them onto her legs and helped her to stand up, she found she could stand in them, but only if she constantly shifted her balance between her feet, and after a few minutes she managed to move around their hotel suite with the tiniest steps. "In time and with enough training you will be able to move quite gracefully in them," Suzanne told her. After removing the ballet-boots and putting on the boots she was going to wear to the train-station, Suzanne made her practice walking in them until it was almost time to depart. By this time she was quite accustomed to the new height. Of course, taking long steps was a thing of the past. Perched on these heels she could take only the tiniest steps. Well, back in Berlin she could probably wear the old shoes again with their lower heels. While packing, Suzanne said "I don't think we should carry along your old shoes and boots. Now that you have your new ones you really don't need them and we have enough luggage anyway. We'll give them to the maids here." Poof!... there went all her hopes to be able to return to the comfortable four-inch heels. The day they had arrived in Paris, Suzanne had written a letter to Margaret, describing her ward who had changed so much. "Margaret dear, you cannot believe how girlish he has become," she had written, "and I mean in mind and in body. His skin is soft and white everywhere from his delicately arched eyebrows to his toes. There is not a single hair on his body disturbing the perfect skin except for the exactly defined little blond triangle at his crotch. His waist is very small, he usually wears corsets with a nineteen-inch waist, but I am sure we can ultimately lace him down to eighteen inches. His buttocks are beautifully rounded and soft, his legs long and slim with small, narrow feet." "But the most remarkable change took place above the waist. He now has a pair of splendid, gorgeous female breasts. They are the size of rather large grapefruits, pert and perfectly shaped, with large dark aureolas and very sensitive big nipples. They are so sensitive that even the slight, caressing touch of his lingerie makes them permanently erect and hard. They seem to give him a lot of pleasure, because when undressed, he is always stroking and fondling them." "His throat is long and slender and his face has not a trace of masculinity left in it. In his rosy cheeks the color comes and goes. His honey-blond hair has grown to reach to his waist and if it is all piled up on the top of his head, it is a truly divine crown of glory. His voice has changed to a soft, melodious feminine timbre, which is very sensual." "His mind has changed completely, too. His reactions are absolutely girlish. He is shy and bashful, even timid, blushing at every opportunity. He is proud of his accomplishments in needlework, dressmaking and cooking. He is extremely interested in fashion and his main concern most of the time is how he looks, and he is constantly trying to improve his appearance. He spends hours in front of mirrors combing and brushing his hair, primping and preening. He reads romantic novels and sighs for the heroine as deeply as his corsets allow." "In short, he is more girlish than any modern girl I know; he is a girl 200%, the epitome of feminity. The years in the finishing school have completely altered him." Thus Aunt Margaret was informed of what to expect when she went to the big train-station to pick up the two girls after their journey through the night from Paris. XIV. The Home-coming For Gloria it was indeed like coming home when they entered the driveway to the magnificent Villa, where her conversion into a girl had started. She was shown to his old suite of rooms by Aunt Margaret. Nothing had changed here. "I promised you," Aunt Margaret began when they had settled down in the comfortable easy-chairs, "if the circumstances allowed it, you could return to being a man. Now, I was able to clear everything, get you exempted from military service, and all charges against you were dropped." "You may now appear as a man in Berlin... if you wish. I have prepared some male clothes for you that should be sufficient for the beginning." Gloria... now suddenly Jean-Marie again... was completely surprised by this turn of events. He did not know what to say or even think. First, Aunt Margaret took every step possible to turn him into a girl and now... after she had reached her goal... she was simply offering him his former existence as a man again. "Well, you don't have to decide right now. Take your time to make up your mind if you want to go back being a male. But I think you should try it right now, before people see Gloria back in Berlin. In fact, why not start this minute." She rose and went to a closet. "See here: There are three suits, shirts, underwear, everything. So take off your dress and everything else and I shall help you dress as a man again." He was so used to doing what she told him that he followed her request at once, and soon stood completely naked. Aunt Margaret gave him male cotton underwear, then a shirt and trousers, socks and shoes. He put on all the things she gave him. The things felt scratchy and rough, not at all as soft as the things he now was used to. "Come over here to the mirror. I have to remove your make-up and take care of your hair. I don't think it wise to cut it now. It should be done professionally when you want it. We'll just hide it under this short hair wig." When she was finished, he looked into the mirror and saw a strange creature: a girlish boy or a boyish girl. The shirt fitted his body closely and was pushed out by his breasts. Aunt Margaret saw his doubtful expression. "You are right; we have to do something about your breasts. Take off your shirt and undershirt." She brought a wide bandage, which she wound several times around his chest, flattening and hiding his bosom. When he had dressed himself again, these obvious signs of feminity had disappeared. "You should stay in the house today, so you can get a better feeling for these clothes. Tomorrow you shall go out in them." All day long he walked around the house, up and down and tried to accommodate himself to his new clothes. Free of the hampering skirts, the tight corsets and high heels, he had expected to experience a feeling of freedom... but much to his surprise, soon enough, the tendons and muscles in his calves ached and he felt very uncomfortable without the security the corset had given him. Soon his back ached too from the unaccustomed strain. His muscles evidently were not used to holding up his body any more. He complained to Aunt Margaret about this. "Well, then tomorrow you shall wear a corset under your suit. In fact many men do, especially the smart officers of the Guard Regiments, who want to keep a trim figure." At dinner Aunt Margaret revealed to him that Fritz had let her in on his secret. Fritz was presently in Vienna for some post- graduate work in psychiatry. Fritz still lived as a man and had not yet decided if and when he would reveal his true sex. He loved his work so much and he feared he could not continue working in his field as a doctor if he made it known that he was in fact a woman. "Well, when he returns, both of you can decide what to do about this situation, if you are still in love with each other... although from what I hear from Fritz, you must have made a lasting and deep impression on him. Anyway, if you live as a man when he returns, you can be friends with him and try to hide the fact that you are lovers too. Probably you will both soon be regarded as homosexuals, but Berlin is pretty liberal in this respect, especially if it concerns people of a high social status. Of course, if you decide to live as a girl, there would be no such problems. But first we shall find out how you like being a man." At night he was glad to be able to slip into his high-heeled mules and don a soft silken nightie. The simple cotton underwear had felt so rough and scratchy that he was glad to take it off and the bandage that had imprisoned his bosom was everything but comfortable. The next morning Suzanne came to help him, and he asked her to lace him into one of his corsets. "But not too tightly, please. I just want it to hold everything together." Suzanne, however, proceeded to lace him as tightly as ever, until the sides were closed at 19 inches. "If you want to wear a corset, you'll have to wear it properly laced. Now, to hold up your trousers, you just have to pull in the belt a few more holes." He did not notice how much wearing the corset influenced his movements, particularly his walk. After breakfast, the three of them drove into the city in an open carriage: Aunt Margaret and Coco, both of them dressed to the hilt, and the re-born Jean-Marie. His outfit was very stylish, too... he looked a perfect dandy. Everything matched and fitted perfectly... even too perfectly for a man, one could say. As usual, they created a lot of interest wherever they appeared. Jean-Marie noticed that many looks rested on him longer than on the two ladies he was accompanying. The glances showed curiosity, as if there was something unusual about him. When they went to a restaurant at lunch, the head-waiter greeted them effusively "Welcome, Mesdames. You look wonderful today... and it is a wonderful day today, isn't it? Would you care to follow me, Mesdames, I have a wonderful table here right at the window, so you can look out to the street." He summoned two other waiters and when the little party had reached the table, the waiters held the chairs for all three of them. When the head-waiter brought the menu, he kept addressing the party as "Mesdames", never once referring to Jean-Marie as "Monsieur". Could it be that the head-waiter mistook him for a girl? When he offered champagne for "Les Dames" Aunt Margaret, to whom he had addressed himself all the time said "Yes, please bring us two glasses and for the young gentleman please bring us a lemonade." The headwaiter looked at Jean-Marie with an amused smile. "For the young gentleman? Of course, if you wish Madame, for the young gentleman. One lemonade and two glasses of champagne, very well Madame." There it was clear, the head-waiter had mistaken him for a girl wearing men's clothes. Jean-Marie was so humiliated he wanted to disappear into the floor. What made it worse was that the head- waiter, even after Margaret had corrected his error, thought that Margaret had not told the truth and he obviously still took him for a girl, addressing him as a male only to humor Aunt Margaret. This was not the only incident... whenever they talked to someone, in shops or at a cafe, everybody treated Jean-Marie as a girl, or... worse yet... some people addressed him as a male but in a way that was meant to show that they were "in on the joke". Jean Marie could not understand why this happened. He was a man, dressed as one... and yet everybody took him for a girl. It was so distressing and humiliating. All the time he was dressed as a girl, nobody ever questioned his sex, never did anybody take him for anything other than what his manner of dress proclaimed. Neither did anybody take Coco for the male that he was, which should have been proof enough that clothes make the man (or girl). But why then didn't the male clothes he was wearing now make him a man? He didn't understand the world anymore. He stayed quiet for most of the afternoon, while Aunt Margaret and Coco obviously had a wonderful time. When they had returned to the mansion and sat down after dinner in the hall, he asked Aunt Margaret and Coco why everybody took him for a girl. "Very simple, my dear," Aunt Margaret stated in a matter-of-fact tone, "because even in male clothes everybody can see that you really are a girl. The way you walk, the way you carry yourself, the way you speak and react, your face, your figure... everything about you says "I am a girl". There is no use in fighting it. You should acquiesce and yield to the fact that... with one exception... you are a complete girl in body and mind. Come on, admit it; you love your dresses; you love being a girl." "Do it," Coco chimed in, "do admit it, I know how it is, I have gone through it myself." "But I wanted to be a male! I wanted to become an engineer like my father was. It was you who forced me to become what I am now! It is all your fault, Aunt Margaret." "Now, be honest with yourself... I would never have been so successful, if you hadn't cooperated. I could have dressed you as a girl for a few days, but everybody would have looked through your disguise if the girlishness hadn't been in you." "I have discussed this at length with Fritz and believe me he knows as much as anybody, maybe even more than everybody else about these things. Maybe you did not realize it yourself at that time... but from the moment I tricked you into wearing a dress for the first time, you were hooked. You wanted me to force you into feminity, you were just afraid to follow your own inclinations as Coco had done before. Be honest with yourself only once, only today and admit that I am right. Now go to bed and think about it. Tomorrow you will appear at breakfast in the clothes of whoever you want to be in the future... Jean-Marie or Gloria." He did as he was told, said good night and went to bed. Out of habit and without thinking, he had put on his lovely, soft, feminine nightdress. He couldn't sleep for a long time. The thoughts kept spinning in his head like cog-wheels. What Aunt Margaret had said, had at least some truth in it. But if... And then ... However ... What about ... And Fritz ... If he ... No, if she ... But then ... And Coco ... He did not know when sleep finally caught up with him and stopped that crazy spinning of the wheels. He woke up very refreshed and quite clear in his head. He knew he had to make a decision today... NOW in fact. He got up and walked over to the closet. There they were: his new suits, shirts, socks and shoes. Finally, he could become a man again. All that was needed was his decision. He would be a man again. It was so plain and simple. He was a man, he would be a man from now on. Period. All right, that was settled. Before he took out underthings, the shirt, and the suit he was going to wear today, he turned around to where the dresses that he had worn before were hung. Oh, they were beautiful, and he hadn't even worn some of them, the ones bought last in Paris. He took one out and looked at it. He took it from the hanger and held it to his body. Now, he would never know how he would have looked in it. Well, he still could try it on just once, just to see how it would have looked on him. He was glad that he had not removed his corset last night... he had been too tired for the hassle with the long strings. Now he just had to slip the dress over his head and close the hooks in the back. It was beautiful, but its skirt was too long, it stood on the ground. It needed petticoats to make the skirt stand out better. He pulled on two flounced, multi-tiered petticoats and fastened their drawstrings about his corseted waist. He buttoned the long narrow cuffs on the long sleeves and the tight and high standing collar. It really was the latest fashion, this dress. He turned left and right before the mirror. It was still a few inches too long. Shoes were missing. He pulled on gossamer thin silk stockings and a pair of the new walking boots from Paris with the extra high heels. They made him stand quite differently, pushing his hips forward. He opened his long blond tresses and wound them up to a becoming, simple hairdo. He liked what he saw. He liked it so much he was really aroused by the picture of the girl in the mirror. He sat down and added just a touch of red to his lips and a little khol to his eyelids; just a whiff of rouge high on the cheeks... there she was: a beauty. He got up and walked around in the room, taking mincing little steps, from one mirror to another, swirling his skirts, feeling the caress of the soft petticoats against his legs. He was almost lost in a trance. He danced around a little bit, always watching himself in the mirrors. He flirted outrageously with his image in the mirrors, pulling up his skirts in front, showing the high heeled narrow, shining, little boots covering well turned ankles. He imagined walking through the park, haughtily ignoring the stares of the men. To complete the costume for this occasion, he put on a saucy little hat decorated with multicolored flowers, which he fastened by tying a pert bow just under the left side of the jaw. He pulled on dainty lace gloves and took a lace parasol... just as if he were really taking a walk in the park. He loved it... the image the mirrors showed him, the feeling of his high heeled little boots, the swishing petticoats against his silken clad legs, the narrow corseted waist and the girlish pretty face he saw, everything he saw and felt. He gave himself fully to these reveries, feeling content, cheerful and happy as rarely ever before... maybe except when he was with Fritz. He wished Fritz could see him like this. He was sure Fritz would have liked it, too. The door opened and Aunt Margaret walked in, followed by Coco and Suzanne. His daydream ended with a terrible let-down. It took him a few seconds to come back to reality. Aunt Margaret rushed towards him and took him in her arms. "I knew you would do it. I was sure you could never return to being a man. You are such a lovely girl, it would have been a shame and impossible to destroy such a beautiful creature. I just knew you felt it, too, and would want to stay as you are..." "But, Aunt Margaret, I didn't mean to ... " He tried to interrupt her gushing praise of him, "I decided to ..., I mean I just ..." "Manners, darling, manners. It's "Madame" and not "Aunt Margaret" and why don't you curtsey when you address me?" Aunt Margaret's voice carried a slight tone of reproach, which turned Jean-Marie into "Gloria" right away. She could not help it; suddenly she was a timid, submissive girl again. "I am sorry, Madame, I did not mean to be impolite." He curtseyed respectfully, "it is just that you told me to make up my mind and decide how I wanted to live in the future and this morning I decided..." "We can all clearly see what your decision was... you don't have to explain it or make excuses," Aunt Margaret interrupted her, "on the contrary; I congratulate you. We are all sure it is the right decision." "But I ..." Jean-Marie tried desperately to explain the misunderstanding. Aunt Margaret had already turned away from him, directing Suzanne to the closet. "Suzanne, get all the ugly male stuff and throw it away. Nobody can use it, anyhow. No male has hips and a bust that big and a waist that small." "But, Madame, what I am trying to say is ..." Jean-Marie again tried to get her attention... in vain. "I know, I know," Aunt Margaret interrupted him again. She took away the parasol, to which he had held as if it was the last straw to save him from drowning, then she stepped behind him and took both his wrists, fastening them together with handcuffs. "I like your ensemble very much. It is very becoming to you. Just perfect for a stroll through the park. But before we take it, let us all have a little breakfast and discuss the future of our sweet Gloria." Jean-Marie was completely lost. He was back to square one: dressed and looking like a pretty girl and being treated as one by everybody. Fettered as he was, he could not even successfully object, when Aunt Margaret steered him out of his room towards her suite. He could only blame himself for getting into this situation, he contemplated: had he put on the male suit in the beginning, his decision would have been obvious and clear. Completely discouraged, he saw Suzanne disappear, carrying away all the male clothes he could have worn, if he hadn't given in to the urge to try on the new dress. Sitting at the breakfast table, Aunt Margaret made sure that Jean- Marie had his mouth full and was unable to speak, when she took up the issue of his future. "Well, friends, now it is decided and I am glad that Gloria is staying with us." "And I know somebody else who will be delighted to hear about it: Fritz, Gloria's admirer. I think with you remaining a girl, you are the perfect couple. Fritz has told me that he probably would have to remain a male, if he wanted to go on practicing medicine. Now he will have a very pretty bride and later a beautiful wife at his side. He told me, he would love to have you as his wife." "Yes, dear Gloria, I have promised your hand to Fritz and when he comes back from Vienna next week we shall officially announce your engagement and have the wedding late in June." Jean-Marie was completely non-plused by this revelation. Fritz wanted him to remain a girl? An engagement, and a wedding? With him as the bride? Before he could regain his senses, everyone was already discussing the details... how to announce the engagement, whom to invite. And then the wedding: Where to hold it, who would be invited for the party and where the young couple should live. "My present to the couple will be the wedding dress for the bride," Coco announced, "I can already see it... but I won't tell. It will not only be elegant and smashing, it will hold a few surprises for the groom too. I plan to deliver the bride to him as a delightfully wrapped package, ready for a memorable wedding night. I have some interesting ideas for this." "You shouldn't talk of such naughty things in front of our blushing bride, Coco," Aunt Margaret scolded her jokingly and Jean-Marie, now totally Gloria again, really blushed. "On the contrary, we should use the time Gloria is still living with us to train her for her wifely duties. I think she still has a lot to learn on how to please her husband and I do not mean by cooking fancy meals and tending house. This she can leave to the cook and other servants. She must know all the secrets of giving pleasure by making love: in bed she must be a whore and a slave girl to her husband." "I think you are quite right. Let us start today." For Gloria... once, a long time ago in the distant past, Jean- Marie... the die was cast. She was and would remain a girl forever. Somehow, suddenly, she was completely happy. The prospect of becoming the wife of her beloved Fritz erased all doubts. She would gladly be his love-slave if he wished it. She was already thinking of all the silken underwear, the tight corsets and gossamer stockings, the beautiful dresses, boots, hats, and gloves she would get to wear. Oh, she finally mused, it was not such bad luck at all to remain a girl. The End
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